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Unit 1 School and Friends课时分层训练(二)Lesson 2.根据句意及汉语提示完成句子1Four and one is _(五)2Danny is my _(同班同学)3Mr. Green is our _ teacher(指导教师)4Jenny is a nice _(女孩)5_(她的) name is Sue.6_(这位) is my teacher.7He is a _(学生)8Who is _ (在那边) there?.用be动词的适当形式填空1She _ my teacher.2Li Ming _ a good boy.3I _ a student.4How _ you?5This _ my book.6How _ your mother?7His name _ David.8Tom and David _ homeroom teachers.9_ you in Class Nine?10_ your friend from the UK.?.用方框中所给词或短语的适当形式填空he, class, be, homeroom teacher, over there1Where is your bike?Its _2Jack is a student. He is in _ Three.3Mr. Li and Mr. Zhang are our _. They are very kind.4What _ your names?5Tom is my classmate. _ father is a driver.单项填空()1.His sister and I _ classmates.Aam Bis Care Dbe()2.Whats_ name?Her name is Wang Mei.Amy Bhis Cher Dyour()3._ is the man under the tree?He is our new English teacher.AWhat BHow CWhere DWho()4.早上见面问好,应该说:“_”AWhats that? BGood morning!CNice to meet you. DHow are you?()5.Do you know that man?Yes, _ our Chinese teacher.Ahis Bshes Ches Dyoure()6.Is _ name Nick?Yes, _ is my friend.Ahe; he Bshe; sheChis; he Dher; she()7.Mum,_is my English teacher, Mr. Smith. Mr. Smith, _ is my mother.Athis; this Bthis; thatCthat; this Dthat; that()8.Who is the student _ Mr. Black?Ain Band Cwith Dtoo()9.My sister is _Ain Two Class Bon Two ClassCin Class Two Don Class Two()10.Is Linda from Canada?_. She is from the US.AYes, she is BNo, she isntCYes, he is DNo, he isnt.补全对话,每空一词Kimi:Good morning, Shitou.Shitou:1._ 2._, Kimi.Kimi:Shitou,3._ 4._ my good friend.5._ name is Tiantian. He is 6._ Class Four. Tiantian, this is Shitou. He is in 7._ Four, too.Shitou:8._ to 9._ you, Tiantian.Tiantian:Nice to meet you, 10._.任务型阅读I am a girl. My name is Jenny. I am in Class Four. I have a friend. His name is Li Ming. We_are_classmates. My teacher is Ms. Wang. She is nice.1题判断正(T)误(F);2题单项填空;3题将文中画线句子译成汉语。1Li Ming is in Class Four, too. ()2Who is nice?()AJenny.BLi Ming.CMs. Wang. DA girl.3_详解详析【课时分层训练】课内基础自测.1.five2.classmate3.homeroom4girl5.Her6.This7student8.over.1.is2.is3.am4.are5.is6is7.is8.are9.Are10.Is课后巩固提升.1.over there2.Class3homeroom teachers4.are5.His.1.C2C由答句“Her name is Wang Mei.”可知问的是“她的”名字,故选C。3D4.B5C由第一句的that man可知,代词应该为he,his意为“他的”。答句句意:是的,他是我的语文老师。故答案为C。6CNick 为男名,故用his“他的”和he“他”。句意:“他的名字叫Nick吗?”“是的,他是我的朋友。”故答案为C。7A“This is”是向别人介绍你身边的或熟悉的,而对方不认识或不熟悉的人或物时常用的句式,意为“这是”。8C9C表示“在某个班级”用介词in。名词在前,数词在后,且名词和数词的首字母要大写。故选C。10BLinda是女孩,故用she代替;答语中的“the US.”和问句中的Canada不一致,应作否定回答。故选B。.1.Good2.morning3.this4.is5His6.in7.Class8.Nice9meet10.too .1.T2.C3我们是同班同学。

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