2019高考英语一轮选练编题 Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note(含解析)新人教版必修3.doc

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必修3Unit 3考点规范练(必修3Unit 3)【短文语法填空】阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Michael loves scubadiving. By 9, he was an extraordinary swimmer and a good listener in the pool.Michaels first dive, _1_, was truly unforgettable. Instead of using a boat, the plan was to go down a ladder at the boat and drop into about 15 feet of water. Everything went _2_ (perfect). His instructor Polly led him to the nearby reef. While _3_ (explore) the reef in 27 feet of water, Michael suddenly signaled a problem with his mask. Polly signaled back for him to clear it. He cleared it _4_ then later signaled the problem again. His mask was pletely flooded with water. Michael made a sign _5_ he wanted to go up. Polly signaled, “No! Stay with me!”According to Polly, even though scuba _6_ (train) teaches new divers how to deal with flooded masks, many beginners panic the first time water fills their masks during an actual dive. Michael wasnt like many beginners, though. He didnt panic. He did _7_ (exact) what he learned to do during his years. He stayed calm, _8_ (think) it through, and followed Pollys _9_ (instruct). Polly gradually led Michael to an area with shallower water. The group swam together back to the shore for a celebration of Michaels _10_ (amaze) acplishment.【文章大意】Michael 是一名潜水员。最值得一提的就是他第一次潜水的时候突遇意外,其他人可能已经惊慌失措,可是他却与众不同。解析:1however考查上下文语境。根据第一段中的 he was an extraordinary swimmer 可知他是一名非常优秀的潜水员,结合下文可知这里表示“但是他的第一次潜水却永生难忘”,是转折关系,而且本空缺少的是副词,能这样使用的是however。2perfectly考查词形转换。本空缺少的是副词,修饰谓语动词 went。3exploring考查状语从句的省略。当主句和从句的主语一致,而且从句中含有 be 动词的时候,从句中的主语和 be 动词可以省略。从句中 explore 的逻辑主语是 Michael,动作是主动发出的,所以用 exploring。4but考查连词。前后是转折关系,这里需要一个表示转折关系的并列连词。5that考查同位语从句。句中的 he wanted to go up 解释名词 sign,所以这是一个同位语从句。6training考查词形转换。这里指的是 Michael 接受的要成为一名潜水员所必需的“训练”,所以用名词 training 作主语。7exactly考查词形转换。这里用 exactly 修饰动词 do。8thought考查动词的时态。本句中含有三个连续的过去的动作,所以应该使用 think 的过去式。9instructions考查词形转换。本空需要一个名词与follow构成动宾短语;而 instruction意为“指示”时是一个可数名词,因此须用其复数形式。10amazing考查词形转换。Michael临危不惧,取得了令人惊讶的成就。这里用 amazing修饰acplishment。.阅读理解(2016河北“五个一名校联盟”质量监测)Robinson Crusoe is a famous novel written by Daniel Defoe.The book tells the story of a man who is shipwrecked(遭遇海难的).He spends 28 years on an island near Venezuela.The book tells the story of everything that happens to Robinson Crusoe.He hopes someone will rescue him,but he has been there for so long on his own that he also begins to fear being rescued.Robinson Crusoe was published in 1719.Most experts believe the story is based on the life of Alexander Selkirk,who was a Scottish sailor.On an expedition(探险) in 1704,Selkirk had an argument with his ships captain.Selkirk thought the ship was not safe and was about to fall apart.When the ship stopped at a remote island to get fresh water,Selkirk got off.He tried to get the other crew members to leave with him,but nobody would.The ship then sailed away without him.Selkirk spent four years and four months on his own on the island,known as Aguas Buenas.Selkirk was finally rescued by a ship that visited the island in 1709.The ships captain was grateful to Selkirk because he provided food for the crew when they arrived.Now archaeologists think they have found the remains of Selkirks camp on Aguas Buenas.They found two deep holes that would have held wooden posts.The archaeologists say this is evidence that Selkirk built a shelter there.The post holes are near a fresh water stream.They are located quite high up,which would have meant that Selkirk was able to watch out for the ships ing close to