2019高中英语 Unit 3 Fairness for all Section Ⅱ Learning about Language教案(含解析)新人教选修1 0.doc

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2019高中英语 Unit 3 Fairness for all Section Ⅱ Learning about Language教案(含解析)新人教选修1 0.doc_第3页
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Section Learning about Language.高频单词点击1brief (adj.)简短的,短暂的briefly (adv.)简洁地,短暂地2discrimination (n.)歧视discriminate (v.)歧视.重点短语必记1play a very important role in_(doing) sth.在(做)中起重要作用2reach an agreement 达成协议3succeed_in(doing) sth. 成功做了某事4be set in 以为背景5deal with 论述,处理6now that 既然7speak up 大声说出来.常用句型必备1Here you can take my copy now_that Ive finished with it.2He had none today,nor_would_he have any the next day.单元语法聚焦The Tenses(时态)单词点击brief adj.简短的,短暂的;简单的n任务;摘要;辩护律师v介绍情况;下达命令There is a brief meeting tomorrow.明天有个短会。briefly adv.短暂地,简短地 简而言之in brief 简单地说;简明扼要的To put it briefly,the meeting was a disaster.简而言之,那次会议就是一次灾难。To be brief (with you),we cant accept such harsh terms.简单地(对你)说,我们不能接受这样苛刻的条件。In brief he was careless.简单地说,他粗心大意。in brief,in short(1)in brief着重于重点突出,不拖泥带水。(2)in short多用来在较长叙述之后长话短说,带有“综上所述”的意思。 (1)There is not much time left,so Ill tell you about it in _.(2)Let me tell you _ what happened.答案:(1)brief(2)briefly短语精析1succeed in doing sth.成功地做某事He succeeded in getting a place at art school.他被艺术学校录取了。Nanjing succeeded in hosting the 2014 Youth Olympics.南京成功举办了2014年青奥会。succeedsucceed to the throne继承王位successful adj. 成功的,有成就的be successful in doing sth. 成功地做某事success nU成功;C成功的人或事Who will succeed to the estate?谁将继承那笔遗产?Who succeeded Kennedy as President?接替肯尼迪任总统的是谁? They managed to save the drowning child._答案:(1)They succeeded in saving the drowning child.(2)They were successful in saving the drowning child.2be set in以为背景The story was set in Shanghai in the 1930s.这个故事以二十世纪三十年代的上海为背景。The film records the life of farmers set in the first world war.这部电影记录了以一战为背景的农民的生活。set about开始(某工作),着手做某事(doing sth.)set free释放set off 开始,启程(for),爆炸,燃放set out 出发上路;开始做(to do sth.)set up 设置;建立set aside 把放在一边;搁置,留出They have set off for Shanghai.他们已出发到上海去了。I set aside my overcoat and took out my summer clothes.我把大衣放起来,取出了夏天的衣服。 (1)The family have set _ some money for the journey.(2)The doctors set _ saving the injured the moment they arrived.(3)Dont set _ the fireworks in the city.(4)They set _ for Tianjin the next day.(5)A new government was set _ after the civil war.答案:(1)aside(2)about(3)off(4)out(5)up句型归纳1Here you can take my copy now_that Ive finished with it.既然我已读完,你可以拿我这本。now that由于,既然,表示原因,引导原因状语从句,口语中that可以省去。Now that you have grown up,you must stop this childish behavior.你既然已长大,就不要再有这种孩子气的行为。Now that you are an adult,you should think about your future carefully.既然你已是个成年人了,你应该仔细地考虑一下你的将来。 _(既然他这么粗鲁地对我们),I think we have to punish him.答案:Now that he is so rude to us2He had none today,nor would he have any the next day.他今天没有午餐,接下来的任何一天也不会有。nor would he.是nor引起的表示部分倒装的句子。否定副词或含有否定词的介词短语置于句首时,主句须用部分倒装。如:seldom,never,little,hardly,not,nowhere,no sooner,in no way,by no means等。We didnt know the news;nor did we care about it.我们不知道这一消息,我们也不在乎它。Never have I seen such a good film.我从未看过这么好的电影。By no means should he be left alone.他绝不该被单独留下。 (1)You can find such a beautiful place nowhere else._ such a beautiful place.(2)He knew little of the matter._ of the matter.(3)I could hardly say anything at that moment._ say anything at that moment.答案:(1)Nowhere else can you find(2)Little did he know(3)Hardly could I时态一、英语中动词的时态一共有16种。