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合同范本房屋租赁合同 (北京版本之二,中英文) Contract of Living House Leasehold出租方 : ( 以下简称甲方 ) Lessor: (hereinafter referred to as Party A)地 址:Address:电话:Telephone number:身份证号/护照号码 :ID number/Passport number:承租方 : ( 以下简称乙方 ) Lessee: (hereinafter referred to as Party B)地 址:Address:电话:Telephone number:ID 卡编号/护照号码 :ID number/Passport number:Party A legally owns the Premises located at No. , Building of Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing. Party A agrees to lease and Party B agrees to rent the Premises. Therefore, after consultation, the parties hereby agree to enter into this Contract to formulate the parties rights and obligations, and to abide by the terms and conditions of this Contract.甲方合法拥有北京市朝阳区楼 单元 房屋(以下简称“该单元”),甲方愿意出租以及乙方愿意承租该单元。为明确租赁双方的权利、义务,经协商一致达成本合同,以资双方共同遵守。1. Premises for Lease 第一条租赁范围1.1 Party B agrees to lease the Premises from Party A in accordance with the terms hereunder. The gross floor area of the Premises is sqm . The Premises shall be used for residence by Party B and persons designated by Party B, and shall be used by persons. The Premises or any parts of the Premises shall not be subleased to or be used together with any third party without the prior written consent of Party A. Party B has no right to use the external walls of the building.1.1 根据本合同的条款,乙方向甲方承租的该单元,建筑面积为 平方米。由乙方及其指定之使用人作为居住用途,供 人长期使用。未征得甲方事先书面同意, 不得擅自将该单元全部或部分转租、转让给第三方或与第三方共同使用。乙方无权使用该栋大厦外墙的墙壁。合同范本1.2 The parties will deliver and take the Premises in the conditions set out in the Appendices.1.2 甲、乙双方以附件所列房屋状况交接该单元。2. Lease Term 第二条 租赁期限The term of lease is months, commencing on and expiring on (hereinafter referred to as the “Term”)租赁开始日期自 年 月日起至 年 月 日止,租赁期 月(以下简称“租期”)。3. Rent 第三条 租金3.1 Party B shall pay the monthly rent in the amount of RMB per month, inclusive of property management fee, heating, but exclusive of charges for tax invoice,water, electricity, gas, municipal telephone call, ADSL and Satellite TV 7.4.1 违反中华人民共和国的法律/法规, 利用该单元进行不法经营活动;7.4.2 changes the uses of the Premises without consent of Party A;7.4.2 未经甲方同意擅自更改该单元的用途;7.4.3 fails to pay the rent pursuant to relevant provisions hereunder; or7.4.3 未按本合同的有关条款缴纳租金;或7.4.4 sub-lets the Premises or parts of the Premises to others, transfers the Premises to others or uses the Premises jointly with a third party without the consent of Party A.7.4.4 未征得甲方同意, 擅自将该单元或该单元的部分转租、转让给第三方或与第三方共同使用。合同范本7.5 Party B agrees to waive its right of first refusal in respect of the Premises voluntarily and unconditionally during the Term. During the Term, Party A shall be free to transfer the Premises to any third party, provided that such transfer shall not prejudice Party Bs rights to occupy, control and use the Premises in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Contract. If Party A transfers the Premises to a third party, such third party shall continue to enjoy and bear all rights and obligations of Party A under this Contract. Party B undertakes to cooperate in full with Party A in handling the relevant formalities to sell and hand-over of the Premises. Party Bs failure to cooperate for the hand-over shall not affect the assumption of the rights and obligations of this Contract by the new owner. Party B shall pay rent to the new owner in accordance with this Contract after receipt of Party As notice, otherwise Party B shall bear the liability for breach of contract and late payment under this Contract.7.5 在租期内,乙方自愿无条件放弃该单元的优先购买权。在租期内,甲方有权自由转让该单元予任何第三方,但是该转让不得影响乙方根据本合同的条款和条件占有、控制和享用该单元的权利。若甲方将该单元出售予第三方,第三方将继续享有和承担甲方在本合同项下的所有权利和义务。乙方承诺充分配合甲方办理该单元的出售及交接手续,不影响新业主开始继受出租方在本合同项下的权利义务。乙方须在接到甲方通知之日起按本合同向新业主支付租金,否则须承担本合同项下的逾期付款违约责任。