the island.The most interesting evidence,the archaeologists say,is part of a piece of equipment used by sailors to navigate(导航).Historians believe Selkirk was a navigator,so the instrument could have belonged to him.Robinson Crusoe was published ten years after Selkirk was rescued.Most experts think Daniel Defoe heard and read stories about Selkirk,which inspired him to write the book.1.Why did Selkirk choose to land on the remote island?A.Because he had quarrels with the crew members.B.Because the captain ordered him to get fresh water.C.Because he wanted to go on an adventure there.D.Because he thought the ship he was on was in danger.2.We can infer from the text that the ship that visited Aguas Buenas in 1709 .A.lost its way while sailingB.lacked fresh water upon arrivalC.was being navigated by SelkirkD.was running out of food upon arrival3.How could Selkirk see ships that might rescue him,according to archaeologists?A.By asking the crew members on the ships.B.By sending messages to the ships captains.C.By watching from his shelter high on the island.D.By using a piece of equipment used to navigate.4.The author wrote the text to .A.explain the origin of Robinson CrusoeB.promote sales of Robinson CrusoeC.criticise Alexander Selkirks deedsD.praise Daniel Defoe for his writing inspirationBWhen firefighters got to the six-story brick building on East 191st Street in Bronx early Saturday, they saw flames shooting from a top-floor window. Strange, sharp popping(爆音) sounds filled the air, a fire lieutenant said later. As a sixth-floor apartment turned into an inferno(火海), a woman who lived there ran downstairs with a small child. Neighbours said she told them her husband was still upstairs trying to get their two other children. Vale Dorsey, 66, who lives on the fifth floor, said he was awakened by his wife. An explosion above had showered shattered glass from a sixth-floor window. As they rushed downstairs, they were joined by other people, who were asking one another in Spanish and English what was happening. As the people fled, firefighters hurried up the stairs. When they reached the sixth floor, the fire lieutenant, William Kearns, Firefighter Christopher OBrien and others met a wall of flames ing from the kitchen just inside the door of the burning apartment. Firefighter Rodney Littlejohn used a fire extinguisher to try to keep the fire from spreading, and the heat from the kitchen partly melted his plastics eye shield. While Firefighter Littlejohn sprayed, Firefighter OBrien bent under the flames. There about 10 feet into the apartment, he found the father of the three children lying in a hallway.Firefighters pulled him from the burning apartment. Lieutenant Kearns and a firefighter from Rescue 3 started going through the apartment room by room, feeling their way through the smoke. In a bedroom, the firefighter from Rescue 3 found a 3-year-old in a bed shaped like a race car. Moments later, Lieutenant Kearns found a 1-year-old in a crib. The two children and their father were brought to hospital, fire officials said, where the man was listed in critical condition and the children were in critical but stable condition.On Saturday the apartment where the fire started was badly burned. Inside his apartment on the fifth floor, Mr. Dorsey said, “I was happy that everybody was safe. We got lucky.”1.What do we know about Vale Dorsey?A.He was the first to report the fire accident to the fire department.B.He lives on the floor below the apartment that caught fire.C.His apartment was also badly burned but he escaped from the fire.D.He woke up his wife and told her about the strange, sharp