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.,跨文化交际实训,.,Chapter 5 Culture Shock in Intercultural Communication,Learning ObjectivesIn this chapter, you should be able toBasic knowledge about culture shock.The elements that cause culture shock.The five stages of culture shock.How do the people feel and react when they are experiencing culture shock.How to alleviate culture shock.,.,Have you experienced living in a new place? If the answer is yes, please describe your feelings. What will you do if you experience something like culture shock when you stay in a new place?Can you tell the reason why people may experience culture shock after moving to a completely new environment?,Warm-up,.,I. Definition & Causes of Culture Shock 文化休克的定义和起因,Tips for Definition of culture shocka common feeling of confusion and disorientationexperience after moving to a completely new environmentthe inadaptation of ideas or lifestyle in a societynon-consistence between home culture and host culturethe reaction of your mind and bodyTips for Causes of culture shocklanguage difficultiesthe losing all the familiar signs and symbols of social intercoursecustoms and etiquettelack of necessary cultural knowledgecorresponding social skills,.,Key Terms,Culture shock 文化休克 文化休克是1958年美国人类学家奥博格(Kalvero Oberg)提出来的一个概念,是指一个人进入到不熟悉的文化环境时,因失去自己熟悉的所有社会交流的符号与手段而产生的一种迷失、疑惑、排斥甚至恐惧的感觉。“休克”本来是指人体重要功能的丧失,如身体失血过多,呼吸循环功能衰竭等。但是,当一个长期生活于自己母国文化的人突然来到另一种完全相异的新的文化环境中时,其在一段时间内常常会出现这种文化休克的现象。,.,Key Terms,Host culture 主文化 主文化指在国外居住或暂时居住时的那个国家的文化或希望习得的别国的文化。比如中国学生想学英美文化,可以指英美文化为host culture。Home culture 传统文化 传统文化指出生地原有的主流文化。比如中国学生想学英美文化,那么中国文化就是home culture。,.,Key Terms,Non-verbal behaviors非言语行为表现 非言语行为表现是相对于语言沟通而言的,是指通过身体动作、体态、语气语调、空间距离等方式交流信息、进行沟通的过程。 在沟通中,信息的内容部分往往通过语言来表达,而非语言则作为提供解释内容的框架,来表达信息的相关部分。因此非语言沟通常被错误地认为是辅助性或支持性角色。Body Language 体态语 体态语又称“身体语言”。用身体动作来表达情感、交流信息、说明意向的沟通手段。包括姿态、手势、面部表情和其他非语言手段。如点头、摇头、挥手、瞪眼等。,.,手势语( sign language )是体态语的一种。体态语( body language )包括眼神、走路姿势、站立的姿势以及手势等等。体态语十分丰富,可以表达各种思想感情,并且不同的文化有着不同的体态语。Cross-Cultural Communication 跨文化沟通 跨文化沟通通常是指不同文化背景的人之间发生的沟通行为。因为地域不同、种族不同等因素导致文化差异,因此,跨文化沟通可能发生在国际间,也能发生在不同的文化群体之间。,Key Terms,.,Glossary,.,Glossary,.,Who may experience culture shock?Whats the major difference between different countries?Can you name some of the factors that can lead to culture shock?,Comprehension Questions,.,II. Stages of Culture Shock 文化休克的阶段,The Honeymoon Stage 蜜月阶段,wonderful and romantic enjoy the differences feel interested feel energetic and enthusiasticlasts from several weeks to half a year,.,II. Stages of Culture Shock 文化休克的阶段,The Crisis Stage 危机阶段,become confused confront the new environment feeling less competent,overwhelmed and angry. hostile and aggressive attitude towards the host countryevade from the facts lasts several weeks or months,.,II. Stages of Culture Shock 文化休克的阶段,The Recovery Stage 恢复阶段,accept their problems work on it compromise between exaggerated expectations and reality gain understanding of the new environment confusion and mix feeling pessimistic reactions and responses are lessened,.,II. Stages of Culture Shock 文化休克的阶段,The Adaptation Stage 适应阶段,enjoy the new culture understand some of the customs successfully adapted to the new culture regain some of the initial positive regard foster a sense of the integration with their host environment,.,II. Stages of Culture Shock 文化休克的阶段,The Reverse Culture Shock 逆向文化冲击,.,Key Terms,The Honeymoon Stage 蜜月阶段 蜜月阶段是指人们刚到一个新的环境,由于有新鲜感,心理上兴奋,情绪上亢奋和高涨的阶段。这个阶段一般持续几个星期到半年的时间。人们经常是在到其它国家以前对异邦生活、工作布满美好的憧憬。来到异国文化环境中后,刚开始,对所见所闻都感到新鲜,对看到的人、景色、食物一切都感到满足,处于乐观的、兴奋的“蜜月”阶段。The Crisis Stage 危机阶段 危机阶段是指人们真正感受文化冲击在学习和生活中给他们带种 种不便的阶段。在其它国家的生活正如结婚一样,蜜月不会永久 存在。几周甚至几个月后,会发现,这里的工作和生活并不像想象 的那么顺利,甚至一些小的问题也成了不可逾越的障碍,从而真正 感受到了文化冲击。这一阶段通常要延续一年或更长时间。,.,Key Terms,The Recovery Stage 恢复阶段 恢复阶段指在经历了一段时间的沮丧和迷惑之后,“外乡人”逐渐适应新的生活,找到了对付新文化环境的办法,解开了一些疑团,熟悉了本地人的语言,以及食物、味道、声音等非言语语言,了解了当地的风俗习惯,理解到异文化中不仅有缺点,也有优点,这样一个阶段。他们于是与当地人的接触多了起来,与一些当地人建立了友谊。他们心理上的混乱、沮丧、孤独感、失落感渐渐减少,慢慢地适应了异文化的环境。,.,Key Terms,The Adaptation Stage 适应阶段 适应阶段是指“外乡人”的沮丧、烦恼和焦虑消失了的阶段。他们基本上适应了新的文化环境,适应了当地的风俗习惯,能与当地人和平相处。