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合同范本餐饮(乙)与业主(甲)维保合同 一、 空调系统1、如果一套独立的空调系统专给餐饮自行使用,由餐饮负责设备的日常保养及运行管理并承担费用;设备的维修保养和设备更新由业主负责并承担费用。其中主要的维修和保养内容详见附件 A。2、如果餐饮使用的空调系统只是业主空调系统的一部分,整个空调系统由业主负责维修保养,如餐饮发现空调系统设备故障,业主应在两个小时内到现场进行维修直至设备恢复正常,如业主不能及时维修或拒绝维修,餐饮将委托第三方进行维续,产生的维修费将从单月租金中扣除。餐饮租赁区内所使用空调的能耗将根据餐饮与业主签署的房屋租赁协议的约定进行计算并计量。3、由业主提供的空调系统,室外冷凝设备的噪音达不到当地环保的要求,如由于设备质量及安装原因, 由业主负责做环保工程以便达到环保要求。 二、 供暖(锅炉) 系统1、 如果一套独立的供暖(锅炉系统)系统专给餐饮自行使用,由业主负责(包括但 不限于)设备的日常维修保养及运行管理并承担费用;设备的维修和设备的更新由业主负责并承担费用。餐饮负责设备系统的运行费用。2、如果餐饮使用的供暖(锅炉)系统只是业主供暖(锅炉)系统的一部分,供暖 (锅炉) 系统的主机以及其它外围设备由业主负责运行及维修保养;房屋内餐饮所使用的末端设备由业主进行保养并承担费用。房屋内餐饮所使用供暖(锅炉) 系统的能耗将根据餐饮与业主签署的房屋租赁协议的约定进行计算并计量。合同范本三、 消防系统1、如果业主提供的消防系统专给餐饮使用,应由业主委托第三方有资质的消防公司负责消防系统的日常维护保养,检测及维修工作并承担相关费用,并且每月向餐饮提供由第三方有资质的消防保养公司出具的月检测报告,以确保餐饮使用的消防系统正常运作。系统设备的维修及设备更新工作由业主负责并承担费用。其中设备大修主要包括:1) 消防控制中心主机正常使用及保养情况下需要的维修更换,程序的更新直至系统恢复正常工作;系统,产品的更新和技术改造。2)排烟风机的电机,消防水泵及消防电机,室外消火栓及室外相关的一些配套消防设备。2、餐饮使用的消防系统只是业主消防系统的一部分由业主负责消防主系统的维修保养和检测工作(包括消防水泵的用电),餐饮负责房屋内消防设备的日常检查及保管工作。由业主负责包括餐饮租赁区在内的消防系统,应由业主委托第三方有资质的消防公司负责消防系统的维修保养,并每月将向餐饮提供由第三方消防保养公司出具的月检测报告,以确保餐饮使用的消防系统正常运作。3、如果餐饮新增部分的消防系统,由业主负责消防监控中心主系统的维保, 检测, 值班工作,餐饮负责新增部分的维修保养和检测工作并承担相关责 任和费用,其他部分按第 2 条履行。业主允许餐饮工作人员到主机房做月 检。 4、上述三种情况消防控制室均应由业主安排人员值班并承担费用。四、 供电系统合同范本1、变电所(含高压开关柜,变压器,低压配电柜,馈出电缆及相关变电所内设备)均由业主负责维修保养工作,由业主安排人员值班并承担费用。2、柴油发电机:1)与业主共用。由业主负责维修保养并保障安全正常运行。2)若为餐饮专用,则在维保期内通常是 1 年或 1500 小时, 由业主负责维修保养,餐饮出运行费用。1 年或 1500 小 时后若柴油发电机处于良好正常状态,餐饮负责日常维修 并承担运行费用。未达到使用寿命前出现的非运行故障仍由 业主负责。3、业主必须确保餐饮高压线路的安全使用,不得搭载其它用户,确保餐饮 直接向供电部门缴费,直接抄表到户。五、 电梯1、 如果业主提供的电梯专供餐饮使用,在保修期内由业主负责维修保养并承担维修及年检费用;保修期后由餐饮负责日常的清洁和日常保养工作,负责设备的年检工作并承担费用,设备在正常使用及有专业保养的情况下的维修及设备更新,由业主负责。其中设备维修的界定详见附件 B。2、 如果电梯是和业主共用,业主负责维修保养及年检工作并承担维保及运行费用。六、 供排水设施1,如果餐饮与业主(或其他用户)共用供水设施:1、 业主负责维护从餐饮的给水总表(包括给水总表)到市政管道部分。2、 供水设施维护保养,生活及消防水池的清洗工作。合同范本2,如果餐饮属于市政直接供水:1、 餐饮负责从市政给水总表至房屋内部分的一切供水设施设备的维护保养及运行费用。2、 室外部分的污水管道,检查井,污水处理设施和生活用水池的清洗、清通、维护由业主负责。每年室外管道由业主至少清通一次。七、 供气设施:业主负责:1、 燃气总表(包括总表)至市政管道部分,包括燃气调压站、燃气计量表。餐饮负责:1、 燃气总表至房屋内部分。八、其他公共区域及外围的设备设施维修保养及用水用电由业主负责,如餐饮工作人员需巡检设备等业主需提供方便与配合。附件 A空调机组检修要求一、 检修的定义:水冷机组:每年保养一次,餐饮负责更换润滑油、油过滤器及干燥过滤器等易耗件,业主负责对整机进行检查,保证机组正常运行及发现潜在的隐患,达到节约能源和延长机组使用寿命。若不对机组进行保养,有可能造成故障隐患。合同范本检修分大修和中修,又分机组检修和压缩机检修。将压缩机解体,检查清洗其内部,不用更换零件的,这种情况一般称为压缩机的中修或检查;如内部运动部件磨损程度严重,需要更换的,这种情况一般称为压缩机的大修;而对整机而言,如维修时,需要将制冷剂导出至机外才能进行维修处理的,一般称为机组的大修,此外的维修处理一般称为中修或维修。(业主负责)风冷活塞机组:保养情况同上:(业主负责)中修情况一般这样:将压缩机从机组移出,打开缸盖及电机进行清洗,检查曲轴、连杆、活塞等的磨损情况,如不需要更换,再重新进行装配并恢复运行,这种情况一般称为压缩机的检查或中修。如零件磨损严重且需要更换的,这种情况一般称为压缩机的大修。