2019高考英语一轮选练编题 Unit 5 First Aid(含解析)新人教版必修5.doc

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Unit 5考点规范练(必修5Unit 5)【短文语法填空】Getting fit no longer 1.(require) a pencil-and-paper workout plan or a food diary.If youre looking for some new and 2.(create) ways to improve your health,try FitTime.Its like your personal trainer.After 3.(get) all the information it needsyour height,weight,age,and exercise habitsit gives you a customized training course,4. asks you to work out four times a week for about two 5.(month).The exercises focus 6. a different part of your body every day.For instance,on Monday,you do push-ups(俯卧撑) to build up your arms,and on Tuesday,you build up 7.(strong) in your legs by doing deep knee bends.8. exercise plan changes as time goes by.The best part of this app is that everyone can share 9.(they) workout results and follow their training.It is a great way for you and your friends 10.(encourage) each other to build strong bodies.【语篇导读】本文为一篇说明文,介绍了一个帮助减肥的手机App。它就像你的私人教练,在得到你的所有基本信息后,会给出你的专属训练课程,而且每天都有不同的训练计划。1.requires考查动词的时态。分析句子结构可知,此处为动名词做主语,谓语动词应用第三人称单数形式,而且讲的是客观事实,用一般现在时,故填requires。2.creative考查形容词。修饰名词应用形容词,故填creative。3.getting考查非谓语动词。after是介词,后面要接动名词做宾语,故填getting。4.which考查定语从句。此处为非限制性定语从句,先行词指物,关系词在从句中做主语,故填which。5.months考查名词。month是可数名词,前面有two修饰,应该用可数名词的复数形式,故填months。6.on考查介词。focus on为固定搭配,表示“集中精力于”,故填on。7.strength考查名词。此处应该用strong的名词形式做宾语,故填strength。8.The考查定冠词。前面已经出现了一次plan,此处表示特指,故填The。9.their考查形容词性物主代词。此处修饰workout results用形容词性物主代词,故填their。10.to encourage考查不定式。It is a way for sb.to do结构,应该用不定式做定语,故填to encourage。.阅读理解When Gary Friedlander heard a man shouting for help from the ocean early Tuesday morning,the doctor rushed down to the beach from his familys summer flat to try to save him.But the vacationer didnt know that help had already arrived:His 14-year-old son.As a seventh grader,Michael Friedlander,who was waxing his surfboard on the shore with friends at around 7:15 am,had heard the screams from a 20-something man.It was before the lifeguards went on duty.“He dove right in,told his friend who was in the water with his board to give the board to him,and he immediately went over to the man and brought him to the beach,”Michaels mother,Debbie,says.“By the time my husband got there,all the man could say was,Your son just saved my life.”“The man,alone at the time,had apparently gotten swept away,”says Debbie.“It was a very strong current that day,”she adds,“so I understand how if you didnt know how to swim well you could easily get caught in a rapid current.Michael is used to such conditions.Im proud of him,”says Debbie.“But hes so modest;he was shocked that people were making a big deal about what he did.He just said,Why wouldnt I help?I mean,he didnt even bat an eye about getting involved.”The teen doesnt have lifeguarding dreams,but an open invitation from the Ocean City beach patrol(巡逻队) might change his mind.“They told him,If you want a job in two years,e find us,” Debbie says.1.What does Michael do?A.He is a doctor.B.He is a student.C.He is a local lifeguard.D.He is a swimming coach.2.Where was Michael when he heard someone screaming?A.In the water.B.On the beach.C.On his surfboard.D.In his summer flat.3.What was Michael shocked at?A.His dads behaviour.B.The mans shouting.C.Peoples strong reaction.D.The extremely strong current.4.What do we know about Michael?A.He is looking for a job.B.He has been offered a job.C.He is going to be a lifeguard.D.He dreams of being a lifeguard. When Marine Hayashi first arrived at American University in 2013,she was a little afraid.“I got homesick and I cried almost every day when I was in freshman year.And also,since English is my second language,I worked very hard.” Hayashi is originally from Hokkaido in the north of Japan.After three years at an international high school,she decided to attend a university in the U.S.Also,both of her parents earned graduate degrees from universities in the U.S. It was not long before Hayashi started enjoying her life as an international student.Joining three student groups helped her make friends from the U.S.and other countries. Hayashi will graduate next year with a four­year degree in munication Studies.Her university experience is different from that of many young people around the world,though.Hayashis parents are