2019届高三英语11月月考试题 (III).doc

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2019届高三英语11月月考试题 (III)考试用时:120分钟 满分:120分 第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Its almost camp season!Summer is wonderful. Summer at one of the following awesome camps? Even more wonderful.Tahosa High Adventure BaseLocation: Ward, ColoradoPeople puzzle: Tahosas ropes courses are some of the nations best. Use your hands, feet and brains to take up high-flying challenges and overe your fears. Fly fishing at 9,000 feet? Yes. Fishing licenses or experience needed? No, sir!Choose your adventure: Go all-inclusive, where the staff prepares meals and runs the program, or take control and plan your perfect week. The choice is yours.Camp RaymondLocation: Parks, ArizonaDont look down: When looking up at the stars, light pollution is your enemy. But Camp Raymonds location and elevation (海拔) of 6,700 feet offer perfect conditions for seeing otherwise invisible stars.Thats cool: Dont forget your camera and a jacket. During the day, you could spot bears and deer. At night, temperatures can fall sharply. Hot cocoa at summer camp? Cool.Pamlico Sea BaseLocation: Blounts Creek, North Carolina.Go coastal: Explore the Carolina coast by boat. You choose the route, and Pamlico provides the equipment. Keep an eye out for wild horses, lighthouses and boatloads of fish.Set sail: Even if you dont know the difference between starboard and star-lord, Pamlicos sailing journey will make you a first-rate sailor in no time. Youll even practice finding your way using the stars.Base CampLocation: St. Paul, MinnesotaBig upgrade: What happens when you change a 1907 cavalry drill hall (骑兵训练场) into an adventure destination in the heart of the city? You get Base Camp for overnight lock-ins, weekend retreats (隐居处) and summer camp.Inside out: Most of Base Camp is indoors, meaning the activities like climbing walls can be undertaken on winters coldest days.1. What do we know about Tahosa High Adventure Base?A. It requires fishing licensesB. It offers lessons on flying a planeC. Its a camp that is intended for brave kidsD. It is a camp where you can set your own pace2. What can be learned in Pamlico Sea Base?A. How to tell starboard from star-lord B. How to choose camping equipmentC. How to use the stars for directions D. How to make a boat on your own3. In which camp can kids climb walls inside on winter days?A. Base Camp B. Camp RaymondC. Pamlico Sea Base D. Tahosa High Adventure Base.B“Youll be blind by the time youre twenty-five,” a doctor at Childrens Hospital predicted. “Your blood sugars are much too high.” It consumed me. No matter where I was or what I was doing, it was overhead like a dark cloud, waiting for just the right opportunity to break open and destroy my world.I liked painting. Losing myself in painting filled me with peace. Painting provided me with the only place where I could escape from those threatening words.When I was twenty-one, my right eye went blind. Precisely three months after my twenty-fifth birthday, I had a massive hemorrhage (大出血) in my left eye because of an accident. For the next twenty years, vision came and went. I went through many eye operations in an attempt to keep my vision. But after one final operation, I lost the battle and all remaining vision. And I buried all dreams of painting.Desperate, I enrolled in (注册) a sixteen-week program for the blind and visually impaired (损伤的). I learned personal adjustment and the use of a puter with adaptive software. A whole new world opened up to me through this program.“Jaws and Window-Eyes are leading software for the blind,” my instructor told me. “You can use the Internet, e-mail and Microsoft with all its tools and features.” Its amazing! Hope went up for the first time in years. “By learning how to use hot keys to control the mouse, you can use Microsoft Access, Excel and Powerpoint,” my instructor added.For the next several years, I learned that when one door closes, another door opens. There are plenty of choices available for the blind and visually impaired through the gift of technology. Not only do I have a speaking puter, but I have a speaking watch, alarm clock and calculator.4. What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 1 refer to?A. The right opportunity. B. Losing my sight in the future.C. Consuming too much sugar D. The childrens hospital.5. What happened when the author was 25 years old?A. He gave up painting. B. He went blind pletelyC. He injured one of his eyes. D. He picked up a new hobby6. What brought a turning point to the author?A. A special course. B. A meaningful eventC. An inspiring speech. D. An