2019春九年级英语下册 Module 2 Education Unit 3 Language in use课时作业 (新版)外研版.doc

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Unit3Languageinuse基础知识回顾.根据句意用适当的介词填空1.These days I am busywithmy project on pollution.2.My teacher was very angrywithme because I was lateforschool again.3.Will you invite any friendstoyour thirteenth birthday party? 4.How long has he workedasan English teacher? 5.My uncle arrivedatthe train stationonthe morning of May 3.用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空win,neither,none,both,lend1.I did well inbothEnglish and Chinese last term.2.What would you like,tea or coffee?Neither.Id just like a glass of water.3.Can I use your pen,Kate?OK.Here you are.But you cantlendit to others.4.I tried several skirts on,butnoneof them looked good.5.Good news!Wewonfirst prize in the singing competition.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词1.在帕克学校没有人学习汉语。No onelearnsChinesein Park School.2.午饭休息时间从12点到1点。The lunch time isfrom12:00 pmto1:00 pm.3.课刚开始时,老师给我们讲了一个故事。Atthestart/beginningofthe class,the teacher told us a story.4.你想参加多少俱乐部就可以参加多少。You can joinasmanyclubsasyou like.5.中国的学生没有时间和彼此玩耍。Students in Chinahave/dontno/havetimetoplay with each other.综合能力提升.单项填空(D)1.Is thiscomputer? Yes,its.My mother bought it for me.A.you;meB.your;myC.yours;mineD.your;mine (C)2.Tomhis umbrella to me yesterday,so I didnt get wet.A.borrowedB.keptC.lentD.bought(A)3.Jim,you are old enough.Im sure that you can look after.A.yourselfB.myselfC.himselfD.ourselves(C)4.Bryan will not want to haveto do with horses in the future.A.everythingB.somethingC.anythingD.nothing(A)5.Helen has got two brothers.of them likes chocolate,but Helen loves it.A.NeitherB.NoneC.EachD.Any(B)6.The store across from our school sells many school things,rulers,pencils and rubbers.A.for exampleB.such asC.look likeD.as if(C)7.our surprise,the twin sisters went to Peking University at the same time last year.A.WithB.InC.ToD.At(C)8.How was the concert last night?It was so good.Though itnearly four hours,few people left early.A.coveredB.reachedC.lastedD.played.补全对话A:Hello,Han Lin.B:Hello,Xiao Hua.A:1.EB:Im reading about todays newspaper.It says every week students in primary schools have a day without homework.2.DA:I think its great.3.GB:Thats impossible.But after the big exam,well also have a long summer vacation and neednt do any homework.A:Im looking forward to it.Have you made any plans for it?B:4.FIm going travelling.But I havent decided where to go.A:5.AB:Good idea.I also hear Hong Kong is a nice place.Ill think about it.Thank you for your advice.A:Its a pleasure.A.Why not go to Hong Kong?B.We can have more time to enjoy ourselves.C.No,not yet.D.How do you feel about it?E.What are you up to?F.Yes,of course.G.I wish I were still in primary school.完形填空These days,some middle schools in China are trying to do something different.For each subject,the students can make a choice from different levels(等级) of difficulty.So instead of staying in the1classroom,they go to different rooms to have their lessons.And the teachers make special teaching plans for2.There are different opinions about it.Xia Rui really loves it.“Its nice that we can3classes by ourselves.My English is poor.I used to be afraid to answer questions in class.The good students may4me when I make mistakes.Now I feel much more relaxed.”But Chen Gang doesnt agree.“I dont think it is so good5it is difficult for students to find where the classrooms are,” he said.“During the break,students can be seen here and there,running and shouting to find their6.”“Im worried that some students may think they are in the lower class7lose interest in the subject,” their maths teacher,Mr Wang said.“I also8that some parents may feel unhappy if their kids study a subject at an easy level.”“In my eyes,it is good9both students and teachers,” Mr Wang also said.“As teachers,we can make teaching plans more10and the students will develop better.”(B)1.A.cleanB.sameC.brightD.empty(C)2.A.usB.himC.themD.you(C)3.A.playB.teachC.chooseD.work(A)4.A.laugh atB.listen toC.look afterD.wait for(B)5.A.whetherB.becauseC.whenD.before(D)6.A.parentsB.friendsC.booksD.classrooms(A)7.A.andB.butC.tillD.or(B)8.A.hopeB.worryC.cryD.report(A)9.A.forB.atC.onD.with(D)10.A.slowlyB.easilyC.quietlyD.brightly.任务型阅读I started my school life at the age of six.At first the school for me,a boy,meant play,play and more play instead of sitting in the classroom and learning something.However,I changed the way I used to behave at school with the help of my teachers.I tried my best to do well in my schoolwork and follow the school rules.Growing and learning were great fun.Every year we had different kinds of school trips.Not only could we learn many things from them,but also we were given many projects as homework.It helped us know more.At the same time,we made many good friends.In Grade 8,I won prizes in drawing and English speech competitions.When I was in Grade 9,I realised that I should give all my attention to get into senior middle school.School is a place where all of us learn to care and share.“School” is not just a place,but a large building made up of rules,knowledge and love.I think in everybodys success,school plays a key role.I can describe my school in “Three Ss”.They are:Small,Sweet and Simple.My school was the best and will always be the best.1.When did the writer start to go to school?(不超过10个词)At the age of six./When he was six (years old).2.What does the writer think plays a key role in everybodys success?(不超过5个词)School.3.The writer describes his school in “Three Ss”.What are they?(不超过5个词)Small,Sweet and Simple.

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