2019年五年级英语下册unit7haveaheadachepb课件陕旅版 .doc

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2019年五年级英语下册unit7haveaheadachepb课件陕旅版 .doc_第1页
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2019年五年级英语下册unit7haveaheadachepb课件陕旅版 .doc_第2页
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2019年五年级英语下册unit7haveaheadachepb课件陕旅版1教学目标 1.能用I feel very bad today. Whats wrong with you. I have a headache. Just stay in bed. I will call the doctor. Dont about I will call 谈论病痛及其处理方式。2.能听,说,熟读对话,语音语调准确自然。2学情分析 五年级学生已经有了两年的学习基础,对于本课的新知学习兴趣较为浓厚。3重点难点 能运用所学词汇和功能句在创设的情景中林火自如地进行交流。培养学生心系健康,关爱生命的意识。4教学过程 4.1 第一学时 4.1.1教学活动 活动1【导入】教学设计 一、Show1.根据某位学生假装的生病状态,能够用Do you have a?关心他人,这位学生并回答YesNo.2.看词卡读单词。二、Talk1.Look at the picture and talk about it.Who are they? Whats wrong with Colin? Can he go to school?2.Read the dialogue and circle the words that you dont know.三、listen1.Listen the dialogue and answer the questions.How does Colin feel?Whats wrong with Colin?What can he do now?What is his mother going to do?Does Colin worry about his lessons? What can you say to him?四、Practice1.Read after the dialogue.2.分角色朗读对话:Colin and mom.3.演一演:Colin and mom.五、use 1. 完成课本59页的Ask and answer。T:Who are they?Ss: They are Peter, Kelly, Rose, and Bob.六、Explainfeel very bad感觉非常不好 Whats wrong with himherthem? .怎么了? stay in bed呆在床上call the doctoryour teacher给打电话worry about 担心 tell about 告诉某人什么事七、Blackboard DesignUnit7 have a headache.feel very bad感觉非常不好 stay in bed呆在床上call the doctoryour teacher给打电话worry about 担心tell about 告诉某人什么事Whats wrong with him herthem? .怎么了?

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