2019高考英语一轮优练题 Unit 2 Cloning(含解析)新人教版选修8.doc

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Unit 2 Cloning(选修8Unit 2)【短文语法填空】语法填空。阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。(选自2017日照检测)TOEFL, short for Test of English as a Foreign Language, is a standardized test of English. The TOEFL test is an important step of your journey _1_ (study) in an Englishspeaking country.The TOEFL test _2_ (measure) your ability to use and understand at the university level. And it evaluates _3_ well you bine your listening, reading, speaking and writing _4_ (skill) to perform academic tasks.More than 30 million people from all over the world have taken the TOEFL test to show _5_ Englishlanguage petence. The TOEFL test has _6_ (many) test dates and locations than any other Englishlanguage test in the world. You can retake the test many times as you wish, _7_ you cannot take it more than once in a 12day period.The TOEFL test is the most _8_ (wide) respected Englishlanguage test in the world, _9_ (organize) by more than 9 000 colleges, universities and agencies in more than 130 countries, _10_ (include) Australia, Canada, the U. K. and the United States. Wherever you want to study, the TOEFL test can help you get there.【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文,向读者介绍了托福考试的一些相关内容,包括考查项目、参加次数以及托福考试的影响和作用等。1to study考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,空格处应用动词不定式表示目的。故填to study。2measures考查动词的时态和主谓一致。本文用的是一般现在时,“The TOEFL test”是第三人称单数,所以谓语动词要用单数第三人称形式。故填measures。3how考查副词。句意为:它评价你把你的听、说、读、写能力结合起来的程度。how well指程度如何。故填how。4skills考查名词复数。听、说、读、写是四种能力,所以要用名词skill的复数形式skills。5their考查物主代词。句意为:超过3 000万来自世界各地的人参加托福考试来展示他们的英语语言能力。空格处修饰名词“Englishlanguage petence”,指前面提到的“30 million people”的能力,应用形容词性物主代词。故填their。6more考查形容词的比较级。由空格后的“than”可知,此处应用many的比较级形式。故填more。7but考查连词。前一句说只要你愿意,你可以多次重复参加托福考试,后一句说你不能在12天的时间内连续报考。前后两句话在意思上是转折关系。故填but。8widely考查词性转换。此处应用副词修饰动词“respected”,故填所给词的副词形式widely。9organized考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,空格处应用非谓语动词形式。逻辑主语“The TOEFL test”和动词organize构成被动关系,所以要用过去分词形式。故填organized。10including考查词性转换。此处指包括澳大利亚、加拿大、英国和美国。应用所给词的介词形式including,意为“包含,包括”。.阅读理解(2016河南六市第一次联考)He may not have an “S” across his chest but this dog is most certainly a hero.Harley,who was rescued from a puppy mill four years ago,was named the American Humane Associations 2015 American Hero Dog.Harley,who is missing an eye and has other medical issues from his time at the mill,is now a “spokes-dog” against puppy mills.He serves as the adorable furry face of the “Harley to the Rescue” campaign,which raises funds for the National Mill Dog Rescue,according to a press release.The pup was rescued back in 2011 and adopted by Rudi and her husband,Dan.“It was just four years ago that he was pulled from the cage in the puppy mill and left to die,”Harleys owner,Rudi,said during the awards show at the Beverly Hilton Hotel in Los Angeles this past weekend,according to Today.“We never would have ever thought he would live this long and make such a difference for so many puppies.”The dog was one of eight finalists up for the American Hero Dog and was chosen as the winner through public votes.The finalists all won $1,500 to be donated to one of American Humane Associations charity partners,with Harley receiving another $5,000 to go toward his charity partner,New Leash On Life.According to the release,Harley spent 10 years at the puppy mill,and endured rough treatment there,which led to his many medical issues.He lost his eye as a result of his cage being power-washed with him inside.The dog isnt just the face of his campaign,he also goes on rescue missions and makes public appearances at events and schools to raise awareness for puppy mills.This incredible work is all due to the dogs fighting spirit.That spirit is allowing him now to be the voice for dogs who cannot speak for themselves and give everybody hope that tomorrows going to be a better day.1.How did the “Harley to the Rescue” campaign function?A.By saving dogs from a puppy mill.B.By operating the American Humane Association.C.By collecting money for the National Mill Dog Rescue.D.By giving endangered dogs enough medical treatment.2.What is the authors attitude to the puppy mill according to the text?A.Unsatisfied.B.Sympathetic.C.Doubtful.D.Tolerant.3.Why was Harley blind in one eye?A.He was born with it.B.His owner treated him roughly.C.It was caused by a medical issue.D.He was washed heavily in a cage.4.What can we know about the dog from the text?A.It would be given to New Leash On Life.B.It was kept by Rudis family.C.It would be taken away by its puppy mill.D.It returned to the National Mill Dog Rescue.B阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。