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教学资料参考范本八年级英语上册Unit 1 Friends练习(无答案) 牛津版撰写人:_时 间:_一、将下列短语翻译成英文。1. 一个诚实的男孩_ 2. 分享我的喜悦 _ 3. 看广告 _ 4. 一位八年级的学生 _ 5. 在冰箱里 _ 6. 保密 _ 7. 使我快乐 _ 8. 一个长得好看的女孩 _ 9. 对某人友好 _ 10. 再买一些食物 _ 二、单项选择。( )1. Eddie, can I have _, please?A. something drinking B. anything to drinkC. something to drink D. anything drinking( )2. I have a friend _ Millie.A. call B. to call C. called D. calling( )3. I have _ to tell you.A.anything interesting B.something interestingC.interesting nothing D.interesting something ( )4. Im hungry Mum. I want _ to eat.A. everything B. anything C. something D. nothing( )5. I want _ you _ my English teacher.A .to tell, with B. to tell, about C. telling, about D. telling, to ( )6. -Why do you think Sandy is _? A kind and helpful B kind and good-looking C clean and tidy D clever and friendly( )7. Everybody thinks he is_ honest boy. A a B an C the D /( )8.There is a big cake. _ share it. A. May be we can B. We may be C. Maybe we can D. Maybe can we ( )9. There arent enough chairs. Would you please_ here?A to bring another three B bring more three C to take three other D bring three more( )10.* Its so difficult a question. I think he will have problems _ .A. work it out B. working it out C. in working out it D. work out it( )11. I believe _, because he is _ honest man.A. the words he says; a B. what he says; an C. he says what; the D. what does he say; an A. inviting ; join B. to invite; to join C. invite; to join D. to invite; join( )13.What about _ a pizza for us? A. to order B. ordering C. orders D. order ( )14.* What do you think _ your friends so special? A. to make B. making C, made D. makes ( ) 15. His words made me very _ just now. A. sadly B. sad C. sadness D. sadder 三、根据句意填写适当的单词。A根据句意及提示写单词。1,Is there anything interesting in todays newspaper? No,_(没有东西)。2,There arent enough oranges here. We need_(更多的)oranges.3,Whats in the_(碗)?Theres some meat in it.4,My cousin is_(诚实的)。He never tells lies.5,To my_(高兴) , I won the first prize.6,You cant take these_(杂志)out of the reading room.7,Is there anything_(特别的)in the box?8,Dont_(相信)her. She is always telling a lie.9,Millie is ready_(help)others. She is very_(help). She often helps others _(solve) their problems. 10,Mum,Im still hungry. Can I have one_(many)pieceof bread?11,All the teachers and students here are very_(friend).Im happy at school.12,Mr Wu often tells us_(fun)stories and makes us_(laugh).13,I think my cousin can sing_(good). She is so_(music).14.* what fun they are having _(swim) now! * What fun it is _(swim) here.15* They have problems _(work) out the questions. * They have problems _(work) out.四、同义句转换:1. Im not hungry. I_ _. 2. She never tells my secrets to others. She always _ _ for me. 3. Theres nothing else in the fridge. The fridge is _ _. 4. Where else do you know about ? _ _ _ do you know about ?5. He didnt go to work because the weather was bad. He didnt go to work _ _ the bad weather. 6. He spent two hours doing his homework last night. It _ _ two hours _ _ his homework last night.五、翻译句子。1. 他对他的朋友了解有多深?_ _ does he _ his friends?2. 教室里没有其他人了。_ _ _ in the classroom.3. 我不相信你的话,因为你一点也不老实。I dont _ _ you _, because youre not _ _ _.4. 我可以和他讲任何事情,因为他总会替我保密。I can _ to _ about _, because he always _ _ _ me.5. 你刚刚说的话让她很伤心。_ you _ just now _ _ very _.6. 这个富有音乐天赋的男孩有着许多可以成为好朋友的品质。This _ boy has many good _ _ _ your good friends.六、阅读理解。