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第10讲 字顺意畅的衔接过渡衔接与过渡性词语的使用是语言连贯性得以实现的最常用手段。在句与句、段与段之间恰当地使用一些承上启下的连接(过渡)性词语是非常必要的。高中阶段应该掌握的连接(过渡)性词语归纳如下:一、表示起始关系的过渡性词语above all,to begin/start with,today,now,nowadays,at present,currently,recently,generally speaking,according to,with the development of,in a word等。(1)To begin with,youd better briefly introduce the history of Chinese poetry which dates from ancient times.首先,你最好简要介绍一下中国古代诗歌的历史。(2018江西南昌二模)(2)Today,more and more English words find their way into the Chinese language.现在,越来越多的英语单词融入了汉语中。即时训练1用过渡性词语完成句子1.随着因特网的发展,计算机在我们生活中起着越来越重要的作用。Withthedevelopmentof the Internet,puters play a more and more important role in our life.2.一般说来,中国主要有两大类茶,也就是绿茶和红茶。(2018广西桂林模拟)Generallyspeaking,therere two main kinds of tea in China,that is,green tea and black tea.二、表示时间顺序的过渡性词语firstly,first of all,to begin/start with,then,later,in the end,finally,at last,after that,afterwards,since then,immediately,suddenly,meanwhile等。(1)Since then,I have never met a more influential person in my life.从那以后,我在我的人生中从未遇到一个更有影响力的人物。(2018哈尔滨师范附中四模)(2)Firstly,I have always been interested in reading books.Secondly,Id like to share my books with others as well.首先,我一直对读书感兴趣;其次,我也喜欢与别人分享我的书籍。(2015重庆)即时训练2用过渡性词语完成句子首先,我把所有的书籍、报纸和其他的散落在屋子里的东西收集起来放好,然后我扫去所有家具上的灰尘,之后我扫地、拖地。1.Firstly,I collected all the books,newspapers and other things scattered in the rooms and put them in place.2.Then I wiped the dust off all the furniture.3.Afterthat,I swept and mopped the floors.三、表示并列关系的过渡性词语and,or,also,as well as,apart from,neither.nor.,not only.but also.,either.or.,not.but.等。(1)Visiting this exhibition,we will not only enjoy the folk art works,but also learn a lot.参观这次展览,我们不仅能欣赏民间艺术作品,而且会学到很多。(2017全国)(2)Apart from this,teams should start looking for a goal in what they are doing.除此之外,团队应该开始为自己的工作寻求一个目标。即时训练3用过渡性词语完成句子1.所有的中国大城市都有良好的交通网络。有观光巴士、小型公交、出租车和公交车。(2018湖南邵阳二模)All Chinas major cities have good transport networks.There are the tour buses,mini buses,taxis,aswellas public buses.2.爱好除了带给你一段快乐时光外,还带给你很多东西。(2018四川双流中学一模)There are many things that a hobby can give you,apartfrom an enjoyable time.四、表示转折关系的过渡性词语but,yet,however,while,otherwise,on the contrary,though,although,even if/though,despite,in spite of,regardless of等。(1)However,China saw a decline in its economic growth rate last year.然而,中国去年经济增长速率下降。(2017江苏)(2)Despite growing international concern,rainforests continue to be destroyed at a pace over 80,000 acres per day.尽管受到越来越多的国际关注,热带雨林仍旧以每天8万多英亩的速度遭到破坏。(2018安徽皖北协作区联考)即时训练4用过渡性词语完成句子1.另外,网络使得调查和投票容易且方便,不用管时间和空间。(2016江苏)In addition,the Internet makes surveying and voting easy and convenient,regardlessof time and space.2.相反,智能手机不仅占用我们宝贵的时间,而且对我们的健康造成极大的危害。Onthecontrary,smartphones not only take up our valuable time,but also do great harm to our health.五、表示因果关系的过渡性词语because,as,since,for,thanks to,due to,as a result of,so,therefore,as a result/consequence等。(1)I would like to invite you to join,since you are good at table tennis,and you are the most suitable person.我想邀请你参加,因为你擅长乒乓球,而且你是最合适的人选。(2017全国)(2)Therefore,its boxoffice ine will probably enjoy a slight increase.因此,票房收入可能会稍微增加。(2017江苏)即时训练5用过渡性词语完成句子1.因此,我们没有理由轻视普通的工作。Asaresult/consequence,there is no reason for us to look down upon ordinary jobs.2.这份报告的确指出很多家长仍然限制电子阅读,主要是因为对增加的屏幕时间的担忧。(2018全国)The report does point out that many parents still limit electronic reading,mainly dueto concerns about increased screen time.六、表示递进关系的过渡性词语whats more,furthermore,moreover,besides,whats worse,still less,to make matters worse,worse still,in addition,on the one hand.on the other hand.,for one thing.for another (thing).等。(1)Its a useful book,and whats more,not an expensive one.这是一本很有用的书,更重要的是它并不贵。(2)Moreover,the scenery along the river is amazing,with many wellknown sightseeing spots.而且,沿河的风景很美,有很多著名景点。(2017北京)即时训练6用过渡性词语完成句子1.另外,我可以看到不同种类的美丽的鸟。(2016四川)Inaddition,I can see different kinds of beautiful birds.2.更糟的是,如果我们在电话上花费过多的时间,我们会在将来失去我们所需要的交际技能。Tomakemattersworse/Worsestill/Whatsworse,if we spend too much time on phones,we will lose the munication skills we need in the future.