2019年六年级下册Unit 1《Our winter holidays》(lesson 3)教案.doc

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2019年六年级下册Unit 1Our winter holidays(lesson 3)教案学习目标 1.复习以下单词:visited the Great Wall、went to the zoo、did homework、played football, had a party, sang and danced等.2. 学习双元音/ei/.学习重点 目标1 学习难点 目标2、3教具、学具准备: 多媒体,导学精要教学过程Step 1 Warm-up 1. Greeting. 师生互相问好. T: Good morning, boys and girls. S: Good morning, Miss Zhang. T: Sit down please. S: Thank you. 2. Review 3. 听音排序 将你听到的单词排序. 1had a party 2. visited the Great Wall 3. sang and danced 4. ate and drank5. write emails 6. wrote emails 7. have a rest 8. took pictures 9. call friends 10. eat and drink Step1: 老师读. 10 9 8 1 4 3 6 2 5 7Step2: Check answers.教师检测答案.请一位同学起来回答出正确的顺序. Step3: Read the words together.齐读单词 B听音排序. 将你所听到的句子排序. 1We visited the Great Wall and many other places.2What did you do in your holiday? 3It was really a wonderful holiday? 4We sang and danced with them. 5Really? What did you do there? 6Where did you go in the holiday? 7We had a party with the children. Step1:老师读7534621 Step2: Check. Step3: Read together.齐读句子. 3.Practice What do you usually do after school? I (have) a rest. What do you do usually do after school? I (write) emails.What did you do after school yesterday? I (take) pictures. What did you do after school yesterday afternoon? I (write)a letter. What do you usually do after school? I (call) friendsStep 2 Presentation 1Do you remember?你还记得这些字母所对应的音标吗?老师一个一个的抽读. p /p/ d /d/ f /f/ l /l/s /s/ c /k/ g /g/ m /m/ r /r/ 2揭示主题双元音/ei/. 3Can you read? place bake date face same cake gate late make race Step1: 先听读,跟读. Step2: 自学: Q1. 你发现这些单词里都有哪一个同样的字母? Q2. 这些单词最后三个字母都是什么结构呢? Step3: 回答以上问题,揭示双元音/ei/. 读一读,讲解字母a的其他发音./ae/ 5. 选一选.选择下列划线部分发音不同的单词. A. place B. date C. make D. apple A. bake B. late C. race D. hat Step1: 2分钟时间学生独立完成. Step2: Check answers.学生讲理由. Step3:教师总结,讲解原因. 6. Can you read? plain brain daily fail sail claim gain laid main rain Step1: 先听读,跟读. Step2: 自学: Q1. 你发现这些单词里都有哪两个同样的字母? Q2. 这些单词最后三个字母都是什么结构呢? Step3: 回答以上问题,揭示ai+n/ ai+m/ ai+l发双元音/ei/. Step4:想一想,下列单词发音一样吗? A. pain B. daily C. main D. rainA. faith B. paid C. wait D. email7. Can you read? pay bay day fray say clay gray lay may rayStep1: 先听读,跟读. Step2: 自学:Q1. 你发现这些单词里都有哪两个同样的字母? Q2. ay位置? Step3: 回答以上问题,揭示字母ay在末尾发双元音/ei/. Step4:小组合作总结双元音/ei/发音规则.并请小组展示. Step5:教师总结: 1. a+辅音字母e 2. ai+n/ ai+l 3. ay且ay在单词末尾. Step 3 Practice 1. Listen, circle and write. 完成P8第3题. 2. 完成Read and link.P8第4题目.

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