Some students think it difficult to learn English well. Thats because they dont find the right way. I think reading is very important for students. The more you read, the better youll understand. Reading is helpful to listening, speaking and writing. If you often read English aloud, youll improve your listening. On the other hand, listening a lot can help you to read better. Reading English everywhere when you are free, if you wish. You can get a lot of knowledge when you read. Sometimes you need to show your ideas, you can either speak or write. That means you are using what you learned from reading. The same as Chinese, the more you read, the better you can write. If you want to remember something, you should read again and again. So from now on, youd better do more reading. Its a good way to learn English well.( ) 1. Some students think it difficult to learn English well because _.A. they dont work hard B. they are afraid of English.C. they dont find the right way D. they arent clever( ) 2. Reading is helpful to _.A. speaking B. listening C. writing D. A. B & C( ) 3. The writer thinks _ is a good way to learn English well.A. the better you write B. doing more readingC. the more you remember D. the more you write( ) 4. In Chinese studying, the more you read , _.A. the better you speak B. the better you writeC. the more you remember D. the more you write( ) 5. The title(标题) of this passage may be _.A. English is important B. Reading is helpfulC. English is difficult D. Reading is important英语课时练习 8A Unit 1 Friends 第二课时(reading 1)一、 翻译下列词组:1. 又高又瘦 _ 2. 乐意做某事 _ 3. 和朋友分享 _ 4. 逗某人笑 _ 5. 给人们让座 _ 6. 经过桌子 _ 7. 视力差 _ 8. 从不说人坏话 _ 9. 幽默感很强 _ 10. 周游世界 _二、改错。1. Betty is generous for old people. _2. He caught a cold because the bad weather. _3. Sandy4. Millie is a truly friend. _5. Ill vote to Millie because she helps people in need. _6. Youre such generous. _7. Can I have anything to eat ? _8. Theres else nothing in the fridge. _9. He always makes me be happy. _10. When something worry me, I can go to her. _三、 用所给单词的适当形式填空:1. Kates sister wants to be a _(science) when she _(grow) up. 2. Lucy is as _ as Lily. They are twins. (slim) But Nancy is _(slim) of them three.3. Do you know the _ (mean) of this sentence?4. Its much too _ here. Theres too much _ everywhere. (noise) 5. Its very cold outside. Put on your coat, or you _ (catch) a cold.6. She always talks to _ (she) in class. The teacher is angry with her. 7. Its very easy for her _ (work) out this problem.8. She is a _ girl. She often does her homework very _ . (care) 9. Everyone _ (think) she _ (be) pretty because of _(wear) a pair of glasses on her face.10. She is always _(will) _ (give) seats to people in need on the bus. 四、单项选择。( )1.She is to help people any time. A.willing B.ready C.glad D.A.B and C( )2.We did not go to the park the heavy rain yecterday. A.because B.as C.because of D.since( )3.We all know that a friend is a friend indeed. A.in the need B.in need C.in a need D.on need( )4.We will have a class meeting our monitor. A.vote B.to vote C.vote for D.to vote for( )5.The nice T-shirt makes you cool. A.lood B.loods C.looks D.looding( )6.What do you the TV play?It is very interesting. A.like B.think C.think of D.find( )7.Millie is as as my sister. A.carefully B.careful C.more careful D.more carefully( )8.My parents often help me my homework. A.do B.to do C.with D.A,B and C( )9.The boy walked so fast that he knocked the books my desk. A.off B.at C.on D.over( )10.How old are you,madam?- . A.I do not want to teel you B.Do not ask me such a question C.It is my secret D.I do not know五、翻译句子。1Betty是我的最好的朋友之一,因为她总是很幽默。Betty is _ _ my _ _ _ she has a _ _ of _.2、我们十年前就认识了。We _ _ _ each other ten years _.3、他总是喜欢讲滑稽的笑话使得我们开心地大笑。He always likes _ _ jokes and _ us _ _.4、他的腿不能容纳在课桌椅下面。His legs cant _ under the school desks.5、当我担心我儿子的时候,我会打电话给他。When I _ _ _ my son, I will _ him.6、一个真诚的朋友不会说任何人的坏话的。A _ friend _ says a bad _ about _.六、完型填空。