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Module 1 Unit 1 School life题型组合训练.单项填空1.As is known to all, India attained independence in 1947, after long struggle.A./;aB.the;aC.an;/D.an;the答案A句意:众所周知,印度在经过一段长期的斗争之后,在1947年获得独立。此处independence是不可数名词,且非特指,前面不加冠词;第二空意为“一段长期的斗争”, struggle为可数名词,故答案为A。2.The thoroughly teacher, who has just retired from teaching, is said to a lot of hardships during those unforgettable ten years.A.experiencing;experienceB.experienced;experienceC.experienced;have experiencedD.experiencing;experiencing答案C句意:这位经验丰富的老师,他刚刚从教学岗位上退休,据说他在那令人难忘的十年里经历了很多苦难。根据句意可知,第一空是“有经验的老师”;时间状语是过去的一段时间,所以第二空用动词不定式的完成时态。3.(2018南京、盐城一模)Father always instructs me to do kind acts and bring more joy into the world around us.Thats great.Smallcan often create huge blessings.A.gesturesB.impactsC.schemesD.concepts答案A句意:父亲总是教导我做善事,给我们周围的世界带去更多的快乐。好极了。小小的举动往往能创造巨大的幸运。考查名词辨析。gesture表示,姿态,举动;impact作用,影响;scheme规划,方案;concept观念,概念。4.Has his third book been published yet?No, it is currently .A.in storeB.in preparationC.in useD.in place答案B考查介词短语。句意:他的第三本书已经出版了吗?没有,目前在准备中。in store即将发生;in preparation在准备中;in use在使用中;in place在合适的位置。根据题意可知书还没有出版,在准备阶段,故选B项。5.The students of Senior 3 in our school often have the tradition of gifts before they graduate from high school every year.A.expressingB.exportingC.examiningD.exchanging答案D句意:每年我校高三的学生在他们毕业之前经常有交换礼物的传统。exchange gifts交换礼物。6.(2018江苏百校联考)Congratulations on your girlfriends being offered the job.Thank you, but shes got it her greater perseverance.A.in terms ofB.in response toC.by virtue ofD.with respect to答案C考查介词短语。in terms of就而言;in response to响应;by virtue of由于,凭借;with respect to关于。句意:祝贺你的女朋友找到了工作。谢谢,但是她是凭借更大的毅力得到这份工作的。根据句意选C。7.(2018镇江高三上学期期中考试)Robots can also shine in fields require higher professional skills.A.thatB.howC.whenD.where答案A考查定语从句。句意:机器人也能在需要更高专业技能的领域发光。先行词fields指物,在定语从句中作主语,用that引导,故选A。8.What do you think of her new book?There is nothing special about it.I mean it is just.A.averageB.usualC.normalD.strange答案A考查形容词。句意:你认为她的新书怎么样?没有什么特殊的地方。我的意思是水平一般。average一般的,平均的;usual通常的;normal正常的;strange奇怪的。故选A项。9.The school had promised to keep parents fullyabout the conditions of their children at school.A.informB.informingC.informedD.being informed答案C考查非谓语动词。句意:学校已经答应随时让父母完全了解他们的孩子在学校的状况。parents与inform之间为被动关系,故用过去分词。故选C项。10. on my puter, I found an e-mail from my penfriend,me to spend the summer holiday in his city.A.On turning;invitedB.On turning;invitingC.When having turned;to inviteD.After turning;invited答案B第一个空:on+doing.,意为“一就”;第二个空:penfriend与invite之间构成逻辑上的主动关系,故用现在分词形式。11.(2018镇江高三上学期期中考试) Push yourself to go beyond your fort zone because thats life truly does begin.A.what B.whereC.whichD.whose答案B考查表语从句。句意:强迫自己走出舒适区,因为那才是生活真正开始的地方。where在句中引导表语从句,指“的地方”,故选B。12.The money collected should be made good use the people who suffered a lot in this terrible earthquake.A.of helpingB.to helpC.to helpingD.of to help答案D句意:筹集的钱应该被好好利用来帮助在这次可怕的地震中遭受了许多苦难的人们。恢复成正常语序为:.make good use of the money collected to help the people.。故选D项。 13.(2018无锡模拟)As is expected, it will still be some years before all the metro lines in our city into operation.A.will be putB.are putC.will have been putD.have been put答案B考查时态和语态。句意:正如预期的那样,还需要几年的时间我们城市的所有地铁线路才被投入运行。根据“主将从现”原则可知,主句用将来时,从句用一般现在时表示将来,主语和put之间是被动关系,故用一般现在时的被动语态。