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辽宁省阜新二高2017-2018学年高二英语下学期期中试题第一部分:阅读理解(共两节;第一节:共15小题,每小题2分, 满分30分)A1Sunday ,31 August Weve been in China for a month now. Dad, Mom, Harry and I moved to Tianjin on 25 August. Were not very far from Beijing. Two days ago, we celebrated my 16th birthday. It was great celebrating in China; the only thing that was strange was the cake一here theyre not as sweet as the ones in New York. On Monday school startsI wonder what it will be like.Monday, 1 September On my first day I was looking around for a locker to put my books in. However, here all the students keep all of their books at their desks. We stay in the same classroom because apparently we dont have to go from class to classteachers e to us! Today we selected teacher assistants for each subject. Their duties are to collect homework, make announcements, and do other stuff for the teachers and the students. Its kind of a big deal here! Since I am from the US, I was asked to be the English assistant. I felt so proud but quite nervous at the same time because I wasnt sure what I had to do,but I accepted the job anyway.Friday ,3 October Boy, what a week! Now we have nine classes every day, including the morning class, a bination of our American schools “ Homeroom ” and “ Study Hall ”. I think Chinese students work too much! I have to do my homework when I get back home. I dont even have time to watch TV or surf the Internet like before. I sometimes miss New York and my school because we didnt have to study so much. We had more time to hang out with our classmates and neighbors; here, besides their usual classes, students are involved in weekend classes in subjects such as English, Chinese and math. I get a lot of attention, being from another country. Everyone wants to practice English with me! A really cute girl even asked me for my phone number on my second day and sent me a text message! Im making a lot more friends now. I just need a lot of help to improve my Chinese. Some students want to do a language exchange program with me. Nice!1. The passage mentions all the following points EXCEPT _ .A. food flavor B. physics study C. language exchange programs D. free time activities 2. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT the teacher assistants duty?A. Making announcements. B. Collecting homework.C. Teaching classmates. D. Helping teachers with small errands (差事)3. Where is this passage most probably from?A. A guide book. B. A storybook. C. A magazine. D. A diary.4. The passage is best described by _ .A. multi-culture B. culture shock C. cultural background D. unique cultureBIf you think it is cold where you are at the moment, then a visit to the Russian village of Oymyakon might just change your mind. With the average temperature for January standing at 50C, it is no wonder that the village is the coldest inhabited settlement in the world. Known as the “ Pole of Cold”, the coldest temperature recorded in Oymyakon is 71.2C,which is the lowest recorded temperature for any inhabited location on earth. Ironically, Oymyakon actually means non-freezing water due to a nearby hot spring. Most homes in Oymyakon still bum coal and wood for heat and enjoy few modem conveniences. Nothing grows there so people eat reindeer (驯鹿) meat and horse meat. A single shop provides the towns bare necessities and the locals work as reindeer-breeders, hunters and ice-fisherman. The village is located around 750 metres above sea level and the length of a day varies from 3 hours in December to 21 hours in summer. And despite its terrible winters, in June, July and August temperatures over 30C are not unmon. There are few modem conveniences in the village with many buildings still having outdoor toilets and most people still burning coal and wood for heat. When coal deliveries are irregular, the power station starts burning wood. If the power ceases, the town will shut down in about five hours, and the pipes will freeze and crack. Daily problems that e with living in Oymyakon include pen ink freezing, glasses freezing to peoples faces and batteries losing power. Locals are said to leave their cars running all day for fear of not being able to restart them. Even if there is coverage for mobile phone reception, the phones themselves could not work in such cold conditions. Another problem caused by the frozen temperatures is burying dead bodies, which can take anything up to three days.5. According to the text, Oymyakon _.A. has got frozen water all over the year B. is the coldest location on the earthC. can enjoy quite a few modem conveniences D. gets its name because of a nearby hot spring6. Mobile phones could not work in Oymyakon because _.A. the extreme coldness makes them lose power B. the batteries are of poor quality C. the phone reception is too far away to receive the signalsD. there is no coverage for phone reception7. We can learn from the text that _.A. the town often stops working because of no coal deliveryB. daily problems usually acpany the localsC. locals have no awareness of saving their resourcesD. locals only live on reindeer meat and horse meatCThe siesta petition took place in a supermarket, with plenty of shoppers, screaming babies, talking voices, and footsteps to take the petitors attention away from their after lunch sleeps. Five bright blue sofas were laid out, and five petitors at a time were allowed to take a 20-minute sleep. A doctor measured their pulse to time how long they actually spent on asleep. petitors earned extra points for snoring (打鼾),sleeping in strange positions, or wearing silly pajamas (睡衣).The winners of each round advance to