important interview.7. What does the author intend to tell us?A. No pain, no gain. B. Every man has his price.C. Nothing is impossible to a willing heart. D. Be optimistic in the face of lifes difficulties.CThese days, I walk down the steps leading toward the south end of the All England Club in Wimbledon, and still look for the Crows Nest, a small green observation tower with an outer ladder that I used to climb on for a wide view of the grounds, but which has since been knocked down.The Crows Nest was a particularly useful point, because it allowed a tennis writer to keep trackof the action on as many as 10 outside courts at a time. At days end, reporters from different nations would share notes on what they had observed all over the grounds.Twenty-seven years later, the press room has touch screens that allow us to watch live videos from any court, and even go back to watch key moments in key matches long after they have finished. You could cover Wimbledon without leaving your seat. But that is a bit like spending all your time ordering room service and looking up fun facts on Wikipedia.More than at any other tennis tournament, there is also an appetite for stories that deal with the setting, the history and the traditions.If they change the price of the fish tacos (鱼肉卷饼) at the United States Open, its not a story. If they change the price of the strawberries and cream, the signature treat at Wimbledon. Its time to email your editor using capital letters.The new retractable (可伸缩的) roof was put in place in xx. Until then, you always had to have a rainy-day story in your notebook because there were no guarantees any matches would be played. Now tennis is a sure thing on Centre Court, which has made tennis reporters a bit less creative. But at least it guarantees us daily access to the most atmospheric place in the sport.So much has changed, but Centre Court remains true to its original spirit: more a theater than a stadium. Catching that feeling is part of covering Wimbledon, too.8. What did the author do on the Crows Nest in the past?A. He made friends with reporters. B. He reported on tennis matches.C. He appreciated the beautiful scenery. D. He exchanged experiences with tennis players.9. What does the author think of the new way of covering Wimbledon?A. It lacks fun. B. It is expensiveC. It is not convenient. D. It is not quick enough10. Why does the author mention strawberries and cream?A. To pare popular foods. B. To introduce the typical treat at Wimbledon.C. To describe peoples craze for traditional dishes.D. To show the traditions of Wimbledon are an attraction.11. What difference does the new roof make?A. Audiences have easier access to a tennis court. B. Theres less fun in watching Wimbledon indoors.C. Reporters are struggling to find original material.D. rainy-day stories about Wimbledon have bee history.DOn January 13, xx, France became the first country in the world to pass a law requiring supermarkets to donate food that is approaching its expiration date (保质期) instead of throwing it away. The regulation that applies to supermarkets over 4,000 square feet requires stores to sign official donation agreements with local food banks.The law also makes it illegal for stores to pour water over nearly-expired food, or store it inside locked warehouses until it is picked up by the garbage trucks. These measures are often undertaken by supermarkets to prevent the hungry from searching for food through the dustbins.Though that may appear cruel, the stores claim they do it to avoid potential food poisoning that could occur if the product is on its way past its expiry. Those who do not obey the new law face the risk of heavy fines.Also, excess goods like yogurt or milk that are likely to go bad quickly are now allowed to be donated directly to the food banks. Though this has always been possible, the current process is long and plex, making it difficult for producers to give away the food in a timely manner.Frances food banks are of course thrilled about the possibility of receiving extra food. Jacques Bailet, who heads a network of French food banks called the Banques Alimentaires, says that of the 110,000 tons of goods received annually, only 36,000 tons es from supermarkets. Bailet estimates (估计) that just a 15% increase in supermarket donations would translate to over 10 million additional meals to feed the hungry each year.Though this is a great first step, Arash Dermabarsh, the activist responsible for the grassroots movement that led to the ban, is not done. He now wants to extend the law to other places like restaurants and also try to convince other countries