2019版高考英语一轮基础习选题 Unit 5 Nelson Mandel-a modern hero(含解析)新人教版必修1.doc

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2019版高考英语一轮基础习选题 Unit 5 Nelson Mandel-a modern hero(含解析)新人教版必修1.doc_第1页
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Unit 5 Nelson Mandel-a modern hero一、阅读理解。Following the crowd may not always be in a persons best interest.But new research suggests that teens who get along with their friends may end up healthier as adults.Scientists have known that close friendships help boost health.Thats true for both teens and adults.The finding inspired Joseph Allen,a psychologist at the University of Virginia,and his team to study whether experiences during teen years would influence adult health.So they followed 171 teens,starting when the kids were just 13.They interviewed each one every year for five years,and also spoke to these teens closest friends,who provided additional information about the quality of their friendships.The same 171 people were interviewed again at ages 25,26 and 27.This time, the questions surveyed each persons overall health.When the researchers analyzed the data,they found a strong connection between a teens behavior and adult health.Teens who had close friends grew up to be the healthier adults.Whether teens held back their feelings or expressed them to close friends also influenced later health.Those who held back their feelings were more likely to be sick as adults.The connection held up even after the scientists accounted for other possible influences on health.Weight,family ine and drug use were all examined.So were mental health issues,such as anxiety and depression.And in these people,such other factors did not explain adult health as well as teen friendships did.Getting along with the crowd may have benefits,says Allen,but there are also drawbacks.Teens who are more independent tend to do better at school and work.And peer pressure may lead some kids to engage in risky behavior,such as smoking,drinking or using drugs.Dealing with it is an ongoing challenge,Allen acknowledges.“Finding the right balance is the key.Teens shouldnt lose heart for not finding this easy.”And,he adds,“Parents need to be understanding about the pressures teens face.”1Where can you probably read this passage?AScience fiction.BHealth column.CFashion magazine.DEntertainment newspaper.2We can learn from Allens study that _.Amany other factors have a greater influence on adult health than teen friendshipsBmental health issues have nothing to do with adult healthCthe same 171 teens were interviewed each year from 13 to 27Dthe teens who couldnt express themselves grew up to be unhealthy3According to what Allen said,we can know that _.Ain order to do better at school,teens should not follow the crowdBthough its challenging for teens to deal with peer pressure,they should not give upCteens will engage in smoking,drinking or using drugs when facing peer pressureDparents should understand their teens and stop them going with friends4What can be inferred from the passage?AThere is nothing bad for teens to follow the crowd.BClose friendships are the most important for peoples health.CTeen friendships may help teens bee healthier adults.DAdult health is only influenced by teen friendships.【解题导语】研究表明,与朋友较少或者没有朋友的青少年相比,有朋友的青少年在长大后更健康。当然,与朋友相处也有坏处。