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北师大版英语一年级下册FamilyLesson4教案Unit 10 Family Lesson 4教学目标:1. Review the structure: Whos that? Thats my?This is my (mother)。2. Review the words: mother, father, sister, brother, friend , sandwich, salad, tomato, tea3. Finish exercises on pages 3233.教学目标的 检测途径 1.通过对家人名字的介绍,检查学生对这些人称称呼的掌握程度。 2.VCD中的游戏图片指认。教学重重点:本课时的内容。教学难点:单词的记忆、辨认。突破教学难点的方法 糅合旧课件再次重现。VCD中的游戏。教具准备:教学课件,练习题教学过程:一、 Warm-up1.T:-Good morning! / afternoon! -How are you? - What dou you likefor breakfast? S:-Goodmorningafternoon! -Fine.2.-I like tomatoes and sanwiches. (point a card of sandwich and ask ) T: Whats this? S answer :It is a sandwich?呈现图片,复习所有本单元的单词3. T: So much food!The food for my.呈现同学家长的名字,让他们会说tomatoes for my mother4.Lets say the rhyme : tomatoes in the salad ,Do you want to eat it? Yes yes yes.5.Oral English二、新课呈现(Presentation)1. Point to each person in the family tree and elicit the vocabulary words.2.Touching game.3. Point to different family members in the picture and elicit the vocabulary. 呈现同学家长的名字,让他们会说XXXis my mother ,全班齐读:XXX is XXXs mothera.Find out the things that they have learned within the pictureand color each one in a different color.b. Ask, What can you see? Elicit, Fish, pizza, salad, tomato, juice, sandwich, noodles, chicken, milk and so on.三、巩固和延伸(Consolidation and extension)1.VCD中的游戏。2.完成练习3.Drawing page32四、作业布置1.写出家人的名字,告诉伙伴 Thats my.2.把sandwich, salad, tomato, tea等食物单词告诉家里人。板书设计:Unit 10 Family Lesson 4Whos this? This is my?father, mother, brother, sister, friend I like sandwich, salad, tomato, tea3 / 3

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