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2019届高考英语模拟试题(五)第一节 (共15小题; 每小题3分,满分45分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Career guidance specialists in John Adams High School can provide information about Career & Technical Education classes, assist you in making wise decisions for your future, and help you find opportunities in: certificate programs, apprenticeship (学徒) programs and four-year colleges that best fit your needs.Each of the following two-year programs offers three high school credits per semester and requires a formal application.Business Cooperative ExperiencesThis is a program for students who have a career goal in business or office work. Students spend one period each day learning advanced skills related to the students career objective in business. Students will be employed at a training station and will work each week at a business in the local munity.Important facts: puter applications Work a total of 540 hours to earn credit Transportation not providedBusiness Technology LabThis program will prepare students for careers in business and industry and for working with interactive media. Students will learn multimedia, web design and photo design skills by using state-of-the-art (最先进的) equipment and software. This course will provide students with the tools to seek jobs or continue studying at a post-secondary school.Important facts:Available at Clay High SchoolTwohour course Automotive (汽车的) Services TechnologyThe program includes classroom instruction and lab activities for the students to learn entry-level automotive skills and basic automotive operation and service. Students will gain skills and training in auto repair that can lead to entry-level jobs, or post-secondary education.Important facts:Classes held at Ivy TechTransportation providedBuilding Trades TechnologyIn this program, students, under the leadership of a qualified instructor, will build a house. It gives students basic skills needed to enter the building trades, or to continue study of construction in an apprentice program, or a post-secondary school.Important facts:Three-hour courseTransportation providedWork boots and helmet needed1.An applicant for Business Technology Lab is likely to be a student who plans _.A. to be an equipment provider B. to work at a secondary school C. to develop great puter skills D. to be admitted into a university 2. Which of the programs has safety requirements? A. Business Cooperative Experiences B. Business Technology Lab. C. Automotive Services Technology D. Building Trades Technology 3.What do the four programs focus on? A. Practical skills B. Theoretical study C. Business planning D. Management abilityBDebra Avery has been a horse lover since she was a little girl inSan Diego. Her family couldnt afford a horse of its own, so Debra borrowed rides at the local horse-riding center, gaining the confidence only found atop a horse. Years later, Debra remembered those early days, and the lessons she learned with the horses at the riding center, and wanted to help other young women get the benefits of connecting with horses. “I always wanted to run a horse program for girls like me,” says Debra. “I wanted to help them gain the courage to be around a horse and to care for a horse.”One day at the Los Angeles Horse-riding Center, as Debra rode beside her fellow rider Judith Hopkins, she mentioned an inheritance (遗产) from her father-in-law and her desire to use it to serve disadvantaged girls. Judith had the same dreamand a name for the organization.They founded Taking the Reins (TTR) in 1998. The organization serves more than 400 young women per year in after-school, weekend, and summer programs that feature horse riding and care, gardening and even petitive horse showing. Most participants live below the poverty line and often have not had reliable housing for more than six months at a time. Few have previous horse experience.TTR uses farm and ranch experiences to teach responsibility, leadership, teamwork, and self-confidence. Director Dr. Jane Haven says, “A large number of our girls are somewhat autistic(孤独症的). I cant count how many of them have found their first social friends thanks to sharing this hobby and activity. Horses bring them out in such a wonderful way.”Jane also sees members of TTR program excel in school100 percent of young women involved for four years or more have graduated from high school. Ninety-nine percent of those participants have gone on to attend four-year colleges.Debra sees a more obvious impactafter a few weeks in the TTR program, the young women sit a little higher in their saddles(马鞍). “Theres just something about sitting up on the back of a horse that gives them a boost of confidence.”4.What programs does TTR offer?A.Horse riding and showing.B.Horse care and farming.C.Pet care and gardening.D.Weekend hiking and camping.5.Who was the organization founded for?A.Homeless and lonely women.B.Hard-working school girls.C.Female autistic patients.D.Poor horse-loving girls.6.In what way has TTR changed its members life?A.They have been given financial aid.B.They have achieved academic excellence.C.They have grown into professional horse riders.D.They have been provided with reliable housing.7.What can we learn from the last paragraph?A.TTR is a profit-making organization.B.TTR program lasts a few weeks.C.The girls confidence grows quickly.D.The girls can ride taller horses.CPre-school children who spend time together take on one anothers personalities, a new research has found. The study shows that environment plays a key role in shaping peoples personalities. While genetics still forms the central part of the human psyche(心 理), the research finds that personality traits are “contagious” among children. “Our finding that personality traits are contagious among children flies in the face of mon assumptions that personality can t be changed.” said Dr. Jennifer Neal, co-author of the study.The researchers studied the personalities and social networks of two pre-school classes for a full school year. One of the classes was a set of three-year-olds, and the other a set of