the next stage in the petition. Its amazing that any of those people would fall asleep in the middle of such a busy place, while on couches that they are not used to. Yet, many of them did. They hugged pillows or soft toy bears. They covered their eyes with sleep masks, too. Whatever it took to help them fall asleep fast and stay asleep. The siesta is a tradition in Spain that many feel is being forgotten. It used to be that people would take a brief nap after lunch every day. This would energize them, and keep them going for the rest of the day. Not to mention the health benefits of a good nap. But, thats all changing. People are too busy making money or watching gossip shows on TV after lunch to care about taking a nap. The National Association of Friends of the Siesta wants to bring Spain back to their traditional roots. They are doing this by having the siesta petition. They set up the petition to reward the best sleepers with money. Actually, they were paid to sleep. There are really health benefits to a midday nap. We could all learn from this tradition. Its a much better way to get more energy than drinking a cup of coffee. It is also believed that a nap, and in fact a good nights sleep, can help reduce heart disease. The more rested we are, the less stress we feel with day-to-day life.8. The underlined word “ siesta ” here probably means“ _ ”A. oversleep B. night sleep C. a short sleep after supper D. a short sleep after lunch9. In what situation did the petition take place?A. In a noisy place. B. In a quiet place. C. In a fortable place. D. In a familiar place.10. When the petitors went to sleep, they could _.A. have their own beds B. use nothing to cover their eyesC. have doctors to help them D. use something to help them sleep11. The petition is held because the Association wants to _.A. know if people still know the traditional habitB. call on people to have their traditional habit C. do some research on how people sleepD. give people money in this wayDWicked! Note the intonation(语调).It means “wonderful” “ great cool” “splendid” .It came into English from United States slang in the 1980s or maybe earlier. Certainly it arrived in Britain in the late 1980s. It was part of a trend which goes back decades to use bad words to mean good concepts,or the other way round. I mean you might remember saying, Thats great meaning It isn t great ”.And always theres been this use of the word “naughty” to mean “nice”. So its part of a general trend. Its mainly used as an adjective in front of a noun, for example “We had a wicked time!” Or, of course, you can use it on its own by just saying “Wicked!” as a reaction thats how youngsters use it. And youngsters, of course, knowing that grown-ups are now using it as well, have decided to use other bad words in the same sort of wayIve heard young people in recent years use words like evil meaning good ,or brutal meaning good . “Wicked” is still around. This means, of course, that the traditional sense of wicked is now being squeezed out (挤出).So with “wicked” ,tone of voice is the only way to tell the old meaning from the new meaning, and even thats ambiguous(模糊的)sometimes, so you have to be careful, and pay very careful attention to the context. And notice that the word is extending its use. The other day, for the first time, I heard somebody say u wicked cool”, meaning “very cool” .12. What does the text mainly tell readers?A. The change of the word ”wicked“ in meaning. B. The changing meaning of English words. C. English words from American slang. D. The way to use English words.13. The author tells readers to pay attention to the intonation of the word “wicked” because .A. its intonation decides its meaning B. the word is easy to misunderstand C. there are many meanings of the word D. there is another word with the same pronunciation 14. According to the text, which of the following words is often used to express its opposite meaning?A. Wonderful. B. Cool. C. Evil. D. Splendid.15. According to the text, we know that the word “Wicked” .A. is only used in front of a noun B. has been used on its own C. was first used by American children D. hasnt lost its old meanings 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)Its easy to talk yourself out of exercising. Even when you have the best intentions to work out, excuses are so easy to find“Im too tired” or “Im busy” or “the weather is bad”. Dont worry! _16_Take baby steps. You would never try to run 10 miles on one day, right? When you do too much too soon, youll end up injured and discouraged. Take it easy as you get started. Maybe you only run a quarter of a mile during your first week. _17_Show the clock who is a boss. Health experts say you should aim for at least 150 minutes of exercise a week, plus weight training at least twice a week. If you work too late to get to a gym, keep a set of weights at home. If you cant exercise for 30 minutes once, break the exercise up into several sections, for example, 10 or 15 minutes once._18_ You should let your workout bee a habit, like brushing your teeth or eating breakfast. When its part of your routine, you wont even have to think about it. In a few months, fitness can be regular in your day. Keep it real. Youre not going to lose 30 pounds in a week. _19_ For example, increase your workout time from 2 to 3 days a week, or exercise for more minutes each time.Celebrate! _20_ Therefore, even a pound of weight loss or a pound of muscle gain is the reason to reward yourself. Go out with friends, or buy a new pair of jeans.A. Do it for yourself.B. Get used to it.C. Keep a fitness journal to record your progressD. It takes weeks to see real changes.AB. The following tricks can keep your fitness routine on track.AC. Aim for something thats realistic as a first step.AD. When it bees easy for you, you can make it more challenging.