二、保养的定义(水冷机组)供冷季节的检查A 供冷季节启动前的准备和检查供冷季节运行前须进行下列各项检查和准备,以确保机组可靠、安全和高效运行:检查制冷剂液位和油面;检查油槽、油加热器和温度;检查和测试所有运行控制和安全控制功能;与操作人员一起温习操步骤,查看机组历史记录;检查启动器的运行; 合同范本配合检查水系统的运行情况(包括冷冻水泵,水流开关,冷冻水泵,冷却塔,阀门等);检查调整微电脑控制中心的设定值;启动冷水机组,检查整个系统的运行状况,记录机组运行参数;根据运行记录,分析处理机组问题.B 运行季节检查机组运行期间,餐饮定期(每月)进行下列各项检查,确保机组在整个供冷季节运行高效,可靠:检查冷水机组,调整安全控制装置;检查控制装置的运行;检查制冷剂液位和油位;检查润滑系统的运行;检查回油系统;检查电机和启动器的运行;记录运行状态参数,分析确认机组运行正常,必要时通知业主进行机组检修;记录和报告要求的备件.C 一年一次设备停机检查和预防性保养(业主负责)停机期间,每年一次进行下列各项检查,以便能正确评价设备的状态,为下一个供冷季节的运行作好准备:检查压缩机-电机组件的下列各项,完成预防性保养的各项任务:记录电压;用兆欧表测量和记录电机绕阻的绝缘电阻;润滑开式电机;检查开式电机驱动装置的定位状态;检查联轴器;合同范本检查入口导叶操作机构和联接机构;润滑需要润滑的部位 .检查压缩机润滑油系统的下列各项:根据需要更换润滑油,油过滤器和干燥过滤器;检查油泵,密封和油泵电机;清洁排污管;检查加热器和恒温器;检查所有其它的油系统部件,如油冷却器,过滤器和电磁阀等;执行下列各项操作,检查电机启动器:执行诊断检查程序;清洁接触器或必要时建议更换;检查所有接线端,并拧紧;空载运行启动器(或在启动前);检查状态指示灯.检查控制面板,确定下列各项:执行诊断检查程序;检查安全停机运行状态;检查所有接线端, 并拧紧;检查显示数据的精度和设定值.检查冷凝器,蒸发器的下列各项:检查水流开关的控制情况;根据运行记录参数分析热交换效果,建议水质处理;必要时拆卸端盖,更换密封垫.检查系统的下列各项:记录视液镜的状态;检查制冷剂循环,确认处于正常平衡状态;其它:遵循检查和维护步骤,修理脱落的保温层;与操作人员沟通;合同范本(往复式冷水机组)供冷季节的检查A 供冷季节启动前的准备和检查供冷季节运行前须进行下列各项检查和准备,以确保机组可靠,安全和高效运行:配合检查辅助设备的运行状况;更换润滑油;检查曲轴箱加热器,油温和润滑系统;检查和测试所有的运行和安全控制;检查确认电压和启动器运行正确;启动机组,标定控制和变送器;检查确认过冷器和过热器配置正确;机组稳定后,记录运行条件;同操作人员一起,温习操作步骤.对风冷冷凝器须增加下列各项检查:去除机组周围和内部的脏物;检查冷凝器盘管是否堵塞,建议清洁盘管;检查并拧紧电气接头;检查及润滑风机及电机轴承;启动后,检查风机和风机电机的运行状态.B 运行季节检查进行下列各项检查,确保机组在整个供冷季节都运行高效,可靠:检查确认通常的运行条件和运行状态;记录运行状态,并进行数据分析,找出不合理的地方;合同范本按要求调节运行控制;检查确认油位和制冷剂量充注正确;检查油温和曲轴箱加热器;检查启动器,继电器和控制元件;检查风冷冷凝器风机和电机运行状态;与操作人员一起温习操作步骤,查看用户记录.C 一年一次的设备停机检查和预防性保养(业主负责)停机期间,每年一次进行下列各项检查,以便能正确评价设备的状态,为下一个供冷季节的运行作好准备:用兆欧测量电机绕阻电阻,并记录好;检查压缩机的油位,按要求补充润滑油;检查曲轴箱加热器,确认运行正常;更换干燥过滤器;拧紧接触器和电机端子箱内的电源线;清洁所有连接接头,如有必要按要求更换;检查所有继电器,运行控制装置和安全保护装置;检查确认所有控制装置,安全保护装置,卸载装置和外部联锁跨接装置;检查确认压缩机的吸气和排气阀完好.空调系统(直燃机)空调机组检修要求1、业主负责直燃机定期维护保养内容直燃机维护保养 次数 服务内容 服务时期合同范本1 次 制冷开机检查 5 月份2 次 制冷停机后检查保养 10 月份3 次 采暖开机检查 11 月份4 次 采暖停机后检查保养 3 至 4 月份内容(每年)5 次 溶液取样检验 机组运行期间2、直燃机定期保养主要检查的项目有:1)全装置的检查的测试;2)运行分析和测量;3)吸收剂和制冷剂的管理;4)燃烧器的管理及燃燒室內的煙塵的清潔;5)真空泵的维护;6)泵的诊断和修理;7) 吸收器、冷凝器內部傳熱管的清洗;3、负责及时联系设备厂家对直燃机运行期间出现的突发性故障进行检测及解决.制冷设备,中央空调主机(机组)专业等级保养项目一览表一、 一级保养(运行时间在 4000 小时以内)(业主负责)1、主机内外表面除锈,清洁,上漆,紧固主机表面内外螺丝,螺帽,修补主机上的保温 层,安装防鼠网.2、清洁制冷系统表面,清洁主机电控柜(箱)内外及电控系统,检测电控系统各零配 件,风机马达,压缩机马达的阻值,绝缘值,灵敏度,精确度,消除电控系统各零配 件的异声,异味及隐患,并清洁表面和紧固.3、检测制冷系统各阀件,保护器,过滤器,探头的工作状况,消除隐患.4、制冷系统全面检漏,检堵.全面检测制冷系统各部位温度(包括压缩机),检测冷凝 压力,蒸发压力,吸气压力,排气压力,油温,油压,冷凝温度,蒸发温度,冷冻水进 出温度和温差,冷却水进出温度和温差,消除隐患.合同范本5、检测各仪器,仪表的精确度,灵敏度,并校正和清洁.6、对主机进行全面工况调节,调试,并适当加补制冷剂或适当回收制冷剂,使主机处 于最佳工作状态.7、进行一级保养后,使设备内外观洁净,感受良好,设备运行状况佳,无后顾之忧.二、二级保养(运行时间超过 4000 小时) (业主负责)1、拆卸制冷系统各阀件、过滤器进行检测、清洗、排除隐患,更新过滤器或滤芯、 清洗压缩机油箱、油过滤器、更换冷冻机。2、拆卸电控系统各零配件、各保护器,进行内外清洗、除锈、除尘、消除氧气层, 消除各种隐患,拆卸风机马达,内外清洗干淨(含轴、轴承)进行检测,轴承上油, 消除各种隐患,装配复原,检测各电线,消除隐患,检测压缩机马达阻值和绝缘状 况及运行电流。