2018-2019学年高二英语12月月考试题(无答案) (IV).doc

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2018 2019 学年高二英语 12 月月考试题 无答案 IV 第一部分 听力 共两节 满分 30 分 做题时 先将答案标在试卷上 录音内容结束后 你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案 转涂到答题卡上 第一节 听下面 5 段对话 每段对话后有一个小题 从题中所给的 A B C 三个选项中选出最佳选项 并标在试卷的相应位置 听完每段对话后 你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下 一小题 每段对话仅读一遍 1 What did the man borrow from the woman A A book B A science magazine C A video 2 Who will teach the woman to drive A Her coach B Her mother C Her father 3 What will the speakers probably do today A Go swimming B Hike in the mountain C Have a walk 4 How does the woman feel about her child s performance A It was perfect B It could be better C It was too difficult for her child 5 Where does the conversation take place A At the library B At a bookstore C In a theater 第二节 听下面 5 段对话或独白 每段对话或独白后有几个小题 从题中所给的 A B C 三个选项 中选出最佳选项 并标在试卷的相应位置 听每段对话或独白前 你将有时间阅读各个小题 每小题 5 秒钟 听完后 各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间 每段对话或独白读两遍 听第 6 段材料 回答第 6 7 题 6 What does the man suggest doing at first A Going to a concert B Seeing a play C Going to a movie 7 Where will the speakers meet this Sunday A In front of the theatre B In the man s house C In front of the woman s house 听第 7 段材料 回答第 8 9 题 8 How did the man sound at first A He was a little tired B He was very happy C He felt bored 9 What do we know about the Drama Club A Students should pay some fees to join it B Students need to show their performing talent to join it C Only a few students have interest in the club 听第 8 段材料 回答第 10 至 13 题 10 What is the relationship between the speakers A Friends B Colleagues C Neighbors 11 Where does the woman live these days A At the man s house B At a hotel C At her home 12 When should the woman arrive at the airport at the latest A At 7 30 B At 8 30 C At 9 30 13 What will the man do for the woman A Help her pack up B Buy a ticket for her C Take her to the airport 听第 9 段材料 回答第 14 至 16 题 14 When did the woman tell the man to throw trash A Over 20 days ago B About 10 days ago C About a week ago 15 Where is the sandwich now A In the laundry room B In the kitchen C In the living room 16 How did Kenny once help the woman A He picked her up at the hospital B He threw out the trash for her C He helped her with the laundry 听第 10 段材料 回答第 17 至 20 题 17 What do we know about Steve A He is twenty years old B His family is poor C He is stupid 18 What kind of person is Miss White A She is very strict B She is always worried C She is patient and kind 19 When did Steve show interest in studying A When he realized someone cared about him B When Miss White gave him a gift C After Miss White told him a story 20 In which grade did Steve pass his first test A The first grade B The sixth grade C The seventh grade 第二部分 阅读理解 共两节 满分 40 分 第一节 共 15 小题 每小题 2 分 满分 30 分 阅读下列短文 从每题所给的四个选项 A B C 和 D 中 选出最佳选项 并在答题 卡上将该项涂黑 Last week Donna Strickland was awarded the xx Nobel prize for physics jointly with Arthur Ashkin and G rard Mourou It s the first time in 55 years that a woman has won this famous prize but why has it taken so long We look at five other pioneering female physicists past and present who actually deserve the prize Jocelyn Bell Burnell Perhaps the most famous snub 冷落 then student Bell discovered the first radio pulsars in 1967 when she was a PhD student at Cambridge The Nobel prize that recognised this landmark discovery in 1974 however went to her male supervisor Antony Hewish Recently awarded a 2 3m Breakthrough Prize which she gave away to help under represented students she joked to the Guardian I feel I ve done very well out of not getting a Nobel prize Lene Hau Hau is best known for leading the research team at Harvard University in 1999 that managed to slow a beam of light before managing to stop it pletely in xx Often topping Nobel prize prediction lists could xx be Hau s year Vera Rubin Rubin discovered dark matter in the 1980s opening up a new field of astronomy She died in xx without recognition from the mittee Chien Shiung Wu Wu s Wu experiment helped disprove the law of conservation of parity Her experimental work was helpful but never honoured and instead her male colleagues won the 1957 Nobel prize for their theoretical work behind the study Lise Meitner Meitner led groundbreaking work on the discovery of nuclear fission However the discovery was acknowledged by the 1944 Nobel prize for chemistry which was won by her male co lead Otto Hahn 21 When was the discovery of radio pulsars recognized by the Nobel A In 1944 B In 1967 C In 1974 D In 1980 22 Which woman is most likely to win a Nobel prize later according to the text A Donna Strickland B Jocelyn Bell Burnell C Lene Hau D Vera Rubin 23 What do we know about the five females A The five female scientists did greatly in chemistry B Vera Rubin had opened up a new field in geometry C Lise Meitner s teacher won a Noble prize for her work D All their findings haven t been recognized by the Nobel