1B考查推理判断。通读全文可知,本文主要介绍青少年时的友谊对青少年成年后健康的影响。据此可知,本文属于健康知识类文章,故可判断,本文可能选自“健康专栏”,故B项正确。2D考查细节理解。根据第三段中的“Whether teens held back.sick as adults”可知,青少年是否向他们的好朋友表达情感也会影响到其成年后的健康,那些压抑情感的青少年成年后很可能不健康。故D项正确。3B考查细节理解。根据最后一段内容可知,与朋友相处使得青少年在成年后更加健康的同时也会带来不利影响,即周围同龄人带来的压力,这些压力会导致许多问题。分析Allen的话“Finding the right balance is the key.Teens shouldnt lose heart for not finding this easy”可以判断,青少年要应对这些压力,找到正确的平衡点是关键,不能因为很难找到平衡点就灰心丧气。故选B。4C考查推理判断。根据文章第一段第二句“But new research suggests that teens who get along with their friends may end up healthier as adults”可知,与朋友相处的青少年在成年后会更加健康。C项意为“青少年时期的友谊会帮助青少年成为更加健康的成年人”,符合文章意思,故C项正确。根据最后一段第一句“Getting along with the crowd may have benefits,says Allen,but there are also drawbacks”可知,与朋友相处有好处,但是也有一定的缺点,故A项与文意不符;B项错在“the most”,D项错在“only”,都太过于绝对。二、单句语法填空1Now their peace talks have reached a key stage _ one side must give in to the other.答案:where当先行词是case, position, stage等抽象名词,且在从句中作状语,表示地点时,定语从句使用关系副词where来引导。2From my first job at the restaurant, I learned teamwork and _ (devote)答案:devotion由teamwork and可知,此处填名词devotion “奉献;忠诚”,作宾语。3When an animal is _ attack it can run away or fight back.答案:under under attack “受到攻击”。4She started singing to the baby and _ (reward) with a smile.答案:was rewardedreward sb. with a smile “对某人报以微笑”,根据句意可知,此处应为被动语态。5Although he made a serious mistake in his work, he was lucky to escape _ (fire) by his boss.答案:being firedescape being fired “免于被解雇”。6I have some trouble _ (read) the letter, because his handwriting is very bad.答案:(in) readinghave trouble (in) doing sth. “做某事有困难”。7In some places there are many laws against _ (cruel) to animals but few to protect children.答案:cruelty空前against是介词,因此本空填名词cruelty “残忍;残酷”。8Your teacher can give you _ (guide) on choosing a career and writing a job application.答案:guidancegive sb. guidance on . “给某人关于的指导或建议”,故此处填名词guidance “指导”。9_ (educate) usually refers to teaching people various subjects, usually at a school or college.答案:Education此处应用名词education “教育”作主语。10The young man was sentenced to _ (die) for killing a middle school student.答案:deathbe sentenced to death “被判死刑”。三、完形填空。I promise you, there will never be a perfect time to do anything in your life. 1will ever feel 100% certain or make perfect sense to you and everyone else. There will 2 be a perfect time to fall in love, or to travel the world. You will never have enough training, enough preparation, or enough money. And 3 this, even when you feel ready to take a brave step into the4, others will likely try to 5 you out of it. Because they wont feel ready themselves, and your ambition and bravery will 6 their levels of fort. But you dont 7 them an explanation, or any other personal 8 you dont want to make. This is rather difficult to 9 at first. Waiting to feel 100% ready or sure is the 10 way in which we cheat ourselves out of wonderful life experiences. I challenge you to 11 free yourself from this self-limiting state of mind. Book that plane ticket, even if you feel lots of 12. Sign up for that educational course, even if you have no idea 13 it will go. Trust me when I tell you it will all e together for the14. When you achieve your dreams with15, when you meet them with mental and physical devotion, you16 your trust in the act of LIVING. You make your dreams a 17 instead of line items on a list. And thats good because your dreams are 18 to experience. You have to 19 them out in the real world to know if theyre possible and worthwhile adventures in the long run. As you 20 on this new journey of living, remember that some people around you will naturally be taken aback. But as long as you arent hurting them, you dont owe them anything that takes away your power to move forward with your life. 