3、全制冷系统检漏、检堵。全面检测制冷系统各部分温度(包括压缩机),检测冷凝 压力、蒸发压力、吸气压力、排气压力、油温、油压、冷凝温度、蒸发温度、冷冻水进出温度和温差、冷却水进出温度和温差,消除隐患。4、保养前须转移(回收) 制冷剂,完畢后进行压力测试、检漏、检堵、真空度测试。将冷凝剂输回系统。5、检测各仪器、仪表的精确度、灵敏度,并校正和清洁。6、对主机进行全面工况调节、调试,并适当加补制冷剂或适当回收制冷剂,使主机处于良好工作状态。7、进行二级保养后,消除各种隐患,设备运行工况良好。三、三级保养(运行超过 5000 小时) (业主负责)1、对冷凝器、蒸发器内部进行化学(或人工)除垢、除菌、除藻、清除各种污垢,清洗干淨。清洁剂、保养剂采用兰州缓蚀技术研究所生产的“格瑞牌” 清洗剂、保养剂,时目前世界上制冷設備、中央空調、锅炉等热交换設備唯一的绿色环保型清洗剂、保养剂,安全、彻底,无腐蚀、无污染、无毒。2、冷凝器、蒸发器进行压力测试、检漏、检堵、真空度测试。合同范本在清洗前,须转移(回收) 制冷剂,完畢后再输回系统。四、特级保养(累计运行时间超过 6000 小时) (业主负责)1、拆卸压缩机全部零配件,全面检测其光洁度、精度、配合间隙精度,清洗、适当研磨、疏通压缩机内的油路系统和外油路系统,清洗压缩机壳内壁,消除各种隐患,製作石棉橡胶密封垫,装配复原,安裝到位。2、压缩机运行压力检测、检漏、真空度测试。3、全密压缩机进行内部清洗换油,无需解体,实践证明,清洗后洁净度可达 80%左右,大大减低累压缩机的故障率延长压缩机的使用寿命 3-5 年。清洗前须回收制冷 剂,将压缩机取出至工作场地。4、全面检测制冷系统各部位温度(包括压缩机),检测冷凝压力、蒸发压力、吸气压力、排气压力、油温、油压、冷凝温度、蒸发温度、运行电流、冷凍水进出温 度和温差、冷却水进出温度和温差,消除隐患。5、对主机进行全面工况调节、调试,并适当加补冷却剂和回收冷却剂,使主机处于良好的工作状态。6、进行特级保养后,消除了压缩机及制冷系统的各种隐患,確保了良好安全的运行,大大降低設備的故障率,延长故障率的周期,延长設備的使用寿命,提高設備功 效。附件 B电梯設備维修保养的界定保养:是指电梯交付使用后,为保证电梯正常及安全运行 ,按计划进行的所有必要的操作,如润滑检查,清洁,调整,更换易损件。合同范本维修:是指根据客户使用要求,双方签定合同或约定 ,由供方提供的电梯产品维修服务。如改变额定速度,额定载重量,轿箱質量,更换曳引机、轿箱、控制柜系统、导轨等部件。(业主负责)改造:是指全面地或部分地改进在用电梯的功能,性能 ,可靠性,安全性。维修改造項目分类表NO 項目 类别1 YPVF、VFMG 加装停电柜 大修2 GVF-FX、GH98 加装停电柜 大修3 YP 加装停电柜 大修4 YP 梯单控改并联 大修5 YPAF、FVF 单控改并联 大修6 加装 GMS 电梯群控系统 大修7 加装 CIP 电梯群控系统 大修8 更换曳引钢丝绳(1: 1) 大修9 更换曳引钢丝绳(2: 1) 大修10 更换对重架绳轮轴承 大修11 更换轿顶反绳轮轴承 大修12 處理 TYS 主机侧盖漏油 大修13 更换曳引机(减速箱) 大修14 更换蜗杆轴承(客梯) F-10, B-10 大修15 更换蜗杆轴承(客梯) F-20, F-30 大修16 更换轴架体轴承(TYS 主机) 大修17 曳引机间隙尺寸调整 大修18 修正轿架、轿顶 大修19 加装远距离遥监 大修20 轿箱各部调整, 紧固(水平、卡胶) 大修21 检查、调整各平层调整 中修22 改造轿顶及轿顶裝飾 中修23 YPVF、VFMG 加装消防迫降及反馈信号中修24 GVF、YP、F 、B 梯加装消防迫降及反馈信号中修25 YP、F、B 梯加装消防功能 中修合同范本26 YPVF、VFMG、GVF 加装消防功能 中修27 加装轿内报站钟 中修28 更换轿内裝飾吊顶 中修29 更换轿箱壁板、顶板 中修30 更换主机推力轴承 中修31 更换蜗杆主轴油封 中修32 更换曳引轮主轴骨架油封 中修33 更换曳引轮 中修34 制动器解体检查, 清理, 调整 中修35 更换电动机 中修36 更换电动机轴承(前) 中修37 更换电动机轴承(后) 中修38 轿箱、对重导靴、修正、更换 中修39 轿架、轿底尺寸检查,修正 中修40 调校门头, 门扇, 门锁立柱尺寸 中修41 更换厅门踏板(F 梯) 中修42 更换厅门踏板(客梯铁牛腿) 中修43 更换厅门踏板(客梯水泥牛腿) 中修44 加装底坑梯 小修45 加装涨紧轮开关 小修46 加装缓冲器开关 小修47 负载试验 小修48 磅机 小修49 更换轿门 小修NO 項目 类别50 更换电子板, 模块及检查线路 小修51 加装值班室对讲机 小修52 更换垂直式涨紧轮 小修53 加装井道灯 小修54 更换主导轨靴靴衬 小修55 更换附导轨靴靴衬 小修56 截短曳引钢丝绳(12) 小修57 截短曳引钢丝绳(10) 小修58 更换刹车皮及调整 小修59 重新调整曳引机各部分参数 小修60 标准系统检查修正(满载) 小修61 轿门机动系统检修 小修62 清洁、调整轿箱安全钳及钳嘴 小修合同范本63 各层门轮门与门刀厅踏板轿门踏板尺寸 小修64 各层门轮, 转动机构, 付主锁调整 小修65 更换厅门(门锁、门扇、传动机构) 小修66 更换门锁、付门锁 小修67 更换门传动机构 小修68 更换控制屏各电器机件 小修69 检查控制线路、动作程序 小修70 更换厅门(门锁、门扇、传动机构) 小修71 更换厅门踏板 小修72 更换门锁、付门锁 小修73 更换门传动机构 小修74 更换控制屏各电器机件 小修75 检查控制线路、动作程序 小修76 接触器检修、更换 小修77 接线端子紧固、检查(整机) 小修78 主回路检查、安全回路检查 小修79 控制回路检查, 