现以动词write为例将英语的16种时态列表如下:时态一般进行完成完成进行现在write/writesam/is/are/writinghas/have been writtenhas/havebeen writing过去wrotewas/were/writinghad writtenhad been writing将来shall/willwriteshall/willbe writingshall/willhave writtenshall/willhave beenwriting过去将来should/wouldwriteshould/would be writingshould/wouldhave writtenshould/wouldhave beenwriting二、时态的考查是高考的热点,根据教学大纲,高考主要考查8种时态的形式和用法,详见下表:时态表示例句注意一般现在时现在经常性、习惯性的动作I read English every morning.时间、条件和让步状语从句中要用一般现在时或现在完成时代替一般将来时。如:I wont go swimming if it rains.here,there,now,then等开头的倒装句要用一般现在时代替现在进行时。如:Look!Here es the bus.客观真理、普遍公理、科学事实The sun rises in the east.现有的兴趣、爱好或能力,或者现存的性质、特征或状态He likes playingfootball.The situation is encouraging.介绍故事梗概、剧情,用于新闻标题Yang meetsjournalists.按时刻表将要发生的动作(只限于少数动词,如:e,go,leave,arrive,begin,start,take off,return,stop,open,close等)The train leavesat 430 pm.The meeting startsthis afternoon.一般过去时过去经常性、习惯性的动作或状态He often cried when he was a boy.时间、条件和让步状语从句中要用一般过去时代替过去将来时如:He said that if I went there,he would go too.表示过去经常发生的动作,也可用“used todo.”和“would do.”The old man used to climb the hill behind his house.过去某时的动作或状态I went to the bank just now.用于I didntknow.或Iforgot.,表示事先不知道或不记得,但现在已知道或记得的事情I didnt_know youwere here.Sorry,I forgot tobring my book.一般将来时现在看来以后要发生的动作或存在的状态Tom will e next week.He will be here tomorrow.几种常见将来时表达的区别:1be going to表示打算最近或将来要做某事,或有某种征兆要发生某事,不用于有if条件句的主句中。I will go fishing if it is fine.It is going to rain.2be to do sth.表按计划安排即将发生的动作,还表示吩咐,命令,禁止,注定等。No one is to leave without the permission of the police.3be about to do不与具体的时间状语或状语从句连用。The petition is about to start.4will/shall表示未事先考虑过,即说话时临时作出的决定。事物的固有属性或必然趋势Oil will float in water.Fish will die without water.对将来某个动作的安排、计划He is going to speak on TV this evening.现在进行时此时此刻正在发生的动作Im studying English now.不宜用进行时的动词:感觉类:look,smell,feel,sound,taste,see,hear情感类:like,love,prefer,admire,hate,fear心态类:wish,hope,expect,want,need,believe,think,understand,agree,know,remember,forget所有类:have,contain,own,hold(容纳),belong to现阶段正在发生的动作We are building our socialism.与always,forever,constantly,continually连用,表示赞赏或厌恶等感情色彩,但并非强调动作正在进行He is always helping others.She is always forgetting something.按计划、安排近期发生的动作(只限于e,go,leave,arrive,start,move,sail,fly,travel,stay等)A foreigner is ing to visit our school.Im leaving for Beijing tomorrow.过去进行时过去某一时刻或阶段正在发生的动作He was watching TV this time yesterday.It was raining the whole morning.过去进行时可用来描绘故事发生的背景:The wind was blowing and it was raining hard.与always,forever,constantly,continually连用,表示赞赏或厌恶等感情色彩rade Lei Feng was always thinking of others never thinking of himself.过去计划、安排好的将来动作(只限于e,go,leave,arrive,start,move,sail,fly,travel,stay等)He said he was leaving the next day.I was told the train was starting soon.过去将来时过去某一时刻后将要发生的过去动作或过去的意图、打算(主要用于宾语从句中)She was sure she would succeed.I thought you would e.把一般将来时中的助动词变成过去式,便成了过去将来时的表达形式现在完成时现已完成或刚刚完成且对现在有影响的动作I have finished my homework.没有包括“现在”在内或不是截止“现在”为止的时间状语不能与现在完成时连用短暂性动词的肯定式不能与时间段连用“in the past/last时间段”要与现在完成时连用have gone to表示人在所指地方的路上或已在所指地方;have been to表示人曾到过所指的地方,但现在不在所指的地方了发生在过去的动作,但已成为现在的经历或经验Weve all played with snow and ice.始于过去持续至今,也许延于将来的动作或状态Hes lived here since 2000.Ive taught English for 15 years.将来某时先要做完的动作(只限于时间和条件状语从句)Dont get off the bus until it has stopped.到目前为止的一段时间,多少次或第几次干某事Hes been to Beijing several times.Its the third time that Ive seen the film.过去完成时过去某时间前已发生的动作或情况Marx had learned some English before he came to London.过去完成时必须以过去某一时刻为基点,即“过去的过去”。因此只有在和过去某时或某动作相比较时才用到它before,after本身“前”“后”明显,因此可用一般过去时代替过去完成时。