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2019-2020学年高一英语下学期第一次月考试题(普通班)第一部分:阅读理解(共两节, 满分40分)第一节(共15小题:每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Once an Englishman named Larry Belmont went to Russia for a holiday. After he got back, some of his friends came. “I had a very dangerous trip while I was in Russia,” Larry said. “I went to see a friend in the country when the sun went down, I was still travelling through a forest in a sleigh(雪橇). It was a long way from my friends house when about twenty wolves began to follow my sleigh.” “It was very dark in the forest. There was thick snow on the ground. First I heard the wolves. The noise was terrible! Then I saw long, grey forms among the trees, and soon the wolves were near me. They were running very fast, and they didnt seem to get tired like the horses.”“What did you do?” one of Larrys friends asked.“When the wolves got very near,” Larry answered, “I put up my gun and shot the first wolf dead. Then all the other wolves stopped and ate it, so my sleigh got away from them for a few minutes. Then they finished their meal, and I heard them ing again. The moon was shining brightly on the snow now, and after a few minutes I saw them running among the trees once more. They came nearer again, and then I shot another one of them, and the others stopped once more to eat it. The same thing happened again, and my horses became more and more tired and ran slower and slower until, after two hours, only one wolf was still alive and following me.”“Wasnt it too fat to run?” one of Larrys friends asked.1. The purpose of this passage is to_.A. amuse readersB. tell an exciting adventureC. praise Larry Belmonts braveryD. show the danger of travelling through a forest2. Larry told his friends what happened to him when he was _.A. in Russia one winter morningB. in England one winter eveningC. in Russia one winter eveningD. in America one winter morning3. According to what Larry said, the last wolf _.A. was the strongest of allB. had eaten up all the other wolvesC. ran much faster than the other wolvesD. was very fat and couldnt run fast enough4.From what Larrys friend asked in the end , we know that _A . Larrys trip was really dangerous. B. The last wolf was too fat to run.C. All the wolves had been shot by Larry. D. The friend didnt believe what Larry had said. BOn March 19, xx, Malala Yousafzai, a 15-year-old Pakistani student and womens-education activist(积极分子), returned to the classroom for the first time since being attacked by a member of the Taliban on October 9, xx. Malala was shot on her way home from school in Mingora, Pakistan. The Taliban(塔利班) said that they did the attack. The group said the attack should be a warning to others. Malala was targeted(作为目标) because she expresses her opinion publicly about girls rights to education.After a long period of recovery, Malala is starting as a ninth-year student at Edgbaston High School. It is the oldest independent girls school in Birmingham, England. Though she has no specific plans to return to Pakistan, Malala still speaks out as a voice for change in her country, and everywhere. “Im excited that today I have realized my dream of going back to school. I want all girls in the world to have this kind of chance,” Malala said in a statement .Malala has been an Internet blogger since she was 11 years old. In xx she was awarded Pakistans National Peace Award for her bravery in writing about the difficulties of life and education in the shadow of the Taliban. She has spoken publicly about childrens rights and been nominated(提名) for an international childrens peace prize.5. Why did the Taliban attack Malala?A. She is a Pakistani student.B. She was targeted without being planned.C. She didnt want to be a member of the Taliban.D. She spoke publicly about girls rights to education.6. How long did it take Malala to recover from the attack?A. Four years.B. About one year.C. Over five months.D. About four months.7. We can learn from the passage that Malala_.A. is now attending school in PakistanB. is still under the shadow of the attackC. has made a careful plan for her futureD. cares about the situation in her home countryCSince I started working part-time at a grocery store, I have learned that a customer is more than someone who buys something. To me, a customer is a person whose memory fails entirely once he or she starts to push a shopping cart(购物手推车). One of the first things customers forget is how to count. There is no other way to explain how so many people get in their express line, which is clearly marked 15 items or less, with 20, 25 or even a cart load of items.Customers also forget why they came to the store in the first place. Just as I finish ringing up an order, a customer will say, “Oops, I forgot to pick up a fresh loaf of bread. I hope you dont mind waiting while I go to get it.” Five minutes later, hes back with the bread, a bottle of milk, and three rolls of paper towels. What is stranger is that customers also seem to forget that they have pay for their groceries. Instead of writing a check or looking for a credit card while I am ringing up the groceries, a customer will wait until I announce the total. Then, in surprise, she says, “Oh no, what did I do with my check book?” After 5 minutes of digging through her purse, she borrows my pen because shes forgotten hers. But I have to tolerate customers because they pay