14.There is no doubt that China will devote itself toother developing countries, especially African countries.A.helpB.helpingC.having helpedD.being helped答案B句意:毫无疑问中国将致力于帮助其他发展中国家,尤其是非洲国家。devote oneself to doing sth.“致力于做某事”。15.(2018泰州中学上学期期中考试)One of the best temporary cures for pride and affectation is seasickness.Thats exactly the case! A man who wants to throw up never.A.has green fingersB.puts on airsC.feels blueD.kills the fatted calf答案B考查习语辨析。句意:晕船是对傲慢与矫饰的最佳临时治疗法之一。正是如此!要呕吐的人从不装腔作势。have green fingers有园艺技能;put on airs 摆架子;feel blue 心情郁闷;kill the fatted calf热情款待,设宴欢迎。根据语境判断得知选B。.完形填空(2018苏锡常镇一模)Like many perfectionists, I truly believed that self-sufficiency was a virtue. And 1 my brain was so good at finding what it was looking for, I noticed every single time that idea got proved 2, and so I always had lots of 3 that it really was better if I just handled everything myself. This kind of thinking, friends, was the 4 in disguise (伪装). My self-reliance came in handy when I was a kid in the 1970s and in adulthood when I was an independent 5. Then, in the first years of 6 the Organized Artist pany, I found myself 7 everything I could about websites, copywriting, graphic design, etc. Later whenever one of my business friends8 about how her website was being held hostage to her designer, I 9 felt too satisfied. 10if mistakes were made in my business, they were all mine.Now this was where my false 11 showed upin not wanting others to know I made mistakes. If I had other people 12 me, they would see my errors and 13. Working alone, I could keep up a pretty good display of 14.But as the Organized Artist pany became increasingly 15, I realized I was doing harm to the people I was trying to serve by attempting to do everything myself. I was 16 my growth and the depth of my work. I had built a business with my own two hands, and I 17 with a business that I could hold in my own two hands. It was cozy, 18 limited in scope (范围). Once I was willing to control my ego (自负) and admitted that my vision of self-sufficiency was a 19, my business took a remarkable leap forward, and revenue 20. Little change, big difference. 1.A.whileB.since C.before D.until2.A.clearB.mistaken C.rough D.right3.A.evidenceB.experienceC.suggestion D.confidence4.A.magicB.devil C.sheep D.heaven5.A.workerB.perfectionist C.writer D.artist6.A.runningB.owning C.founding D.establishing7.A.losingB.quittingC.learning D.possessing8.A.municatedB.mentedC.promisedD.plained9.A.doubtfullyB.seriously C.secretly D.strangely10.A.At mostB.At last C.At length D.At least11.A.eleganceB.pride C.anxiety D.annoyance12.A.helpingB.persuading C.criticizing D.ignoring13.A.statementsB.misjudgmentsC.argumentsD.agreements14.A.inspirationB.imagination C.excellence D.patience15.A.difficultB.successful C.boring D.relaxing16.A.limitingB.designing C.creating D.promoting17.A.came downB.got away C.ended up D.came up18.A.butB.or C.so D.and19.A.dreamB.virtueC.concept D.trap20.A.shrankB.doubledC.dropped D.stayed答案语篇解读本文是一篇夹叙夹议的文章。作者是一个非常自负的人,认为自己无所不能,凡事都亲力亲为。后来,作者意识到,这种自负其实是一个披着伪装外衣的魔鬼。在解除“心魔”、控制自负后,作者的事业得到了显著的提升。1.B作者是一个完美主义者,他认为凡事亲力亲为是一种美德。由于他的大脑擅长发现它要寻找的东西,所以作者感到他的那种想法是正确的。since 由于,引导原因状语从句,符合语境,故选B项。2.D作者的想法被证明是正确的。clear清楚的;mistaken错误的;rough粗糙的;right正确的,符合语境,故选D项。3.A作者有很多证据可以证明,如果他自己亲力亲为,事情会更好。