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2019 学年度第一学期七年级英语期中试卷与答案七年级英语(8o 分 )在下列每小题 内 ,找出与这个句子的)1.(I.听 力理解(分 )你将听到 一 个或者两个句子 ,并 看到供选择的三 幅 A、B、 C 图 片 ,内容相匹配的图片。B( )2.( )3。CC B A|嘛翳B七年级英语 第 1 页(共10 页 )CA钿羧( )4.B。 下面你将听到十组对话 ,每 组对话都有 一 个 问题。根据对话 内容 ,从 每组所给的 A、 B、C 三 个选项中找出能回答所提 问题的最佳选项 。( )5.How old is Daming?A。 12 B。 13 C。 14( )6.Where 沁 the boy from?A。 America B。 EngIand C。 China( )7.Whosthe woman nextto the boy s mum?A。 the boy s aunt B。 the boy s sister C。 the boy s grandmother( )8.Whats IJndas cIassroom im E g】 and like?A。 big B。 bcautiFul C。 snla( )9.What map is there?A。 a Inap oF China B。 a1nap oFthe world C。 a I ap of England( )10.What do they wantto buy?A。 some Chicken B。 some fmit C。 some coree( )11.What ruit have they got at home?A。 apples B。 som0ora ges C。 bana as( )12.Whatthme do they have Chinese?A。 5:09 B。 8:55 C。 8:00( )13.Whatlessons do they haVe?A。 art and history B。 art and lnaths C。 hist ry and1naths( )14.What、 the 萝 rl s Favorite su 丬 ect?A。 Chinese B。 HistorP C。 MathsC。 听下面长对话或独 白 ,每 段长对话或独 白后都有几个问题 %从 题中所给的 A、 B、C 三 个选项中选出最佳选项。听下面一段材料 ,回 答第 15 至 第 17 题 。( )15.How ma y students are therei the boy s classin Be 刂 ing?A。 40 B。 30 C。 20( )16.Is there a lot of Furniture in the girl s classroom?A。 Yes,there is。 B。 No,there isn t。 C。 We dom t know。( )17.HoW many mputers are there in the Jrl s classroom?A。one B。many C。 Fortv七年级英语 第 2 页(共10 页 )听下面 一段材料 ,回 答第 18 至 第 题。( )18.Whatthme do they have lunch?A。 at halF past one B。 atten o clock C。at ha】 F past tweIve( )19.What do they have ForIunch?A。 noodles B。rice C。bread( )20.How many】 esso s do they have in the aFtermoon?A。 Two B。Three C。Four得 分评阅人H。单项选择。 (每 小题 1 分 ,共 20 分)() 2l.Im from London. London is_ capital of England.A。 a B。 anC。 the D。 不填() 22.His nameDaming and he from Beijing, too.A. is, is B. am, is C. are, isD. is, are() 23. Her rnothers parents are the right on the picture.A。 in B。 onC。 at D。 From() 24.-Who are the boy and the girl next to Paul?are Pauls brother and sister.A。 We B。 ThisC。 That D。 ThoseD。 has() 25. Therethirty desks in our classroom.A。 、 B. areC. have() 26. -Are there any mq)s on your classroom walls?, at the front of the classroom.n. Xo, there arentD. No, there dontA. Yes, there areC. Yes, there have() 27.-HaYe we got any beef ?A。 No,we don t B。Yes,we doC。 Ves,we have D。No,we hasn t( )28.Lets get coree For your uncle。 He hasn t got corec。A。 some;some B。a y;any C。 some;any D。any;some七年级英语 第 3 页(共 10 页 )() 29.-Do you like geography, Betty?-_, but its difficult!A. Yes, I doB. No, I dontC. yes, I dontD. No, I do() 30. we have ITand history in the afternoon, but wemaths.A. haveB. not haveC. have notDdonrt have() 31. Weve got some fruit, we havent got any vegetables.A. and B. soC. becauseD. but() 32. The man next to me is my dads brother, my _-.-=_-_ Tom.A. auntB. uncleC. cousinD. grandfather() 33. We- work at seven oclock. We have four lessons in the morning.A. eatB. startC. watchD. sleep() 34. It is -_- to remember: eat lots of fruit and vegetables every day.A. sweetB. busyC.deliciousD. important() 35. r go to school at -_-._ and start lessons at seven twenty.A. half past six B. half to sixC. six half D. half six() 36. Her fathers job is at a police station. He is a -_-.A. managerB. policemanC. actor D. nurse() 37. We usually in the school playground at five in the afternoon.A. have lunchB. play footballC.go to bedD.go to school() 38. Cola is very, but jt is bad for children.A. healthyB. fatC. tiredD. sweet() 39. - Whats the weather like here in spring ?A。 It s warm。C。 Good idea。( )40。- What day is it today?A. Its Monday.C. Its five oclock.B。 Its ne。D。 It s coId。七年级英语 第 4 页(共10 页 )B. Im nine.D. Itos black得 分评阅人lll.完 型填空。 (每 小题 1 分 ,共 10 分 )Is your food and 41 healthy? A lot of ice cream, hamburgers and cola is not healthy.Meat is healthyr-_Q too much meat is not good for children. Cola and candy are very43 . and too much sugar is bad 44 you-Eat the right food and be healthy. Carrots, eggs and sweet potatoes-5-good foryour eyes. Millq cheese and fish are good for-46 teeth. A bit tired? Have :!L deliciouschicken soup! It is important to remember: eat :!L , stay healthy, and dont- :!-fat!Eat noodles or rice, not hamburgers.Have a good breakfast everY 50Drink juice, water and milk not cola.Eat lots of fruit and vegetables.() 41. A. waterB. drink c. brotherD. family( )42.A.but B。 andC。 or D. because( )43.A.dir1cult B。 del“ ous C。sweet D。goodD。 withD。 areD。 her( )47.A.a lot B。 lot oF C.lots oF D。many( )48.A.ttle B。 much Cgood D。 wd】( )49.A.drink B。 eat C. getD. play( )sO.A.moming B。 aFJern n c。eve“ ng D。 weekday得 分评阅人AHe o,everyoe。 My name is LilDaling and my Eng sh name is】 David。I :m twelveyears old and I 111From Be 刂ing Be 刂 ing is the capitaI oF China。This is Lingling and herEngIish name is Lucy。she s my Friend。 she s From Be 刂i g too.He o,I 1n Wang Lingng and I 1n thirteen years o】 d。 Good to see you。、 Vang Hui ismy Friend,but he is not in my class。Fs Eng sh name is Henry。】 He s From shaghai。shanghaiis a very big city。七年级英语 第 5 页(共 10 页 )( )44.A.For B。 at( )45.A.have B。 am() 46. A. myB. Your C. hisC。 inC。 islV。 阅读短文 ,选 择正确答案。 5 sO 每 小题 2分 ,61-ss 每 小题 1 分 ,共 分 )H1my name is Tony s lith。 I 1n from Cambridge。 It s a sma city i EngIand。 Tony ismy rst name and s lith is1ny last ame。 I 1m thirteen years o】 d。 It s nice tO1neet you a。( )51.Li Damings English name is_。A。 Tony B。 Henry C。 Lucy D。 David( )52.Li g】 ingis Li Daming s_。A。 friend B。sister C。mother D。aunt( )53.How o】d is Wang Lingling?A。 11 B。 12 C。 13 D。 14( )54.Wang Ho、From_。A Be 刂 ing B。 shanghai C。 Ca 口 nbridge D。 Eng】 and( )55.Canbridge is a_oty in Eng】 and。A。 capital B。 very big C。 s 口 ma D。 interes臼 ngBMy name is Betty】 ing。 These are1my parents。 We re A1nerican。 My Father is am actor,and lmy:mother is the:uanager oF a theatre。My amei1B Li Daming。 These are my pamnts。 We re Chinese。 My Father s job itB at apo ce station。 Heis a po ceman,and1ny1notheris a nurse。My mmeis TOny smith and I m Eng】 ish。 This is1ny mothe she s a English teaCherat a schoo】 。 This is:ny Fathe IEe s a hote】 manageMy name is Wang Ling ng。 I 【 m Chinese。 B汇 y mother is a nurse。 she a d lDa ling smother are at the sa111e hospital。 My Fatheris a bus driveri Be 刂 i g。( )56.Betty、Father、 。A。 the manager oF a theatre B。 a po cemanC。 an Eng sh teacher D。 an actor( )57.Li Daming and h、 parents ar 矿。A。 A111er can B。Chinese 。C。 English D。 We don t how。( )58.Who are at the same hospitaI?A。 Li g g s mother and Dan1ing s motherB。 Betty s Father and tbnys fatherC。 Da ling s Father and】 Li g ng s fatherD。 Bettys1nother and To y s1nother( )59.Lingng s father is a bus driver in_ A。 a theatre B。 a police station C。 a schooI D。 Be 刂 ing( )60.There are_111anagers i the passage。A。one B。 two C。 three D。 Four七年级英语 第 6 页(共 10 页 )CThis is a map of our school. There are six buildings in our school: a library, an officebuilding a classroom building, a dining hall, a sports hall and a science building. In themiddle of the school is a big playground. The library is on the left of the playground nearthe school gate. There are many books, maps and computers in it. Behind the libraryr onthe left, are the school oflices. Between this building and the dining halt is the classroombuilding with twenty-four classrooms. On the right of the classroom building is the dininghall. In front of the dining hall is the sports hall and the building in front of that is forscience. There are six science labs and five computer rooms in the science building.( )。 There areA。 threebuildings in the school.B。 Four C. fiveD。 six) 62.1Vhere is the playground?A. In the middle of the school.B. Behind the library.C. On the right of the classroom building.D.In front of the dining hall.) 63. Thene are many books, maps and computers in) 64. How many classrooms are there in the classroom building?A。 