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第四章动词和时态 第一节动词 知识梳理 一 动词的概念与分类动词是句子中表示动作或者状态的词 根据动词的词义和在句中的作用 可以将动词划分为如下几类 二 动词的基本形式1 情态动词 没有人称和数的变化 后面接动词原形 如 Icanplaybasketballwell MikecanspeakChinese 2 be动词 根据人称和时态的不同 呈现不同形式 如 现在时 Iamveryhappytoday MikeisanAmericanboy Theyareplayinginthesnow 过去时 HewasinGrade3lastyear Wewereathomeyesterday 将来时 TherewillbeamatchbetweenClass1andClass2tomorrow 3 助动词 不能单独在句中使用 在句中的作用是帮助构成否定 疑问等句式 如 Wedonot don t haveclassesonSaturdays Myfatherdoesnot doesn t workinthehospital Didyougoswimminglastweekend 4 实义动词 小学阶段所学的实义动词有四种形式 即动词原形 第三人称单数形式 现在分词形式 动词的ing形式 和过去式形式 如 1 动词第三人称单数形式的构成 一般情况下 在动词词尾加s 如 work works look looks want wants 以ch sh s x o结尾的动词 在词尾加es 如 teach teaches wash washes dress 装扮 dresses fix 安装 fixes go goes 以辅音字母加y结尾的动词 改y为i 再加es 如 fly flies cry cries 注 play plays buy buys 不规则变化 如 have has be is 2 动词现在分词形式的构成 一般情况下 在动词词尾加ing 如 go going play playing 以不发音的字母e结尾的动词 去e再加ing 如 write writing come coming 以重读闭音节结尾 且词尾只有一个辅音字母的动词 双写最后这个辅音字母再加ing 如 run running swim swimming shop shopping 以ie结尾的动词 将ie改为y 再加ing 如 die dying lie lying 3 动词过去式的构成 一般情况下 在动词词尾加ed 如 work worked play played等 以不发音的字母e结尾的动词 在词尾加d 如 close closed arrive arrived 以辅音字母加y结尾的动词 改y为i 再加ed 如 cry cried study studied 以重读闭音节结尾 且词尾只有一个辅音字母的动词 双写最后这个辅音字母再加ed 如 stop stopped drop dropped 动词的不规则变化 见下表 考点精析 考点1考查动词的变化形式 例1 根据句意和单词首字母提示填写动词 并注意其动词的形式 1 CanyousEnglishsongs 2 Sheusuallygtoschoolat7 00 3 Look AmyiswTV 4 Icmyroomlastnight 解析 本题考查动词基本形式的写法和用法 在做此题时 不仅要考虑主语的人称 还要注意句子的时态 这样才能根据句意和首字母提示填写出动词的正确形式 第1小题应填写动词原形sing 因为情态动词can后要加动词原形 第2小题的主语是第三人称 句子又是陈述习惯性的动作 谓语动词应使用第三人称单数形式goes 第3小题中的look一词提示了本题要用现在进行时 所以要用现在分词watching 第4题由lastnight这一时间状语可知本题要用一般过去时 所以谓语动词应填过去式cleaned 答案 1 sing2 goes3 watching4 cleaned 举一反三用所给单词的适当形式填空 1 Thecat run aroundthetree 2 Theyare clean theirclassroom 3 I have acoldlastweek 4 Don t talk loudlyinthelibrary 5 Mymother make abigcakelastmonth 6 What do shedolastnight 7 Myauntoften go shoppingonSundays 8 Sarah buy aredbagyesterday runs cleaning had talk made did goes bought 考点2考查助动词 be动词的使用 例2 选择适当的助动词填空 1 HenotdohomeworkonFridayevening 2 youhavecrayons 3 TomnotreadEnglishthismorning 解析 本题考查学生对助动词do的三种形式的正确运用 第1小题中onFridayevening是常态 用一般现在时 而主语he是三单形式 所以用一般现在时的三单形式does 第2小题you是非三单形式 用do 第3小题中thismorning表示过去的时间 且过去式不受人称影响 故用did 答案 1 does2 Do3 did 举一反三1 用be动词的适当形式填空 1 I inGradeSixthisyear Lastyear I inGradeFive 2 There manytallbuildingsherenow Twentyyearsago there somesmallhouses 3 MikeandJack twinbrothers Theylookthesame 4 Iwantto ateacherinthefuture 2 用所给单词的适当形式填空 1 will youlikesometea 2 do hewatchTVlastnight am was are were are be Would Did 考点3考查情态动词的使用 例3 单项填空 He readthebooknow A iscanB cansC can解析 本题考查情态动词的正确使用 情态动词can的用法很容易混淆 can和be动词或其他的助动词不能同时出现在句中 can不受人称的影响 故不存在cans的形式 在本题中还要分析清楚 now不表示现在进行时 答案 C 举一反三1 选词填空 1 Iuseyourpen 2 What Idothen 3 You beamiddleschoolstudent 4 We dosomethingforGrandpaLi 5 wegonow Shall May Can should must can 2 按要求完成下列各题 1 IcanspeakChineseandEnglishwell 改成否定句 2 当你想提醒朋友 让他周末要帮助妈妈做家务时 你可以说 3 你想告诉想要闯红灯的人 红灯必须停 你应该说 Youmuststopataredlight Ican tspeakChineseorEnglishwell Youshoulddosomehouseworkforyourmotheronweekends 考点4考查动词的综合运用 例4 用read的适当形式填空 1 Youcan read thebookinthelibrary 2 She read abooknow 3 CanI read thisbooknow 4 Myfather read newspaperseverymorning 5 Didyou read thecomicbook Yes I read ityesterday 解析 本题围绕一个词read展开 考查了不同时态 不同人称情况下 实义动词的用法 第1小题中can 原形动词 第2小题now表示的是现在 体现现在进行时 she是三单形式 故而be 动词的ing形式是本小题需要的答案 第3小题不管后面出现什么 can 原形动词 第4小题everymorning体现一般现在时 而myfather是第三人称 故而动词要用三单形式 第5小题did之后加动词原形 答句中用过去式形式 read的过去式和原形同形 答案 1 read2 isreading3 read4 reads5 read read 举一反三1 用所给动词的适当形式填空 1 We like music Nowwe sing 2 Let s go tothecinema 3 He is illyesterday 4 Canyou clean thetablenow 5 Doyou go totheparkonSaturdays like aresinging go was clean go 2 单项填空 1 Whatdidhe yesterday A doB doesC did 2 Heis