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外研社英语五年级下册Letssendanemail教案知识目标1.识别单词:message, another, idea.2.熟练运用句型Lets send an email to Dad. Click onEmail.Click on Write.Write your message. Click onSend.能力目标能够通过计算机发送邮件。情感目标培养学生在生活中运用现代信息技术的能力。教学重点:掌握发邮件的步骤并能熟练的发送邮件。教学难点:通过学习能够在网上给自己的朋友发邮件。学习如何发送电子邮件和怎么回信。教学过程:I.Warm -up.1、Greeting2、Game: I say and you do .( Stand up. Turn leftrightaround. Show me your right hands , and shake your friends hands. Sit down .)II lead inS: Yes, I do.S1: I can write some letters.S2: I can send messages.S3: I can take a phone.(课件:出现这些标志)(课件:点email,放大,出现email)T: Read after me this word.T: Whats an email? (再点出现 Whats an email? )III、Text(一)T:Listen to the tape carefully, you can find out the answer in it.(学生看大屏幕,教师点击播放录音)T: Whats an email? Who can find out?T: Message means information, how to spell it?(学生拼出来,老师在电脑上画出来,然后书写到黑板上message 老师带读,学生一个一个读)T: Another ,whats the meaning? Lets look!T: Whats an email?T: Amy wanted Tom to send an email, and Tom think thats a good idea. idea whats the meaning Look! (老师点鼠标出解释)How to spell it(学生拼写教师板书 idea)T: Now please read after me and then talk about this question in your group.(教师带读第二、三、四段课文)T:Now talk in your groups. How to send an email(学生小组讨论如何发送电子邮件)T:Who can say the answers.(学生起来说步骤,老师在大屏幕上,画出来)T: Ok,you are a clever student! Read after me!(领读三遍)(二)课件演示发送过程。T:Lets look at how to send an emailYou say the steps and I do it.(演示课件,发送电子邮件的过程)(找三个学生来演示 其他学生和老师一起说过程,也可让程度好的学生单独说)(三)Chant 做韵律诗T:I make a chant here, look! This is a chant about the steps. first Ill chant, you can follow me! Clap your hands, please !Email, email, click on Email.Write, write, click on Write.Message, message, write your message.Send, send , click on Send.(第一遍,老师带领学生说,然后学生齐说,最后找2个同位说)T: Wonderful ! I think you did a good job.(四)Read the text跟读课文T:Listen to the tape and repeat after it!(播放一遍,学生跟读)(五) Role play分角色T: Ok, I think you can read it well. Now. boys are Tom, girls are Amy ,Im Mr. Smart. Are you ready?(时间允许的话,找学生起来扮演读)达标测试1、Lets an email.A send B sends C to send2、Email is a m .3、Thats a good i .4、I can s emails now.5、 is that idea good aIV、扩展练习T: Tom can send an email to his Dad . Do you want to send emails to your family or your friends If you want to send an email ,you must have an email address . So lets look at how to sign up(申请) an email address.(演示过程,时间允许,就进行实际操作)V.Homework:1.Sign up(申请) an email address.2.Write an email for me!(This is my email address:If you have some questions, please phone me,I will help you!This is my phone :)VII情感渗透5 / 5


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