排除故障 小修80 信号回路检查, 排除故障 小修81 照明回路检查, 排除故障 小修82 其他回路检查, 排除故障 小修83 电脑梯故障清除增减功能 小修84 更换更改指层灯 小修85 更换限速器或更换部分及调整 小修86 操纵箱检修, 更换零部件 小修87 层指、召唤、信号检修 小修88 检查门电动机转子, 定子及轴承 小修89 井道线路检修或更换添加 小修90 检修线路绝缘 小修91 更换钢片带 小修92 缓冲器加油、调整 小修93 电梯加层 改造94 电梯移装 改造95 拆装电梯 改造96 更换电梯轿门 改造97 更换电梯控制屏 改造98 更换主机 改造合同范本Responsibilities of Maintenance and Repair between Wal-Mart(“Party B”) and Landlord (“Party A”)1. A/C system1.1 A set of independent A/C system is provided for Wal-Mart only, Wal-Mart shall be responsible for daily cleaning and operational management with own charges. The owner shall be responsible for equipment maintenance and updating with own charges. Please refer to the Appendix A for details.1.2 If the A/C system used by Wal-Mart is just part of the owners, the owner shall be responsible for maintenance of the main equipment of A/C system and any other relevant equipment. If there is malfunction in the A/C system, the owner shall come and fix within two hours. If the owner refuses to fix or fails to fix in time, Wal-Mart will entrust the third party to fix, and the caused cost will be charged to the owner by deduction of the current monthly rent. There is a clear calculation or measurement method for energy consumption described in the Lease Contract and Property Management Contract. The energy consumption of A/C system within the Premises shall be measured according to the provisions of this Premises Lease Agreement between Wal-Mart and Landlord. 1.3 The outdoor condenser of A/C system provided by the owner produces a big noise, which fails to meet the requirement of local environmental protection. The owner shall be responsible for the noise protection work if it is caused by the quality of equipment and incorrect installation.2. Heating system (Boiler)A set of independent heating system (Boiler) shall be provided for Wal-Mart only. The owner shall be responsible for, including but not limited to, daily cleaning and operational management with own charges. And the owner shall be responsible for equipment maintenance and updating with own charges. Wal-Mart shall be responsible for the heating systems operational fee.2.2 If the heating system is just part of the owners, the owner shall be responsible for maintenance of main equipment of heating system and any other relevant equipment. 