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Speaking & Writing,Unit 3 Under the sea,.,1,Situation: The fish you ordered tastes terrible.Complain to the manager of the restaurant.,.,2,With your partner, make up dialogues for the above situations. Perform them in front of your class.,.,3,Customer: Excuse me. Waiter: Yes, Sir/Madam. Customer: Im afraid that this fish I ordered tastes terrible. Waiter: Oh really. Whats the problem with it? Customer: It doesnt taste fresh to me. Id like to order something else.,.,4,Waiter: Well, Ill go and tell the waiter to take your order. Customer: Thanks. (A moment later) Waiter: Good afternoon, sir. Heres the menu. Customer: Thanks. Waiter: You are welcome.,.,5,Im sorry but Im afraid Thats not good enough. Im feeling annoyed with/unhappy about/unsatisfied with Im not happy about /satisfied with Id like a (full) refund, please. Thats no good for me. You should do something about it.,.,6,Do you know how to write a letter of complaint and how to organize the article?,.,7,一般情况下,可以按照下面的思路行文: a抱怨投诉行为 b投诉内容具体描述 c. 对被投诉人的敦促,.,8,抱怨投诉行为: Im writing to complain about/that .Im writing to make a complaint aboutIm writing to bring your attention to the problems that.,.,9,投诉内容具体描述: First of all, secondly, thirdly I felt really angry about I find it difficult to. to be honest, I am not prepared to put up with.,.,10,对被投诉人的敦促: I hope you could deal with it as soon as possible. I hope you can . and give me a face-to-face apology. If you cant give me a satisfactory answer, I will .,.,11,假设你是李强,点餐后发现食物不新鲜就此事,请你给餐厅经理写一封信,内容应涉及餐厅的食物品质、环境、服务等。,范文示例,【审题】本文从批评着手,成为一封批评信。题目要求中规定了要涉及服务、环境等内容,为作文提供了一些思路。同时注意,虽然是一封批评信,但也要做到客观,此次事件后希望对餐厅的事物品质有所加强。 【写作思路】第一段: 介绍写信的目的。第二段: 从三方面说明餐厅存在的问题。第三段: 指出食物质量关系身体健康,影响餐厅声誉,应急需改进。第四段: 结束语 【范文及点评】,.,12,实例剖析,【写作分析】通过认真审题,确定如下写作要点:文体:应用文 人称: 根据内容确定本文人称为第一人称时态:一般现在时,要点:写作内容已有,.,13,第一段:提出抱怨并表示遗憾,套语: 很抱歉打扰您,但我必须郑重提出投诉。(2) 我真的很讨厌抱怨,但最近有一件事情确实令人烦心。,连句成篇,I am sorry to trouble you but I am afraid that I have to make a serious complaint.,I really hate to complain, but one thing is really disturbing now.,.,14,(1)我写信是要投诉你们餐厅服务差。I am writing to complain about the poor service in your restaurant.(2)餐厅食物质量差, 并要求你们尽快解决问题。The poor quality of the foods in your restaurant and ask for solutions to the problem as soon as possible.,第三段: 从三方面说明餐厅存在的问题。,第二段:事情发生的经过,.,15,(3) 在这样(嘈杂)环境下我无法进行用餐,我需要一间安静的环境。For me this environment is very difficult to have dinner and I need a quiet environment.,.,16,第四段:提出意见或敦促对方采取措施,(1) 我们深知这种事不经常发生,但我们希望能确保食物质量。We know that this sort of thing happens rarely, but we want to assure the quality of food.(2) 如果您能尽快调查此事,我将不胜感激。期待您尽快回复。I would be very grateful if you could look into the matter as soon as possible. And I am looking forward to an early reply.,.,17,提出抱怨并表示遗憾,阐述问题发生的经过,提出需改进的方面、建议,提出批评及处理的意见或敦促对方采取措施,Writing process,.,18,Dear Manager, I am sorry to trouble you but I am afraid that I have to make a serious complaint.I have dinner in your restaurant at 5 oclock yesterday afternoon. To my disappointed, the fish looks good, but it tastes terrible. Its obvious that you didnt carefully examine the food before you sold it. Besides, the waiter didnt solve the problem as soon as possible. Here, in addition, I want to give some suggestions about the environment, customer need a quite and comfort dinning environment. All these will make the customer fully enjoy eating in the restaurant.I would be very grateful if you could adopt my suggestions. Li Qiang,.,19,注意事项:,1.单词的拼写; 2. 时态的运用; 3. 人称的一致(议论文); 4. 句子的完整。 避免中文式英语的最佳途径:,加强朗读、背诵(学无定法但有法),.,20,Homework,Finish off a letter of complaint. Edit the passage and publish it in the workbook.,.,21,.,22,


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