Time spent in a bookshop can be enjoyable. If you go to a _1_ shop, no assistantto you and say, “can I help you?” you _2_ buy anything you dont want. You may try to find out _3_ the book you want is. But if you fail, the assistant will lead you there and then he will go away. It seems that he is _4_ selling any book at all.There is a story which tells us about a good shop. A medical (化学系的)student _5_ a very useful book in the shop, _6_ it was too expensive for him to buy. He couldnt get it from the shop, either. So every afternoon, he went there to read _7_ at a time. One day , however, he couldnt find _8_ from its usual place and was leaving when he saw an assistant signing to him. To his surprise, the assistant pointed to the book _9_, “ I put it there so as not to be sold out,” said the assistant. Then he _10_ the student to go on with his reading.( )1. A. good B. bad C. cheap D. expensive ( )2. A. shouldnt B. neednt C. mustnt D. cant ( )3. A. what B. which C. where D.when ( )4. A. surprised at B. not surprised at C. interested in D. not interested in ( )5. A。bought B. found C. read D. took ( )6. A. but B. and C. so D. or ( )7. A. little B. a little C. few D. a few ( )8. A. the book B. the shop C. the assistant D. the shopkeeper ( )9. A, in a bookshop B. in his hand C. in a corner D. in his pocket ( )10. A. left B. let C. helped D. bought 英语课时练习 8A Unit 1 Friends 第三课时(reading 2)一、句型转换。1. There is nothing else in the box. = There is _ _ else in the box.2. She never tells my secrets to others. = She always _ _ for me.3. what else would you like? What _ _ would you like?4. She usually spends two hours doing her homework every evening.It usually _ _ two hours _ _ her homework every evening.5. He did not go to work because it rained very hard yesterday.He did not go to work _ _ the heavy rain yesterday.6. Greek is good at singing and dancing.(画线提问)_ is Greek _ _?二、翻译短语。1.齐肩的直发 _ 2.差不多1.75米高_3.太多的电脑工作_ 4.有机会经常见到彼此_5、对某人慷慨_ 7.帮助需要的人 _6、告诉别人他朋友的秘密_8、为最好的朋友投票_三、根据句意完成各题。1. Lily has a good friend_(name) Helen Green2. She never feels _ (bore) when she is with her cousin, but she feels _(happy) when she reads a _(bore) book.3. This book is not as _ (interest) as that one. Are you _(interest) in it?4. I think this book is very _ (help) to you .Youd better read it5. Peter is fond of _(sing). So he wants to be a _ (sing) when he _(grow)up.6. Everyone had a _ (wonder) time in the park last week.7. He is very helpful .He often gives his _ (sit) to old people on the bus .8. Do you like to watch the _ (advertise) on TV9. Max is one of my _ (good) _(friend) in my class.10. Sam looks _(happy) because he didnt pass the Maths exam11. He plays the piano_(good). His parents think hes very _(music).12. He was late for school because of _(get) up late.13. The small round _(glass) make _(he) _(look) smart.四、单项选择。( )1. If she _ enough money, she _ around the world. A. will have, travels B. has; will travel C. has, traveled D. will have, will travel ( )2. Her cousin was ill because of _hard work. A. too many B. many too C. too much D. much too( )3. The _joke often makes the children _. A .fun , laugh B. funny, to laugh C. fun , laugh D. funny , laugh( )4. Liu Dehua is one of _teachers in our school. A. famousest B. the famousest C. the most famous D. most famous( )5. The boss often _the workers _for 12 hours a day. A. make , work B. makes , to work C. makes , work D. make , working( )6. - _? - He is tall and handsome. A. What does he look like ? B. What is he look ? C. What is he like ? D. What does he like ?