1. Rights and Obligations of Party B 乙方权利及义务8.1 Party B is entitled to occupy and use the Premises reasonably and legally during the Term provided that it strictly complies with the terms and conditions of this Contract.8.1 如果乙方严格遵守本合同的各项条款, 则乙方有权在租赁期内合理、合法占用和使用该单元。8.2 Party B shall pay rent and the expenses of electricity, water, gas, telephone, ID long distance call incurred at the Premises and the service fee of other specific facilities provided for Party B on time (other than the written agreement between the parties).8.3 乙方须按时缴付租金以及该单元的电费、水费、煤气费、电话费、IP 主叫长话费,以及供乙方使用的其他专门设施的服务费,(甲、乙双方另有书面约定除外)。8.4 Party B shall keep the internal part of the Premises in clean and good condition and shall prevent damage, pollution and fire, etc. It shall have the duty to supervise his visitors and friends to protect the property of Party A or the public facility of this compound. If there is any damage caused to Party A, other owners or lessees of this compound or the public facility of compound due to Party Bs reason, Party B shall compensate for the losses arising therefrom.8.4 乙方应负责该单元内部的整洁完好,防止破坏、污染、火灾等事故,并有责任监督来访的客人及朋友爱护甲方的物品,以及小区的公共设施。如由于乙方的原因,给甲方其他业主和租户或该小区的公共设施造成损害时,乙方必须赔偿损失。合同范本1. Termination of Contract 合同的终止9.1 Upon occurrence of any of the event prescribed under Article 8.4, Party A is entitled to unilaterally terminate this Contract without the need to issue any notice requesting for rectification of the breach.9.1 第 8.4 条所规定的任何情形发生时,甲方有权单方直接终止本合同而无需发出纠正通知。9.2 The parties may terminate this Contract early by reaching a written agreement through consultation.9.2 甲、乙双方经协商,可达成书面协议提前终止本合同。9.3 If either party cannot perform this Contract due to the occurrence of any force majeure events (such as earthquake, storm, hail and fire) which cannot be predicted or the occurrence and consequence of which cannot be avoided, the party who experience the force majeure event will be exempted from liability for failure to perform relevant obligations of this Contract (save for payment obligations).9.3 因发生地震、暴雨、冰雹、火灾等其他不能预见的,其发生和后果不能防止或避免的不可抗力致使任何一方不能履行本合同时,遭受不可抗力的一方可免除未能履行本合同项下相关义务的责任(付款义务除外)。1. Penalty for Breach 违约责任10.1 Any party who breaches this Contract shall compensate for any economic loss caused to the other party due to the breach. If the economic loss is due to default of both parties, both parties shall bear respective liability for breach in accordance with the circumstance.10.1 任何一方有违反本合同的行为,应就违约行为给对方造成的经济损失进行赔偿。如果属于双方的过失,应根据情况,由双方分别承担违约责任。10.2 If Party B fails to perform the provisions of Article 9.1 hereof, or Party B fails to perform other provisions of this Contract and fails to rectify the breach after 14 days of receiving Party As written notice requesting for rectification of the breach, Party A has the right to terminate this Contract unilaterally. This Contract shall be automatically terminated from the date on which the termination notice is delivered. Upon termination of this Contract, the Deposit shall not be refunded to Party B and Party A shall have the right to claim for further losses or outstanding fees 合同范本(if any), and Party B shall vacate and return the Premises to Party A within three days from the date of delivery of the termination notice.10.2 如乙方违反本合同第 9.1 条约定;或乙方违反本合同其它条款并接到甲方书面纠正通知后十四天内不予纠正时,甲方有权单方解除本合同,合同自解除通知送达之日起自动解除。合同解除时,保证金不予退还乙方;若有其它损失或未付费用,甲方仍有权追索。乙方应在解除通知送达之日起三日内迁出并交回该单元于甲方。1. Renewal of Lease 续租Where Party B has fully performed the terms, provisions and regulations of this Contract during the term of this Contract, Party B has the priority right to extend the Term under this Contract provided that it has given written application for extension no later than 30 days before expiry of the Term and that the parties have agreed on the conditions of the extension (including rent and term of lease) and executed the contract for the extension of the lease by no later than 15 days prior to the expiration of the Term, failing which, Party A may lease the Premises to others. Party A may show the Premises to potential tenants by giving reasonable notice to Party B within 30 days prior to the expiration of the Term and Party B shall use its best efforts to cooperate with Party A.