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List what is Food Poising List 6 way to prevent Bacterial Poisoning List 2 common Chemical Poisoning List 4 common prevention of Toxic Poisoning,陈述事物中毒的基本概念陈述预防细菌性事物中毒的6种方法陈述2个常见化学性事物中毒陈述4个有毒动植物中毒,培训目标,What is Food poisoning Common food poisoningCharacteristic of food poisoning,什么是食品中毒常见的食物中毒食物中毒的特征,食品中毒的基本概念,Food poisoning is having poisonous and harmful and polluted foods or food containing poisonous thwt bring about acute, subacute disease.,食品中毒是指食用了被有毒有害物质污染了的食品或是含有毒有害的食品后出现的急性,亚急性疾病,什么是食品中毒,Food poisoning means getting affected by the harmful bacterial inside the food. This will cause stomach upset and other problems.,细菌性食物中毒是最常见的食物中毒,预防细菌性食物中毒对于控制食物中毒的发生,保障消费者身体健康非常重要。,细菌性中毒,常见的食物中毒有哪些,Food that are poisonous by itself before cooking. Examples are : beans and puffer fish.,有毒动植物中毒:是指人们食用了一些含有某种有毒成份动植物而引起的食物中毒。常见的有河豚鱼中毒,高组胺鱼中毒,四季豆中毒,豆浆中毒,发芽马铃薯中毒,毒蘑菇中毒等。,有毒动植物中毒,Chemical ingredients, this means that the food contains ingredients that are genetically modified.,化学性食物中毒是指人们食用被有毒有害化学品污染的食品而引起的食物中毒。常见的有“瘦骨精”食物中毒,有机磷农药食物中毒,亚硝酸盐食物中毒,桐油食物中毒等。,化学性事物中毒,食物中毒的特征,Food poisoning can affect thousands of people and symptoms defer from peopleTo people. It usually take 2-24 hrs to feel the effect. The conditions includes: Vomiting, headache, stomach ache. During may to October, it is the best period For these bacteria to be active and we should be careful.,一般人发病突然,发病人数多且较集中,少则几人,几十人,多则数百人,上千人。潜伏期根据中毒中毒种类的不同可从数分钟到数十小时,大多数食物中毒的病人在进食后224小时内发病,通常化学性食物中毒潜伏期较短,细菌性食物中毒潜伏期较长。 病人的症状表现类似。大多数细菌性食物中毒的病人都有恶心,呕吐,腹痛,腹泻等急性肠胃道症状,但根据进食有毒物质的多少及中毒者的体质强弱,症状的轻重会有所不同。细菌性食物中毒季节性比较明显,510月份气温比较高,适宜细菌生长繁殖,使细菌性食物中毒的高发时期。大部分的化学性食物中毒和动植物性食物中毒季节性不明显。,The most common type of infection is virus infection. And how this can happen: 1. Mix raw and cooked food. Raw food contains lots of bacteria and should never be placed near cooked food. 2. Human infection. If the person handling the food have a cut or wound, bacteria will be very easy to spread.,生熟交叉污染生肉,水产品或其他食品原料,半成品,往往有各种各样的致病菌,在加工处理过程中如果生,熟食品混放,或者生,熟食品的工用具混用,就会使熟食受到致病菌的污染,而熟食在食用前一般不再经过加热,因此一旦受到致病菌污染,积极易引发食物中毒 2. 患者炒作人员带菌污染 一旦操作人员说不皮肤有破损,化脓,或患有感冒,腹泻等疾病,会携带大量致病菌。如果患病的操作员仍在继续接触食品,极易使食品受到致病菌的污染,从而引发食物中毒。,细菌性事物中毒发生的原因,Under-cooking. By under-cooking, the bacterial in the food will still be active and for your safety, always cook food thoroughly and avoid mass cooking. Utensils are not clean. If plates that contain food previously is not properly clean, there is a chance of bacterial growing on it.,3. 