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非谓语动词中考考查重点讲解 区七中吕庆江 动词的基本用法是做放在主语之后做谓语 eg Iworkinafactory 当句中有谓语动词时 如在需要用动词就只能用非谓语动词 非谓语动词重要包括 动词不定式 todo 动名词 分词 现在分词 过去分词 Eg 1 Idecidetoworkinafactory 2 Ienjoyworkinginafactory 3 Heisthemanworkinginafactory 4 Pleasehandinyourwrittenexercises 一 动词不定式 1 动词不定式做主语动词不定式作主语时 常用it做形式主语 而将真正的主语放在句末 其结构是It s adj of forsb todo Eg TolearnEnglishwellisuseful It susefultolearnwell 注意 此时用of还是用for关键是看形容词形容的是什么 如果是形容做此事怎么样用for 反之如形容人的性格特征的用of 1 It sverykind youtohelpme 2 It snecessary ustomasteraforeignlanguage It snice youtoinviteus It sinteresting ustoplayfootball of for of for 2 不定式做宾语1 一些动词只能用动词不定式做宾语 如 want decide hope agree wish need promise wouldlike plan等 eg Wehope see thefilm Wouldyoulike go withus tosee togo 2 在find think后用it做形式宾语 而将真正的宾语放在句末 Eg Ifind necessry master aforeignlanguage tosee it tomaster 3 常见的一些用不带to的动词不定式做宾语 这类动词有 Whynotdo hadbetter not do wouldratherdo thando could wouldyoupleasedo Eg Iwoulrather stay athomethan go out stay go 3 不定式做宾补 1 不定式做宾补时 与宾语之间有逻辑上的主谓关系 常见的动词有tell ask want allow get invite encourage等 否定形式在todo前加not Mymotheroftenencourageme study hard Wedon tallowpeople smoke here Thestudentsareoftentold notgive up Heaskedme notdrive here tostudy tosmoke nottogive nottodrive 2 使让动词和感官动词用省略to的不定式做宾补 Eg 1 Thebossmadetheworkers work foranother2hours 2 Isawlucy go outjustnow work go 4 不定式做定语 放在被修饰词后 一般并与被修饰词间有动宾关系 Eg Wouldyoulikesomething eat Thereisnothing worry about Haveyougotanythingelse say Heisoftenthefirstone get here toeat toworry tosay toget 注意 此时变为被动语态必须将to加上 如 Lucywasseentogooutjustnow 5 不定式放在疑问词what where whichhow之后 此时相当于一个宾语从句 Eg Idon tknowwhat do tomorrow Idon tknow tomorrow Hedidn tknowwhere go fortheholiday Hedidn tknowwhere fortheholiday Iwonderhow 处理 itnext Iwonderhow itnext Ishoulddealwith togo WhatIshoulddo todealwith hewouldgo togo 二 动名词 1 动名词做主语 此时谓语动词用单数Eg collect stamps be myfavorite Collecting is 2 动名词做动词或介词的宾语 此类动词有keep enjoy prefer to mind can thelp finish feellike practise Wouldyoumind smoke here Knivesareusedfor cut things smoking cutting 1 做定语 单个的分词作定语放在被修饰词前 分词短语作定语放在被修饰词的后面 三 分词 分词分为现在分词 动词 ing 和过去分词两种 现在分词表示主动进行 过去分词表被动 完成 1 Thisisa read room 2 His speak Englishisverygood 3 Doyouknowtheman stand underthetree 4 Thewomanswepttheleaves fall ontheground fallen standing spoken reading 2 现在分词作状语 表伴随 Eg Thestudentswentoutoftheclass talk and laugh talking laughing 3 分词作宾语补足语 现在分词作宾补与宾语之间有逻辑上的主谓关系 主动 过去分词作宾补与宾语之间有逻辑上的动宾关系 被动 Eg Don tkeepus wait forsolong Shespeaksloudlytomakeherself hear Iheardher sing inthenextroomwhenIpassedby Wehavetomakeourhair cut waiting heard singing cut 四 注意区分 1 动词不定式做宾语与动名词做宾语 无差别begin start Let sbegin have anEnglishclass tohave having 有一定差别like love hateDoing表示爱好 todo表示具体动作 如 Ilike swim alot butthiseveningIlove go skating swimming togo C 差别很大 Shetriedacomposition 她试着写作文 writing 她设法 尽力 打电话给你 Shetriedyou tocall Irememberthedoorjustnow 我记得我刚才开了门 opening Pleaserememberthedoorafterwork toclose 请记住下班后关门 Iforgothimthenews 我忘记已经告诉他这个消息了 Iforgothimthenews totell 我忘记了告诉他这个消息 telling Test 一 选择 1 Hehaspromisedbetterlatter A behavingB behaveC tobehave2 Hehatedher A troubleB totroublingC totrouble3 Hestoppedwhentheteachercamein A totalkB talkingC talked4 Ihavefinishedtheroom A cleanB toreaditC cleaning5 Igiveyouabook A toreadB toreaditC readingit6 Thereisnothingforus A toworryB toworryaboutC worryingabout C C B C A B 二 改错 1 Onedayacatholdamouseandwantedeatingit 2 Ienjoylisteningforeignmusic 3 Theworkersweremadeworkdayandnight 4 Pleaseletmetogetoutofthisdirtyplace toeat to to 5 Atlastheagreedstayhere 6 Aftertheygottothetopofthemountain theystoppedhavingarest 7 ShewouldlikestayingathomeonSundays 8 Itoldtheboydon ttotiethedogunderthetree to tohave tostay not 2 动词不定时做宾补与现在分词做宾补 感官动词既可以跟不带to的不定式做宾补也可以跟现在分词做宾补 用不定式做宾补表示的动作经常做或做了 跟现在分词做宾补表示动作正在进行 1 Isawher play basketballwhenImether 2 Ioftensawher play basketballlastweek 3 Iheardlucy go downstairsand go out playing play go go 3 need wantrequire todo与doing Mybikeneeds repair andIwant repair it repairing torepair Todo表示被动 与主语有逻辑上的动宾关系 doing表示主动 与主语有逻辑上的主谓关系 4 ing与 ed 如 interesting与interested exciting与excited等的区别 如 I mvery surprise atthe surprise matter surprised surprising 5 注意介词to在短语中的应用 doingmakeacontributionto 为做 做贡献 payattentionto 注意做 lookforwardto 盼望做 prefer to 喜欢 而不喜欢 beusedto 习惯于做 ThankYou

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