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2019年六年级上学期第2周教案:5教学目标: 教学重点:1.Personal pronouns2.Words and expressionsa.From the text : each other , at the gate of , what about, e on.b.From the reading : after school, in English, for the first time, make friends with.教学过程:. Warming up :1.Where are you from ? How old are you? 2. Whats your name ? What about you?3.Are you happy today ? How about you?4.What day is today ? Thank you.5.Do you like sports? And you?6.Nice to meet you. How do you do?. New words and expressions :gate n. 大门at the school gate 在校门口 = at the gate of the schoolat the gate (of) 在()的门口 at the gate of Century Parkeg. We will meet at the gate of that building.2. junior high school 初级中学 senior high school高级中学at Shanghai No.1 Junior High School 在上海第一初级中学at Luojing Junior High School 在罗泾中学at New York High school 在纽约中学3. monitor n. 班长(男) monitress班长(女) monitor of our class 我们班的班长 headmaster of our school 我们学校的校长headmistress of Shanghai No.1 Junior High School 上海第一初级中学的女校长(职务前不加冠词 a / an , the) 1)Wangyi is headmaster of our school. 2)Who is monitor of our class?4. eg. e on. Lets go to the school opening ceremony.e on = hurry up快点,赶快,走吧,跟我来 (常用与祈使句)eg. Lets go to the movies. e on. e on, we are waiting for you.5. conversation n.会话,谈话 = talk9. call v. 称呼, 叫, 打电话1)My name is John Smith. You can call me John. (称呼)2) Please call me. (打电话) 3) call sb. for help (叫某人帮助)4)receive / return a call 接/ 回电话这个东西用 1) What do you call this in English ?英语怎么说 2) How do you say this in English ? 3) Whats the English for “”?corner n. 角落 at the (street) corner at the English Corner11. speak:+ 语言 speak English/Japanese / Chinese speak to sb.talk:+ 介词 与某人交谈talk with/ to sb. 谈论某事talk about sth. talk in Englishsay:+说话的内容 eg. My mother says, “e on”. say to sb. say it in English tell 告诉某人关于某事 tell sb. about sth.告诉某人(不)去做某事 tell sb. (not)to do sth.讲故事tell a story 说谎 tell a lie 报时 tell the time tell the difference12. after school (lunch / supper/ class/ running)13. make friends (with sb. ) 与.交朋友1) We can make some friends at the English corner.2) Lets make friends with each other. 14.for the first time 第一次eg.I swim in the sea this summer for the first time. He is playing basketball for the first time.

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