食物未烧熟煮透生的食物即使带有致病菌,通过彻底的加热烹调,也能杀灭绝大多数的细菌,确保食用安全。但如果烹调前未彻底解冻,一锅烧煮量太大或烧制时间不足等,使食品未烧熟煮透,就会导致致病菌为被杀灭,从而引发食物中毒。4. 餐具清洗消毒不彻底盛放熟食品的餐具或其他容器清洗消毒不彻底,或者消毒后的餐具受到二次污染,致病菌通过餐具污染到食品,也可以引起食物中毒,细菌性事物中毒发生的原因,1.Keep clean. Always make sure that all utensils and chopping board is clean. Table top should be clean and the chefs hand is washed and dry.2. Separate raw and cooked food. Never place cooked food next to the chopping board or prepare food near the dining table to avoid cross-contamination.,一、 是防止食品受到细菌污染1. 保持清洁保持与食品接触的砧板,刀具,操作台等表面清洁。保持厨房地面,墙壁,天花板等食品加工环境的清洁。保持手的清洁,不仅在操作前及受到污染后要洗手,在加工食物期间也要经常洗手。2. 生熟分开处理凉菜要使用消毒后的刀和砧板。生熟食品的容器,工用具要严格分开摆放和使用。,如何预防细菌性事物中毒,如何预防细菌性食物中毒,3. Use clean water and ingredients. This is to ensure safety and its healthy. Raw fruits and vegetable should be rinsed before cooking.4. Temperature control. Its best to cook raw food 2 hours after buying and meat and seafood should be stored at below 5 degree. Food to be chilled also should be stored in the fridge.,使用洁净的水和安全的食品原料熟食品的加工处理要使用洁净的水。选择来源正规,优质新鲜的食品原料。4. 控制温度菜肴烹饪后至食前的时间预计超过2小时的,应使其在5摄氏度以下或60摄氏度以上条件下存放。鲜肉,禽类,鱼类和乳品冷藏温度应低于5摄氏度。 冷冻食品不宜在室温条件下进行化冻,保证安全的做法是在5摄氏度以下温度解冻,或在21摄氏度以下的流动水中解冻。,如何预防细菌性事物中毒,如何预防细菌性食物中毒,5. Cooking process. The food temperature should be above 70 degree for those that have been stored at 10-60 degree for 2 hours. Defrost food completely before cooking. 6. Proper cleaning. Fruits and sashimi are eaten raw therefore the plates serving these food should be clean. Utensils should also be clean for preparing food.,5. 烧熟煮透烹调食品时,必须使食品中心温度超过70摄氏度。在10-60摄氏度条件下存放2小时的菜肴,食用前要彻底加热至中心温度达到70摄氏度以上。已变质的食品可能含有耐热(加热也不能破坏)的细菌毒素,不得再加热食用。严格清洗消毒生鱼片,现榨果汁,水果拼盘等不经加热处理的直接入口食品,应在清洗的基础上,对食品外表面,工用具等进行严格的消毒。餐具,熟食品容器要彻底洗净消毒后使用。,如何预防细菌性事物中毒,火灾发生时应如何去做,We will now see how chemicals substances in food poison consumers. Food addictives. Most case happens concerning pork when butcher addsAddictives to make it look nicer. An overdose of it will cause adverse affect and Will take place 30 minute to 2 hours later causing headache.To prevent, buy meat from reputable butcher and meat must not be dull.,1. “瘦肉精”中毒中毒原因:食用了含有瘦肉精的猪肉,猪内脏等主要症状:一般在食用后30分钟至2小时内发病,症状为心跳加快,肌肉震颤,头晕,恶心,脸色红潮等预防方法:选择信誉良好的供应商,如果发现猪肉肉色较深,肉质鲜艳,后臀肌肉饱满突出,脂肪非常薄,这种猪肉可能含有猪肉精特别提示:尽量选用带有肥膘的猪肉,猪内脏,最好选有品牌的定型包装产品,不要采用市场外无证摊贩经营的食品,常见的化学性食物中毒,2. Food pesticides. Most vegetables and fruits are cover with pesticides to Prevent insects from eating them. This must be washed off if not within 2 Hours, it will cause headache, vomiting, faintness, excessive sweating. To Prevent this from happening, we must buy from a reputable supplier and wash Food thoroughly.,2. 