experience经验,经历;suggestion暗示;confidence自信;evidence证据,符合语境,故选A项。4.B此句是作者在进行反思,意为“这种(自负的)想法,朋友们啊,是披着伪装外衣的恶魔”。devil恶魔,符合语境,故选B项。5.D根据后文提到的the Organized Artist pany可知,作者是一个艺术家。worker 工人;perfectionist完美主义者;writer作家;artist 艺术家。故选D项。6.A作者在经营公司的头几年里任何事情都亲力亲为。run经营,管理,符合语境,故选A项。7.C在经营公司的头几年,作者任何事情都得亲力亲为,所以他得学所有的事情,包括网站、文案写作、平面设计等。故选C项。8.D因为作者的网站是自己设计的,所以当他的一个朋友向他抱怨网站受制于设计者的时候,他感到窃喜。municate交流;ment评论;promise妥协;plain抱怨,符合语境,故选D项。9.C因为作者的网站是自己设计的,没有受制于人的风险,所以他暗自感到满意。doubtfully怀疑地;seriously严肃地,认真地;strangely奇怪地;secretly秘密地,偷偷地,符合语境,故选C项。10.D凡事作者都亲力亲为,这有个好处,至少如果生意出了差错,也都是自己的错。at most 至多;at last最后;at length最终;at least至少,符合语境,故选D项。11.B根据后文内容in not wanting others to know I made mistakes可知,作者不想让他人知道自己犯了错误,这暴露出作者的虚荣。elegance优雅;anxiety焦虑;annoyance恼怒,生气;pride骄傲,false pride妄自尊大,虚荣,符合语境,故选B项。12.A作者非常自负,认为如果让他人帮忙,他人就会知道他犯的错误。persuade说服;criticize批评;ignore忽视;help帮助,符合语境,故选A项。13.B如果让别人帮忙,别人会发现作者的错误和误判。statement陈述;argument争论;agreement同意;misjudgment误判,与前面的errors意义相近,符合语境,故选B项。14.C独自做事,就没人知道作者所犯的错误,因此可以继续向外人展示优秀。inspiration灵感;imagination想象力;excellence优秀;patience耐心。故选C项。15.B公司发展的头几年里,作者凡事都亲力亲为,但是随着公司变得越来越成功,作者意识到自己这样做反而对那些他想为之服务的人造成了伤害。difficult困难的;successful成功的;boring无聊的;relaxing放松的。故选B项。16.A作者认为凡事亲力亲为正在限制作者的自我发展和工作的深度。design设计;create创造;promote推广,促销,提升;limit限制,符合语境,故选A项。17.C作者意识到由于他总是亲力亲为,他双手创建的公司最终只能局限于他自己双手能掌控的规模,无法做强做大。e down下降;get away离开;e up出现,走近;end up最终处于,end up with.以告终,符合语境,故选C项。18.A公司无法得到发展壮大,尽管很舒适,但是会被局限在一定范围内。前后明显存在转折关系,but符合语境,故选A项。19.D作者愿意去控制自己的自负,并承认他的自负只是一个陷阱,阻碍了他自身和公司的发展。dream梦想;virtue美德;concept概念;trap陷阱,与上文the devil in disguise相呼应,符合语境,故选D项。20.B根据上文的my business took a remarkable leap forward可知,公司向前迈出了一大步,因此收益也翻倍了。shrink缩小,变小;drop降低;stay保持,停留;double翻倍,符合语境,故选B项。.阅读理解 (2018如皋市第一次调研)Maj Rundlf remembers the moment she changed her mind about neonicotinoidsthe worlds most widely used pesticides(杀虫剂). In December 2013, in her office at Lund University in Sweden, she and Postdoctor Georg Andersson were looking at data from their latest study. It was designed to test what would happen to bees if they fed on crops treated with neonicotinoids. “I didnt expect to see any effect at all, to be honest,” says Rundlf.Honeybees werent greatly affected by the chemicals in crops, the study suggested. But the data on bumblebees told a different story. Bumblebee colonies that hadnt fed on the treated crops looked normal:they were packing on weight to survive the winter. But in the colonies exposed to neonicotinoids, the growth chart was a flat line.When the Swedish study was published in April 2015,it made the headlines around the world. It was the first to show that neonicotinoidsknown as neonicscould harm bees in a real-world farming situation. Bee populations are declining in many parts of the globe, a worrying sign for the crops and wild plants that rely on these bees for their survival. Parasites(寄生虫), disease and shrinking food resources are all prime suspects. But a link to neonics has bee a major flashpoint.Even before Rundlfs results were revealed, the European Union had placed heavy restrictions on three most widely used neonics in flowering cropsplants that might be attractive to beesamong rising concerns that the chemicals might harm pollinators (传粉者). But farmers, the agrochemical industry and some scientists pointed out that these were based on limited