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2019年六年级上册Module7测试卷一、默写下列单词1.相信_ 2.非常好的_ 3.竹子_4.模仿_ 5.幸运的_ 6.只读光盘_二、写出下列单词的第三人称单数1.say_ 2.think _ 3.copy_4.like_ 5.love_ 6.go_三、为下列汉语选择合适的英文表达。( )1.它们喜欢竹子。 A. I dont believe it!( )2.我不相信! B.What an interedting CD-ROM!( )3.多么有趣的光盘啊! C. Pandas eat for twelve hours a day.( )4.熊猫每天吃12个小时。 D.They love bamboo. 四、选择题( )1.I _ noodles. A. like B.likes C.liking ( ) 2. He_fish. A.likes B.like C.liking ( )3. We_ bananas. A.dont likes B.dont like C.doesnt like ( )4.-Do you like apples?-_. A.Y es, I am B.Yes, I can. C.Yes, I do.( )5. Daming _rice. A.dont like B.doesnt like C.doesn t likes( )6.Grandma_ Daming a CD-ROM. A. give B.gives C.giving( )7. Look _ this picture. A. at B.to C.in( )8. The snake thinks the flute is_ snake. A. other B.others C.another ( )9. What _ interesting CD-ROM! A.a B.an C.the ( )10.The dog _ three hours a day. A.eat B.eats C. eating( )11.He_ Lindas homework. A.copys B.copy C.copies( )12.Simon_ to school by bike. A.going B.goes C.go( )13.-Thank you! -_. A.Dont thank you. B.You are wele. C.Oh,sorry.( )14-What are they? -They_elephants. A.is B.are C.am( )15.-Do you like noodles?-_. A.Yes. I dont. B.No, I do. C.No, I dont.( )16.-_pandas like bamboo? A. Does B.Do C,Are ( )17.-_ is the snake ing out of the box? A.What B.Why C.How( )18.Snake cant_ A.hear B.hears C.hearing小学六年级上册Module8试卷二、选择正确的动词形式填空。1、She _ (read/reads) books at the weekend.2、I _ (play/plays) football at the weekend.3、He _ (watch/watches) TV at the weekend.4、Sam _ (go/goes) swimming at the weekend.5、My brother _ (like/likes) music.6、They _ (go/goes) to the park at the weekend.7、You _ (play/plays) football at the weekend.8、I _ (watch/watches) TV at the weekend.


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