2019高考英语一轮基础步练 Unit 3 Celebration(含解析)北师大版必修1.doc

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Unit 3 Celebration【阅读理解】 When firefighters got to the six-story brick building on East 191st Street in Bronx early Saturday, they saw flames shooting from a top-floor window. Strange, sharp popping(爆音) sounds filled the air, a fire lieutenant said later. As a sixth-floor apartment turned into an inferno(火海), a woman who lived there ran downstairs with a small child. Neighbours said she told them her husband was still upstairs trying to get their two other children. Vale Dorsey, 66, who lives on the fifth floor, said he was awakened by his wife. An explosion above had showered shattered glass from a sixth-floor window. As they rushed downstairs, they were joined by other people, who were asking one another in Spanish and English what was happening. As the people fled, firefighters hurried up the stairs. When they reached the sixth floor, the fire lieutenant, William Kearns, Firefighter Christopher OBrien and others met a wall of flames ing from the kitchen just inside the door of the burning apartment. Firefighter Rodney Littlejohn used a fire extinguisher to try to keep the fire from spreading, and the heat from the kitchen partly melted his plastics eye shield. While Firefighter Littlejohn sprayed, Firefighter OBrien bent under the flames. There about 10 feet into the apartment, he found the father of the three children lying in a hallway.Firefighters pulled him from the burning apartment. Lieutenant Kearns and a firefighter from Rescue 3 started going through the apartment room by room, feeling their way through the smoke. In a bedroom, the firefighter from Rescue 3 found a 3-year-old in a bed shaped like a race car. Moments later, Lieutenant Kearns found a 1-year-old in a crib. The two children and their father were brought to hospital, fire officials said, where the man was listed in critical condition and the children were in critical but stable condition.On Saturday the apartment where the fire started was badly burned. Inside his apartment on the fifth floor, Mr. Dorsey said, “I was happy that everybody was safe. We got lucky.”1.What do we know about Vale Dorsey?A.He was the first to report the fire accident to the fire department.B.He lives on the floor below the apartment that caught fire.C.His apartment was also badly burned but he escaped from the fire.D.He woke up his wife and told her about the strange, sharp popping sounds.2.From what part of the apartment did the flames e that the firefighters met?A.The hallway.B.The store room.C.One of the bedrooms.D.The kitchen.3.Who was last found in the burning apartment according to the passage?A.The 1-year-old child.B.The 3-year-old child.C.The mother of the three children.D.The father of the three children.4.We learn from the passage that _.A.the children were in critical but stable condition after the fire accidentB.there about 10 feet into the apartment Kearns found the mother of the three childrenC.Christopher OBrien used a fire extinguisher to try to keep the fire from spreadingD.it was Rodney Littlejohn that found the 4-year-old in a bed shaped like a race car参考答案: 1.B; 2.D; 3.A; 4.A解析: 1.细节理解题。根据第二段: Vale Dorsey, 66, who lives on the fifth floor, said he was awakened by his wife可得答案。2.事实判断题。根据第三段.met a wall of flames ing from the kitchen just inside the door of the burning apartment可得答案。3.事实判断题。根据第四段: Moments later, Lieutenant Kearns found a 1yearold in a crib.可知答案。4.细节理解题。根据第五段:and the children were in critical but stable condition可知答案。 完形填空One rainy afternoon I was sitting at home feeling so bored._1_ feeling sorry for myself,I wanted to meet people and have new _2_ so I decided to start volunteering.I found a website where I could volunteer on a farm in France.Volunteering _3_ so many opportunities to have fun and share _4_ stories.It was the first time for me to work on a farm.It was almost a(n) _5_ holiday as food and acmodation were provided.It was not one _6_ holiday, however, as I had to _7_ fifteen horses and sheep! I soon discovered that I was a(n) _8_ farmer but it did not matter because I made some great friends and also improved my _9_However, you do not _10_ go abroad to volunteer.I have had plenty of adventures at home as volunteering can bee a _11_For example, I love _12_ so I had a good laugh waving my arms in order to _13_ my local choir(合唱团)At university,I organized a concert for charity with my friends.It was really _14_ to find bands and raise money for a cause.It is true that you feel good volunteering but there are also other _15_I once volunteered as a steward(干事) at a charity sports event where the organizers _16_ gave me cupcakes from an expensive London bakery to thank me for my _17_I also volunteered in a charity shop so I found loads of nice cheap clothes to _18_ my wardrobe.While this is all fun, my favourite aspect of volunteering is _19_ and sharing stories.My terrible _20_ at farming has given me funny stories to tell!