北师大小学英语五年级下册《unit 11 Cooking with mocky》(7)教案.doc

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教学资料参考范本新北师大小学英语五年级下册unit 11 Cooking with mocky(7)教案撰写人:_时 间:_Unit 11 Cooking with Mocky教学目标:技能目标:1.能理解本课的故事,回答老师的提问,并能自己针对课文提问。2.能够理解本课出现的表示步骤的单词,并且能运用这些单词简单的描述一下本课所学的故事。 知识目标:1 词汇:能够初步听、说认读以下单词 recipe flour milk sugar butter egg blow break add 能够使用以下单词 first second then after that finally2 句型:First, Second, Then, After that, Finally, 3 语法:能够较为熟练的运用一般过去时态。情感态度目标:能通过Ken等做蛋糕的故事让学生了解做蛋糕的步骤,丰富学生的生活常识,让他们在生活中乐于观察,勤于动手,并且激发他们的生活热情。教学步骤:greeting 1warm up (free talk) T: Today is sunny, I want to go to a park, and eat some delicious foods. Boys and girls, what about you? What do you want to do?S: I want to .S: I want to have a birthday cake.T: Oh, really? When is your birthday?S: Today is my birthday.T: What a pity. We didnt prepare a gift for you, but we can make a cake for you. Look, this is a recipe. To follow this recipe we can make a cake.Elicit the word recipe.2set the scene (1) Let a child to read the recipe. And first, show the children that what we need today, show the flour, butter, milk, egg, sugar.(2) Let the child to read the recipe. T: Now, read the first step for me, please. The teacher write down the first step on the board. S: Put three kilograms of flour into a bowl. Use the flour and a bowl let the children to understand these two words.(3) Use the same procedure to elicit the other words: add, butter, milk, sugar, egg, break and other steps.(4) T: 12eggs and 2 kilograms of sugar? Thats a lot! Let the child to show us the recipe. T: Oh, thats not the recipe. You are kidding!(5) Show the true recipe for whole class. Read each step.3model the dialog T: Ok, this is our story of making cake. Boys and girls, lets talk about our story.First read about our story(with whole class): Today is May 30th. Its _s birthday. We decided to make a cake for him. He wanted to help. He read the recipe. First, he asked us to put 3 kilograms of flour into a bowl. Second, he asked us to add 1 kilogram of butter to the flour. 1 kilogram of butter was a lot! Then, he asked to add 1 liter of milk. After that, he asked to break 12 eggs into a bowl. Then, he asked us to add 2 kilograms of sugar. 12 eggs and 2 kilograms of sugar? Thats a lot! Finally, we asked _ to show us the recipe. He changed the recipe, because he wanted a bigger cake.4. Then let the children to fill the blanks: Today is _. Its _s birthday. We decided to _for him. He wanted to help. He read the _. First, he asked us to _. _, he asked us to _ to the flour. 1 kilogram of butter was a lot! Then, he asked to _. _, he asked to _. Then, he asked us to _. 12 eggs and 2 kilograms of sugar? Thats a lot! _, we asked _ to show us the recipe. He changed the recipe, because _.5. talk about the story Have the children open their books at page 50 and 51. Let them read it by themselves and ask them some questions.(1) What did Mocky do during making cake?(2) How many kilograms of flour did Mocky ask Ann and Ken to put?(3) How many kilograms of butter did Mocky ask to put?(4) How many eggs did Mocky ask Ken to add?(5) How many kilograms of sugar did Mocky ask to add?6. Listen and read the story. Then let the children to ask and answer questions by themselves.7.Set homework Ask the children to tell the story to their families. 4 / 4

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