evidence, gathered mostly from lab tests.Since Rundlfs paper, studies showing real-world evidence of harm from pesticides in the field have been mountingand environmental organizations have demanded wide-ranging bans. Regulatory agencies will soon decide what to do about neonics, which have a global market worth more than US$1.5 billion per year. This month, the EUs European Food Safety Authority is due to plete a re-evaluation of evidence for restricting neonics;the EU will then need to decide what action to take. France has passed a law that would ban neonics in 2018.But industry groups and some scientists say the evidence still isnt conclusive. The picture is plicated:some studies show harm to some bees in some circumstances, while others find no harm. The results seem to be affected by many factors, including the species of bee and the kinds of crops involved. Scientists working on the question say any new study is instantly picked at by advocates on both sides. Even the results of the largest study on the matter, funded by the agrochemical industry, failed to produce a consensus. Its likely that political or regulatory decisions will settle the matter before opposing parties agree.1.Maj Rundlfs study suggests that.A.neonicotinoids are linked to bee declinesB.bumblebees are threatened with cold winterC.honeybees are at no risk from neonicotinoidsD.neonicotinoids are harmful to bees as expected2.Why does the declining of bee populations raise much concern?A.Disease has caused the lack of food resources.B.Flowering crops with neonics are appealing to bees.C.Bees play a leading role in limiting the number of parasites.D.Bee populations are crucial to the survival of crops and wild plants.3.According to the passage, we know that .A.the EU is to further assess the harm of neonicotinoidsB.evidence of harm to bees from pesticides is sufficientC.the EU has already banned the use of neonicotinoidsD.more and more studies prove pesticides harmful to bees4.The last paragraph is mainly about .A.the battle over the widespread use of neonicotinoidsB.the debate about the harm by neonicotinoids to beesC.factors of influence on the present situation of beesD.doubts about current political or regulatory systems答案语篇解读本文是一篇说明文。研究显示被称为“neonics”的杀虫剂会对蜜蜂造成伤害,造成蜜蜂数量的下降,但这还没有成为定论。1.A细节理解题。根据第三段中的It was the first to show that neonicotinoidsknown as neonicscould harm bees in a real-world farming situation.可知,Maj Rundlf的研究表明杀虫剂会对蜜蜂造成伤害,与蜜蜂数量的下降有关系。故选A项。2.D细节理解题。根据第三段中的Bee populations are declining in many parts of the globe, a worrying sign for the crops and wild plants that rely on these bees for their survival.可知,蜜蜂的数量对那些依靠其生存的农作物和野生植物很重要。故选D项。3.D推理判断题。根据第五段中“Since Rundlfs paper, studies showing real-world evidence of harm from pesticides in the field have been mounting”、“the EUs European Food Safety Authority is due to plete a re-evaluation of evidence for restricting neonics”以及最后一句“France has passed a law that would ban neonics in 2018.”可推断出,越来越多的证据证明杀虫剂对蜜蜂有害。故选D项。4.B段落大意题。根据最后一段中的But industry groups and some scientists say the evidence still isnt conclusive. The picture is plicated:some studies show harm to some bees in some circumstances, while others find no harm.可知,最后一段主要是关于杀虫剂是否对蜜蜂造成伤害而引发的争辩,故选B项。


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