four-year-olds. Children whose friends were hard-working or outgoing gradually took on these personality traits over time. Psychology expert Dr. Emily Dublin said kids are having a far bigger effect on each other than people may realize.The new study is not the first to explore the contagious effects of personality traits. A xx psychology study found that rudeness at work can be contagious as it travels from person to person “like a disease”. The study found that seeing a boss being rude to an employee was enough to cause people to be rude to those around them.The researchers questioned 6,000 people on the social “climate” in their workplaces, which included offices, hotels and restaurants. They found 75 percent of those who took part said they had been treated rudely at least once in the past year. And the study also suggested that merely seeing other people being subjected to rudeness made it more likely that a person would treat their colleagues in the same way. Rudeness could include leaving someone off an invite to a pany event, sending unkind emails, finding fault with others or failing to give praise.Dr. Torkelson believes panies need to be more aware of the harm that rudeness in the workplace can do as it can damage the working environment. She said better training could help to fight against the problem.8. What does the underlined part “flies in the face of” in Paragraph 1 mean?A. Leads to.B. Results from.C. Goes against.D. Agrees with.9. Which of the following is considered rude at the workplace?A. Ignoring the faults of co-workers. B. Not sending emails to workmates. C. Seeking praise from colleagues and bosses.D. Not inviting a colleague to a pany party.10. What is the passage mainly about?A. Ones personality is hard to change.B. Ones personality is shaped by genes.C. Ones personality traits can spread to others.D. Ones personality traits can change overnight.11. This passage is most probably taken from .A. a science reportB. a study guideC. a school textbookD. a technical journalDThe pace of todays working life blurs(使模糊) the line between personal time and work time, and it increasingly mixes personal lifestyle and work style. And as panies are trying hard to attract and keep young people for their technical skills and enthusiasm for change, office culture is being an extension of youth culture. This may be no bad thing. For most of human history, the middle-aged have ruled, but in the future, they will have to share power with fresh-faced youths.There have been a number of reasons for this change and the most dramatic of these is technology. Children have always been more expert than their parents at something, but usually a game or a fashion, not the centurys most important business tool. The Internet has started the first industrial revolution in history to be led by the young. Though there have been youth revolutions before, none of them made a big change the way the Internet has. Throughout the 20th century, if a young person wanted to enter an American pany, they needed to leave their youth behind. They got a haircut, and probably a suit or at least a tie. Now the same hair, same clothes, even nearly the same hours apply to office and home.If it had not been for the Internet, this change could not have happened. However, it did not happen because of the Internet only; the corporate restructurings (公司重组) of the 1980s and 90s broke down traditional hierarchies (等级制度) . In many panies, seniority-based (基于资历的) hierarchies have been replaced by hierarchies based on performance. The abilities to please your superiors are no longer the most valued skills.Todays employees stay with panies only as long as they feel challenged and rewarded; moving from job to job is now a sign of ambition.The rise of the young is a good thing, because it gives them more opportunity to put their ideas and energy into practice at their most creative stage in life. Nowadays youth and youth qualities seem to dominate, but the experience and maturity of older employees should be put to good use, too.12Inthe20thcentury, toenteranAmericanpany, ayoungpersonneededto A. work in the office and at homeB. have an eye-catching hairstyleC. dress in the business styleD. leave the business tool behind13. According to Paragraph 3, pany hierarchies are based on the employees . A. achievements B. age and experience C. skills with the Internet D. ability to please the boss14. Why is the rise of the young a good thing?A. They bee more energetic in life.B. They have taken over the panies.C. Their creativity can be put to good use.D. Their ideas appeal to a great many people.15. What can be inferred from the passage?A. Young people will lead in fashion. B. Young people will have more power. C. Older people will step off the historical stage.D. Older people will continue to be the main force.第二节(共5小题; 每小题3分,共15分)根据短文内容,从短文后的七个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。People Are PeopleGlobalization has brought different cultures together in a way unimaginable one hundred years ago. Today, Chinese, Indians, Arabs, Africans, Anglos, and Hispanics may all work in the same offices, attend the same schools or live in the same neighborhoods. 16 And our society has lately emphasized the importance of diversity. 17 Take the following old proverbs for example. “Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.” Thomas Jefferson, American President.“One falsehood spoils a thousand truths.” African proverb.“Be honest to those who are honest, and be also honest to those who are not honest.” Lao Tzu, Chinese philosopher.“A sacrifice is written off by a lie and the merit of devotion by an act of cheat.” Hindu saying. 