B When school started on that warm August day I threw myself into everything I did including playing volleyball I decided to bee beautiful or at the very least skinny I stopped eating pletely Soon I began losing weight which thrilled me and I even grew to love the tiredness and lightheadedness 头晕 that came with my poor diet for those feelings meant that I was winning As the season progressed things had bee tense between my head volleyball coach Coach Smith and me She felt that something was wrong with my health She talked with me about my eating and was angry that I wouldn t listen to her when she tried to make me eat She tried to persuade me in a determined way and so we fought constantly Then my hunger started to affect my performance I was so tired that practice and games were being a struggle One afternoon with hurt in her eyes Coach Smith asked me what I had eaten and I told her nothing yet She looked at me disappointment in her eyes knowing she couldn t make me stop and walked away A couple of weeks later I attended a formal dinner for our volleyball team I stood there as my coach managed to say something nice about me I realized then that I had ruined my senior year by being disrespectful and I had probably ruined hers as well So that evening I wrote her a letter apologizing and thanking her Then one Saturday as I was reading in the library I felt someone gently take my arm and say softly Lynn Jones how are you doing I looked up and saw the familiar face Thanks for the letter she said It meant a lot When I think of a coach I think of someone above me someone who gives instruction not a friend But Coach Smith is different and like any other good friend she dealt with my problem in a determined way even when I hated her for it at that time I didn t deserve her kindness but she gave it anyway I will forever be grateful for her help and now for her friendship 24 How did the author feel when she ate a poor diet and had a sense of tiredness A Ashamed B Proud C Funny D Nervous 25 The author fought with Coach Smith because A she refused to go on a diet B she caused failure of her team C she changed the training course D she kept her idea of losing weight 26 Why did the author write a letter to Coach Smith A She felt sorry for eating too little food B She decided to improve her performance C She was grateful for Smith s care for her health D She wanted to build a close relationship with Smith 27 What is the best title for the text A Unexpected Friendship B A Fight with My Coach C A Strict Volleyball Coach D My Way of Losing Weight C Foreign visitors to the UK might be disappointed when they learn that not everyone there speaks like Harry Potter and his friends Usually there s an assumption by many non Brits that everyone in Britain speaks with what s known as a Received Pronunciation RP 标准发音 accent also called the Queen s English However while many people do talk this way most Britons speak in their own regional accents Scouse Glaswegian and Black Country from Liverpool Glasgow and the West Midlands are just three of the countless non RP accents that British people speak with There are even differences in accents between towns or cities just 30 kilometers apart What is even more disappointing is that not speaking in a RP accent may mean a British person is judged and even treated differently in their everyday life In a xx study by The University of South Wales videos of people reading a passage in three different UK accents were shown to a second group of people The group then rated how intelligent they thought the readers sounded The lowest rated accent was Brummie native to people from Birmingham a city whose accent is considered working class However there is no need to be disappointed though you are not speaking in an RP accent In fact doing the opposite may even give you strength Kong Seong jae 25 is an internet celebrity from Seoul After studying in the UK he picked up several regional accents He s now famous for his online videos where he shows off the various accents he s learned British people usually get really excited when I use some of their local dialect words and they bee much friendlier I think it makes a bit of bond between local people and foreigners to speak in their local accent he said So if you re working on perfecting your British accent try to speak like someone from Liverpool Glasgow or Birmingham You may not sound like Harry Potter but you are likely to make more friends 28 What can we infer from paragraph 1 A Only the queen s English is accepted in the UK B Non Brits usually hold that all Britons speak in a RP accent C Foreign visitors are disappointed at their own spoken English D Any Received Pronunciation around the world is also called the Queen s English 29 What do people think of the Brummie accent A Closest to the RP accent B Spoken by people of lower class C Smart and easy to understand D Favored by foreign visitors to the UK 30 What does the underlined