my salary, and thats something I cant afford to forget.8. What does the author say about his customers?A. They cannot count numbers.B. They sometimes jump the queue.C. They dont know how to express themselves.D. They behave as if their memories have totally failed.9. According to the text, who are supposed to be in the express line?A. Customers with nothing bought.B. Customers with not more than 15 items.C. Customers with items between 15 and 25.D. Customers with 25 or even a cart load of items.10. When customers arrive at the check-out counter, they _.A. find their pens lostB. go back and get more itemsC. cannot wait to pay for their groceriesD. prefer paying by check to paying by a credit card11. We can infer from the text that _.A. business in the grocery store runs wellB. the author finds his present job full of funC. the authors part-time job calls for patienceD. customers go to grocery stores without planningDWhat would it take to persuade you to exercise? A desire to lose weight or improve your figure? To keep you away from diseases? To live to a healthy age? Youd think any of those reasons would be enough to get Americans exercising. Yet a vast majority of Americans have thus far failed to swallow the “exercise pill”.Now a research by psychologists strongly suggests its time to think of current well-being (幸福) and happiness as motivators(动机;动力) for exercise instead of future health, weight loss and body image.Dr. Segar, one of the researchers, believes that immediate rewards are more motivating than distant ones. “People who say they exercise for the quality of life exercise more over the course of a year than those who say they value exercise for its health benefits,” he said.Other studies have shown that what keeps people moving depends on age, sex and life circumstances. For those of college age, physical attractiveness typically heads the lists of reasons to begin exercising, although what keeps them going seems to be the stress relief that a regular exercise program provides. The elderly, on the other hand, may get started because of health concerns. But often what keeps them exercising are the friendships and sense of munity that may otherwise be missing from their lives. Improving daily well-being is the most influential factor for women. Men indicate they are motivated by more distant health benefits, but this may be because men feel less fortable discussing their mental health needs.“Exercise should be encouraged but the emphasis on weight loss, disease prevention and healthy aging should be reduced,” Dr. Segar concluded. “Exercise can make people feel more energetic, less stressed and, yes, happier.”12. What does the underlined part in Paragraph 1 mean?A. Be free from diseases.B. Take some diet pills.C. Improve their figure.D. Keep physically active.13. According to the passage, which of the following people may exercise more in a year?A. Jane, who decides to lose weight.B. David, who exercises for future health.C. Mary, who enjoys exercising with her son.D. Mark, who is suffering from a serious illness.14. According to Paragraph 4, which group of people tends to exercise for friendship?A. Men.B. WomenC. The elderly.D. College students.15. What is the author mainly arguing in the passage?A. Immediate rewards of exercise should be emphasized.B. Distant benefits should be the motivators for exercise.C. Feeling relaxed is more important than future health.D. Men and women take exercise for different purposes.第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。How do you stay true to yourself when youre surrounded by friends and / or family that have an opinion on everything you do? It is not easy! 16 Here are 4 tips which can help you live a dynamic life. 17 Stay true to yourself by listening to the only opinions that really matteryour own and those from people who believe in and encourage you. Deep down you know yourself better than anybody else.Dont fear people 18 The reason why most people dont take risks, or live on the edge is the fear of what others might think of them. If you want to live the life you truly deserve, you must give up the need to be liked by everybody.Value yourself and your choicesWhen you do, others will too. Own the choices you make in your life. 19 When you believe in yourself, in time, others will believe in you too. Show confidence in your choices and what you stand for whether others agree or not.Focus on appreciationNo matter what the circumstances are, there is always something to be grateful for. All successful people ask: What am I grateful for? How can I improve my situation and use the tough time to inspire others? 20 These steps, if applied, will help you transform your peace of mind, lifestyle, and productivity.A. Focus on your own talents and strengths.B. Never let others opinions guide your choices.C. Treat every person like they are important.D. When you doubt yourself, others will doubt you.E. Stay fearless in everything you will have to do.F. Be thankful to life and be helpful to others, and youll lead a successful life.G. However, there are great possibilities that you can lead the life you really want.第二部分:英语知识运用 (共两节,满分45分)第一节:完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。My 9-year-old daughter is reading in her room before bed. Every now and then I hear her 21 at a funny line. Sometimes she calls out to ask 22 she can read us something. Its 23 and she should be asleep by now, but we say yes.