18 There seems to be a sort of cultural unity. We dont wish to imply all cultures are the same. Cultural diversity is real, and people from different cultures view many situations in different ways. However, historically, different cultures seem to share many mon values. They are justice, courage, patience, generosity, equality, mercy and kindness, respect for the elders, and many more. Lying and stealing appear to be wrong no matter where you go. Perhaps some cultures make room for extenuating(情有可原) circumstances more than others; perhaps cultures apply these virtues in different ways; and when values disagree, different cultures may place different levels of importance on them. 19 But both cultures may still value both. To us, it seems as if there is some sort of code of right and wrong that everyone everywhere seems to understand, regardless of culture. It is almost as if, behind all of the diversity, one finds a mon understandinga human culture, if you willthat goes beyond racial, social, and political boundaries. 20 A. Each value supports many more quotes from different cultures. B. As cultures rub shoulders with each other, many differences stand out.C. These quotes from four separate cultures all support the same valuehonesty.D. In other words, one culture may lean more toward justice and another culture more toward mercy. E. It is almost as if, despite all our differences, we are all still the samewe are just people.F. We want to show, however, that there is more to these cultures than diversity.G. All people seem to agree that we should tell the truth. 第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分55分)第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给出的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Standing in front of the bike shop, Dave stared at the shiny red bicycle in the window. He could 21 himself riding the bike in Saturdays race and winning the first-place medal and prize money. “With that bike, I could even 22 Adam,” Dave thought.He rode on and stopped at Pecks clothing store. The coat he 23 to buy his mother for her birthday was still on sale. Dave knew she would 24 buy it for herself. She worked hard just to make 25 meet. But the prize money would be 26 for him to buy that coat and surprise her.Dave looked at his old bike. Two years ago, he found some old bicycles at the 27 and used the parts to make one bike. He called it his recycled bike. “Ill never 28 the race on this old bike,” Dave sighed.As Dave passed the junkyard, he noticed a newer-looking bike tire. He started 29 the huge junk pile. Finally, he found 30 he was looking for. “These two tires and the handgrips(自行车把套)are just 31 for my bike.”Arriving home, Dave put the used tires and the handgrips on his 32 bike, and oiled the chain. He stood back and admired the 33 he had made. “I might win that race after all,” he said to himself.The next morning, when Dave and his mom got to the park, about thirty kids had already 34 . Dave headed for the start line 35 Mom found a seat at the finish line.Bang! The riders rushed off. Dave 36 Adam, who was in the lead. He 37 to pass one rider after another and was approaching Adam. Leaning forward, Dave pedaled harder and faster. 38 he sped by Adam and crossed the finish line.As the announcer awarded Dave the 39 and the check for fifty dollars, he asked, “What are you going to do with the prize money, Dave?”“Its a 40 ,” Dave said and waved to his mom.21.A. find B. picture C. keep D. watch22.A. beat B. join C. help D. save23.A. agreed B. claimed C. demanded D. planned24.A. probably B. definitely C. never D. seldom25.A. ends B. eyes C. roads D. rules26.A. hard B. reliable C. enough D. tight27.A. park B. junkyard C. school D. court28.A. enter B. lose C. abandon D. win29.A. going through B. carrying out C. throwing away D. taking back30.A. that B. which C. what D. whom31.A. right B. unique C. simple D. advanced32.A. hired B. used C. purchased D. recycled33.A. contributions B. changes C. profits D. discoveries34.A. started B. separated C. gathered D. recovered35.A. while B. but C. so D. or36.A. held back B. gave in to C. concentrated on D. broke away from37.A. prepared B. arranged C. offered D. managed38.A. Suddenly B. Eventually C. Recently D. Usually39.A. coat B. degree C. bicycle D. medal40.A. coincidence B. promise C. surprise D. message第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Tian Haisu, a Chinese artist who uses roller skates to create traditional Chinese landscape paintings, 41 (say) she wants to give the traditional form of painting a“new lease of life”. To create these unique paintings, Tian uses a 42 (modify) pair of skates with a pot of black paint attached to the wheels. She puts 43 on and skates in deliberate patterns over a large canvas. “I am so passionate about ink landscaping because it shows very rich emotions by means of simple forms.” she said.Tian received her first big break at the age of 18, 44 one of her artworks 45 (display) during the Olympics held in China. Since then, she has exhibited across China and the US.Her 46 (late) painting“blood-lane-line”is 47 (current )on display at the California College of Arts. 48 (measure ) 43 feet tall 49 20 feet wide, it has been deliberately hung so that the top half is on a wall, and the bottom half flows on to the floor. Her intention, she explains, is to give the 50 (impress ) that heaven and earth are filled with the artistry of her creations.第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词删除:把多余的词用斜线(1)划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意: 1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第l1处起)不计分。While visit France, we decide to do some shopping. Not far from the hotel there was a shop with all kind of clothing hanging up. When we went into the shop, a woman came up and asked that she could help us, but we said that we would like look around on our own. He looked at us rather strange. Not having found anything we needed, we thanked the woman and were left. Suddenly my husband started to laugh, pointing to a small sign with English, which reads “DRY-CLEANING SHOP. If you are a smoker, please dont smoke here.”第二节 书面表达(满分25分)随着人们生活水平的提高,“广场舞大妈”们掀起了一场广场舞热潮,甚至把广场舞跳出了国门。请以广场舞为主题,完成一篇文章,内容包括:1.描述当前广场舞的现状2.分析这种现象产生的原因3.陈述利弊以及表明个人态度注意: 1. 词数100左右;2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。英语模拟试题(五)答 案阅读理解:(每小题3分,满分60分)A: 1-3 CDA 4-7:ADBC 8-11:CDCA 12-15: CACB 16-20:BFCDE完形填空:(每小题2分,满分40分)21-25 BADCA 26-30 CBDAC 31-35. ADBCA 36-40 CDBDC语法填空:(每小题1.5分,满分15分)41.says;42. modified; 43. them;44.when ;45.w


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