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二、细节理解间接信息题(2018全国,A) Washington,D.C.Bicycle ToursCherry Blossom Bike Tour in Washington,D.C.Duration:3 hoursThis small group bike tour is a fantastic way to see the world-famous cherry trees with beautiful flowers of Washington,D.C.Your guide will provide a history lesson about the trees and the famous monuments where they blossom.Reserve your spot before availabilityand the cherry blossomsdisappear!Washington Capital Monuments Bicycle TourDuration:3 hours (4 miles)Join a guided bike tour and view some of the most popular monuments in Washington,D.C.Explore the monuments and memorials on the National Mall as your guide shares unique facts and history at each stop.Guided tour includes bike,helmet,cookies and bottled water.Capital City Bike Tour in Washington,D.C.Duration:3 hoursMorning or Afternoon,this bike tour is the perfect tour for D.C.newers and locals looking to experience Washington,D.C.in a healthy way with minimum effort.Knowledgeable guides will entertain you with the most interesting stories about Presidents,Congress,memorials,and parks.fortable bikes and a smooth tour route(路线) make cycling between the sites fun and relaxing.Washington Capital Sites at Night Bicycle TourDuration:3 hours (7 miles)Join a small group bike tour for an evening of exploration in the heart of Washington,D.C.Get up close to the monuments and memorials as you bike the sites of Capitol Hill and the National Mall.Frequent stops are made for photo taking as your guide offers unique facts and history.Tour includes bike,helmet,and bottled water.All riders are equipped with reflective vests and safety lights.21.Which tour do you need to book in advance?A.Cherry Blossom Bike Tour in Washington,D.C.B.Washington Capital Monuments Bicycle Tour.C.Capital City Bike Tour in Washington,D.C.D.Washington Capital Sites at Night Bicycle Tour.答案A解析细节理解题。根据第一项自行车旅行中的最后一句“Reserve your spot before availabilityand the cherry blossomsdisappear!”可知,这项自行车旅行需要提前预订。其他三项自行车旅行都没有提到需要预订。22.What will you do on the Capital City Bike Tour?A.Meet famous people.B.Go to a national park.C.Visit well-known museums.D.Enjoy interesting stories.答案D解析细节理解题。根据第三项自行车旅行中的第二句“Knowledgeable guides will entertain you with the most interesting stories about Presidents,Congress,memorials,and parks.”可知,在Capital City Bike Tour中,导游会为你讲述关于总统、国会、纪念碑和公园的最有趣的故事。23.Which of the following does the bicycle tour at night provide?A.City maps. B.Cameras.C.Meals. D.Safety lights.答案D解析细节理解题。由题干中的at night可定位到最后一项自行车旅行。根据最后两句“Tour includes bike,helmet,and bottled water.All riders are equipped with reflective vests and safety lights.”可知,在晚上进行的这项自行车旅行给游客配备了安全灯。一、题型解读1.话题特点常考查间接信息理解类的话题有:(1)人物类;(2)故事类;(3)文化教育类;(4)史地自然类;(5)社会生活类;(6)科普说明类。2.设问形式特殊疑问句形式或填空形式:(1)According to the author/passage,.(2)What can we learn about.?(3)What was the reason for.?二、解题技巧“断章取义”定答案第一步:阅读题干,确定关键词,锁定原文相关信息;第二步:定位题干关键词的转换形式;第三步:利用正确选项特征,确定答案。正确选项特征:(1)用同义或近义词复现。如【真题感悟】第21题题干中book in advance“提前预定”与原文中“Reserve your spot before availabilityand the cherry blossomsdisappear(在有效期和樱花消失前预约).”意思相同,可知答案为A项。(2)同根词或原词复现。(3)语言简化。简化原文中的复杂语言现象,并设置为答案。(4)反义词复现。把原文中的意思反过来表达。A(2018南开区一模)Tiger research:IndonesiaWhile sustainable tourism helps protect many of the Indonesias wildlife,one of its rarest species,the Sumatran tiger,suffers as the islands cities expand into its forest habitat.Fortunately Biosphere Expeditions have created a trip that not only benefits the seriously endangered animal,but helps protect it too.Based in a remote camp in the heart of the rainforest,volunteers will tour the landscape,documenting tracks,kills and scats(粪便) to aid important research into the lives of these big cats.pany:Biosphere ExpeditionsLength:13 daysMore information:.biosphere-expeditions.orgCycling tour:CambodiaWith an ancient world of temples and