合同范本Wal-Mart shall be responsible for cleaning and operational management of the terminal equipment in the Premises at its sole cost. The owner shall be responsible for maintenance of terminal equipment of heating system. The energy consumption of heating system within the Premises shall be measured according to the provisions of this Premises Lease Agreement between Wal-Mart and Landlord. 3. Fire fighting system3.1The owner shall entrust the third independent and qualified Fire Fighting Company to take charge of daily maintenance, examination and repairs with own charges if the fire fighting system is provided for Wal-Mart only, and the owner shall provide Wal-Mart a monthly examination report issued by the third party to ensure Wal-Marts fire fighting system in a normal condition. In addition, the owner shall also be responsible for equipment overhauling and updating with own charges. The overhaul covers: Maintenance and replacement of main equipment of the fire fighting control center on normal operation and upkeep basis. Program updating, system and product updating as well as technical renovation of equipment. Maintenance and repair of the motor of smoke exhausting fans, fire pump and motor, outdoor fire hydrants as well as some outdoor attached fire fighting facilities.3.2. The owner shall be responsible for maintenance and examination of the main fire fighting system including power supply of the fire pump if the fire fighting system is just part of the owners. Wal-Mart shall be responsible for daily inspection and protection of the fire fighting facilities in the Premises. The owner shall entrust the third independent and qualified Fire Fighting Company to take charge of maintenance of the fire fighting system which also includes the leasing area of Wal-Mart, and shall provide Wal-Mart a monthly examination report issued by the third party to ensure Wal-Marts fire fighting system in a normal condition.3.3 If Wal-Mart adds another fire fighting system, the owner shall be in charge of maintenance and examination of the main system of the fire fighting monitor center 合同范本and assign associates to be on duty. Wal-Mart shall be responsible for maintenance and examination of the added equipment with own charges and liabilities. As for others, it shall be fulfilled according to clause two of the contract. Wal-Marts associates can be allowed to access to the main equipment room for monthly inspection.3.4The owner shall assign associates to be on duty in the fire fighting control room for the above-mentioned three situations. The owner shall pay for it.4. Power supply system4.1 Transformer station: the owner shall be responsible for maintenance of the