veB。 sixA。 the schooI omcesC。 the library)65。 What s the best title 题 目 )for the passage?A. Our school?C. Our classroom buildingB. the classroom buildingD. the science buildingC. twenty-four D. thirty-fiveB. Our litrraryD.Our science buildingV.补 全对话 (本 大题共 5 小 题 ,每 小题 1 分 ,共 5 分 )根 据对话内容 ,从 方框内选择恰当的句子将对话补充完整。(选 项中有两项是多佘的 )A: Hello, my name is Li Fang.B: My name is Wang Lingling“A: Nice to meet you, Lingling.(66)(67)七年级英语 第 7 页(共10 页 )B: Im from Beijing. Im Chinese.A:(68)B: Im thirteen years old.A:(69)B:Yes,Iam。A:第 H 卷得 分评 阅人Vl。 完成句子(每 小题 2 分 ,每 空 1 分 ,共 10 分 )71.我 的名字是李大明 ,大 明是我的名字。My nameisIi】Da limg。 Dalimg is1ny_ ,”。很多学生在饭厅里吃午饭。Many students have lunch i theTg。 我妈妈喜欢周六和她的朋友去购物 。Mv mother likes with her friends on Saturdays.我每天早晨起床很早。I early eYery morning.我们大约下午五点回家 。lVe at about 臼ve o cIOck in the aFternoon。74。75.B: There are forty students, twenty girls and twenty boys.A. Whats your name?B. How many students are there in your class?C. How old are you?D. What class are you in?E. Where are you from?F. Nice to meet you!G. Are you in Class 4 Grade 7?七年级英语 第 8 页(共 10 页 ) Vll。任务型阅读。阅读下列短文 ,根 据短文内容完成文章后面的任务。 (5 分 )Hel】 o!l、 /Iy name is Jack。 I9m From E gIand。 Now I am in China with my parents。I keChina。 I like(Chinese Food,too。 I have breakfast at home。I have an egg,some bread andsome de cious soup For breakfast。 I don t like lilk。 I have no thne to go home ForIunch,soI have it at school。 The lumch at schoI is very good。 I oFte have noodIes ad du“np gs。江 y Favorite Food is mood】es。 someJmes I have dmerent Food Forlunch。I eat rice,rneat andvegetables。 I aIways get home early in the aFternoon。Then I do my homework I havedimner with my parents。 someti:nes we go out to have dinner with our friends。We are veryhappy in(China。根据上文 填空 ,每 个空可以 填写一个单词也可以 填写 一个词组。76. Jack is from England. Now he is in with his parents.77. Jack has an egg, someand some delicious soup for breakfast.78. Jack has lunch at_.79. His favorite food is _.80. Sometimes they go out to have dinner with theirVl H.阅 读下面短文 ,根 据所给首字母 ,在 空白处填入适当词语 ,要注意必要的词形变化 ,使 短文内容完整。 (10 分 ),He|o,mynameisBettyandImAmerican.I|-(8r)inabigcitywithmyparents.Theyareatthesameh-_(s2).Myfatherisadoctora-(83)mymotherisanurSe.Imastudentandmyschoo|isv-(sa)big.Therearef-(s5)huildings in it. They are a library, an office building, a classroom building, a dining halland a science building. T-(86) is a computer in our classroom. My favorite s_(87)is history. But I dont like maths, its too d_(88).At half past eleven, we havelunch at school. The food is delieious. On Saturday, ffiy parents go shopping and I playfootba|w-(89)myfriends.onSunday,Idomyhomeworkathome.Intheevening,t g -_-_(90)to sleep at nine oclock七年级英语 第 9 页(共10 页 )得 分评阅人lX。 书面表达。 (15 分 )91.假 如你是李大明 ,请 根据下面提示 ,介 绍 一 下你 自己的情况。提示 :年龄 :Is 岁家庭情况 :你 和父母住在天津父亲 :公 交车司机母亲 :护 士你的朋友 :%ny,英 国人 ,与 你在同 一 个班最喜欢的课程 :体 育家的位置 :学 校前面每天 :在 学校吃午饭 ,喜 欢土豆和西红柿He o,my nameis Li Da ling。七年级英语 第 10 页(共10 页 )蓟 州区 2018 8- - 2019 9 学年度第一学期期中考试七年级英语参考答案01-05 CCBAA 06-10 BAACA 11-15 ACABA 16-20 AACBA 21-25 CABDB 26-30 ACCAD 31-35 DBBDA 36-40 BBDAA 41-45 BACAD 46-50 BCDCA 51-55 DACBC 56-60 DBADB 61-65 DACCA 66-70 AECGB71. first name 72. dining hall 73 going shopping74. get up 75.go home76.China 77. bread 78.school 79. noodles80 friends81. live 82. hospital 83. and 84.very 85. five86. There 87. subject 88. difficult 89.with 90. go91.Hello, my name is Li Daming. I am thirteen years old. I live in Tianjin with myfather and mother. My father is a bus driver and my mother is a nurse. Tony is myfriend, , he is English. We are in the same class. My favourite subject is PE. My home isin front of our school. But I have lunch at school every day. I like potatoes andtomatoes.

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