【解题导语】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了作者从事志愿工作的经历以及志愿工作的优点。1A.Apart from BDue toCInstead of DBut forC解析:下文提到作者决定做志愿工作,故这里应是“我想认识别人并有新的经历,而不是自怨自艾”。instead of“而不是,取代”,符合语境。2A.experiences BdiscoveriesCopportunities DchangesA解析:参见上题解析。experience意为“经历”,符合语境。3A.remends BdemandsCoffers DseizesC解析:此处指“志愿工作提供很多能让人玩得愉快并分享精彩的故事的机会”。offer“提供”,符合语境。4A.popular BfantasticCfamiliar DimportantB解析:参见上题解析。fantastic意为“美妙的,精彩的”,符合语境。5A.impressive BfreeCcheap DspecialB解析:根据下文的“as food and acmodation were provided”可知,农场提供食物和住宿,故此处表示“它几乎是一个免费的(free)假期”。6A.unique BregularCtypical DconvenientC解析:根据上文的“work on a farm”及下文的“as I had to _fifteen horses and sheep”可知,这不是一个典型的(typical)假期,因为作者在农场工作,而且必须照顾十五匹马和羊。7A.attend to Bresearch intoChunt for Dmunicate withA解析:参见上题解析。attend to sb./sth.意为“照顾某人/某物”。8A.skillful BsuitableChardworking DawfulD解析:根据下文的“but”及最后一段中的“My terrible _ at farming”可知,此处指“不久我就发现我是一个糟糕的(awful)农民”。9A.English BFrenchCRussian DChineseB解析:根据第一段中的“on a farm in France”可知,作者在法国的农场从事志愿工作,所以应是提高法语。10A.normally BbasicallyCnaturally DnecessarilyD解析:根据下文的“I have had plenty of adventures at home.”可知,作者在国内有许多冒险经历,故可推知“你不一定要去国外从事志愿工作”。necessarily意为“必要地”,not necessarily“不一定”。11A.hobby BtrendCjob DrealityA解析:下文提到的志愿工作显然是作者的爱好,关键词“love”就是暗示,故用hobby。12A.dancing BwritingCsinging DperformingC解析:根据下文的“my local choir(合唱团)”和“I organized a concert for charity.”可知,作者喜欢唱歌(singing)。13A.greet BcontrolCorganize DconductD解析:根据上文的“I had a good laugh waving my arms.”及后面的“my local choir(合唱团)”可推知,此处指挥动胳膊来指挥(conduct)当地的合唱团。14A.powerful BhopefulCmeaningful DsuccessfulC解析:找乐队并为慈善事业筹钱真的很有意义。meaningful意为“有意义的”,符合语境。15A.adventures BadvantagesCfactors DachievementsB解析:根据下文的“gave me cupcakes.”“so I found loads of nice cheap clothes”可知,这里说的是“你确实能感受到志愿工作的好处,但是它还有其他的优点(advantages)”。16A.generously BcautiouslyCequally DproudlyA解析:根据下文的“.cupcakes from an expensive London bakery to thank me.”可知组织者很大方地给作者很贵的杯形蛋糕。generously意为“慷慨地,大方地”,符合语境。17A.services BpatienceCdetermination DchoicesA解析:根据上文的“I once volunteered as a steward(干事) at a charity sports event.”可知,组织者给作者杯形蛋糕是为了感谢作者的服务(services),故选A项。18A.decorate BreplaceCbeautify DupdateD解析:根据上下文可知,作者在慈善商店找到许多漂亮、便宜的衣服来更新自己的衣橱。故选D项。19A.creating BimaginingCchoosing DpletingA解析:此处指“但对于志愿工作,我最喜欢的方面是创造(creating)并分享故事”。20A.offence BshameCattempt DannoyanceC解析:结合语境和文章的情感基调可知,这里应是说作者在农场的努力和尝试让作者有了可以分享的有趣的故事。attempt意为“努力,尝试”,符合语境。 语法填空Dogs are 1._ very popular pet.Most of them just live with their families.But some dogs have very special jobs 2._(do)A group of dogs 3._(know) as “Therapy Dogs”These dogs are family pets with special training, 4._ allows them to go into public buildings and fort people 5._ need.The dogs are trained to be calm and quiet.Loud noises and unfamiliar places dont frighten them.They enjoy spending time with people.Some therapy dogs go into places, such as hospitals and nursing homes.When the dogs visit the patients, the patients are cheered up.They have fun 6._(pet) the dogs and look forward to their visits.The dogs help to brighten their day.Therapy dogs can improve peoples health as well.Studies show that when people pet animals, their blood 7._(press) and heart rates go down.They are calmer and 8._(they) mood improves.Other therapy dogs work in schools and libraries.They serve as warm and caring 9._(friend) to children, but they also do 10._(much)In one town in California, therapy dogs have bee childrens reading buddies.The dogs make a great audience.The children look forward to reading to the dogs, and the dogs love the attention.【解题导语】本文是一篇说明文, 介绍了有着特殊用途的狗治疗犬。它们能给病人带来心理上的安慰, 能成为孩子的朋友。1a解析:考查冠词。依据本句中的“very popular pet”可知, 此处应用不定冠词, 表示泛指。2to do解析:考查固定用法。本句中应用不定式作后置定语, have sth.to do表示“要做某事”。3are known解析:考查时态、语态和主谓一致。