withhisfriend A talkedB talkingC talks A B 3 Howishefeeling He better A feelsB isfeelC isfeeling 4 Whatareyoudoing I m dinner A cookB cooksC cooking 5 Don t TV A watchB watchingC watches A C A 过关检测 一 按要求改写下列单词 1 have 第三人称单数形式 2 do 现在分词 3 slept 动词原形 4 take 动词过去式 has doing sleep took e 反义词 6 wash 第三人称单数形式 7 driver 动词形式 8 write 动词过去式 9 sit 动词过去式 10 told 动词原形 go washes drive wrote sat tell 二 选词填空 将下列短文补充完整 MynameisSarah I1 anAmericangirlbutI2 inGuangzhouwithmyparentsnow Myfatherisateacher He3 English Helikes4 pictures Usuallymyfather5 toworkbycar butyesterdayhe6 bybus Mymotherisanurse She7 inabighospital Sheoften8 towork She9 playingbaseballverymuch Weoften10 ittogether am live teaches drawing goes went works walks likes play 三 用所给动词的适当形式填空 1 be theseyourshoes 2 Ican play footballeveryday 3 Iwantto buy someflowersformymother 4 Listen Whois sing overthere 5 He do morningexerciseseverymorning 6 yourmother wash theclotheseveryday 7 He notteach Englishinourschool 8 He leave hishomeworkathomethismorning Are buy singing does wash Does doesn tteach left 9 Where be thetwinslastnight 10 CanI watch TVnow 11 Myfatherlikes collect stamps 12 Joe saunt work inafactorylastyear 13 Weshould help eachother 14 Thesun rise intheeast 15 No smoke 16 have thisorange please 17 She stay athometoday 18 Jackisgoodat run andheis run ontheplaygroundnow were watch collecting worked help rises smoking Have stays running running 四 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 1 Lasttermwe have eightsubjects Weall study veryhard 2 They go totheparknextFriday 3 It s10 00inthemorning Thepupils have lessonsintheclassroomsnow had studied willgo aregoing arehaving 4 Mymother go shoppinginthemorningand take exerciseintheafternooneveryday 5 It be alwaysrainyandfoggylastweekend butthisweekit be much good 6 Mybrotherandmysister benot inChinalastyear They go toEnglandto study English goes takes was is better weren t went study 7 Listen Who sing Oh thisisMissGreen Shealways sing and dance inthemusicroomafterschool NextMondayshe sing forusinclass 8 yourfriends come toyourbirthdaypartyyesterday Yes andthey give mealotofbirthdaypresents issinging sings dances will isgoingtosing Did come gave 五 单项填空 1 CanI yourbike Sure A rideB ridingC toride 2 Myfather anewcar He itverymuch A have likeB has likesC has like A B 3 heoften hishomeworkatschool A Does doB Does doesC Do does 4 Whatisshedoing She A singsB willdanceC istidyingherroom 5 Iwanttogo A swimB toswimmingC swimming A C C 6 Thesun downinthewest A goB isgoingtoC goes 7 Maryoftenhelpshermum thedishes A doesB doC doing 8 Ienjoy tomusic A listenB listeningC listened C B B 9 Father onhiscoatandwentout A putsB putC putting 10 I totheteacher butIdidn t him A listen heardB listened heardC listened hear 11 He afterhefinisheshishomework A playsB isgoingtoplayC played B C B 12 What you lastweekend A will doB does doC did do 13 Tony toschoolbybikelastyear A goesB wentC willgo 14 MrSmith toseeyouinanhour A cameB comesC willcome C B C 15 Howsoon they backfromwork A do comeB did comeC will come 16 We TVathomethistimeyesterdayafternoon A werewatchingB watchC wouldwatch 17 Where youthismorning I atameeting A were wasB are amC do am C A A 18 MyfriendPeter verywell A swimB runningC sings 19 LiLei likefish buthissister A don t doB doesn t doesC isn t is 20 Don t inclass Let s totheteacher A talking listeningB talks listensC talk listen C B C 六 按要求完成下列句子 1 Jennywillbeadoctorinthefuture 改为一般疑问句 2 Hedidhishomeworklastnight 改为一般疑问句 并作肯定回答 WillJennybeadoctorinthefuture Didhedohishomeworklastnight Yes hedid 3 Heis 就画线部分提问 4 Sarahcanswim 改为否定句 5 MyfriendandIaregoingtoplaybaseballnextweek 用lastweek改写 Whatishedoing listeningtomusic Sarahcan tswim MyfriendandIplayedbaseballlastweek 同学们 来学校和回家的路上要注意安全 同学们 来学校和回家的路上要注意安全

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