人教新目标版七年级英语上册Unit 8 When is your birthday练习共8套

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人教新目标版七年级英语上册 Unit 8 When is your birthday 练习共 8 套第 3 课时分层训练Section B1 1a1d 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词1 Sallys b_ is on September 16th.2 Kates birthday is on N_ 28th.3 September is the n_ month of a year.4 Monday is the s_ day of a week.5 We have a school t_ on May Day.6 The fourth month of a year is A_7 National Day is in O_8 Childrens Day is on J_ 1st.9 S_ is the first day of a week.10 There is an English t_ on March 15th.单项填空( )1._ comes before December, but after October.ANovember BSeptemberCAugust DJanuary( )2.We have_ school trip_ this week. Aa; / Ban; atCa; at Dan; / ( )3.There are usually_ days in February.Atwentyeight BtwentynineCthirty Dthirtyone( )4.2016绥化 December is the _month of the year.Atwelve BtwelvethCtwelfth( )5.Seven people are in front of (在前面)Jim, so Jim is the _ one.Afirst Bsecond Cthird Deighth.补全对话A: Do you have a volleyball game at your school?B: Yes, we do.A: 1._B: Its on September 28th.A: 2._B: Yes, we do. Its on October 17th. 3._A: When is your school trip?B: Its on May 20th. 4._A: Oh? Thats great.B: I want to have a birthday party on that day. 5 _A: Yes. Thanks.A.Can you come?B.When is it?C.That day is also my 13th birthday. D.Do you have a soccer game? E.And we also have a basketball game on October 25th. .按要求完成下列各题,每空一词1 The English party is on_May_18th(对画线部分提问)_ _ the English party?2 My grandfather is sixtysix_years_old(对画线部分提问)_ _ is your grandfather?3 How old is he?(改为同义句)Whats _ _?4 They have an art festival every year.(改为一般疑问句)_ they _ an art festival every year?.完形填空Hello,everyone! I am your new friend. My name is Mike. There are_1_ people in my familymy wife(妻子), my_2_ and I. I was born(出生) _3_ 1976. My birthday is on _4_New Years Day. I like soccer but I _5_ volleyball. I think volleyball is_6_. My wife has a clothes store. _7_ clothes are at very good prices. Many people come to her store to _8_ clothes. My son is a student. He goes to_9_ from Monday to Friday. He has a _10_ on March 11th. He likes it very much.( )1.A.two Bthree Cfour Dfive( )2.A.brother Bsister Cdaughter Dson( )3.A.in B on Cat Dfor( )4.A.January 1st BMarch 8th CApril 1st D July 1st( )5.A.like Bdoesnt like Clikes Ddont like( )6.A.boring Bfun Cgreat Dinteresting( )7.A.She BHer CShes DHers( )8.A.buy Bbring Csell Dmake( )9.A.store Broom Cschool Dbed( )10.A.school trip BEnglish partyCEnglish test DEnglish trip详解详析课内基础自测1 birthday 2.November 3.ninth4 second 5.trip 6.April 7.October8 June 9.Sunday 10.test课后巩固提升.15 AAACD.15 BDECA.1.When is 2.How old 3.his age4 Do; have.15 BDAAD 610 ABACAUnit 8 When is your birthday第 4 课时分层训练Section B2 2a2c .根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子1 Childrens Day is childrens_ (节日). 2 Jim is a good_ (学生), and his teachers all like him.3 We have a new subjectgeography this _(学期)4 Are you_ (忙碌的) this afternoon? 5 Excuse me, whats the_ (时间) now?6 The n_ month of the year is September.7 The football g_ is on October 12th.8 The t_ month of the year is December.9 New Years Day is the first day of J_10 F_ is before sixteen and after fourteen.用 in, on, at 或 for 填空1 There is(有) a book sale_ June 8th.2 You must get there_ 10:30. Dont be late.3 I plan(计划) to go to Sanya_ August.4 We have nice clothes_ you in our store.5 Do you like to play volleyball_ the afternoon?.单项填空( )1.Fathers Day is on the _ Sunday in June. Its on June 17th this year. Afirst BsecondCthird Dfourth( )2.How many friends will come to your _ birthday party?About _Afifteen; fifteen Bfifteenth; fifteenthCfifteen; fifteenth D fifteenth; fifteen( )3.The New Year party is_ the evening of January 1st. Ain Bon Cat Dfor ( )4.Which month is _ month of a year?