分析句子结构可知, 本句话缺少谓语动词, “a group of名词复数”作主语时, 谓语动词用复数, dogs与know是动宾关系, 此处描述的是一般情况, 因此用一般现在时的被动语态。4which解析:考查定语从句。这是一个非限制性定语从句, 先行词为“special training”。5in解析:考查介词。由句意可知, 这些治疗犬可以到公共场所安抚那些需要帮助的人。in need表示“在困难时, 在危难之中”, 为固定搭配。6petting解析:考查非谓语动词。have fun (in) doing sth.表示“做某事有乐趣”。7pressure解析:考查名词。分析句子结构可知, 此处应用名词。blood pressure表示“血压”。8their解析:考查代词。修饰名词mood要用形容词性物主代词, 故用their。9friends解析:考查名词的数。根据句子的主语They可知, 此处用名词复数。10more解析:考查比较级。句中的but暗示这些狗对孩子来讲不仅仅是朋友, 它们会做得更多。、七选五A garden thats just right for youHave you ever visited a garden that seemed just right for you, where the atmosphere of the garden appeared to total more than the sum(总和) of its parts? 1. But it doesnt happen by accident. It starts with looking inside yourself and understanding who you are with respect to the natural world and how you approach the gardening process. 2 Some people may think that a garden is no more than plants, flowers, patterns and masses of color. Others are concerned about using gardening methods that require less water and fewer fertilizers (肥料). 3 .However, there are a number of other reasons that might explain why you want to garden. One of them es from our earliest years. Recall(回忆)your childhood memoriesOur model of what a garden should be often goes back to childhood. Grandmas rose garden and Dads vegetable garden might be good or bad, but thats not whats important. 4 how being in those gardens made us feel. If youd like to build a powerful bond with your garden, start by taking some time to recall the gardens of your youth. 5 . Then go outside and work out a plan to translate your childhood memories into your grown-up garden. Have fun.A. Know why you gardenB. Find a good place for your own gardenC. Its our experience of the garden that mattersD. Its delightful to see so many beautiful flowersE. Still others may simply enjoy being outdoors and close to plantsF. You can produce that kind of magical quality in your own garden, tooG. For each of those gardens, write down the strongest memory you have【语篇解读】本文属于说明文,美丽的花园能给我们带来美好的视觉享受,文章中给出了两个自己建设花园的具体建议。1.F 【解析】考查上下文的衔接。根据文章首句及下文的But it doesnt happen by accident可知,这里是在讲你是否曾去过一个花园但是它不是偶然发生的。故F项You can produce that kind of magical quality in your own garden, too符合语境。3.E 【解析】考查上下文的衔接。根据上文的Some people may think.和Others are concerned about.可知此处表达的是人们种植花园的不同原因,而E项中的Still others may simply enjoy.与上下文衔接自然,故选E项。4.C 【解析】考查上下文的衔接。根据上文的.but thats not whats important和下文中的how being in those gardens made us feel可知此处讲的应是什么是重要的,故C项符合语境。5.G 【解析】考查上下文的衔接。上文的the gardens of your youth以及下文的your childhood memories与G项中的those gardens和the strongest memory you have相呼应,故选G项。、短文改错A survey (调查)has recently carried out among the students in our school about whether they would like it if their parents gave birth to a second child.Opinions vary wide from one to another.Most of the students supported the idea.They think that it would be amazing to have a brother and a sister to keep the pany and share secrets with.Besides,we believe a second child would bring lots of funs to the family.However,the rest of the students interviewing hold the opposite view.To start with,raising one child is already a difficult thing and the parents would have to work twice as hard if they had a second child.Whats more,they argue whether they have been accustomed to enjoy the whole love from their parents.答案:A survey (调查)has recently carried out among the students in our school about whether they would like it if their parents gave birth to a second child.Opinions vary from one to another.Most of the students the idea.They think that it would be amazing to have a brother a sister to keep the pany and share secrets with.Besides, believe a second child would bring lots of to the family.However,the rest of the students hold the opposite view.To start with,raising one child is already a difficult thing and the parents would have to work twice as hard if they had a second child.Whats more,they argue they have been accustomed to the whole love from their parents.解析:A survey和carry out为被动关系,所以加been。解析:vary是动词,用副词修饰,所以用widely。解析:这是陈述事实,用一般现在时,将supported改为support。解析:and表示并列,此处句意为选择而非并列,故用or。解析:keep pany陪伴,陪同。解析:由句意得此处主语为students,所以为they。 解析:fun为不可数名词,无复数形式所以将funs改为fun。 解析:student和interview为被动关系,所以用ed形式作定语。解析:whether引导的是让步状语从句,而文中是陈述一个事实所以将whether删掉或者改为that。解析:accustom固定搭配be accustomed to doing 所以将enjoy变为enjoying。


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