北师大小学英语三年级上册《Unit 4 Dinner time!》 (6)教案.doc

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教学资料参考范本新北师大小学英语三年级上册Unit 4 Dinner time! (6)教案撰写人:_时 间:_Unit 4 dinner time!一、教学目标:1. 通过复习让学习练习动词的现在进行时2. 通过复习让学生能根据图片描述图片中的人物正在做的事情。3. 复习并巩固 bedroom, kitchen, living room, bathroom.这四个单词。4. 初步学习lets chant 部分,通过朗读、听录音、提问、分角色朗读练习等方式帮助学生识记。二、重难点重点:1运用现在完成时描述图片2熟练掌握bedroom, kitchen, living room, bathroom.这四个单词。难点: lets chant 部分的学习与识记 三、教具准备 :课件、光盘四、教学过程:Step1. introduce myselfT: Good morning, boys and girls. Im very glad to meet you. I am Sissy. You also can call me Mrs. Wan. I will teach your English on every Monday. I like searching on the internet in my spare time. Because there are many interesting pictures. Do you want to have a look?S:Yes.T:Thank you, lets have a look. Its very funny, isnt it?S:Yes.T:I also like making friends. Can you find me?T:Good, now I want to know whats your name?Step2. Review important sentences and useful expressionsT:Thank you . Lets begin our class, ok?S:OK.T:First, lets look at uncle books blackboard. Please read after uncle booky.T:Very good, lets look at the screen. I have some exercises for you?T:Who know the answer, hands up please?T:You did a good job; open your books turn to page 46. Find what are they doing, I will give you three minutes. Ok, here we go.T:No.1 what is Bobby doing? You can answer me together.( five exercise)T:Play a game. ( What is bobby bear doing.)(It can omitted)Step3. Lets chant.T:Today we will learn lets chant. First Id like to take you to my home. Please look at the screen. That is my living room. That is my bedroom that is my kitchen. Now lets do some exercise. Are you still remembering their Chinese meaning?T:Now IT:Is he right?S:Yes, it is.T:Next lets listen to the tape. T:Which word can you catch?S:Study, televisionT:Good, I have a question. Where do you study? Do you study in the kitchen or at your desk?S:I study at my desk.T:Thank you. And what about you? Where do you study?S:I study at my desk.( practice more times)T:Wheres the desk? Is it in the bedroom ?S:Yes, the desk is in the bedroom.T:Good, open your books turn to page 47. read after the tape and finger your point.3=4T:Read by yourselvesT:Read for your partner. Step4. Homework :listen to unit 4五、板书: unit 4 lets chantWhere do you study?Where is the desk?3 / 3

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