After four silent years,the 27yearold British singer Adele Adkins has finally introduced herself to the world again with Hello,the opening song from her third album 25,which will e out on Nov.20.Although Adele is a very successful singer now,music_wasnt_always_what_she_saw_herself_doing.At age 10,when she saw her grandmothers pain over the death of Adeles grandfather,she pictured herself as a heart surgeon.“I wanted to fix peoples hearts,” she told the UK music website iD,remembering the childhood interest shed had in biology classes until she found out that her real talent was for singing.Adele didnt go to medical school,but many would agree that she still has healing(治愈) powers.“Her songs find the kind of memory every listener holds somewhere in their heart.This kind of feeling is what people have always liked in Adele,” said The Telegraph.“She writes a pop diary,sharing the simple secrets of her heart.”Most successful pop stars make albums at a fast pace,but not Adele.After her second album 21 won the 2012 Grammy Award for Album of the Year,she made it clear with her label that she would spend “four or five years” making her next album.She told Vogue magazine,“I wont e out with new music until its better than 21.”Instead of seeking fame,Adele remained silent and moved to the countryside.In her free time,she loved to watch TV series Teen Mom,American Horror Story,and The Walking Dead.Living life as normally as possible is important to the singers art.“Nobody wants to listen to a record from someone whos not living in the real world,” Adele told iD.“So I live a lowkey life for my fans.”1What does the text mainly tell us?AThe popularity of Adeles album 25.BThe healing powers of Adeles music.CThe secrets of Adeles success in music.DThe reason for Adeles being a singer.2What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 probably mean?AAdele wasnt interested in music.BAdele wasnt good at music at first.CMusic wasnt very important in Adeles life.DMusic wasnt all Adele wanted to be devoted to.3Why doesnt Adele want to make albums at a fast pace?ATo live a lowkey life.BTo win the Grammy Award.CTo guarantee the quality of her music.DTo share the secrets of her heart as a musician.4What can we know about Adele?AHer album Hello will e out on Nov.20.BShe has kept a diary since childhood.CShe moved to the countryside before 2012.DHer works are based on real life.【解题导语】本文主要讲述了英国著名歌手阿黛尔在音乐上成功的秘密。【难句分析】“I wanted to fix peoples hearts,” she told the UK music website iD,remembering the childhood interest shed had in biology classes until she found out that her real talent was for singing.分析:本句是一个复合句。shed had in biology classes是定语从句,关系词在从句中作宾语被省略,指代先行词the childhood interest;until引导时间状语从句remembering the childhood interest是现在分词短语作伴随状语。译文:记得她带着童年时的兴趣上生物课,直到后来她发现她真正的天赋在于唱歌,她告诉英国音乐网站iD:“我当时想修复人们的心。”1C考查主旨大意。通读全文,尤其是最后三段可推知,本文主要讲述了阿黛尔在音乐上成功的秘密,故选C。2D考查句意猜测。根据第二段第二句“At age 10,when she saw her grandmothers pain over the death of Adeles grandfather,she pictured herself as a heart surgeon”可推知,10岁时,当阿黛尔看到祖父的去世给祖母带来的伤痛时,她想成为一名外科医生,减轻别人的痛苦。故D项正确。3C考查推理判断。根据第五段中的“She told Vogue magazine,I wont e out with new music until its better than 21.”,并结合最后两段的整体内容可推知,阿黛尔放慢做音乐的速度是为了追求高质量的音乐,故选C。4D考查细节理解。根据最后一段最后两句“Nobody wants to listen to a record from someone whos not living in the real world,Adele told iD.So I live a lowkey life for my fans.”,可知,阿黛尔的音乐作品基于真实的生活。.