有机磷农药中毒 中毒原因食用了残留有机磷农药的蔬菜,水果等主要症状一般在食用后2小时内发病,症状为头痛,头晕,腹痛,恶心,流涎,多汗,视力模糊等,严重者瞳孔缩小,呼吸困难,昏迷,直至呼吸衰竭而死亡预防方法选择信誉良好的供应商,蔬菜粗加工时用蔬果洗洁净溶液浸泡30分钟后再冲净。,常见的化学性食物中毒,Puffer fish. Main reason for poisoning is the mis-handling of the food. The poison takes 3 hours take effect and will cause low blood pressure, numbness or even death.,1. 河豚鱼中毒中毒原因误食河豚鱼或河豚鱼加工不当主要症状一般在食用后数分钟至3小时内发作,症状为腹部不适,口唇指端麻木,四肢乏力继而麻痹甚至瘫痪,血压下降,昏迷,最后因呼吸麻痹而死亡预防方法不使用任何品种的河豚鱼(巴鱼)或河豚鱼干制品。国家禁止在餐饮服务单位加工制作河豚鱼,常见的动植物中毒,2. High histamine fish. These fish have mostly green skin and the meat is a little red. It takes minuets for the effect to happen and will cause nose bleeding, headache, rash and fast heartbeat.To prevent: always buy fresh fish and the eyes are not red. The meat should be firm too.,2. 高组胺鱼类中毒中毒原因食用了不新鲜的高组胺鱼类(如鲐鱼,秋刀鱼,金枪鱼等青皮红肉鱼)主要症状一般在食用后数分钟至数小时内发病,症状为面部,胸部及全身皮肤潮红,眼结膜充血,并伴有头痛,头晕,心跳呼吸加快等,皮肤可出现斑疹或荨麻疹预防方法采购新鲜的鱼,如发现鱼眼变红,色泽暗淡,鱼体无弹性时,不要购买,储存要保持低温冷藏,烹调时放醋,可以使鱼体内的组胺含量下降,常见的动植物中毒,3. Soya bean.If the soya bean is not being boiled at high heat, poisonous substances inside it will not be destroyed. It usually take 30 to 60 minuet for the effect to happen and it will cause headache, vomiting, instine problems. To prevent this, always boil till you can see bubbles and leave it boiling for 5 minuet.,3 . 豆浆中毒中毒原因豆浆未经彻底煮沸,其中的皂素,抗胰蛋白酶等有毒物质未经彻底破坏主要症状在食用后30分钟至1小时内,出现胃部不适,恶心,呕吐,腹胀,腹泻,头晕,无力等中毒症状预防方法生豆浆烧煮时将上涌泡沫除净,煮沸后再以文火维持沸腾5分钟左右,常见的动植物中毒,4. Poisonous mushroom. There are various types of mushroom and some are poisonous which we need to avoid. Different mushroom will have different effect and most common effects are: vomiting, intestine cramp and death. It takes 10 Minuit to 2 hours for the poison to take effect.Avoid this by only eating mushroom sold by proper supplier.,毒蘑菇中毒中毒原因毒蘑菇在自然界到处都有,从外观上却很难与无毒蘑菇区分开来,毒蘑菇一旦被误食,就会引起中毒,甚至引起死亡主要症状由于毒蘑菇的种类很多,所含毒素的种类也不一样,因此中毒的表现多种多样,主要表现出四种类型;胃肠炎型大多在食用10分钟至2小时左右发病,出现恶心呕吐,腹痛腹泻等症状,单纯由胃肠毒引起的中毒,死亡效率较低.溶血型除了胃肠道症状外,在中毒一两天内出现黄疸,血红蛋白尿;肝损害型由于毒蘑菇的毒性大,会出现肝脏肿大,黄疸,肝功能异常等表现。预防方法切勿采集,进食野生蘑菇,也不要购买来 源不明的蘑菇,常见的动植物中毒,测试题:,测试题,Thank you !,


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