或同一主语连续几个动作时,只用一般过去时即可。如:He (had) left before I arrived.过去某动作前已发生的另一动作The train had left when I got to the station.始于过去持续至过去另一时间,也许延续下来的动作He said he had been in the Party for 10 years.过去未曾实现的意图、打算或希望(只限于think,want,plan,mean,intend,hope,expect,suppose等动词)I had planned to see you yesterday,but the rain prevented me.三、与动词时态连用的固定句式1This/It is the first/second.timethat从句。that从句一般用现在完成时,如果把前边的is改为was,则that从句用过去完成时。This is the first time I have e here.这是我第一次来这儿。It was the third time (that) he had made the same mistake.这是他第三次犯同样的错误。2It is/has been一段时间since从句。since从句中一般用过去时,如果将前边的is改为was,则since从句中用过去完成时。It was ten years since we had had such a wonderful time.我们有十年没有像这样玩得高兴了。3be about to do.when.意为“即将(这时)突然”。I was about to go out when the telephone rang.我刚要出去这时电话铃响了。4be (was/were)doing.when.意为“正在干(这时)突然”。They were reading when Tom shouted in pain.他们正在阅读这时汤姆疼得大叫起来。5Hardly had.done.when.;No sooner had.done.than.when和than从句里用一般过去时,表示“刚刚就”。Hardly (No sooner) had I got home when (than) the rain poured down.我刚到家大雨就倾盆而下了。6Itbe一段时间before从句这个句式分两种情况:如果主句用将来时,则从句用一般现在时表将来时,意为多长时间以后即将发生某事;如果主句用过去时,从句也用过去时,意为多长时间后发生了某事。It wont be long before he succeeds.(He will succeed soon.)他不久就会成功。1(山东高考)They made up their mind that they _ a new house once Larry changed jobs. Abought Bwould buyChave bought Dhad bought解析:选B考查时态。句意:他们下定决心,一旦拉里换了工作,他们就买所新房子。根据主句中的关键词made可知该题的语境是发生在过去的;同时once引导的条件状语从句中的changed这一动作还未发生,用的是一般过去时表示过去将来时的用法,所以主句应该用过去将来时,即would buy。2(北京高考)What time is it?I have no ideA But just a minute, I _ it for you.Acheck BcheckedCwill check Dwould check解析:选C考查时态。句意:“几点了?”“我不知道。稍等,我帮你看一下。”由just a minute可知,下文表示临时的决定,应用一般将来时,故选C项。3(湖南高考)Whenever you_ a present, you should think about it from the receivers point of view.Abought Bhave boughtCwill buy Dbuy解析:选D考查动词的时态。句意:无论何时你购买礼物,你都应该从接收者的角度去考虑(这个礼物是否合适)。根据句意可知,该句叙述的是一般的客观情况,故此处的时间状语从句中应用一般现在时。4(江苏高考)How much do you know about the Youth Olympic Games to be held in Nanjing?Well, the media _ it in a variety of forms.Acover Bwill coverChave covered Dcovered解析:选C考查时态。根据两人的对话及句中的in a variety of forms可知,媒体已经以多种形式对南京青年奥运会进行了报道,因此选择C。5(北京高考)Hi, lets go skating.Sorry, Im busy right now. I_ in an application form for a new job.Afill Bhave filledCam filling Dwill fill解析:选C考查时态。句意:“嗨,我们去滑冰吧。”“对不起,我现在很忙。我正在填一份新工作的申请表。”由答句中的时间状语right now和上下文语境可知,此处表示正在发生的事,应用现在进行时,故选C项。.单项填空1My uncle _ part of his salary for three years and then he bought a boat.Aset off Bset asideCset back Dset down解析:选B句意:三年来我叔叔每月省出一部分工资,然后买了一艘船。set aside“省出,留出(钱或时间)”,符合题意。set off“动身,启程”;set back“使耽搁”;set down“写下,记下”。2Only after they had performed hundreds of experiments did they succeed _ the problem.Ato have solved Bin solvingCto solve Dsolving解析:选Bsucceed in doing sth.成功做了某事。3She ought to stop work.She has a headache because she _ all day long.Ahas been reading Bhad readCis reading Dread解析:选A句意:她现在头疼因为她已经读了一整天了。前一句用了一般现在时态;第二句强调到现在为止一直在读书,所以用了现在完成进行时态。4Id like to call on you at 10 am. tomorrow.Im sorry,by then I _ my guests in my office.Ameet Bwill meetCwill be meeting Dam meeting解析:选C句意:“明天上午10点我想去拜访你。”“抱歉,那个时候我将正在办公室接待客人。”根据时间状语at 10 am.tomorrow判断“接待客人”是将来某时正在进行的动作,故用将来进行时。5Nobody has any idea that how long it will be before the hostages _.Aare released Bwill be releasedCare to be released Dhas been released解析:选A考查句型“It will be一段时间before从句”,从句中谓语用一般现在时表将来,且此处表被动,应用被动语态。6It is hard to find a job today.I might at least get some work experience _ I dont get a good job.Aso that Bin caseCnow that Deven if解析:选D考查状语从句。句意:虽然我没有得到好工作,但我至少能获得一些工作经验。