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外研社英语五年级上册Wevisitedlotsofplaces教案小学课题名称:We visited lots of places.教学内容:新标准英语(外研社)三年级起始第五册第三模块第一单元We visited lots of places.内容分析:第五册继续学习用过去时讲述过去发生的事情,本单元是第三模块的第一单元,主要呈现本模块所要学习的主要内容,课文通过电话对话,大明询问Amy,Sam and Lingling 在英国周末的活动,本单元主要学习一般过去时态,要求学生学会用动词的过去式:visit-visited, go- went ,send- sent, like- liked ,说明过去发生的事情。并在小组内学会问答:What did you do at the weekend ? We visited lots of places. Where did you go? We went to the British Museum .教学目标:(一)知识目标1.学习单词 the British Museum ,the London Eye ,wheel, wonderful , understand, postcard.2.用一般过去时表达过去发生的事情What did you do at the weekend ? We visited lots of places. Where did you go? We went to the British Museum.(二)能力目标1、学会用用一般过去时表达过去发生的事情,尤其要掌握不规则动词的过去式。2.通过学习培养学生听、说、读、写和灵活运用语言的能力,培养学生的竞争和参与合作的意识。情感目标:1.通过学习动词的过去式,培养学生敢于开口说英语,并让学生明白时间的可贵,学会合理安排自己的作息时间。2.学会用一般过去时写日记,养成良好的练笔习惯。学习策略:1通过百度搜索图片、景点资料、单词卡片、课文语境设置情景学习新单词和短语。2.通过课文的语境理解并运用Where did you go last Sunday? What did you do ?句型问答。3.采用激励性评价,在教学活动中充分激发学生的求知欲和表现欲,通过小组合作学习,培养学生自主运用语言的能力。教学重点:Words: the British Museum , the London Eye ,wheel, wonderful , understand, postcard.Phrases: at the weekend , visit lots of places ,the British Museum, BigBen ,the London Eye, bus ride .Sentence Structures:A: What did you do at the weekend ?B: We visited lots of places.A:Where did you go ?B:We went to the British Museum .教学难点:1.掌握单词和词组:the British Museum , the London Eye ,wheel, wonderful , understand, postcard.visit lots of places ,the British Museum, Big Ben ,the London Eye, bus ride2.学习并掌握句型What did you do at the weekend?和Where did you go的问答表达。教学准备:图片, 单词卡片,多媒体课件,录音机,磁带教学方法:任务教学法、情境教学法、小组合作学习法、讲解法等教学思路:高年级学生具备了一定的自主学习能力,本课遵循了课前预习、课内探究、课后延伸三个步骤,课堂学习中有四个环节:自主学习、合作探究、精讲点拨、巩固检测。采用了小组合作学习法与评价法结合起来,激发了学生的学习兴趣,唤醒了他们沉睡的学习潜能,实行小组捆绑评价,让他们体验到了一种集体荣誉感。为克服学习上的难题,自觉挑战任务,增强了学习的自信心,对自学能力的提高也起到了一定作用。整堂课中教师是指导者,学生才是学习的主体,自主学习和小组合作是本课的主流,最终目的是人人都得以提高。小老师教学是本课的亮点之一。教师教的目的是为了学生更好的学,所以整堂课我大胆放开,让他们正真成为学习的主人。教学过程:一、Warming up and Revision1.Divide groups:4 groups ( the River Thames, Tower Bridge, Hyde Park ,Big Ben.(以英国著名景点命名小组,与本课内容相关)2 . Greetings.a.Class begins. Hello, boys and girls. How are you today? What day is today? Whos on duty today? Is everyone here? Are you happy?(课前简单的问候,拉近与学生之间的距离,让他们快速调整学习状态,营造英语学习氛围)b. Sing a song. Where did you go?(以过去式的歌曲来活跃课堂气氛,为本课起了一个铺垫作用)二、Presentation1. T: Yesterday I went shopping , I bought some things. I went home at 11.Then I had lunch at 12 oclock. After lunch I played table tenniswith my best friend .And what did you do yesterday?Ss: I went to the park ./I did my homework.T: Lingling is in London with Sam and Amy. Do you know what did they do at the weekend ? Now this class well learn M3U1 .We visited lots of places. (板书课题并讲解visit ,place的意思) Please turn to Page 10.(了解著名景点的背景资料,有助于对课文内容更好的理解和把握)2、由于学生已经课前预习,由值日组长把预习过程中遇到的生词、词组或句子板书黑板上。其他学生已经在练习本上做好了记录。(这一环节学生交流预习中遇到的重点难点,小组试着讨论解决一些单词的读法。)New words and phrases on the board:the British Museum ,the London Eye ,wheel ,wonderful ,understand, postcard ,at the weekend ,lots of places etc.a. 在自主学习、小组讨论的基础上,我利用单词卡片辅助教学新单词和词组。在学习单词的过程我采用了多种方法练习。(Follow me ./Read together. / Read one by one./Read two by two. /I speak Chinese , you speak English. I speak English , you speak Chinese./Spell the word. etc.我利用情境法教授单词和词组:利用刚才百度搜索的明信片讲授the British Museum ,the London Eye (学生自己课前搜的图片,学习单词明信片postcard,指着明信片上的轮子说,学习 轮子,轮状物 wheel.