popping sounds.2.From what part of the apartment did the flames e that the firefighters met?A.The hallway.B.The store room.C.One of the bedrooms.D.The kitchen.3.Who was last found in the burning apartment according to the passage?A.The 1-year-old child.B.The 3-year-old child.C.The mother of the three children.D.The father of the three children.4.We learn from the passage that _.A.the children were in critical but stable condition after the fire accidentB.there about 10 feet into the apartment Kearns found the mother of the three childrenC.Christopher OBrien used a fire extinguisher to try to keep the fire from spreadingD.it was Rodney Littlejohn that found the 4-year-old in a bed shaped like a race car参考答案: 1.B; 2.D; 3.A; 4.A解析: 1.细节理解题。根据第二段: Vale Dorsey, 66, who lives on the fifth floor, said he was awakened by his wife可得答案。2.事实判断题。根据第三段.met a wall of flames ing from the kitchen just inside the door of the burning apartment可得答案。3.事实判断题。根据第四段: Moments later, Lieutenant Kearns found a 1yearold in a crib.可知答案。4.细节理解题。根据第五段:and the children were in critical but stable condition可知答案。.完形填空Throughout the Christmas season,bell ringers stand outside many major stores,ringing bells to draw attention to the pots next to them.The bell ringers 1that as shoppers walk by,they will drop some money into the pot.The money 2 goes to help people 3.Bell ringers usually 4 their fundraising(筹集资金) the day after Thanksgiving on “Black Friday”.Their last day is Christmas Eve.“We try to pick 5in areas where there are the most people,”explained Ms.Washington,executive director of the local food bank,“but theres some 6.Were not the only group raising money this way.”And not every store 7 bell ringers.They have to get 8 from the store managers well in advance.Usually only one organization can do their fundraising in front of each store,and the most popular stores go 9.If you see a 10 store without a bell ringer,its probably because the store owners do not want the bell ringers to be there.“Some people are 11it will make their customers unfortable,”said Ms.Washington.“But I think the12 is true.Most people are very supportive of the bell ringers,and sometimes bell ringers actually draw attention to the store as well as to the 13.”“We have one family who volunteer to be bell ringers every year.They sing Christmas carols(颂歌) the whole time,and theyre 14 good.People will stop and 15 them;they draw a little crowd.Thats great for us,because it increases the likelihood that people will 16,and its great for the store where they are because 17 people stop there they are more likely to go inside,”said Ms.Washington.Some bell ringers have e up with 18 ways to get peoples attention,and,19,to increase donations.One man brings his dog dressed as a reindeer(驯鹿).Ms.Washington said,“We really 20 the extra effort many of our bell ringers bring to the project.”1.A.believeB.hopeC.guessD.decide2.A.spentB.borrowedC.earnedD.raised3.A.in needB.in chargeC.in dangerD.in action4.A.stopB.beginC.prepareD.change5.A.banksB.storesC.housesD.parks6.A.performanceB.celebrationC.petitionD.interview7.A.followsB.needsC.invitesD.allows8.A.suggestionB.protectionC.directionD.permission9.A.finallyB.quicklyC.frequentlyD.generally10.A.busyB.smallC.poorD.quiet11.A.afraidB.surprisedC.awareD.lucky12.A. equalB.similarC.oppositeD.ordinary13.A.ownerB.foodC.dogD.pot14.A.reallyB.stillC.alsoD.hardly15.A.work withB.agree withC.listen toD.talk to16.A.danceB.donateC.consumeD.applaud17.A.beforeB.unlessC.thoughD.if18.A.simpleB.usualC.idealD.creative19.A.as a resultB.in particularC.for exampleD.by contrast20.A.suspectB.ignoreC.appreciateD.consider.