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外研社英语五年级下册ShelearntEnglish教案1、知识目标:目标语句:Did your grandma learn English? Yes,she did. She is learning English now.单词:learnt these dancer 2、能力目标:能用英语来询问过去所发生的事情以及他人过去和现在的状态。3、情感目标:激发学生的学习热情,进行文明礼仪教育,感染学生,对其进行中华美德孝顺的教育。教学重点:Did your grandma learn English? He is learning English now.说明自己想要表达的过去和现在的状态。教学难点:用英语描述过去和现在的变化。教学用具:Tape recorder, CAI, some cards教学过程:Step1. Warming upT : Boys and girls .Im happy to enjoy English with you .Are you happy ? Are you ready for your English class ? Ss : Yes . T :Now, lets sing a song . Stand up and clap your hands .(教学评开始上课,给学生一个轻松的环境,师生同唱一个关于动词过去式的歌曲,学生能够复习过去式,并为这节课的学习做铺垫,复习已经学过的知识。)Step2. PresentationT: Boys and girls ,last night , I watched TV and did some housework .What did you do last night ? Did you do your homework? Did you learn English?Ss: Yes.T : You learnt English .She learnt English .Today, Well learn Module 2 Unit1 She learnt English.(板书) First, Look at the screen . (利用课件、卡片学习单词。分组练、男女生练)Look at the picture, what is she? Can you guess? (Show the picture of Yang Liping), ask: T: what is she? Ss: She is a dancer. T: She danced in lot of Chinese cities.(dance-danced-dancer ) (教学评析:注意/t/的发音,通过卡片让学生充分练习) T:. who can dance?(找同学上去跳舞)then ask: What did she do? 让学生在真实情境中运用过去式,开火车读出单词。 (通过杨丽萍的跳舞图片让学生练习dancer 并很自然的学习了danced ;让学生上去表演,提问并让学生思考如何回答,这样能把学到的过去式运用到具体的语言环境中去。)T: We are learning English . English is a foreign language.(学习foreign language,同时介绍Japanese ,French, Russian等外国语。Lets chant(师生拍手齐说)learn learnt 是学习driver driver是司机these 这些 those 那些舞蹈演员是dancerthese clothes这些衣服foreign languages是外语Step 3.Listen to the tape and answer the questionsT:We know Lingling is still in England with Sam and Amy. She misses China and she misses her grandmother. .Lingling is looking at some photos. Do you know what her grandmother like? What are they? Now listen and find the answer.1)Did linglings grandma learn English?2) Did linglings grandpa learn Eglish?3)What is linglings grandpa doing now?Read in pairs and talk about the questions. 1、播放第一遍录音,进行课文的整体呈现。 2. 再播放第二遍录音 ,学生带着问题听录音并寻找答案(Study in their groups. )Step 4 、Practise in groups (完成表格)Step 5 小组合作分角色朗读、表演对话。1.一般过去时归纳总结(出示课件)2.行为动词在一般过去时中的变化 :肯定句:主语 + 动词的过去式 . I watched TV last Sunday . 否定句: 主语+ didnt + 动词原形。 I didnt watch TV last Sunday . 一般疑问句:Did + 主语 + 动词原形 ? Did you watch TV last Sunday? Yes, I did. No , I didnt .动词过去式变化口诀(出示课件)过去式,不难记一般直接加 -ed以 -e 结尾只加 d遇到一元一辅 重读闭音节,末尾字母要双写遇到辅音字母 + y,变-y为-i 加-ed;不规则变化要特殊记 Step 6 homework 组内谈论家人的照片 e.g Many years ago, my grandpa was a driver / worker Now he is Did he /she ? Yes , he did . / No , he didnt .板书设计:Unit 1 She learnt English.Did she learn any foreign languages?Yes,she did./No,she didnt.He is learning English now.4 / 4

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