phrase doing the opposite in Paragraph 4 refer to A Speaking in regional accents B Speaking in a RP accent C Speaking the Brummie accent D Speaking like Harry Potter 31 What is the passage mainly about A How much British people value the RP accent B A parison between different British accents C The effect of regional accents on people s lives D A study about the most intelligent accent in Britain D We are lucky to live in a world that is full of incredible technology Our living rooms are packed with puters LCD TVs video game systems and Blue ray players that help us enjoy the latest entertainment Although these items bring us joy and convenience they also create a lot of junk Each device needs its own plug and adaptor to keep its batteries recharged and over time these wires get tangled 缠绕在一起的 Thankfully something has e along to help rid our homes of this mess while still supplying these devices with the power they need It s called wireless charging and this trend is just starting Wireless charging has a lot of potential for smartphones and other electronic devices Electronic devices can absorb the electricity once they re placed on a special charging mat There are several advantages that wireless charging offers over traditional methods For starters cords 电线 have a tendency to wear out with use Wireless charging users never have to worry about buying replacement cords Wireless charging is also far more convenient for medical implants as patients won t need to recharge their devices through the skin using cords In turn this cuts down on the risks of infection Wireless charging can also bring safety benefits as wired charging devices that e in contact with water can increase the chances of getting an electric shock Wireless charging gets rid of that danger pletely Still there are a few drawbacks to wireless charging The first is speed It takes a bit longer to charge devices wirelessly than it does if the device is plugged in The process also requires more heat so devices tend to get a bit hotter which could create other safety issues Also since devices must be left on a special pad while charging it is harder to operate them while they are powering up This limitation may be gotten rid of in the future as researchers are developing transmitters 发射器 that can charge several different devices in a room without the need to connect to a charging pad Although wireless charging technology may be far from perfect it seems like a step in the right direction as we move towards a less tangled future 32 What is a problem with many modern appliances A Most people can t afford to pay for them B They can cause a lot of junk around the house C They go out of style too quickly D They are not very entertaining 33 Why is wireless charging beneficial for medical patients A It often brings down the cost for their medical bills B Wireless charging has shown to cure people of serious diseases C It is more convenient to check or repair their devices D It s being used as a replacement for many pills 34 Which of the following is a disadvantage of wireless charging A Wireless charging means devices take up more space B People can now buy fewer devices for their homes C It takes longer to charge your battery wirelessly D People can t plug in their devices conveniently 35 What seem to be the author s attitude towards wireless charging A Cautious B Uncaring C Disapproving D Favorable 第二节 共 5 小题 每小题 2 分 满分 10 分 根据短文内容 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项 选项中有两项为多余 选项 Tips for procrastinators 拖延者 You manage to finish and hand the project in on time but you feel exhausted Then your teacher says Get ready We will start the test in 5 minutes 36 Many of us are guilty of delaying doing what we should do At the same time we might risk missing a deadline and not getting a good mark It is also very stressful Here are some tips for procrastinators on how to get your work done ahead of time Create a to do list Creating a list will help organize your work and ideas while keeping you on track 37 Keep it up to date by checking off pleted tasks as you go along This will keep you focused and orderly 38 Chances are you won t be able to get a lot of work done when you re tired Finding a time of day when you are full of energy will get you to be more productive Choose reliable study partners Working with study partners will encourage you to plete the task at hand and ensure that you remain focused 39 Divide the work into smaller parts Procrastination is often a reaction to feeling overwhelmed 无法对付的 Dividing work into smaller parts will make it easy to handle 40 You will find your ability and be more likely to finish what you need to do Hopefully these tips will help you do away with the stressful last minute efforts of a procrastinator A Work when you re feeling energetic B Remind yourself to turn off all the devices C You forgot that there s also an examination today D Try to encourage yourself to stick to your