( )7. Zhang Liangying is my best friends ,so Id like to _her. A. vote for B. vote at C. vote for D. vote on( )8. Does she have any problems _her lessons? * A .in B. to C. with D. for( )9. Hurry up ! There is _time left . * A. little B. a little C. a few D. few( )10. Suzhou A. beautifuler and beautifuler B. more and more beautiful C. the most and most beautiful D. beautifulest( )11. _of the two men is my brother. A. Older B. The older C. The oldest D. Elder( )12. Tang Seng is _man. A. so a kind B. quiet a kind C. very a kind D. such a kind( )13. I dont think skiing is so _as skating. A. more dangerous B. danger C. most dangerous D. dangerous( )14. Look ! My little brother _a smile on his face.A .has B. is wearing C. wear D. with( )15. I hope you can give me _.A. some advices B. some advice C. some adviseD. some advises五、根据汉语意思完成句子。1. 她刚才碰倒了我的杯子是因为走得太快。She _ _ my glass _of _ too fast just now.2. 我能告诉她一切是因为她能保密。I can_ her _ because she can_ _.3、你们将投票给谁?_ will you _ _?4、当我昨天看到这张照片的时候,我想起了那位不辛的女孩。When I _ the photo yesterday, I _ _ that _ girl.5、当他从我们桌子旁边经过的时候,他总是把我们的书从桌上撞掉下来。When he _ _ the desk, he always _ our books _ the desk.六、阅读理解。TV PROGRAMMESChannel 1Channel 218:00 Around China18:30 Childrens program19:00 News19:30 Weather Report19:40 Around the World20:10 TV play: A Big Family21:00 English for Today21:15 Popular Music21:55 Talk Show18:10 Foreign Arts18:30 English Classroom19:00 Animal World19:25 China 20xx20:20 Sports21:00 TV play: Guo Lanying21:45 English News22:05 On TV Next Week( )1. If you want to know something about Japan, which of the following programs would be the best one? A. Weather Report. B. China 20xx C. Around the World. D. Animal World.( )2. If you are a basketball fan, you may watch TV at _. A. 19:00 on Channel 2 B. 19:40 on Channel 1 C. 20:20 on Channel 2 D. 21:15 on Channel 1( )3. How long does the TV play “A Big Family” last? A. 30 minutes. B. 50 minutes. C. 90 minutes. D. 100 minutes.( )4. You can watch _ if you want to learn English on TV. A. English News B. English Classroom C. English for Today D. all the above( )5. You should wait until _ if you want to know the programs of next week. A. 21:55 B. 22:05 C. 21:00 D. 21:45英语课时练习 8A Unit 1 Friends 第四课时(vocabulary)一 根据句意及提示写单词。1. His brother has two big eyes and looks very_(英俊的).2. You can park your car in the _(广场).3. My cousin is _(几乎) 1.5m tall.4. Lily has a _(圆的) face with shoulder-length hair.5. This film is very interesting._ (人人) likes it.6. Mr. Li has a good sense of h_ , He always makes us laugh.7. She doesnt have curly hair. She has s_ hair.8. His daughter has poor e_. She cant see the words on the blackboard clearly.9. Mr. Sun looks s_ in the new pair of sunglasses.10. My sister eats litter food every day, so she is very weak and t_.11. My brother likes running, so he is s_.二 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Are you _(will) to sing an English song for us?2.3. Have you ever been to the sea village _(call) Mingshu?4. Thank you for giving me the information. You are so_(help)5. He plays the piano well. His parents think hes very_(music).四单项选择。( )1.Eiddie,can I have _,please?A. something drinking B. anything to drink C. something to drink D. anything drinking( )2.I have a friend _ Millie. Acall B. to call C.called D.callin( )3.I have to tell you. A. anything interesting B. something interesting C. interesting anything D. interesting something( )4.Sandy, you must be . Always say “please” when you ask for something. A. honest B. polite C. happy D. good-looking( )5.I want you my English teacher. A. to tell; with B. to tell; about C. telling; about D. telling; to( )6.He is .He wants something to eat. A.hungry B. tiredC. excited D.clever( )7.There is in the fridge. Lets go and buy some. A.something else B.else something C.nothing else D. else nothing( )8.Which word can we use to describe ones personality? A.honest B.strong C.big D.slim( )9.Daniel is very while Millie looks very . A.pretty; handsome B.handsome;pretty C.beautiful; smart D.smart; hand

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