_Afifth; MayBthe fifth; MayCfive; MarchD the five; March( )5.How _ is your father?He is _Amuch; four Bmany; fortyCold; fortieth Dold; forty( )6._ October 1st, we have an art festival.AIn BOn CWith DAt( )7.The music festival is _ May.Ain Bon Cat Dfrom( )8.We will go on a trip next week. _!A. See you BYoure welcome CExcuse me D. Have a good time ( )9._ is your birthday?My birthday is on October 9th.AWhen BHow CWhat DWhere( )10. This is _ bedroom.The twin(孪生的) sisters like it very much.ALucy and LilyBLucys and LilysCLucys and LilyD Lucy and Lilys.按要求完成下列各题,每空一词1 Is Nicks birthday next week? (补全答语) No, _ _2 Can my parents come to our school? (作肯定回答)_, they_. 3 Mr. Hands birthday party is on_May_2nd(对画线部分提问)_ _ Mr. Hands birthday party? 4 The two girls are fifteen( 对画线部分提问) _ _ are the two girls? 5 We have a book sale in_the_school_library. (对画线部分提问) _ _ you have a book sale? .根据汉语意思完成句子1你的生日是什么时候?_ is your_? 2我们学校的体育节在星期五。_ _ in our school is on Friday. 3我们每个月都举办一次英语晚会。We_ an _ _ every _4学校郊游在 10 月 20 日。The _ is _ October20th.5过得愉快!_ a good _!.补全对话,每空一词Mary: Hello. My name is Mary.Bob: Hello. Im Bob.Mary: 1._ is your birthday, Bob?Bob: Its on November 13th.Mary: 2._ day is that day?Bob: Its Sunday. I have a birthday 3._on that day. 4._ you come?Mary: Yes, I can. What 5._ is the party?Bob: Its at seven oclock.完形填空Jack is my good friend. He is thirteen_1_. He is _2_English boy. He has _3_. They are Susan and Sally. Susan is eleven years old. Sally is_4_ years old. _5_ birthday is on April 21st. Susans birthday is on _6_. And Sallys birthday is on December 12th.Susan and Sally_7_fruit. Jack likes icecream. And they_8_ sports. Jack likes basketball. Susan _9_ tennis. Sally likes volleyball. Oh, Jacks basketball game_10_ on November 10th.( )1.A.years BoldCyear old D years old( )2.A.a BanCthe D/( )3.A.a sister Btwo sistersCtwo sister Dtwo brothers( )4.A.nine BninthCninety Dninetieth ( )5.A.Jack BJacksCJacks DJacks ( )6.A.July 3rd BJuly 3CJuly 2th DJuly 2( )7.A.like BlikesCis like Dare like( )8.A.both like Blike bothCall like Dlike all( )9.A.like BlikesCliked Dliking ( )10.A.am BisCare Dbe.任务型阅读Birthdays of My FamilyThere are five people in my family. My (1)_ birthday is in January. We (2)看电视 on her birthday and eat a big birthday cake (蛋糕). March is the (3)_ month of a year. In my family, three peoples birthdays are in March. (4)My_sisters_birthday_is_on_March_6th. My birthday is on March 16th. My grandfathers birthday is in March, too. My fathers birthday is in December. Its on (5)12 月 26 日 . 根据短文内容,完成下列各题。1给(1)处选一个正确的选项:_Amother Bmothers C. mothers D. mothers2将(2)处词组译成英语:_3在(3)处填一个恰当的序数词:_4将(4)处句子译成汉语:_5将(5)处日期写成英语:_.根据短文内容和首字母提示完成短文 We are very busy this term. On September 20th, we have an art 1.f_. Its very interesting. Then our English teacher Bettys birthday 2.p_ is on September 21st. In October and December, we have two ball 3.g_. The basketball game is on 4.O_ 10th and the volleyball game is on December 16th. I love volleyball. It is 5.r_ fun. We have a school 6.t_ on November 8th. Thats relaxing! 详解详析课内基础自测.1.festival 2.student 3.term 4.busy5 time 6.ninth 7.game 8.twelfth9 January 10.Fifteen.1.on 2.at 3.in 4.for 5.in课后巩固提升.1.C 根据常识可知,每年 6 月的第三个星期日是父亲节。2 D 根据题意可知,第一空指的是第 15 个生日,所以应用序数词;第二空指的是有 15 个人来参加生日聚会,所以应用基数词。3 B4 B “第五”为 fifth,序数词前要加 the。5 D how much 用于对价格或不可数名词的量进行提问; how many 对可数名词数量进行提问;how old 用于对年龄提问。由题意可知是对“爸爸的年龄”提问,所以用 how old,对年龄的回答应用基数词,故选 D。6 B7 A 考查表示时间的介词的用法。月份前用 in。8 D 9.A 10. D 表示两个人共有某物时,只在最后一个名词后加“s” 。.1.it isnt 2.Yes; can 3.When is4 How old 5.Where do.1.When; birthday 2.Sports Day3 have; English party; month4 school trip; on 5.Have; time.1.When 2.What 3.party4 Can 5.time.15 DBBAC 610 AACBB.1.B 2.watch TV 3.third4我妹妹的生日是 3 月 6 日。5 December 26th/December the twentysixth.1.festival 2.party 3.games4 October 5.really 6.trip


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