在本合同有效期内,乙方全部履行本合同各项条款、规定和条件的情况下,乙方有优先要求将本合同租期延长的权利,但乙方须于不迟于租期期满前三十天提出书面续租要求,并由双方在租期期满前十五天前就续租的条件(包括租金和租赁期)达成一致,签署续租合同,否则甲方可另行出租。甲方可在租期期满前三十天内,在给予乙方合理通知后将该单元向未来的租户展示,乙方应尽量配合甲方。1. Early Termination 提前解约The parties shall not terminate this Contract except for any legal reason such as force majeure under Article 9.3. After the commencing date of the Term under this Contract, if Party A terminates this Contract unilaterally, Party A shall return the double amount of the Deposit in accordance with Article 4.1. If Party B wishes to terminate this Contract early, Party A will hold the total Deposit and this Contract shall be automatically terminated.双方除 9.3 款不可抗力等法定理由外,不得提前解约。本合同所定租期开始后,若甲方单方终止本合同,则甲方需向乙方 双倍 的返还其根据第 4.1 条的规定收取的保证金;如乙方要求提前解约,甲方扣留乙方已付保证金的 全部 ,则本合同自动终止。1. Notice 通知Any notices sent by one party to the other party under this Contract shall be made in Chinese and shall be delivered by hand, by registered air-mail (with postage pre-paid), express delivery service 合同范本commonly recognized or by fax to the address stipulated in this Contract. A notice shall be deemed to have been delivered:任何一方根据本合同发出的通知或其他联系应以中文书写并可通过人工送递或航空挂号邮寄(预付邮资) 、公认的快递服务或以传真发送至另一方的合同约定地址。通知视为有效送达的日期按以下方法予以确定:1) if sent by hand, on the date on which the documents is delivered to the designated address;1) 人工投递的通知,视作于人工投递之日送达;2) if sent by registered air-mail, on the tenth (10th) day after the notice is mailed (as evidence by stamp chop);2) 航空挂号邮寄的通知,视为于投邮日(邮戳日期)后第十(10)天送达;3) if sent by express delivery, on the fifth (5th) day after the notice is sent by express delivery service commonly recognized;3) 快递送达的通知,视为公认的快递服务机构发出后第五(5)天送达;4) if sent by fax, on the first (1st) working day after the notice is sent.4) 传真发送的通知,应视作于发送日后第一(1)个营业日送达。1. Dispute Resolution 争议的解决14.1 The formation, validity, interpretation, performance and dispute settlement of this Contract shall be governed by the laws of PRC.14.1 本合同的订立、效力、解释、履行和争议的解决,均受中华人民共和国法律的管辖。14.2 The parties shall try their best efforts to settle any dispute under this Contract through friendly consultation or mediation, failing which, either party may submit the dispute to Beijing Arbitration Committee for arbitration.14.2 甲、乙双方就本合同发生争议时, 应尽量通过友好协商方式或通过调解解决。若经协商或调解不能达成一致协议时, 任何一方均可在北京仲裁委员会提出仲裁。1. Miscellaneous 附 则合同范本16.1The Contract is written in both English and Chinese. It shall be signed in duplicates, with each party holding one with the same legal validity.16.1 本合同一式两份,以中英文写成。甲乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。16.2 The Chinese language version shall prevail in case of any discrepancy between the Chinese language version and the English language version.16.2 在中英文表述有不一致时,以中文为准。16.3 This Contract shall become effective upon the signature and affix of the chop of both parties.16.3 本合同自甲、乙双方盖章或/和签字之日起生效。Lessor (Party A) Lessee (Party B)出租方 (甲 方) 承租方 (乙方)(Signature/Seal) (Signature/Seal)(签章) (签章)Date: Date:日期: 日期:附件一:Appendix I1) 甲方资料 Ownership Documents requirement:房屋产权证复印件或者其它合法开发及权属资料复印件,委托书原件(如适用)。Copy of Building Ownership Certificate or copies of other proof of lawful development right and ownership original copy of power of attorney (if applicable)2) 甲方的指定汇款银行账户 Party As Designated Bank Account帐户名 Account Name银行名称 Bank Name银行地址 Bank Address银行帐号 Account No.3)居住人资料 Occupants Documents requirement:身份证或护照复印件 Copy of Occupants ID card or Passport 合同范本

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