work plan E Deal with your tasks a bit at a time instead of wasting time wondering where to start F Put the tasks that you feel less confident about or are likely to avoid on the top of the list G You know that others are relying on you and they think that you deserve trust and are responsible 第三部分 英语知识运用 共两节 满分 45 分 第一节 完形填空 共 20 小题 每小题 1 5 分 满分 30 分 阅读下面短文 从短文后各题所给的四个选项 A B C 和 D 中选出可以填入空白处的 最佳选项 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑 It was early one hot morning in xx when acpanied by my mother I was 41 wheeled to the taxi stand Three weeks earlier I had 42 my left ankle at home Now I was on my way to being 43 for an operation at the Philippine General Hospital I was feeling 44 as I d never had surgery before and the thought of it 45 me After waiting for 46 for more than 90 minutes we were still standing there It usually only takes a few minutes but on this particular Sunday they would 47 us either already filled with passengers or 48 to take us Perhaps they weren t 49 to carry my 50 My mother was starting to get frustrated as we were fast running out of time our 51 was scheduled for 10 45am Then a black SUV 52 and stopped in front of us The driver taking a look at us said You two look like you could use a 53 He told us he d seen us earlier as he was taking his son to a 54 school activity He was now returning home and saw that we were still there With no questions asked this good Samaritan weled us aboard and got us to the hospital We arrived at 10 30 just in time He refused any 55 saying people should help one another He left with a smile I was finally 56 A long recovery process and physical therapy followed and now I am able to 57 again To this day we have not 58 again this friendly driver who went out of his way but his generosity towards us has 59 in our minds and taught me to keep watch for and help others 60 41 A deliberately B roughly C gently D toughly 42 A broken B lost C burnt D treated 43 A protected B assessed C rejected D updated 44 A painful B cautious C optimistic D nervous 45 A attracted B hurt C worried D impressed 46 A a taxi B an ambulance C my father D my doctor 47 A pick up B squeeze out C deal with D pass by 48 A eager B unwilling C delighted D unable 49 A equipped B allowed C informed D demanded 50 A stick B wheelchair C mother D ankle 51 A enquiry B ceremony C appointment D challenge 52 A broke down B got through C speeded up D pulled over 53 A lift B cart C guide D treat 54 A winter B weekend C Christmas D night 55 A ment B praise C reward D blame 56 A turned down B operated on C left out D attended to 57 A breathe B concentrate C drive D walk 58 A get over B get across C e over D e across 59 A changed B faded C stuck D disappeared 60 A in need B in despair C in time D in sight 第二节 共 10 小题 每小题 1 5 分 满分 15 分 阅读下面材料 在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式 Bush s funeral 葬礼 began 61 a 21 gun salute 礼炮 and the song Hail to the Chief The vehicle 62 carry his coffin passed by the White House 63 Bush had served the country as its 41st president George Bush remembered his father 64 the brightest of a thousand points of light He said his father was someone who made his children believe 65 was possible He added To us he was close to perfect but not 66 total perfect The man couldn t stomach vegetables especially broccoli He broke down at the end of his eulogy 颂词 while 67 talk about the time his parents lost a young daughter Only people with an 68 invite could attend the funeral in the cathedral Among them 69 be Mike Lovejoy a man who had been fixing things at the Bush s summer home for many years Next Thursday Bush 70 bury on the grounds of his presidential library at Texas A M University next to his wife and his daughter Robin 第四部分写作 共两节 满分 35 分 第一节 短文改错 共 10 小题 每小题 1 分 满分 10 分 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文 请你修改同桌写的以下作文 文中共有 10 处语言错误 每句中最多有两处 每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加 删除或修改 增加 在缺词处加一个漏字符号 并在其下面写出该加的词 删减 把多余的词用斜线 划掉 修改 在错词下面划一横线 并在该词下面写出修改后的词 注意 1 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词 2 只允许修改 10 处 多者 从第 11 处起 不计分 Smoking cigarettes drinking alcohol or taking other drugs produce many harmless effects and have no real benefits Why do adolescents do it Perhaps some think it makes them looking tough or cool Other may think it will help them with stress in their lives possible due to pressure from parents or teachers What they do not realize is that how easy it is to bee addicted to smoking In fact this is the mental addiction rather than the physical effects that make it really hard to quit smoking When the adolescent realizes how fit he or she is being it is too late The best way to deal with these drugs is not to get into the habit the first place 第二节 书面表达 满分 25 分 假定你是李华 美国交换生 Linda 交流学习期满 即将回国 来信表示想带一些具有中 国特色的工艺品 art craft 给美国的家人和朋友 请回复邮件推荐一至两样并说明推荐 理由 注意 1 词数 100 左右 2 可以适当增加细节 以使行文连贯 Dear Linda Yours Li Hua


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