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沪教版英语五年级上册Me教案Unit 1 MePeriod One一、Teaching contents: P16二、Teaching aims:1Using the simple present tense to describe habitual actions.Using prepositions to indicate time.2。Singing a new song3Education aims: Going to bed and getting up early.4通过自编歌曲,培养学生创造性思维。三、Difficult and key points: Sing a new song.四、Teaching aids: cassette pictures.五、教学突破口:让学生通过歌曲来学习词组,同时学习一般现在时的初步用法。六、Teaching procedure:教学步骤方法与步骤Warming-up1. Daily talk2. Listen to the new song.RevisionAsk and answerWhat time is it?It is oclock. Its half past9:00 10:30 6:00 12:30EtcPresentation1. Show some cards of time. Look and say.e.g. at one oclock. at half past two2. Show some pictures of P16, look and sayA: I wash my face. I clean my teeth.I go to school. I eat my lunch.I ride my bicycle. I read my book.B: I wash my face at six oclock.I clean my teeth at half past six.Etc.C: e.g. I wash my face at six oclock in the morning.3. Students listen to the song and follow the teacher.4. Play the recording again. Students listen and act.5. Play the recording for the third time. Students listen, sing and act.6. Divide the class into four groups. Each group sings and acts an action.ConsolidationA new song2. Give the class some minutes to prepare for the singing.3. The whole class sing and act together.4. Allow the more able students to do this activity in groups or in pairs.HomeworkDo Grammar practice book 5A page 13.3 / 3


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