“Listen!” she reads us the 24 . “Isnt that wonderful?”My husband and I 25 . It is wonderful. I cant help feeling a little 26 , too.Not that long ago, wed read to her nightly before she went to sleep. We did so even as she 27 reading on her own. As a result, we were often 28 by what was going on in her books, 29 wed miss chapters as she sped ahead. No matter. Bedtime was 30 reading aloud as a family, and we 31 it.After almost ten years of reading together, shes ready to step away from that 32 . Its tough for my husband and me to 33 the tradition, even as we delight in the to-be-read pile growing next to her bed.But we still talk to her about 34 . Shes aware that reading isnt everyones favorite thing, and that some find it harder to get into a 35 than she does. It was frustrating (沮丧的)for her once too, though she doesnt remember that 36 . These days, she keeps a blog of her 37 , and begins to talk to others about what she loves to read. Shes outgrown our 38 rituals(习惯;老规矩) because shes falling in love with books on her own. I 39 this makes me happiest of all.We all used to read together, but my 9-year-old daughter has taken it to a new level. What a 40 from one bedtime reading tradition towards another!21. A. laughB. jumpC. whisperD. shout22. A. whenB. thoughC. ifD. until23. A. pleasingB. enoughC. noisyD. late24. A. exerciseB. passageC. requirementD. blog25. A. pretendB. hopeC. agreeD. shake26. A. easyB. safeC. patientD. sad27. A. beganB. finishedC. imaginedD. minded28. A. excitedB. disturbedC. confusedD. controlled29. A. beforeB. becauseC. sinceD. unless30. A. withB. beyondC. againstD. for31. A. understoodB. treasured(珍惜)C. escapedD. managed32. A. occasionallyB. entirely(完全的)C. unwillinglyD. regretfully33. A. give upB. figure outC. carry onD. begin with34. A. changesB. lessonsC. moralsD. books35. A. careerB. collegeC. storyD. debate36. A. againB. nowC. eitherD. before37. A. collectingB. sayingC. studyingD. reading38. A. newB. oldC. secretD. special39. A. doubtB. acceptC. admitD. argue40. A. shift(转变)B. surpriseC. pityD. chance第二节:(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入括号内单词的正确形式。When he was a little boy, Christopher Cockerell once watched his mother 41._(turn) the wheel of her sewing-machine with her hand. “Wouldnt it work more quicker if a machine turned the wheel for you?” he asked. “I suppose it would,” said his mother, without 42_(pay) him any attention. 43_ (know) that she always had a lot of work, he wanted 44._ (help) her. Up in his bedroom there was a toy steam-engine which his father had bought him as a gift. “I 45_(make) better use of it,” little Christopher said to himself. So, when his mother didnt use her sewing-machine, he fixed the toy steam-engine onto it. When the job 46_(finish), he was quite pleased,47_(think) his mother would like it.“Very clever,” his mother said, when she saw it. But to his 48_ (disappoint), she sat down and went on turning the wheel by hand. 49“_ (work) like this is a habit , it is difficult to change,” she explained.This taught Christopher Cockerell the lesson that anyone who attempts 50_ (improve) anything will have to learn: Many people dont like new ideas.第三部分: 写作 (共两节,满分35分)第一节: 短文改错 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌的以下作文。文中共有10处错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏洞符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下面划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Yesterday , Li Mei goes to a store to return a shirt without carrying the receipt (收据). When she got there , she refused. The salesman said that he wouldnt take it back if she showed him the receipt. Think there was no way out , Li Mei put the shirt back in her bag and left. Suddenly two shop guard stopped her and began to search for her. They found the shirt in the bag and looked at it careful. Many eyes were focused on her, what made her very embarrassing. Luckily , a salesman came up in time and she was allowed to go. 参考答案一. 阅读理解1-4 ACBD 5-7 DCD 8-12 DBBC 12-15. DCCA 16-20 GBEDF 二、 完形填空2125 ACDBC 2630 DACBD 3135 BBADC 3640 BDBCA三. 41. turning 42. paying 43. Knowing 44. to help 45. will make 46. was finished 47. thinking 48. disappointment 49. Working 50. to improve四短文改错 51. goes went 52. refused 前加 was 53. if unless 54. ThinkThinking 55. guard guards 56. search for search 57. careful carefully 58. what which 59. embarrassing embarrassed 60. a the 书面表达:I am glad to receive your letter asking for my advice on how to learn Chinese well.Here are a few suggestions. First , it is important to take a Chinese course , as youll be able to learn form the teacher and practice with your fellow students. Then , it also helps to watch TV and read books ,newspapers and magazines in Chinese whenever possible. Besides , it should be a good idea to learn and sing Chinese songs, because by doing so , youll learn and remember Chinese words more easily. You can also make more Chinese friends. They will tell you a lot about China and help you learn Chinese. Try and write me in Chinese next time. Best wishes.Yours Li Hua第二节 书面表达(满分25分)假定你是李华,你的英国朋友Peter来信向你咨询如何才能学好中文。请根据下列要点写封回信。要点:1.参加中文学习班;2.看中文书刊、电视;3.学唱中文歌曲;4.交中国朋友。注意:1.词数100左右;2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3.开头语已为你写好。Dear Peter , Im glad to receive your letter asking for my advice on how to learn Chinese well._


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