paying for all of her tuition.The cost of an undergraduate degree program as an international student at American University is $61,157 a year. Not all international students have enough money to pay full tuition.Many international students are finding other ways to pay the high cost.Some students avoid the cost pletely. Students usually ask for financial aid when they first apply to a university.Most universities decide which students receive financial aid based on students academic history. The cost for international students at most U.S.universities is higher than it is for citizens.But the yearly tuition at University of Wisconsin-River Falls for international students is $22,000.This is the same tuition rate for students who are citizens from states other than Wisconsin.Also,international students immediately receive $2,000 a year in financial aid once the university accepts them.Students who perform well academically can receive up to $4,000 after their first year. Studying in a country that is not your own country can be difficult.Life can be lonely and the cost may be high.But Hayashi says that the experience is worth it.1.What was Hayashi going to do after three years at a high school in the U.S.?A.Go to an American international high school.B.Work hard at her second languageEnglish.C.Receive her college education in the U.S.D.Help her parents earn graduate degrees.2.How can international students get financial aid?A.By asking a university for free education.B.By finding universities with scholarships.C.By applying to a university for a scholarship.D.By presenting a wonderful academic history.3.Whats Hayashis attitude towards her study in the United States?A.Positive.B.Optimistic.C.Critical.D.Grateful.参考答案: 1.C; 2.C; 3.A解析: 1.推理判断题。在美国上了三年高中之后,Hayashi决定在美国读大学。由第二段第二句After three years at an international high school,she decided to attend a university in the U.S.得出。2.推理判断题。外国学生可以向大学申请奖学金。由第六段第一句Students usually ask for financial aid when they first apply to a university得出。3.观点态度题。作者对自己在美国的留学经历持积极肯定态度。由最后一段最后一句But Hayashi says that the experience is worth it得出。.完形填空In elementary school,I was living with my parents and my brother in a rented apartment in New York City.At the time,I never thought of myself as 1 or happyit was 2 the way life was.Everything changed before I started the sixth grade.Our landlord(房东) kicked us out without 3.My family had to move to the Life Family Shelter.We had a private room to 4 in at the shelter,which housed 90 families,but it was a quarter of the size of our old living space,so we always felt 5.I didnt fully understand what was happening,but after a few weeks,it finally sank in:I was homeless.I felt so embarrassed that I didnt 6 anyone at school.I felt like I could never truly be myself and open up to friends,because I always carried around this 7.It was a lonely time.The only 8 part about living in the shelter was that I got to go to an after-school program that was run by the Coalition for the Homeless.It was a 9 place where I could do my homework or do arts and crafts.It was a(n) 10 from all the craziness of being in a busy shelter.After three long years,my parents 11 found affordable housing.I was so 12.We have two bedrooms now,and one bathroom that we dont have to share with 13.Its so nice to have privacy 14.Its funnyyou dont realize how 15 something is until youre forced to live 16 it.Last April,I started feeling different about my experience being 17.For the first time,I didnt feel 18.I decided that it was time to tell my friend Jason.He was 19,of course,but he was supportive and didnt treat me any differently because of it.I also started volunteering at the after-school program I 20,because I want to help other kids who are going through the same thing as I did.1.A.fortableB.confidentC.curiousD.careful2.A.stillB.evenC.alsoD.just3.A.permissionB.doubtC.difficultyD.notice4.A.playB.sleepC.studyD.work5.A.tiredB.crowdedC.crazyD.bored6.A.hurtB.mentionC.tellD.concern7.A.secretB.planC.truthD.goal8.A.smallB.largeC.goodD.hard9.A.quietB.safeC.busyD.personal10.A.escapeB.protectionC.benefitD.recovery11.A.quicklyB.finallyC.graduallyD.really12.A.interestedB.surprisedC.excitedD.proud13.A.enemiesB.parentsC.friendsD.strangers14.A.onceB.againC.soonD.already15.A.amusingB.usefulC.valuableD.annoying16.A.forB.inC.withoutD.beyond17.A.worthlessB.hopelessC.restlessD.homeless18.A.ashamedB.guiltyC.anxiousD.nervous19.A.patientB.confusedC.happyD.shocked20.A.supportedB.attendedC.startedD.watches. 