relevant equipment in the station, including HV switch cabinet, transformer, LV distribution cabinet, feeder and the related facilities. The owner shall assign associates to be on duty in the HV switch cabinet, transformer and LV distribution cabinet room. The owner shall pay for it.4.2 Diesel generator: a) Sharing with the owner. The owner shall be responsible for maintenance of the diesel generator and ensure it is always in a safe and normal running condition. b) If it is provided for Wal-Mart only, there is one year or 1500 hours guarantee period for the diesel generator, i.e. within this period, the diesel generator shall be maintained by the owner, and Wal-Mart shall only bear the operational fees. If the generator is in a good condition beyond the guarantee period, Wal-Mart shall be responsible for its daily maintenance with own charges. If it breaks down before the service lifetime due to other reasons instead of operation, the owner shall take the full responsibility.4.3 The owner shall ensure that the HV cables are in a safety condition without connecting to other circuits used by other users. In addition, Wal-Mart will pay the Power Bureau directly according to independent power meter.5. Elevators 5.1 If the elevator is only for Wal-Marts use, the owner shall be responsible for its maintenance and annual inspection with own charges within guarantee period. And Wal-Mart shall take over daily cleaning work, operational protection and annual inspection beyond the guarantee period with own charges. The owner shall be 合同范本responsible for elevators maintenance and updating under the normal running condition and professional upkeep condition. As for definitions of maintenance, please refer to appendix two for details.5.2 If the owner and Wal-Mart share the elevators, the owner shall be responsible for maintenance, upkeep and annual inspection. The owner shall take the maintenance and operational fees.6. Water supply and drainage facilitiesIf Wal-Mart shares the water facilities with the owner or other users, the owner shall be responsible for the following: Maintenance of water facilities from the general water meter to the city governments main water pipe. Maintenance and upkeep of the water supply facilities, cleaning work of living water tank and fire water tank.If the city government directly supplies water to Wal-Mart, Wal-Mart shall be responsible for the following: Maintenance of all water-supply facilities between the general water meter and the