even if“虽然,尽管”,引导让步状语从句。so that“结果,为了”,in case“万一”引导条件状语从句,now that“既然”引导原因状语从句。7Where were you at lunch time?I _ a seat for you in the dining hall.Asaved Bwas savingChave saved Dhad saved解析:选B句意:午饭的时候你在哪儿呢?我在餐厅给你留了个座位。强调过去某个时间段或某一时刻进行的动作或所处的状态时,用过去进行时态。8No one can deny the role women played _ the development of society.Ain Bto Cat Dwith解析:选Aplay the/a role in (doing) sth.“在某事上起着作用”。句意:没人否认妇女在社会的发展中所起的作用。9Where have you been recently?I _ in Hangzhou on business for a week last month.Ahave been BwasChad been Dhad gone解析:选B由句中last month可知用过去时。10The other day,not until two oclock in the morning _ home drunk.Areturned he Bhe returnedCdid he return Dhad he returned解析:选Cnot until用于句首,句子要部分倒装,由the other day可知要用过去时。.完形填空John Johnson was born in a black family in Arkansas city in 1918.His father died in an accident when John was six.He was _1_ high school age,but his hometown _2_ no high school for blacks._3_ he had a strongwilled,caring mother.John _4_ that his mother told him many times,“Son,you can _5_ everything you really want to be if you just _6_.” She told him not to depend on others,_7_ his mother.“You have to earn success.” said she,“All the people who work hard _8_ succeed,but the only people who _9_ succeed are those who works hard.”These words came from a woman with less than a third grade _10_. She also knew that _11_ and hard work couldnt _12_ everything.So she worked hard as a cook for two years to save enough to take her son to Chicago.Chicago in 1933 was not the promising _13_ that black southerners were _14_ for.Johns mother and stepfather could not find work.But here John could go to school,and here he learned the _15_ of words as editor of the newspaper and yearbook at Du Sable High School.His wish was to _16_ a magazine for the blacks.While others _17_ him,Johns mother offered him more words to live by,“Nothing beats a failure but a _18_.” She let him pawn (典当) her furniture to get 500 he needed to start the Negro magazine.It is _19_ that difficulties and failure followed John closely _20_ he became very successful.He always keep his mothers words in mind,“Son,failure is not in your vocabulary.”1Areaching BgettingCin Dof解析:选Areach high school age到上高中的年龄,get to或at the age才正确。2Agot BsetCoffered Dgave解析:选Coffer sth.for sb.为某人提供某物。3ATherefore BFirstCFortunately DOtherwise解析:选C有一个如此好的母亲,当然是幸运的事。4Aremembered BknewClearned Dunderstood解析:选A对母亲说过多次的话当然是记得。5Abe BtakeCget Dhave解析:选A由后面的want to be可知,意为:如果你努力了,你想是什么就是什么。6Awork BsucceedCdo Dgo解析:选C句意:如果去做,do此处意义比其余三项要广泛,指一切努力。7Aincluding BexceptCbesides Dbut解析:选Aincluding包括,母亲告诉儿子,谁也不依靠,包括母亲。8Adont BwouldntCcan Dwill解析:选A部分否定,并非所有努力的人都能成功。由work可知用一般现在时。9Amay BdoCshould Dmight解析:选Bdo动词原形,表示强调,“真正成功的”。10Alesson BeducationCclass Dpupil解析:选Bthird grade education三年的教育。由grade可知为教育。11Abelieving BpracticeCexperience Dknowledge解析:选A由下文失败多次仍然坚持,那就是坚信自己,故用believing。12Amake BbeeCmean Dbring解析:选Cmean“意味着”。13Aland BspotCcenter Dtown解析:选Athe promising land“有希望的地方,乐土,乐园”。14Agoing BseatCnaming Dlooking解析:选Dlook for“寻找”。此处指黑人们在寻找自己的乐园。15Avalue BcostCstrength Dpower解析:选Dpower力量。他了解到报纸编辑所说的话是非常有影响力的。16Alend BpublishCsell Dset解析:选Bpublish a magazine出版一份杂志。17Awatched BadmiredCrespected Ddiscouraged解析:选D母亲鼓励,当然其他人在阻止他,discourage“使泄气”。18Atry BsuccessChero Dhope解析:选A此处是母亲鼓励他去试一下;“努力就会成功。”try努力,尝试。19Apossible BnaturalCobvious Dstrange解析:选B开创一份事业,困难和失败是理所当然的,natural“自然”。20Auntil BthoughCbecause Dafter解析:选A“until”直到为止。


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