【文章大意】本文主要介绍了在我们的生活中永远不会有一个完美的时间去做任何事情。所以我们应该想做就做, 不要顾虑太多, 当我们在一个新的生活之旅中前进时, 我们才会发现它带来的惊喜。1. A. SomethingB. NothingC. AnythingD. Everything【解析】选B。根据上文说在你的生活中永远不会有一个完美的时间去做任何事情。可知句意: 没有什么能让你和其他人拥有100%确定的或完美的感觉。故选B。2. A. neverB. alwaysC. occasionallyD. forever【解析】选A。从来都没有一个可以去恋爱和去世界各地旅行的完美时候。故选A。3. A. despite B. for C. from D. after【解析】选A。这里的尽管如此是指上文提到的没有时间去恋爱、去旅行等。despite尽管, 故选A。4. A. impossibleB. unknownC. beautifulD. true【解析】选B。尽管如此, 即使你准备勇敢地踏入未知世界。unknown未知的, 故选B。5. A. helpB. cheatC. talkD. get【解析】选C。其他人也可能会试图说服你放弃它。help帮助; cheat欺骗; talk谈话、劝说; get得到。故选C。6. A. improveB. removeC. increaseD. challenge【解析】选D。因为他们自己不会觉得自己准备好了, 你的雄心和勇敢会挑战他们的舒适度。也就是你的做法让他们不舒服。improve提高; remove移除; increase增加; challenge挑战。故选D。7. A. offerB. giveC. allowD. owe【解析】选D。但你不欠他们一个解释。offer提供; give给; allow允许; owe欠。故选D。8. A. excuseB. decisionC. sacrificeD. profit【解析】选C。或者你也不必做出任何你不想做的个人牺牲。excuse借口; decision决定; sacrifice牺牲; profit利润。故选C。9. A. refuseB. graspC. admitD. confirm【解析】选B。这一点很难掌握。“这一点”是指找到合适的时机做自己的事, 无需向他人解释。refuse拒绝; grasp抓住、掌握; admit承认; confirm证实。故选B。10. A. hardestB. bitterestC. easiestD. dullest【解析】选C。等待自己感到100%准备好了或很肯定时再去做是一种最简单的欺骗自己去错过精彩人生经历的办法。 hardest最困难的; bitterest最苦的; easiest最容易的; dullest最迟钝的。故选C。11. A. automaticallyB. casuallyC. vainlyD. consciously【解析】选D。我要让你有意识地让自己摆脱这种自我限制的心态。automatically自动地; casually随意地; vainly徒劳地; consciously有意识地。故选D。12. A. uncertaintyB. fortC. anxietyD. hopelessness【解析】选A。订下那张飞机票, 尽管你感到了很多的不确定性。uncertainty不确定; fort舒适; anxiety焦虑; hopelessness无希望。故选A。13. A. howB. whenC. whyD. whether【解析】选A。报名参加那个教育课程, 即使你不知道会怎么样发展。故选A。14. A. worseB. betterC. closerD. deeper【解析】选B。当我告诉你一切都会好起来的时候, 请相信我。15. A. difficultyB. doubtC. intentionD. success【解析】选C。当你有意识地去实现你的梦想时, 当你以精神和肉体的投入去面对它们时, 你就把你的信任投入到生活的行动中去了。difficulty困难; doubt怀疑; intention目的; success成功。故选C。16. A. carryB. removeC. experienceD. invest【解析】选D。carry携带; remove移除; experience经历; invest投资, 投入。故选D。17. A. realityB. priorityC. burdenD. relief【解析】选B。你优先考虑你的梦想而不只是纸上谈兵。reality现实; priority优先权; burden负担; relief安心。故选B。18. A. meantB. listedC. realizedD. entitled【解析】选A。那很好, 因为你的梦想就意味着体验。mean意味着; list列出; realize意识到; entitle使有资格。故选A。19. A. checkB. bringC. workD. test【解析】选D。你必须在现实世界中测试它们, 以确定它们是否有可能, 并且值得长期冒险。check核对; bring带来; work工作; test测试。故选D。20. A. wanderB. restC. progressD. hesitate【解析】选C。当你在这个新的生活之旅中取得进展时, 记住: 你周围的一些人自然会大吃一惊。wander闲逛; rest休息; progress进步, 前进; hesitate犹豫。故选C。四、单句改错1I hope, first of all, that we shall never lose our heart in face of failure._答案:去掉ourlose heart “失去信心”,为固定搭配。2She is very weak and not equal to make a long journey._答案:makemakingbe equal to “胜任”,其中to是介词。3Thousands of people turned to watch yesterdays match against Ireland._答案:turned后加upturn up “出现;露面”。4The first time when I met him, he was working as a secretary in a big pany._答案:去掉whenThe first time在此处引导时间状语从句。5Only when we had studied the data again we realize that there was a mistake._答案:we前加did“only状语从句”放句首,句子应用部分倒装结构。

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