The Reverse Culture Shock 逆向文化冲击 逆向文化冲击是指归国者归国初期表现出对自己祖国环境的种种不适应状况。,.,Glossary,.,Glossary,.,Comprehension Questions,Could you describe the characteristics of each stage?2. Do you have any more stages to add?,.,III. Symptoms of Culture Shock 文化冲击的症状,Physical symptoms of culture shock 文化冲击的生理症状caused by the differences of climate, food, water and even the differences of the plants in surroundings naturally physical reaction towards the changes of the environmentheadachesallergiesfatigue,.,III. Symptoms of Culture Shock 文化冲击的症状,diarrheanausea sweating catatoniaovereating loss of appetitefrequent minor illnessesa need for excessive sleep or insomniadry mouthdifficulty swallowingabdominal pain (especially in children),.,III. Symptoms of Culture Shock 文化冲击的症状,Psychological symptoms of culture shock 文化冲击的心理症状psychological reactions to unfamiliar environmentshelplessboredomlonelinessvulnerablemelancholydisorientationdissatisfactionheightened irritability,.,III. Symptoms of Culture Shock 文化冲击的症状,hostility towards the host cultureunwillingness to interact with othersfeelings of inadequacy or insecuritya sense of being overwhelmed or frustratedfeelings of being unimportant and overlookedextreme homesicknessdesire for home or old friendssudden intense feeling of loyalty to own culture,.,III. Symptoms of Culture Shock 文化冲击的症状,Behavioral symptoms of culture shock 文化冲击的行为症状 combination of physical symptoms and psychological symptoms of culture shock stare blanklyunexplainable cryingloss of sense of humordifficulty with concentrationlack of self-belief, or confidencerebellion against rules and authorityconstant complaints about everything,.,III. Symptoms of Culture Shock 文化冲击的症状,loss of ability to work or study effectively unable to solve simple problems during daily liferefusal to learn the languagedeveloping obsessions such as over-cleanliness excessive concern over health, securitywithdrawal from people spending too much time alone in their room (only socializing with people from their home country), etc.,.,Key Terms,Catatonia紧张症 一组精神运动和意志的质的紊乱,包括刻板、作态、自动服从症、僵硬、模仿动作、缄默症、违拗症,自动症和冲动行为等。这些现象可在运动过多、过少或运动不能的背景下出现。本症并不限于分裂症,也可见于器质性脑病(如脑炎)、其他躯体疾病和情感障碍。仅少数病人症状较重,影响工作和生活。,.,Glossary,.,Glossary,.,Comprehension Questions,Why do individuals differ greatly in the degree in which culture shock affects them? How will you imagine what you would experience if you were studying abroad?How does culture shock affect people who are exposed to a new cultural environment?,.,IV. Strategies for Managing Culture Shock 应对文化冲击的策略,Learning the target language 学习目标语言Preparing ahead预先准备Finding your possible hobbies or activities探索一些可行的兴趣或活动 Trying to understand the new culture and get involved with it 尝试理解和融入新的文化Developing and maintaining support 发展并保持一些支持因素Keeping your sense of humor 保持幽默,.,Key Terms,Defense Mechanism 防御机制 防御机制是精神分析学派用语。个人在精神受干扰时用以避开干扰,保持心理平衡的心理机制。最早由弗洛伊德提出。常在无意识状态下使用。如压抑、压制、否认、投射、转移、文饰、解除、自居、补偿作用等。 人际互动就是人际相互作用。人的相互作用可能是信息、情感等心理因素的交流,也可能是行为动作的交流。,.,Key Terms,Interpersonal Interactions人际互动 人际互动就是人际相互作用。人的相互作用可能是信息、情感等心理因素的交流,也可能是行为动作的交流。 人际互动是一个过程,是由自我互动、人际互动和社会互动组成的。人际互动专指人们在心理和行为方面的交往、交流,是社会心理学研究较多的领域,它在结构上更强调角色互动。,.,Glossary,.,Glossary,.,Comprehension Questions,Have you ever adopted some of them when you begin to live in a new place? What measures are you likely to take to fight against culture shock if you are going to study or live in a new country?Which solution do you think is the most effective one, and why?,.,Case AnalysisCase 1,A British young man is talking with his friends about his experience of his first visiting of his Chinese tutor, “As soon as I sat down with my tutor, the hostess-my tutors wife, came up to me with a cup of tea. I drank it after a while. Just immediately the cup was full again with water. I drank once more. The hostess refilled the cup at once. I drank it up. Refilled, drank, believe it or not, I drank ten cups of tea in less than an hour staying at my tutors home”Question for discussionIs the British student crazy about tea so that he drank ten cups of tea at tutors