短文改错Yesterday,I got an opportunity help an injured neighbour.His right leg was injuring with some major infection.Obviously,he was seemed very worried,for no one else was at home.So I took her to hospital at once.When we arrived there,I discuss his treatment with a doctor.The doctor advised him to receive proper treatment or to rest for a long time,that I thought was quite right.I either bought some medicines for him.Three hours passed quickly before I had everything arrange.Then I drove home,tired but happily.【拓展】书面表达高考之后的暑假对高三学生来说既清闲又忙碌。有些同学频繁地聚会, 甚至喝酒; 整夜上网,打游戏;睡懒觉, 甚至到中午。请你用英语写一篇短文, 谈谈你对这种现象的认识及打算。 注意: 1. 字数120左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3. 开头已给不计入总词数。The summer vacation after the College Entrance Examination is a time for senior three students to get relaxed. _参考答案:The_summer_vacation_after_the_College_Entrance_Examination_is_a_time_for_senior_three_students_to_get_relaxed. Many students are so happy to get away from their studies that they go to one party after another and even drink a lot of beer, they play games online throughout the night and they oversleep even till noon.As far as Im concerned, these things are meaningless and even harmful to their health. We should make the most of the special time to do some meaningful things. First I want to have a good rest to recover from the tiring examination. Then Im going to have a tour with my parents to Mount Huang, where I can breathe fresh air and enjoy the beauty of nature. After that, I will stay at home reading some books to acquire more knowledge. Besides, I will make some preparations for my further studies.In a word, this period of time is so valuable that none of us students should waste it. Lets make full preparations for our future.考点规范练(必修5Unit 5).【解题导语】本文是记叙文。十四岁男孩勇敢地救起了被水流冲走的男子。1.B细节理解题。由第一段中的“His 14-year-old son.As a seventh grader.”可知,迈克尔是一个学生。2.B细节理解题。由第一段中的“Michael Friedlander,who was waxing his surfboard on the shore.had heard the screams.”可知,迈克尔听到有人尖叫时正在海滩上。3.C推理判断题。由第二段中的“.hes so modest;he was shocked that people were making a big deal about what he did.”可推断,迈克尔救人的事件引起了人们的强烈反响,而迈克尔为此感到惊讶,因为他认为自己做了理所当然的事情。4.B细节理解题。由最后一段可知,海滩巡逻队给迈克尔提供了一份工作。.【解题导语】本文是记叙文。作者讲述了自己无家可归时的经历和心路历程。1.A2.D作者和父母租房住时,从不认为自己过得“舒适(fortable)”或开心,因为生活似乎“就是(just)”那个样子。3.D由下文的“My family had to move to the Life Family Shelter.”可推断,房东没有预先“通知(notice)”就把作者一家赶了出去。4.B在庇护所,作者一家有一个房间用于“睡觉(sleep)”。5.B由上文的“.it was a quarter of the size of our old living space.”可知,作者一家总是感觉庇护所的房间“拥挤(crowded)”。6.C由上文的I felt so embarrassed可知,作者为自己变得无家可归感到如此尴尬以至于没有把这件事“告诉(tell)”学校任何人。7.A由上文的“I could never truly be myself and open up to friends.”可推断,自己无家可归这个“秘密(secret)”使作者无法向朋友敞开心扉。8.C由下文的“.where I could do my homework or do arts and crafts.”可推断,住在庇护所唯一“好的(good)”事情就是可以参加一个课外项目。9.A由下文的where I could do my homework及“.from all the craziness of being in a busy shelter.”可知,课外项目所在的地方比较“安静(quiet)”,作者可以写作业,远离喧嚣。10.A由上文可知,参加课外项目是作者“逃避现实的方法(escape)”。11.B漫长的三年之后,作者的父母“终于(finally)”找到了支付得起的住房。12.C有了房子就不用住庇护所了,作者为此感到很“兴奋(excited)”。13.D由上文的“We have two bedrooms now,and one bathroom.”可知,作者不用再和庇护所的“陌生人(strangers)”共用浴室了。14.B有了自己的家,作者和家人“又(again)”有隐私了。15.C16.C重新有了家后的作者意识到有些东西只有失去了才知道它是多么“宝贵(valuable)”。without意为“没有”。17.D由上文可知,作者对自己“无家可归的(homeless)”经历的感受改变了。18.A由下文的“I decided that it was time to tell my friend Jason.”可知,作者不再为自己无家可归的经历感到“羞耻(ashamed)”,并决定告诉朋友。19.D由下文的“.but he was supportive and didnt.”可推断,听说作者经历无家可归后Jason感到“震惊(shocked)”。20.B由第四段中的“I got to go to an after-school program.”可知,此处是指作者曾经“参加(attended)”的课外项目。.短文改错Yesterday,I got an opportunity help an injured neighbour.His right leg was injuringinjured with some major infection.Obviously,he was seemed very worried,for no one else was at home.So I took herhim to hospital at once.When we arrived there,I discussdiscussed his treatment with a doctor.The doctor advised him to receive proper treatment orand to rest for a long time,thatwhich I thought was quite right.I eitheralso bought some medicines for him.Three hours passed quickly before I had everything arrangearranged.Then I drove home,tired but happilyhappy.

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