Premises with own charges.The owner shall be responsible for maintenance and block treatment of outdoor sewage pipes and well chambers. The owner shall also be responsible for block treatment of outdoor water piping at least once a year.7. Gas supply facilitiesThe owner shall be responsible for: Gas supply facilities between the general gas meter and the city governments main gas pipe, including gas pressure adjustment station and gas meter.Wal-Mart shall be responsible for: Gas facilities from the general gas meter to the Premises.合同范本8. The owner shall be responsible for the maintenance of surrounding facilities and the ones in other public areas, and for the water and power supplies. And the owner shall provide support when Wal-Mart associate needs to inspect the facilities.Appendix A: Requirements for overhaul of A/C units1. Definition of overhaulWater-cooling unit:It must be maintained once a year. Wal-Mart shall be responsible for replacement of lubricating oil, oil filters and drying filters. The owner shall be responsible for inspection of the whole unit to ensure it is under a normal running condition and find out hidden danger and potential risks in order to save energy and prolong service lifetime. It is possible to cause potential troubles without appropriate maintenance.Overhaul covers important overhaul and medium overhaul; it is also divided into unit overhaul and compressor overhaul. Medium overhaul refers to dismantling the compressor to check and clean internal surface without replacing any components. And important overhaul refers to replacing the seriously worn internal parts. Unit overhaul refers to maintenance can be done only after introducing the coolant out of the unit, which is also called important overhaul. Other maintenance treatments are called medium overhaul. All of these shall be the responsibility of the owner.Pneumatic cooling piston units:Same as the above-mentioned maintenance method. They are under the owners responsibility.Medium overhaul shall be done like this: remove the compressor out of the unit, open the cover to clean the motor. Check the shaft, linkage bar and piston to find whether they are over worn, and then they can be reinstalled if no need to replace. If the parts are found to be over worn and need to be replaced, we call it important overhaul for the compressor.2. Definition of upkeep合同范本Water-cooling unitInspection before cooling supply seasonA Preparation and InspectionBefore starting up water-cooling unit, the