jungles,Cambodia is the kind of country that needs to be explored slowly.PEPY Tours offers 621 miles of green fields,dusty orange tracks and winding rivers on its 15-day cycling expeditions.Money goes directly to local people through homestays and lunches,while tours allow visitors to learn Khmer customs and contribute to ongoing munity development projects.pany:PEPY ToursLength:15 daysMore information:.pepytours.Beach stay:TanzaniaA winner in the Best for Beach category at the Responsible Tourism Awards 2014,Chole Mjini Island is a tourists paradise(天堂) located off the coast of Tanzania.With no roads or electricity,guests to the low-impact destination can enjoy a simple life in hand-built tree houses and spend days either stretched out on deserted beaches or searching for whale sharks.pany:Chole Mjini IslandLength:6 daysMore information:.cholemjini.Teaching:MoroccoIts the breathtaking beauty that draws tourists to Moroccos High Atlas Mountains,but while the remoteness of the setting may aid its charm,it also causes problems.Few inhabitants of the regions rural villages,especially females,continue their education past primary school.Education For All (EFA) is a Moroccan NGO that builds and runs girls boarding houses near secondary schools in the High Atlas,making further education theoretically possible.Based in the beautiful town of Asni,the programme is looking for female volunteers with teaching experience.pany:People and PlacesLength:4 weeks (minimum)More information:.travel-peopleandplaces.co.uk1.If you want to help with wildlife research,you may go to .A.Morocco B.IndonesiaC.Cambodia D.Tanzania答案B解析细节理解题。根据题干关键词help with wildlife research找到文章对应Tiger research:Indonesia部分的“Fortunately Biosphere Expeditions have created a trip that not only benefits the seriously endangered animal,but helps protect it too.”可知,想帮助保护野生动物就去印度尼西亚。2.Cycling tours in Cambodia offer tourists .A.projects to study tigersB.money to find homestays and buy lunchesC.opportunities to learn local cultureD.nights to stay at temples答案C解析细节理解题。根据Cycling tour:Cambodia中的“Money goes directly to local people through homestays and lunches,while tours allow visitors to learn Khmer customs and contribute to ongoing munity development projects.”可知,自行车旅行为游客提供的是学习当地文化的机会。3.We can get all the information about Tanzania EXCEPT that .A.tourists can live in tree houses built by handB.whale sharks are a threat to tourists in waters thereC.its inconvenient to get around on Chole Mjini IslandD.environment there is not much affected by human activities答案B解析细节理解题。根据Beach stay:Tanzania中的“With no roads or electricity,guests to the low-impact destination can enjoy a simple life in hand-built tree houses and spend days either stretched out on deserted beaches or searching for whale sharks.”可知,A、C、D都有提及,而文中并没有提到鲸鲨对于游客是威胁。4.Jennifer,a university professor concerned about the education of girls in remote areas,may be interested in the information on .A.travel-peopleandplaces.co.ukB.pepytours.C.cholemjini.D.biosphere-expeditions.org答案A解析细节理解题。根据文章对应部分Teaching:Morocco中的“Few inhabitants of the regions rural villages,especially females,continue their education past primary school.”可知该部分的网站是.travel-peopleandplaces.co.uk.。5.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A.The four tours are all mercial tours.B.Cycling expedition to Cambodia lasts 13 days.C.PEPY organises tours to Chole Mjini Island.D.Volunteers are needed in Indonesia and Morocco.答案D解析推理判断题。根据文章第一部分中的“volunteers will tour the landscape,documenting tracks,kills and scats(粪便) to aid important research into the lives of these big cats”和最后一部分中的“Based in the beautiful town of Asni,the programme is looking for female volunteers with teaching experience.”由此可知,在印度尼西亚和摩洛哥都需要大量的志愿者参与活动。