七、表示列举事实的过渡性词语(1)In order to expand my knowledge of Tianjin,such as its history,tradition and food,I spend every spare moment I have in the library.为了扩大我关于天津的知识面,例如它的历史、传统和美食,我把全部业余时间花在了图书馆里。(2017天津)(2)Besides,table manners are also what you should pay attention to.For example,you are not supposed to stick your chopsticks into your food.Instead,laying them on your dish is a smart choice.此外,餐桌礼仪也是你应该注意的事情。例如,你不要把筷子插进食物里面,而是把它们放在盘子上。(2018全国)即时训练7用过渡性词语完成句子1.我们有很多学科,例如语文、数学、英语、音乐、美术等。We have many subjects,suchas Chinese,maths,English,music,art and so on.2.那天的计划如下:首先,在那天吃饺子是一种习俗,因此我们会亲手为他们做美味的饺子而不是去买。The plan for the day is asfollows:Firstly,its a custom to have dumplings on that day,so well make delicious dumplings with our own hands rather than buy some for them.八、表示观点的过渡性词语in my opinion,in my view,from my point of view,as far as I am concerned,as for me,personally等。(1)As far as Im concerned,all our classmates have learned a lot from our munication and the various activities.就我而言,我们都从彼此的交流和各种各样的活动中学到了很多东西。(2016天津)(2)In my view,our health is closely related to what we eat.The busier we are,the more attention we should pay to food.在我看来,我们的健康与我们的饮食密切相关。我们越忙,越要注意饮食。(2018安徽安庆一中三模)即时训练8用过渡性词语完成句子1.在我看来,这里的每个人都是我们大家庭的一员,我们从对方身上学到很多东西。(2016天津)Inmyopinion/view/Frommypointofview/Personally,everyone here is a member of our big family and we learn a lot from each other.2.至于我,我十分热爱篮球,因为它能持续给我迎接生活中的挑战的力量。(2018全国)Asforme,Im intoxicated with basketball since it has been giving me strength to confront the challenges in my life.九、表示总结的过渡性词语(1)In conclusion,certain movies play a positive role,but not all movies do.It depends pletely on the subject of the movie.总之,有些电影起积极作用,但并不是所有电影都这样。这完全取决于电影的主题。(2018全国百校联盟二模)(2)All in all,traveling is the best choice to recharge ourselves and get ready for the new challenges.总的来说,旅游是充实自己、准备迎接新挑战的最好的选择。即时训练9用过渡性词语完成句子1.总之,如果我们能有这么一块有魔力的手表,我们的生活将会变得更加方便。Inaword/Inshort/Inbrief,if we had such a magic watch,our life would bee more convenient.2.总的来说,我发现自行车比摩托车更令人喜欢。Onthewhole/Ingeneral/Allinall,I find a bike more enjoyable than a motorcycle.综合演练.用过渡性词语完成句子1.至于准备工作,提前进行阅读是必要的,如石头记。(2018北京)Asfor preparation,some reading in advance is needed like The Story of the Stone.2.它们不仅提供给你快乐和兴奋,而且鼓励你批判性地思考。(2015天津)They notonly offer you joy and excitement,butalso encourage you to think critically.3.而且,其他人可能得到他们想要的书,他们有很多自由的时间拥有书籍。(2015重庆)Besides/Furthermore/Moreover/Additionally,other persons can get the books they want and they have more free time to get them.4.这辆自行车好像很笨重,很难控制。更糟的是,我从车子上掉下来很多次。The bike seemed too heavy and difficult to control.Worsestill/Tomakemattersworse/Whatsworse,I took many falls off the bike.5.在我看来,那些得到她的捐赠的人会被鼓励着更努力地学习。Inmyopinion/view/Frommypointofview/Personally/AsfarasIamconcerned,those who have received her donations will be encouraged to study even harder.6.总之,他必须为他的缺席会议作出解释。Inshort/Inbrief/Inaword,he must give an explanation for his absence from the conference.7.另外,我们应该学会与别人友好相处。Inaddition/Additionally,we should learn how to get along well with others.8.在我的业余时间,我将继续做常规训练,诸如游泳、跑步和各种各样的球类活动。In my free time,Ill continue to take regular exercise,suchas swimming,running and various ball games.9.一般来说,这个季节去泰山旅游的人是最多的。Generallyspeaking/Ingeneral,the number of people visiting Mount Tai in this season is the largest.10.尽管生病了,布朗先生还是来参加了毕业典礼。Despite/Inspiteof illness,Mr Brown attended the graduation ceremony.根据下面的提示写一篇短文,注意使用适当的过渡性词语假定你是李华,你的英国网友Anna在她的学校举办的一次作文比赛中荣获一等奖,你写信向她表示祝贺,并在信中谈及自己在英语写作上存在的困难,希望得到她的帮助。参考范文Dear Anna,I am very glad to learn that you have won the first prize in your schools English writing contest.I am writing to offer my warmest congratulations on your excellent performance.Honestly speaking,its a real encouragement to me to see your efforts rewarded.How I admire your writing skills! I have been learning English for several years and I have little trouble in listening,speaking and reading.However,I find it hard to write a good position.In spite of so many efforts into it,I just cant find a way out.I feel stressed out.I would appreciate it if you could give me some specific advice on it.Looking forward to your early reply.Yours,Li Hua

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