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专题复习形容词AdjectiveYingjieSchoolQiaoLingyan Jim Tom XiaoXing XiaoXingis thananyotherone Tomis ofall Jimis ofall muchyounger thethinnest theheaviest heavy thin tall cute young PangChangjiangis YaoMing YaoMingis LiuQianLiuQianis ofthethree funnier than more athletic than themostpopular funny short tall calm handsome Giraffesare thanCheetahs Cheetahsare ofthem Dogsare thananyotherone thefastest moreinteresting tall fast friendly interesting cute short dangerous taller dirty beautiful ThewaterinPicture2isdirtierthanthatinPicture1 Betterenvironmentmakesushappierandhealthier soweshouldtrytoprotectourenvironment Workinagroupanddiscussthesethingsasmuchaspossible movies books famouspeople shops restaurants schools animals sports countries classmates Themoresentencesyoumake thegreateryouare Whowillbethegreatest Comeon Everybody Compare 形容词的比较等级 构成 longertaller longesttallest nicerlarger Nicestlargest busiereasier Busiesteasiest biggerhotter biggesthottest Moreuseful Mostuseful 1 规则变化 Summary1 2 不规则变化 betterbest worseworst moremost lessleast farther furtherfarthest furthest 考点揭密 1 掌握形容词作定语 表语 宾语补足语等的基本用法 掌握形容词作宾语时的位置 一般放在被修饰词前 但当修饰不定代词时要后置 如somethingimportant nothingserious等 2 用法 和 一样as adj as Eg TomisasoldasKate Heisnotsotallashisfather Summary2 她的头发和我的一样长 Herhairis mine 他不是和我一样外向 He me aslongas isn tsooutgoingas 2 只能修饰原级的词有very quite so tooquitegood veryinteresting 3 表示 越来越 比较级 and 比较级 Theflowersaremoreandmorebeautiful Eg It sgettingdarkeranddarker 越来越年轻 越来越强壮 yougerandyounger strongerandstronger 4 表示 越 越 the 比较级 the 比较级 Themorecarefulyouare thefewermistakesyou llmake 你笑得越多 你越年轻 Themoreyousmile theyoungeryouare Themoreyoueat theheavieryouare 你吃得越多 你就会越胖 5 可以修饰比较级的词有much alot far even 的多 alittle abit 一点儿 LessonOneis 容易得多 thanLessonTwo Tomlooks 年轻一点 thanbefore mucheasier alittleyounger 6 系动词be feel get turn become smell look sound seem keep grow remain go adj 7 表示 是 中最 之一 oneofthe 形容词最高级 复数名词 茶是世界上最受欢迎的饮料之一 Teaisoneofthemostpopulardrinksintheworld Memorizingtime 翻译句子 1 本书跟那本书一样有趣 Thisbookis thatone 2 今天比昨天冷的多 Itis todaythanitwasyesterday 3 这个故事不如那个有趣 Thisstoryis thatone 4 她的身体状况一天天好起来 Heisgetting everyday 5 他吃的越多 人越胖 Themoreheeats the hegets 6 茶是世界上最受欢迎的饮料之一 Teaisoneof asinterestingas muchcolder notasinterestingas betterandbetter heavier themostpopulardrinksintheworld 例1 Whichis seasoninBeijing Ithinkit sautumn A goodB better C bestD thebest 典型例题解析 例2 Itis todaythanyesterday Shallwegoswimmingthisafternoon A thehottestB hot C hottestD hotter D D 例3 Hainanisaverylargeisland It sthesecond islandinChina A largeB larger C largestD mostlarge 例4 Hermotherwasout Shestayedathome butshedidn tfeel A alone lonely B lonelylonely C alone alone D lonely alone 例5 Isthephysicsproblem Yes Icanworkitout A easy easily B easy easy C easily easy D easily easily C A A 例6 Whichis seasoninBeijing Ithinkit sautumn 2003北京 A goodB betterC bestD thebest 典型例题解析 例7 Itis todaythanyesterday Shallwegoswimmingthisafternoon 2003北京海淀区 A thehottestB hotC hottestD hotter D D 例8 Jimisrunning Bruce They reneckandneck 2003黑龙江 A fasterthanB asfastas C asfasterasD moreslowlythan 例9 Hermotherwasout Shestayedathome butshedidn tfeel 2003甘肃 A alone lonely B lonelyalone C alone lonelyD lonely alone B A 4 Annisalittle thanJoan butsheismuch young tall 5 TheChangjiangRiverisvery It sThethird riverintheworld long younger taller long longest III 单项选择1 Whata cough Youseen ill A terrible terriblyB terribly terribleC terrible terribleD terribly terribly2 Thecarisrunning Itseemstobeflying A moreandfasterB moreandfastC fastandfast D fasterandfaster 课时训练 A D 6 Haveyou spokentoaforeigner No A already neverB ever never C yet alreadyD ever ever7 Heistallerthan inhisclass A anyboyB anyboys C anyotherboyD someotherboys B C 8 I llgoandvisityou nextweek A sometimeB sometimes C sometimeD sometime 9 Whatwastheweatherlikeyesterday Itwasverybad Itrained peoplecould goout A hard hardB hardly hardC hardly hardlyD hard hardly C D 10 Englishisas asChinese Youshouldlearnitwell A importantB moreimportantC themostimportantD muchmoreimportant 11 Musicisnotsousefulasscience It s usefulthanscience A fewerB lessC moreD alot A B 12 Helooks A goodB well C happilyD worriedly 13 We veneverheardof storybefore A suchastrangeB suchstrangeC soastrangeD sostrange B A 14 Youmustwearglasses Theycankeepyoureyes A softB safeC safelyD safety15 Wouldyoupleasespeak Istillcan tfollowyou A slowB muchslow C muchslowlyD moreslowly B D 写出下列词的比较级和最高级 1 badly bad ill2 early3 difficult4 thin5 hard 课时训练 worse worstearlier earliestmoredifficult mostdifficult thinner thinnest harder hardest 6 athletic7 funny8 many much9 dirty10 fat moreathletic mostathletic funnier funniest more most dirtier dirtiest fatter fattest Thankyou Goodbye


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