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2018-2019学年高一英语上学期练习试题4P171. 讨论他们的共同之处discuss what they have in mon2. 思考并列出work out and list3. 分析机analytical machine4. 计算机calculating machine5. 通用机器universal machineP186. 随着时间的过去over time7. 简化复杂的数目simplify difficult sums8. 逻辑思考并给出答案think logically and produce an answer9. 技术性革命a technological revolution10. 人工智能artificial intelligence11. 解出一道数学题solve a mathematical problem12. 从那时起from then on13. 随着时间的过去as time goes by14. 结果as a result15. 万维网the World Wide Web16. 给人类提供高质量的生活provide humans with a life of high quality17. 我充满快乐I am filled with happiness.18. 一个忠实的朋友a devoted friend19. 人类的帮手the helper of the human raceP1920. 主题句the topic sentence21. 支持性细节/支持论点的论据supporting detailsP2022. 从一个地方到另一个地方from place to place23. 解出问题的答案work out the answer to a problem24. 理财manage money25. 写他自己的电脑程序write programs of his own26. 很好地使用;充分利用make good use of27. 计算机程序设计员puter programmers28. 信息技术IT/information technology29. 有很长的路要走have a long way to go30. 研究某事do research into sth.31. 我已经梦想成真了。My dream has e true.P2132. 现在完成时的被动语态the present perfect passive voice33. 分发;赠送;泄露;出卖give away sb/sth34. 研发一种智能机器人develop a kind of intelligent robot35. 节奏和语调rhythm and intonationP2236. 推理/论证的表达reasoning expressionsP2337. 聚会;相聚get together38. 给某人示意或发信号signal to sb.39. 无人防我并有机会射个好球I am open and have a good shot for a goal40. 我们获得第二名。We won second place.41. 某种意义/程度上in a way42. 有新情况出现A new situation arises.43. 编新动作make up new moves44. 在我电子大脑的帮助下with the help of my electronic brain45. 填写文件/档案fill in the fileP2446. 写一篇对你的机器人的描述write a description of your android47. 打扫房子clean the house48. 拖地板mop the floors49. 处理来电deal with telephone calls50. 看护某人watch over sb.51. 那样;那么in that way52. 破坏我的空闲时间spoil my free time53. 和朋友外出go out with friends54. 给某人说有趣的故事tell funny stories to sb.55. 充分利用make full use of56. 增加词汇量increase vocabulary


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