B(2018南开区一模)My father worked in a sugar-cane plantation in Rio Piedras,Puerto Rico.My first job was to drive the oxen that ploughed the cane fields.I would walk behind an ox,guiding him with a broomstick.For 1 a day,I worked eight hours straight,with no food breaks.It was very tedious work,but it prepared me for life and taught me many lasting lessons.Because the plantation owners were always watching us,I had to be on time every day and work as hard as I could.Ive never been late for any job since.I also learned about being respectful and faithful to the people you work for.More importantly,I earned my pay;it never entered my mind to say I was sick just because I didnt want to work.I was only six years old,but I was doing a mans job.Our family needed every dollar we could make because my father never earned more than 18 a week.Our home was a three-room wood shack with a dirty floor and no toilet.Nothing made me prouder than bringing home money to help my mother,father,two brothers and three sisters.This gave me self-esteem,one of the most important things a person could have.When I was seven,I got work at a golf course near our house.My job was to stand down the fairway and spot the balls as they landed,so the golfers could find them.Losing a ball meant you were fired,so I never missed one.Some nights I would lie in bed and dream of making thousands of dollars by playing golf and being able to buy a bicycle.The more I dreamed,the more I thought.Why not?I made my first golf club out of guava limb(番石榴树枝) and a piece of pipe.Then I hammered an empty tin can into the shape of a ball.And finally I dug two small holes in the ground and hit the ball back and forth.I practiced with the same devotion and intensity.I learned working in the fieldexcept now I was driving golf balls with a club,not oxen with a broomstick.6.The writers first job was .A.to spot the balls as they landedB.to watch over the sugar-cane plantationC.to drive the oxen that ploughed the cane fieldsD.to stand down the fairway at a golf course答案C解析细节理解题。根据第一段中的“My first job was to drive the oxen that ploughed the cane fields.”可知,作者的第一份工作是赶牛犁耕这块甘蔗田地。7.The underlined word “tedious” in Paragraph 2 most probably means “ ”.A.difficult B.interestingC.unusual D.boring答案D解析词义猜测题。根据第一段中的“I worked eight hours straight,with no food breaks.”可知,这个工作很繁琐,我每天工作八小时,没有吃饭休息时间。由此推知“tedious”的意思是“繁琐的,乏味的”。8.The writer learned that from his first job.A.he should be respectful and faithful to the people he worked forB.he should never fail to say hello to his ownerC.he should work for those who he liked mostD.he should work longer than what he was expected答案A解析细节理解题。根据第二段中的“I also learned about being respectful and faithful to the people you work for.”可知,作者学会了要尊敬和信任于你为之工作的人。9. gave the writer self-esteem.A.Owning his own golf courseB.Earning money to support the familyC.Helping his father on the plantationD.Having a family of eight people答案B解析细节理解题。根据第三段中的“Nothing made me prouder than bringing home money to help my mother,father,two brothers and three sisters.This gave me self-esteem,one of the most important things a person could have.”可知,没有任何事情比我拿钱回家给我爸妈、两个弟弟和三个妹妹更值得我骄傲,这让我有了自尊心。10.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A.He wanted to run a golf course near his house.B.He wanted to make money by guiding oxen.C.He was satisfied with the job on the plantation.D.He wanted to bee a successful golfer.答案D解析推理判断题。根据最后一段可知作者跟那些高尔夫球手一样,有同样的投入和强度训练。由此不难看出他成为一名高尔夫球员的迫切之心。题型组合练(五).单项填空1.Physically challenged as Jack was,he did not himself to his fate.A.resist B.reserveC.resign D.rescue答案C解析考查动词词义辨析。句意为:杰克虽然身体不太好,但是他不愿屈服于自己的命运。resist抵抗,抗拒;reserve储备,保留;resign委托,使听从,屈服;rescue营救,援救。resign oneself to ones fate屈服于自己的命运,为固定短语,故C项正确。2.Have you ever been in a situation you know the other person is right yet you cannot agree with him?A.where B.whichC.that D.as答案A解析句意为:你是否曾经处于这样一种境况?你明知道另一个人是对的,但你却不能同意他的看法。