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第9讲 不落俗套的亮点词汇要想写出一篇水平比较高的书面表达,高级词汇的使用必不可少,它会大大提升文章的档次,从而帮助考生获得高分。要做到准确使用高级词汇,应该注意以下几个方面:一、使用亮点词汇的4种方法1.标新立异 “语”众不同 在写作时,恰当地使用一些别人可能想不到的词汇或表达,会体现出自己的高水平。(1)Our team,besides regular training,will join in a variety of activities.Our team,apart/aside from regular training,will join in a variety of activities.(2017全国)(2)Several days later,when the video was played on the graduation ceremony,it was very popular.Several days later,when the video was played on the graduation ceremony,it was well received.(2017北京)2.多样表达 避免重复在写作时应尽量避免重复使用相同的单词或短语,要尽量用贴切多样的词语来展示自己的水平。用词不同、表达方式迥异,也是高级用法。(1)First of all,youd better arrive on time because it is polite to be on time in China.First of all,youd better arrive on time because it is polite to be punctual in China.(2018全国)(2)Weve built a new experiment building and weve also built a library where the old playground used to be.Weve built a new experiment building and weve also set up a library where the old playground used to be.3.单词短语 短语优先在单词和短语表示同一个意思时,优先使用短语。恰当使用短语,一方面能使文章更加生动,另一方面也能展示出学生扎实的语言功底。 (1)There is no doubt that you should know about the history of the Tang Dynasty in advance.There is no doubt that you are supposed to know about the history of the Tang Dynasty in advance.(2017全国)(2)Firstly,the final exam of this term is ing so I am busy preparing for it.To begin with,the final exam of this term is around the corner so I am busy preparing for it.(2017天津)(3)I hear that he is ill,and I decide to visit him this Sunday.I hear that he is ill,and I decide to pay a visit to him this Sunday.4.用高级词汇取代简单词汇为了表现自己的语言功底,显示出自己的写作水平,应尽量避免反复使用低年级学过的简单词汇,尽量用高中阶段学到的词汇来代替。(1)I should say sorry for being unable to go to the bookstore with you on Friday afternoon.I should make an apology for being unable to go to the bookstore with you on Friday afternoon.(2016全国)(2)So long as we hold fast to our ideals and never give up,we are sure to achieve success.So long as we hold fast to our ideals and never give up,we are bound to achieve success.即时训练1用较高级词汇完成句子1.Of the two,I think the latter is better.Of the two,the latter winsmyfavor.(2015重庆)2.Quite a few things caused the traffic problem.Quite a few things resultedin/ledto/gaveriseto the traffic problem.(2015江苏)3.Im very glad to see you face to face.Im morethan glad to see you intheflesh.(2018豫南九校六模)二、写作的秘密武器24个高级词汇名词普通词汇高级词汇普通词汇高级词汇chanceopportunitychoicealternativeideaopinionpeopleindividualresultconsequenceeffectinfluence动词havepossessreplacesubstitutebearput up withunderstandmake sense ofdeveloppromoteconsidertake into account形容词enoughadequaterichabundantproperappropriateimportantvital/significantinterestingabsorbing/appealingdifficultchallenging副词finallyeventuallyhardlybarelyimmediatelyin a flashnowadayscurrently连词sothereforeandas well as(1)It is of importance for you to understand the content,Tang poetry.It is of importance for you to make sense of the content,Tang poetry.It is of importance for you to be aware of the content,Tang poetry.(2017全国)(2)In the ing three years,our school life will be difficult.In the ing three years,our school life will be challenging.即时训练2用较高级词汇完成句子1.The librarian said that there were enough books here.The librarian said that there were adequate books here.2.I would appreciate it if you could help me.I would appreciate it if you could domeafavor.(2018湖南邵阳二模)3.Finally,they persuaded their teacher to agree to go with them.Eventually,they persuaded their teacher to agree to go with them.三、写作的顶级装备26个加分词汇表达关注的名词attention,focus,concern表达争论的名词discussion,debate,argument表达现象的名词phenomenon表达优缺点的名词advantage,disadvantage,strength,weakness表达增长或下降的动词increase,accumulate,decrease,decline表达导致后果的动词短语result in,lead to,bring about,contribute to,give rise to表达支持、反对的动词短语approve of,be in favor of,object to表达可能性的形容词likely表达有好处的形容词beneficial表达强调的副词particularly,especially(1)The picture shows a mon phenomenon these days.这幅图显示了这些日子的一个常见现象。(2)The Internet has brought about many changes in the workplace.网络给工作场所带来了很多变化。(3)Our teacher is likely to get angry when she sees the dirty floor.我们的老师看到地面这么脏时,可能会发火。即时训练3同义句改写(每空一词)1.The ratings may affect the decisions of the customers.The ratings may have an effect on the decisions of the customers.(2018江苏)2.Im eager to send you this e-mail since your eighteenth birthday is ing.Im eager to send you this e-mail since your eighteenth birthday is drawing near.(2018四川广安二模)3.Firstly,Id like to thank the teachers for their help and guidance in the past three years.Firstly,Id like to extend my heartfelt thanks to the teachers for their help and guidance in the past three years.(2018云南师大附中模拟) 综合演练.同义句改写(每空一词)1.She didnt listen to what her teacher said in the class.She turned a deaf ear to what her teacher said in the class.2.At that time,I realized that she didnt tell the truth.At that time, it occurred to me that she didnt tell the truth.3.Above all,Im good at spoken English,which will play an important role in municating with foreigners.Above all,I have a good mand of spoken English,which will play an important role in municating with foreigners.(2018安徽六安舒城中学)4.In my opinion,neither you nor she has met the standard.As far as Im concerned,neither you nor she has met the standard.5.I cant bear the way she treats her parents any longer.I can no longer put up with the way she treats her parents.用提示词翻译句子6.如果我女儿和我一起出国,我就去。(on condition that)Iwillgoabroadonconditionthatmydaughtergoeswithme.7.大部分海洋都蕴含着丰富的自然资源。(be abundant in)Naturalresourcesareabundantinmostoftheoceans.8.大家都知道,玛丽经常改变主意。(constantly)WeallknowthatMaryisconstantlychanginghermind.9.比赛如此有趣,很多学生报名参加。(enter for) (2018哈尔滨六中二模)Sofascinatingandinterestingisthecontestthatalotofstudentsenterforit.10.最糟糕的是,我在回来的路上堵车了。(be caught in)(2018湖南三十四校联考二模)Worstofall,Iwascaughtinatrafficjamonmywayback.请用高级词汇对下文黑体部分进行提升Dear Peter,It is a great honor for me to invite you to take part in(11.participatein) the activity “Build a Civilized Campus” this month.We plan to(12.aimto) go hand in hand to build(13.setup) our civilized campus where beauty and harmony meet.To achieve the goal,well ask(14.callon) the school to municate with each other in polite words.Meanwhile,we should(15.aresupposedto) behave ourselves and obey school rules.As a nice environment is good for(16.isbeneficialto) us,well try our best(17.sparenoeffort) to create a pleasant school environment.All the above is to lead to(18.contributeto) the good conduct of teachers and students in our school.It would be nice if you could join us.Yours,Li Hua

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