短文改错(2017河南八市第三次测评)I am writing to suggest lift the ban on using smart phones,tablet puters and other mobile devices in class.Mobile devices came into existence as result of the development of science and technology.They would benefit us a lot as long as they are used proper.First,mobile devices are efficiency and can help teachers know that students understand what is taught when they finish their exercises.Second,mobile devices can make classes more interested so students will be more willing to learn.Finally,using mobile devices will reduce the use of paper,and which will be good for the environment.Please take my suggestion into consider.Looking forward to you reply.考点规范练(必修3Unit 3)【短文语法填空】.A【解题导语】本文主要讲述了世界名著鲁滨孙漂流记的故事原型。1.D细节理解题。根据第二段的最后一句“Selkirk thought the ship was not safe and was about to fall apart.”可知,塞尔扣克认为他乘坐的船不安全,所以就中途下了船,来到了一个偏远的小岛上。2.D推理判断题。根据第四段的第二句“The ships captain was grateful to Selkirk because he provided food for the crew when they arrived.”可推知,1709年来到阿瓜斯布耶纳斯岛的这艘船缺食物,所以对塞尔扣克提供食物很是感激。3.C细节理解题。根据第五段中的“The archaeologists say this is evidence that Selkirk built a shelter there.The post holes are near a fresh water stream.They are located quite high up,which would have meant that Selkirk was able to watch out for the ships ing close to the island.”可知,考古学家认为塞尔扣克通过建在高处的居所来观察经过的船只。4.A推理判断题。根据文章的整体内容尤其是第二段的内容可推知,本文主要讲述了世界名著鲁滨孙漂流记的故事原型。B.【解题导语】本文是说明文。在圣诞节期间,摇铃者在主要的商店门口通过摇铃或其他创意吸引人们前来捐款。1.B摇铃者们“希望(hope)”购物者经过时会捐点钱。2.D由下文的their fundraising可知,“筹集的(raised)”钱会用于帮助“有需要的(in need)”人。3.A参照第2题解析。4.B由文章开头的Throughout the Christmas season及“.the day after Thanksgiving on Black Friday.Their last day is Christmas Eve.”可推断,摇铃者通常于感恩节后一天开始筹集资金,一直持续到圣诞节前夕。5.B由第一段中的“.bell ringers stand outside many major stores.”可知,摇铃者尽量选择人员最密集地区的“商店(stores)”。6.C由下文的“Were not the only group raising money this way.”可推断,要到人员最密集地区的商店门口筹集资金面临来自其他团体的“竞争(petition)”。7.D由下段开头的“If you see a.store without a bell ringer,its probably because the store owners do not want the bell ringers to be there.”可知,不是每一个商店都“允许(allows)”摇铃者在门口筹集资金。8.D摇铃者必须提前得到门店经理的“许可(permission)”。9.B由上文可知,通常每个商店门口只能有一个组织筹集资金,据此可推断,最受欢迎的商店“很快(quickly)”就被抢占了。10.A由上段可知,人来人往的商店是摇铃者争着想去的地方。据此可推断,如果你看到一个“繁忙的(busy)”商店门前没有摇铃者,那很有可能是因为店主不想让摇铃者在那儿。11.A由上文的“.the store owners do not want the bell ringers to be there.”可知,有些人“害怕(afraid)”摇铃者在商店门前筹集资金会使顾客感到不舒服。12.C由下文的“Most people are very supportive of the bell ringers.”可知,该女士反对摇铃者会使顾客感到不舒服的观点,认为事实是“相反的(opposite)”。13.D由上文的“Most people are very supportive of the bell ringers.”可知,事实上有时摇铃者会吸引人们到商店购物并往“罐(pot)”里捐款。14.A由下文的they draw a little crowd可推断,志愿作摇铃者的一家子圣诞颂歌唱得“真(really)”好,人们都停下来“听(listen to)”他们唱。15.C参照第14题解析。16.B唱歌吸引了人群,人们“捐款(donate)”的可能性也就增加了。17.D摇铃者吸引来人群对商店是有好处的,因为“如果(if)”人们停留在商店门前,他们就更可能进去。18.D由下文的“One man brings his dog dressed as a reindeer.”可知,一些摇铃者想出了“有创意的(creative)”方法吸引人们的注意。19.A“摇铃者引起人们的注意”与“善款增加”是因果关系,故选as a result。20.C该女士“感激(appreciate)”许多摇铃者为慈善事业付出的额外努力。.短文改错I am writing to suggest liftlifting the ban on using smart phones,tablet puters and other mobile devices in class.Mobile devices came into existence as result of the development of science and technology.They wouldwill benefit us a lot as long as they are used properproperly.First,mobile devices are efficiencyefficient and can help teachers know thatwhether/if students understand what is taught when they finish their exercises.Second,mobile devices can make classes more interestedinteresting so students will be more willing to learn.Finally,using mobile devices will reduce the use of paper, and 或whichit will be good for the environment.Please take my suggestion into considerconsideration.Looking forward to youyour reply.

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