指着伦敦眼说,Its a big wheel. Its wonderful.(把单词融入句子中,做到词不离句,句不离词,并且利用本课所学的句型,与课本内容紧密相扣)在学习understand 时,利用学生自己制作的单词卡片学习,首先指着生词问Can you read this word ? Some students can say: Sorry ,I dont know. Yes, you dont understand. Let me help you.在学完元音,领读几遍之后,再问:Do you understand ?这时学生会说:Yes , I understand .这时,真正弄明白了这个单词的意思。b. Read the words in your group.(利用如上说的各种各样的方式进行组内练习)c. Check the words and phrases. Who wants to be the little teacher? (利用小老师进行检查,对被检查者和检查者都是一种学习的促进提高,同时给予评价鼓励。利用以上方式检查练习)Little teacher:Big Ben group ;Read one by one ./Hyde Park group ,I speak Chinese, you speak English. etc . (以不同方式抽查练习)How about Big Ben group? Good, very good or wonderful?(采用三级评价,捆绑评价整个小组)T;How about the little teacher? Good ,very good or wonderful? (评价小老师,黑板上画星星,鼓励小老师,促进后面环节小老师跃跃欲试,提高积极性)。3、Look at your book. Look at Module 3 Unit 1.AV1. Look,listen and learn.(M3U1)录音原文a. Listen to the tape. Listen and underline the word likewent (即过去式词)。 How many? Which group want to show?Talk about in your group, then tell me .(小组展示)有这样一些过去式词:(do did visit-visited go-went send-sent like-liked)(一般过去时是本课的重点,动词的过去式是重中之重,所以放手让学生自己找比单纯的教师讲授更能激发学生的学习热情)b. Listen again, answer the questions:(课件展示)What did Amy ,Lingling and Sam do at the weekend ?Where did they go?Whats the London Eye ?Did Lingling like the postcard?Answer the questions by yourself, then talk about in your group.Now Check the answers.(以抢答的形式回答,尽量做到公平,每个小组回答一个问题)They visited lots of places.They went to the British Museum and they visited Big Ben and the London Eye. Its a big wheel.Yes, she did.c. Group work:Read the text in roles: Daming ,Amy .(分角色朗读课文,有助于培养学生的角色意识)Know the Chinese meaning of the text.(让学生在活动中参与小组学习、交流、探索、提高)。三、Consolidation and Extensiona. Look at P11.AV3.Look at the dialogues, For example: A: Where did you go last Sunday? B:I A :What did you do ? B:IAsk and answer in pairs in your group. Then lets check. Who wants to be the little teacher?(把交流答案的过程交给小老师处理,根据回答情况进行评价得分,同时仿照以上环节对小老师适时鼓励)。b.拓展环节:针对活动三的对话练习,可以改换时间进行询问,比如换成 :last Saturday ,last weekend, yesterday ,3 days ago .运用百度搜索的图片及参考词组进行大量的对话练习。参考词组如下,例如:help mother, do housework, do homework, write a letter, read a book, wash clothes ,draw a dragon ,make a cake, go shopping, go to the park, go to the zoo , visit grandma, help teacher, watch TV, play the flute, take pictures ,ride a bike ,go swimming, do morning exercise, play football, play basketball, play chess, sing a song ,eat apples(充分激发他们的想象力,看哪一组说的又对又多。给予评价得分)四、巩固检测(课件展示,学生把答案写在练习本上)a、英汉词组互译在周末 Big Ben参观许多地方 the British Museumthe London Eye 乘公交车观光b、连词成句 visited of we places lots weekend, do ,did ,the ,at, what, you British Museum, the ,went ,we to bus, but, the ,ride, liked, best, she五、总结并布置作业a. This class you did very well. Thank you , everyone. Lets look at the blackboard. Which group is the winner? Thats all for today, Bye-bye .Please say goodbye to the teachers.b. Homework: 上百度网站搜索更多关于英国著名景点的资料,尤其要搜索本课的景点资料,下一节课要挑选一两个景点讲给同学听。写一篇日记,要学会正确运用过去式词。不会的知识可以自己百度搜索。You can choose one or two.板书设计:Big Ben Module 3 Unit1 We visited lots of places.the River Thames Sentence: What did you do at the weekend?Hyde Park We visited lots of places.Tower Bridge Words and phrases:the British Museum, the London Eye ,wheel, wonderful, wonderful, understand, postcard9 / 9

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