in the European Union to pass similar regulations. These steps are necessary because of the over 9 million tons of food wasted in France; an astonishing 67% is thrown away by consumers, with supermarkets and restaurants making up the rest.12. What should stores do with nearly-expired food?A. Throw it away. B. Send it to the hungry.C. Store it in refrigerators. D. Give it away to food banks.13. What does the underlined word “excess” in Paragraph 4 probably mean?A. Extra. B. Cheap. C. Seasonal. D. Returned.14. What might Bailet agree with about the French food banks?A. They have a lot of expired food. B. They will get much benefit from the law.C. Their food is enough for the people in need. D. Their food mainly es from supermarkets.15. What does Dermabarsh plan to do?A. Build more food banks in France. B. Make the law take effect in more places.C. Organize a campaign to promote this law. D. Raise consumers awareness of waste reduction.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。We all have to make decisions all the time, and we have an abundance of choices, ranging from tiny issues to vital ones. Unfortunately, people often find it hard to make decisions. _16_ If you would like to improve your skill of decision making, here are four suggestions for you.Dont expect to have it all._17_ You cant order every delicious dish on the menu. And there will be paths not taken, careers not chosen, to name a few. You can imagine some “what if” situations if you must, but do not let them take up too much space in your brain._18_Its often good to think through your decisions. But dont overdo it. Research can reach a point where returns begin to reduce, which makes it confusing more than clarifying. Many good decisions can be made based as much on intuition (直觉) as on careful assessment of endless data.Dont delay making decisions.Yes, there is a time to put off making a decision. Perhaps you need more information. _19_Or its likely that you wait for a less stressful time. Just dont wait so long that the decision is made by your own indecisiveness.Dont be hard on yourself.You decide to go on a voyage. You choose an expensive liner. Everything should work out just right. Only you didnt expect a bug that ran around on the ship, making you and your family sick for five days. _20_ But please remember it is unavoidable sometimes.A. Dont spend too much time thinking.B. It is an important source of information.C. You may regret making such a stupid decision.D. Dont count on emotion to make decisions.E. Maybe you wish to consult with your advisor.F. Decisions force us to close the door on other possibilities.G. That means the skill of good decision-making counts a lot.第二部分: 语言知识运用(共两节, 满分45分)第一节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题l.5分, 满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Goran Kropp was a Swedish adventurer and mountaineer. In 1972, at the age of six, with his fathers help, he_21_ Galdhopiggen, the highest mountain in Northern Europe. twenty-three years later, he stood on the highest peak in the world, Qomolangma. His journey to the_22_shows just how independent, persistent (坚持的), and determined this _23_ man is._24_most people arrive at the foothills of Qomolangma by some sort of modern _25_, Kropp bicycled 7,000 miles from his home in Sweden. Traveling by bike was not _26_. He stopped many times to _27_ his bike because rough roads caused mechanical problems for him. In addition, he was run after by dogs, stung by hornets(马蜂) and was caught in the rain several times before he _28_ the base of the mountain.Kropp_29_ to climb Qomolangma the same way he traveled to the mountain: without the_30_of others and without modern conveniences. Unlike other _31_ Kropp climbed the mountain without a guide or helper. He did not _32_bottled oxygen to help him_33_ at high altitudes, and he carried all of his _34_himself in a pack that weighed about 140 pounds.It took Kropp _35_tries to reach the top of Qomolangma. The first time, he had to _36_ only 350 feet from the top because the weather was too dangerous. Just a few days earlier, at that same level eight climbers had _37_because of a sudden snowstorm in the mountain. He felt deep sorrow for them, but became more _38_. The mountaineer waited out the storm, _39_, and tried again a few days later. This time, he was _40_. After he walked down the mountain, he got back on his bike and rode the 7,000 miles back to Sweden.21. A. heard of B. dreamed of C. saw D. climbed22. A. top B. country C. area D. valley23. A. outstanding B. generous C. modest D. honest24. A. Unless B. Once C. While D. Because25. A. design B. vehicle