分析句子可知,句中的先行词为situation,在从句中作地点状语,应使用关系副词where。3.She then took the little key,and opened it,trembling,but could not at first see anything ,because the windows were shut.A.plainly B.closelyC.firmly D.frequently答案A解析句意为:于是她拿了那把小钥匙,颤抖着打开了它,但是因为窗户都是关着的,一开始没能看清楚任何东西。closely紧密地,接近的;firmly坚定地;frequently频繁地,均与句意不符。plainly清楚地,符合句意。4.While interacting with people in India,I was to a way of life pletely different from my own.A.reduced B.exposedC.mitted D.transferred答案B解析句意为:在印度与人交流时,我接触到了一种生活方式,与我的完全不同。be reduced to减少到,沦落为;be mitted to致力于;be transferred to被转移到,均不符合句意。be exposed to接触到,暴露于,符合语境。5.Watching basketball games on TV at home is one thing,while going to watch them live is quite another.A.perform B.performingC.to perform D.being performed答案D解析句意为:在家里的电视上看篮球比赛是一回事,去看现场比赛又是另外一回事。根据句意可知,perform与其逻辑主语them之间为被动关系,且此处表示去现场看正在进行的比赛,故应用being performed作宾语them的补足语,故D项正确。6. work and creative activities have been important drivers of human progress is deeply rooted in our social values.A.How B.WhetherC.That D.Why答案C解析句意为:工作和创造性活动是人类进步的重要驱动者,这深深地植根于我们的社会价值观中。“ work and creative activities have been important drivers of human progress”作主语,是主语从句,该从句结构意思完整,故应用that引导该从句。7.Dont make a special journey to pick up the laundry for me.Its OK.I to the shop anyway.A.was going B.will have goneC.have gone D.will be going答案D解析句意为:不用专门为我去取衣服。没关系。反正我都要去商店。由第一句可知,去取衣服是还没有发生的事情,由此可知,去商店是将来的事情,故D选项正确。D选项的将来进行时相当于一般将来时。8.What is your impression of your former colleague Nick?Hes helpful,and he give us a hand at work.A.must B.would C.may D.should答案B解析句意为:你对前同事尼克的印象怎样?他很乐于助人,并经常在工作中帮助我们。must必须,肯定;would过去常常,将;may可能,可以;should竟然,应该。由第一句中的“former colleague”可知,Nick过去常常帮助同事,故B选项正确。9. the oil under the sea,the pany has raised ample funds to develop petroleum exploration equipment.A.Exploiting B.Having exploitedC.To exploit D.Exploited答案C解析句意为:为了探索海底石油,该公司筹集了充足的资金来开发石油勘探设备。此处为动词不定式作目的状语,故C选项正确。10.Thanks to the special chemical of the soil in the mountainous area,this economic plant grows well there.A.position B.petenceC.construction D.conclusion答案A解析句意为:由于山区里土壤的特殊化学成分,这种经济作物在那儿生长得非常好。position构成,合成物,成分;petence能力;construction建造;conclusion结论。根据常识可知,这里指化学成分,A选项正确。.阅读理解A(2018天津部分区县一模)One of the newest “smart” devices is an old favorite,a camera.And smart cameras are getting smarter all the time.Some are now built with machine learning tools to help them think for themselves.Machine learning involves putting large amounts of data into a puter for processing.Google ClipsOne of the latest to launch is Google Clips.It is the first camera developed by the web search giant that is not built into a phone.The small and light device is designed to be put somewhere in a room to take pictures by itself.It can also be stuck to an object or a persons clothing.Google says machine learning helps the camera choose the best times and situations for taking pictures and video clips.It can also recognize the faces of people or pets chosen by the user and take pictures of them in a more natural way.The device is not yet being sold,but interested buyers can join a waiting list to be informed when it is available.GoPro HeroGoPro is another pany developing machine learning technology.GoPro also uses machine learning to power its QuikStories feature.This tool takes existing photos and videos and automatically creates a finished video piece,plete with music and effects.Snap SpectaclesMessaging app Snapchat sells a pair of sunglasses with a built-in camera that can record short video clips with the push of a button.Snap Inc.says the product,called Spectacles,is designed to “capture the moment,without taking you out of it”. Many smart phones already have facial recognition technology built into the devices.Snap Inc.has started selling its Spectacles sunglasses online in the United States.Apple iPhone XApples new iPhone X is being launched with its new Face ID system that it says will unlock the phone just by having the user look at it.This replaces the Touch ID on previous devices that used a fingerprint to unlock the phone.Apple says the system works by projecting more than 30,000 dots on the face to create a kind of map.Apple claims its facial recognition is even secure enough to allow payments through its Apple Pay service.11.What can machine learning tools help cameras do?A.Get much smarter.B.Process more roughly.C.Keep data for ever.D.Store more natural photos.