第二部分 英语知识运用第一节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)In 2012, I had just recovered from a serious illness when I received an invitation to a writers conference in Orlando, Florida. My family persuaded me that a(n) _21_might be just what the doctor ordered, so off I_22_. Arriving in the Sunshine State was rather tiring, but I_23_to catch a taxi to my_24_ and settle in. Next morning, I took another_25_ to the shopping centre to buy a few souvenirs._26_ I went to a cafe to have lunch, but all the tables were_27_.Then I heard a friendly voice saying, “You can_28_my table.” I gratefully sat down with the_29_ lady and we had a happy lunch together. As the_30_ drew to a close she asked how long I would be in Orlando. I had already told her that I hadnt_31_ a car, and hadnt realized how_32_taking taxis would be. After a while she said, “My dear, dont use any more taxis. Im retired and it would be my pleasure to_33_ you wherever you wish.” I told her that I couldnt put her to that_34_ , but she brushed aside my protests (反对). She asked me where I was_35_ and next morning she was waiting at my apartment at the_36_ time to take me to Disney World. She spent some time with me before leaving me to_37_alone. At the end of the day, she_38_ to take me back to my acmodation. I_39_ her money but she refused to take any. Ill never forget that wonderful lady who, through her_40_ , filled my brief holiday in Florida with wonderful memories.21.A.ceremony B. holiday C. experiment D. operation 22.A.kept B. went C. dropped D. knocked23.A. promised B.intended C. deserved D. managed24.A.hospital B. pany C. university D. acmodation25.A. passenger B.colleague C. taxi D. suitcase26.A.Instead B. First C. Later D. Once27.A.occupied B. classified C. painted D. decorated28.A.share B. reserve C. set D. possess29.A. poor B. old C. stubborn D. innocent 30.A.journey B. meal C. speech D. interview31.A. repaired B. donated C.guided D. hired32.A.convenient B. worthwhile C. unfortunate D. expensive33.A.entertain B. inspire C. drive D. call34.A.business B. argument C. trouble D. challenge35.A. staying B. working C.shopping D. moving36.A.appointed B. limited C. favorite D. regular37.A. explore B.digest C.calculate D. perform38.A.forgot B. refused C. returned D. preferred39.A. lent B.sent C. owed D. offered40.A.confidence B. dignity C. curiosity D. kindness第二节:语篇填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。As I board the plane, I say my final goodbye to the white sand beaches of _41_(sun) Miami.“Dont you wish we could live in Miami?” my mother asks. Her _42_(word) are filled with hope and envy. Poor mother, I think, you would not understand. There is only one place _43_ I could ever dream of living, and I live there.I live in Chicago, the Windy City. The image of the vast waters of Lake Michigan always _44_(flow) inside my head. Sure, Miami has the ocean, but _45_doesnt give me the feeling of being in my own hometown. Just the _46_(think) of being home again makes me feel warm and peaceful. My mind _47_(overe) with fine memories of the high buildings and the enjoyable lakefront(湖畔). I long _48_ seeing them all once more.How could I live in Miami? I cannot even imagine _49_(cheer) for any basketball team but the Bulls or eating any hot dog thats not Chicago-style _50_ Chicago is my home. The pleasant beaches of Miami will always be in my heart, but my heart is always going to be in Chicago.第三部分:写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节:短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1、每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2、只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Apologizing can be harder than realizing youve acted poor. To truly apologize to a friend, you had to be sincere and let your friend to know how much he means to you. Its easy said than done. But if you swallow your pride and show some sincere regret, they will have a true apology ready. Besides, sending gifts can be good choice for you to make. And if you do this kind of thing instead of talk to your friend face to face, youre just hiding behind gifts. After all, gifts cannot say word like “Im sorry”. So it is of great important to apologize in person. 第二节:书面表达(满分25分)良好的人际关系是建设和谐社会的关键。请你根据下面的提示,用英语写一篇关于交友的文章。提示:(1)交友的重要性。(2)如何交友:对别人要友好,要关心别人;不要以貌取人;要理解尊重对方;要坦诚相待。(3)词数:100左右。高二期中考试英语答案一、 阅读理解1-4 BCDB 5-8 DAB 9-11 DADB 12-15 AACD16-20 AB AD B AC D二、第二部分,第一节 完形填空21-25 BBDDC 26-30 CAABB 31-35 DDCCA 36-40 AACDD第二节、语篇填空41.sunny 42.words 43. where 44.flows 45. it46. thought 47. is overe 48. for 49. cheering 50. because三、第一节 改错1、poor poorly2、hadhave3、to去掉4、easyeasier5、theyyou6、be 和good 之间加a 7、And But8、talk talking9、word words10、important importance第二节 书面表达Everyone needs friends. They are a principal source of happiness and hope in our lives. With the development of the modern society, a good personal friendship is especially needed,so how to make true friends bees more and more important.To make friends, you must be friendly to others. You should think more of others than of yourself and dont judge others only by their appearances. Whats more, as youre different persons,its normal for you to have different opinions. Try to understand and respect others. Most important of all, be honest. If you do not tell the truth, you may be found out some day. If so,you will lose trust of others and youll never make a friend.


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