C. theory D. material26. A. boring B. easy C. tiring D. busy27. A. lock B. ride C. repair D. find28. A. left B. reached C. discovered D. toured29. A. chose B. refused C. agreed D. hated30. A. presence B. approval C. assistance D. knowledge31. A. observers B. travelers C. mountaineers D. hikers32. A. gather B. order C. share D. bring33. A. breathe B. walk C. live D. stay34. A. medicines B. food C. clothes D. equipment35. A. two B. three C. many D. several36. A. go on B. get up C. set out D. turn back37. A. slipped B. wandered C. died D. injured38. A. astonished B. determined C. satisfied D. discouraged39. A. hid B. stopped C. survived D. rested40. A. thoughtful B. successful C. doubtful D. meaningful第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容或括号内单词的正确形式。Red is a particularly popular color in China. A pair of red shoes _41_they are for sports, dances or just fashion is a must-have for every Chinese womans shoe collection. For most Chinese brides, red shoes should also be worn _42_ their big day.As womens feet _43_ (connect) with female attraction, red shoes often emphasize this aspect _44_ convey a special beauty. In some classic Chinese novels, there are descriptions of _45_(charm)women in red silk shoes.If you wear a dark dress in cold _46_ (season), a pair of red shoes can raise your ensemble(整套服装)to a _47_ (high) level. They can also go with different levels of red color, _48_ (give) the wearer a lively and joyful look._49_ (sure) red will always be a beloved color for designers, and red shoes have also bee a choice for many supermodels. If you are also a fan of this _50_ (energy) color, consider wearing a pair of red shoes for every Chinese Lunar New Year!第三部分 写作(共两节;满分35分)第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)51. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用()划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Last weekend, after pay a visit to the city of New York, I visited the Smithsonian Institutions National Air and Space Museum, where lies in Washington, D.C.The museum, which covers a area of 18,000 square meters, is made of 24 exhibition halls. All kinds of planes, rockets, missiles and spaceship of great importance and variously old instruments that famous pilots and astronauts used are on display. In addition, I see copies of some satellites and aircraft. More interestingly, I tried operating on some aircraft by myself. During the visit, I took lots of pictures as well.This brief visit helped myself learn much about the history of humans space exploration. It made me more interesting in science and technology.第二节 书面表达(满分25分)假定你是李华,高中毕业10年后,从报纸上获悉母校将要举行100周年校庆。请给远在美国的同桌Peter写一封电子邮件,相约一起回母校参加活动。要点如下:1. 回忆高中快乐生活。2. 校庆活动介绍。3. 捐设奖学金。参考词汇: 百年校庆 100th anniversary celebration; 奖学金 scholarshipDear Peter,How is everything going recently?_Yours,Li Hua11月月考参考答案阅读理解 13 DCA 4-7 BCAD 8-11 BADD 12-15 DABB七选五 16-20 GFAEC完形填空 21-25 DAACB 26-30 BCB A C 31-35 CDADA 36-40 DCBDB语法填空41. whether 42. on 43. are connected 44. and 45. charming 46. seasons 47. higher 48. giving 49. Surely 50. energetic短文改错书面表达Dear PeterHow is everything going recently? Im writing to invite you to go back to our senior high school to celebrate her 100th anniversary. It has been 10 years since we graduated from it. Do you still remember the days we spent studying and playing together? Till now, these memories remain fresh.As I know, the celebration will last for 3 days from Oct 1st to Oct 3rd . Schoolmates will gather to meet their old friends. An evening party will be held to feast peoples eyes. When we meet, I suppose money should be raised to set up a scholarship which is used to provide financial support for the students from rural areas. What do you think about it?I am looking forward to your early ing!详细解析A篇 本文是一则广告。文章介绍了四个精彩的夏令营活动。【1题详解】细节理解题。根据Tahosa High Adventure Base 中Choose your adventure: Go all-inclusive, where the staff prepares meals and runs the program, or take control and plan your perfect week. The choice is yours.可知,Tahosa High Adventure Base是一个你可以设定自己节奏的营地。故选D。【2题详解】细节理解题。根据Pamlico Sea Base中Set sail: Even if you dont know the difference between starboard and star-lord, Pamlicos sailing journey will make you a first-rate sailor in no time. Youll even practice finding your way using the stars.可知,在Pamlico Sea Base你能学到如何使用星星来指引方向。故选C。【3题详解】细节理解题。根据Base Camp中Inside out: Most of Base Camp is indoors, meaning the activities like climbing walls can be undertaken on winters coldest days.可知,在冬天,孩子们可以在Base Camp营地里爬墙。故选A。B篇 本文是一篇记叙文。作者的左眼失明,右眼视力严重受损,但作者没有气馁,“一个特殊的课程” 给作者带来了一个转折点。文章告诉我们:当一扇门关上时,另一扇门就会打

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