答案A解析细节理解题。根据第一段中的“And smart cameras are getting smarter all the time.Some are now built with machine learning tools to help them think for themselves.”可知,机器学习工具来帮助他们更智能。12.What can we know about Google Clips?A.It can only be put in a room.B.People can buy it online easily.C.It can be built into a phone.D.You can take photos automatically with it.答案D解析细节理解题。根据Google Clips中的“The small and light device is designed to be put somewhere in a room to take pictures by itself.”可知,它可以自动拍摄。13.What is the special function of GoPro Hero?A.It has to use power to work.B.It can record videos vividly.C.It provides music and effects for videos.D.It uses technology of machine learning.答案C解析细节理解题。根据GoPro Hero中的“This tool takes existing photos and videos and automatically creates a finished video piece,plete with music and effects.”可知选C。14.Which of the following can now be bought surely on the Internet?A.Google Clips.B.GoPro Hero.C.Spectacles sunglasses.D.Apple iPhone X.答案C解析细节理解题。根据Snap Spectacles中的“Snap Inc.has started selling its Spectacles sunglasses online in the United States.”可知,Snap公司已经开始在网上销售这种太阳镜。15.How is Apple iPhone X unlocked?A.By a fingerprint.B.By facial recognition.C.By pushing a button.D.By making a map.答案B解析细节理解题。根据Apple iPhone X中的“Apples new iPhone X is being launched with its new Face ID system that it says will unlock the phone just by having the user look at it.”可知,新iPhone X利用脸部识别解锁。B(2018和平区二模)One of the greatest sources of unhappiness,in my experience,is the difficulty we have in accepting things as they are.When we see something we dont like,we wish it could be different.We cry out for something better.That may be human nature,or perhaps its something ingrained(根深蒂固的) in our culture.The root of the unhappiness isnt necessarily that we want things to be different.However,its that we decided we didnt like it in the first place.Weve judged it as bad,rather than saying,“Its not bad or good,and it just is it.”In one of my books,I said,“You should expect people to mess up and expect things to go differently than you planned.” Some readers said its too sorrowful to expect things to go wrong.However,its only negative if you see it as negative and judge it as bad.Instead,you could accept it as the way the world works and try to understand why that is.This can be applied to whatever you do:how other people act at work,how politics works and how depressing the news media can be.Accept these things as they are,and try to understand why theyre that way.It will save you a lot of sadness,because youll no longer say,“Oh,I wish bad things didnt happen!”Does it mean you can never change things?Not at all.But change things not because you cant accept things as they are,but because you enjoy the process of changing,learning and growing.Can we make this world a better place?You can say that youll continue to try to do things to help others,to grow as a person,to make a difference in this world.Thats the correct path you choose to take,because you enjoy that path.Therefore,when you find yourself judging and wishing for difference,try a different approach:accept,and understand.It might lead to some interesting results.16.The author believes that we feel unhappy maybe because .A.it is our natural emotion in the lifeB.culture as

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