following items shall be inspected in order to ensure the unit operates in the safe, reliable and high efficiency status: Coolant level and oil level ; Oil channel, oil heater and its temperature; All operational control and safety control functions Further familiar with operational procedures by the operators, and reviewing the previous records. Operation of the starter Operation status of water system including frozen water pump, water flow switch, frozen water pump, cooling column, valves, etc. Adjustment of the set value in micro-computer control center; Starting up cooling water unit to check the operational status of the entire system, recording operational parameters of the unit; Analyze and solve problems occurred in the operation of cooling water unit according to the operational records.B Inspection in the operational seasonIn order to ensure the whole cooling water unit operates under a high efficiency and reliable condition, Wal-Mart shall perform regular (monthly) inspections as follows: Inspection of cooling water unit and adjustment of safety control device; Operation of control device; Coolant level and oil level; Operation of lubrication system; Oil-turning system; Operation of the motor and the starter;合同范本 Record operational parameters, analyze and confirm whether the unit is operating under the normal condition. And the owner shall be informed of unit overhaul when necessary; Record and report to the owner of the spare parts needed.C Equipment shutdown inspection and preventive maintenance once a year (The owners liability)The cooling water unit shall be shut down for inspections once a year so as to correctly evaluate the equipment status, making good preparation for the operation of the next season. Inspect the following items of the compressor and motor units to complete preventive maintenance: Record the voltage; Measure and record winding insulation resistance of the motor with megger; Lubrication of the open-type motor; Inspect the positioning status of drive device of the open-type motor; Inspection of the coupler; Inspection of the operational organ and coupling organ, lubricating the necessary parts; Inspect lubrication system of the compressor as follows:1) Replacement of the lubricating oil, oil filter and drying filter as required;2) Inspection of oil pump, oil seal and motor of the oil pump;3) Clean the sewage pipe;4) Inspection of the heater and thermostat;5) Inspection o


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