home?,.,Case AnalysisCase 2,While I was studying in America, I met an American classmate named Jimmy. One day I was eager to buy a book, but I did not have enough money, so I borrow three dollars from him. Before he lent me the three dollars, Jimmy asked me three times, “Are you sure you will return the money to me?” Four days later, he kept reminding me about the loan until I paid him back the money.Interestingly enough, weeks later he borrowed $30 from me and said he would pay me back in a week. After one month, there was no sign of the money so I reminded him. To my surprise, he said, “Im sorry, why you didnt remind me earlier?” and returned the money instantly.Americans dont readily give money to others nor receive others readily. If you lent money to an American generously, and said, “Dont mention it again. You dont have to pay me back.” He would be angry and think you were looking down on him, not believing his ability to repay the money. Question for discussionIf you “I” in this case, how would you adjust yourself?,.,Case AnalysisCase 3,Mr. Kim went to San Francisco from Korea about five years ago, together with three other Korea men. Being hard working and adaptable to a new life, he soon found work in a big American firm, where he was working as a salesman. So one year later, he was able to bring the rest of his family over and hence, lived with his family. Although his family members spoke little English, they could still get along well in the community. They had new friends who gladly helped them to adjust to various aspects of the new culture. In addition, they enjoyed their company, accepted their invitations to dinner or to birthday celebrations. They had also found some other Korea immigrants and joined some of their organizations.,.,Case AnalysisCase 3,However, Mr. Kims family members still did not feel comfortable in this new society. They felt that people were always so busy and had no time for one another. They missed the days in Korea, where people often stopped by to chat and stay for hours. Although they also had friends here in San Francisco, everyone seemed so business-oriented and they were not like friends at all. When Mr. Kim mentioned this to one of his American friends, he responded by an invitation to dinner. Although he accepted the invitation, he still seemed to be disappointed. And his American friend was totally bewildered and frustrated about what to do. Questions for discussion Why do Mr. Kim and his family feel uncomfortable even though they have some new friends in the U.S.? Can you figure out from this case some differences between Koreans and Americans in socializing with one another?,.,Case AnalysisCase 4,Li Hongzhang, one of the top officials in the Qing Dynasty, was invited to visit the United States. He was warmly welcomed. One day, Li was hosting a banquet for the American officials in a popular restaurant. As the banquet started, according to the Chinese custom, Li stoop up and said, “I am very happy to have all of you here today. Though these dishes are coarse and not delicious and good enough to show my respect for you, I hope you will enjoy them” The next day, the English version of his words was shown in the local newspaper. To his shock, the restaurant owner flew into a rage. He though it was an insult to his restaurant and insisted that Li Hongzhang should show him the evidence of which dish was not well-made and which dish was not delicious. Otherwise, Li Hongzhang intentionally damaged the reputation of the restaurant, and he should apologize. All the fuss made Li Hongzhang rather embarrassed.Question for discussionCould the Westerners understand Chinese modesty?,.,Practice,Task 1Try to find out the culture shock in the communication between you and your roommates or friends from other provinces.Task 2Compare Chinese culture to another culture in Asian countries and find out an occasion that may lead to culture shock.Task 3Develop a new strategy that can alleviate culture shock.,.,


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