完形填空Last year,I had a car accident.I was 1,and I had my two children in the car.2,they both were OK.Despite having scratches on my left arm and neck,I felt 3 right after the accident.Later that night,though,there was something wrong with me and my husband sent me to hospital immediately.My 4 said I had a concussion (脑震荡).The first week I felt like my inner 5 was off.I walked slowly,moving from side to side.I had difficulty in municating because it was hard to remember words and I couldnt 6 clearly.I wore sunglasses all day because the light hurt my 7.When all of these 8 disappeared,people thought I had recovered,especially when my 9 injuries werent apparent;people 10 the pain that I was experiencing.They thought that I had 11,but I hadnt.I was anxious and 12.I gained 25 pounds because of stress eating.I felt like a victim.I couldnt bear anymore and I 13 to cure myself.I wrote down my feelings.I started meditating(冥想)and losing 14.Its almost been a year since the 15.My neck still tenses when Im nervous,but there are fewer headaches.I still have panic attacks,but less 16.Although Im recovering slowly,the dead,hopeless look in my eyes is 17.My mind is teaching me something new:You were knocked down hard.Your brain was hit.But you were given another 18.I consider almost daily 19 Ill live my second life.Ill live with less speed and fewer things on the to-do lists.Ill bee my childrens strongest backer and tell them,“Im 20 here no matter what happens.”1.A.sadB.terrifiedC.tiredD.surprised2.A.ImmediatelyB.StrangelyC.HopefullyD.Thankfully3.A.hurtB.fineC.worriedD.lucky4.A.husbandB.friendsC.doctorD.children5.A.balanceB.senseC.strengthD.wisdom6.A.seeB.speakC.writeD.hear7.A.eyesB.earsC.armD.neck8.A.difficultiesB.mistakesC.situationsD.symptoms9.A.personalB.emotionalC.internalD.physical10.A.refusedB.forgotC.controlledD.felt11.A.calmed downB.looked outC.moved onD.given in12.A.stressfulB.disappointedC.shamefulD.dissatisfied13.A.agreedB.continuedC.managedD.decided14.A.forceB.sympathyC.weightD.confidence15.A.illnessB.accidentC.changeD.cure16.A.desperatelyB.frequentlyC.quicklyD.crazily17.A.goneB.specialC.uselessD.funny18.A.concernB.challengeC.choiceD.chance19.A.whenB.whyC.whereD.how20.A.alsoB.alreadyC.alwaysD.again. 短文改错Dear Tom,It is nice to receive your email.Now Id like to telling you something about the Palace Museum.The Palace Museum,also call the Forbidden City,began to be built in 1406.It took more than a million worker 14 years to build it and the Palace Museum has finished in 1420.You may be surprising that the palaces in the Forbidden City have 9,999 rooms altogether and as you know it in China,“nine” is regarded as the lucky number.As largest museum in the world,the Palace Museum held cultural treasures from the past 5,000 years of Chinese history.Now,every Tuesday,the Palace Museum is open to Chinese students for free but I hope you have a chance to e to China and take a look for it with your own eyes.Yours,Li Ming考点规范练(选修8Unit 2).【解题导语】本文是一篇记叙文。哈利是狗繁殖场的一条狗,它身患多种疾病,因为清洗笼子的强水压使它瞎了一只眼睛。后来,它有幸得到鲁迪一家的收养并成了反对宠物繁殖场的代言人。1.C细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句中的“Harley to the Rescue campaign,which raises funds for the National Mill Dog Rescue,”可知,该项运动旨在为National Mill Dog Rescue组织筹集资金,故C项正确。2.A观点态度题。根据第二段的第二句“Harley,who is missing an eye and has other medical issues from his time at the mill,is now a spokes-dogagainst puppy mills.”可知,哈利一只眼睛瞎了,身患多种疾病,现在是反对狗繁殖场的代言人;由此可以判断,作者对狗繁殖场是不满的,故A项正确。3.D细节理解题。根据第五段的最后一句“He lost his eye as a result of his cage being power-washed with him inside.”可知,由于在笼中时受到强水压清洗,它的一只眼睛瞎了,故D项正确。4.B细节理解题。根据第三段的第一句“The pup was rescued back in 2011 and adopted by Rudi and her husband,Dan.”可知,这只狗于2011年被救回,由鲁迪和她的丈夫收养,故B项正确。.【解题导语】本文是记叙文。作者遭受的一场车祸改变了她的生活。1.B根据本空前后句内容可知,作者遭受了一场车祸,车上还有她的两个孩子,所以她当时应该感到“害怕(terrified)”。2.D根据本空后内容可知,“谢天谢地(Thankfully)”,作者的两个孩子都安然无恙。3.B根据本句中的Despite可推测,尽管作者的左胳膊和脖子上有些擦伤,但是作者感觉“良好(fine)”,并无大恙。4.C根据上一句中的hospital可知,这里指“医生(doctor)”说作者有脑震荡。5.A根据本空下一句内容可知,作者走路摇摇晃晃,所以她感觉自己失去了内部“平衡(balance)”。6.B根据本句中的I had difficulty in municating可知,作者跟人沟通有困难,她既记不住别人说的话,自己也“说(speak)”不清楚话。7.A根据本句中的sunglasses可知,作者戴墨镜是为了保护“眼睛(eyes)”。8.D上段中的“The first week I felt like.”都是作者脑震荡后表现出的“症状(symptoms)”。9.D根据第一段中的“having scratches on my left arm and neck”可推测,作者只是有些擦伤,“身体上的(physical)”伤并不明显。10.B根据本句中的people thought I had recovered可推测,人们以为作者痊愈了,尤其是她的外伤不明显,因此“忘记(forget)”了她正遭受的痛苦。11.C根据本空后的but I hadnt可推测,人们以为作者已经摆脱了车祸带来的影响,“继续向前(move on)”。12.A根据本空前的anxious及后面的stress eating可知,作者焦虑而且“紧张(stressful)”。13.D根据本空后的内容可知,作者“决定(decide)”自我治愈。14.C根据上段中的I gained 25 pounds 可推测,这里指作者“减肥(lose weight)”。15.B根据本文开头的“Last year,I had a car accident.”可知,距离作者遭受那场“事故(accident)”已经将近一年了。16.B根据上句内容及本句中的still.but可推测,尽管作者还受恐慌困扰,但是已经没有那么“频繁(frequently)”了。17.A根据本句开头的Although可推测,尽管作者恢复得不快,但是作者眼中的呆滞和绝望“消失(gone)”了。18.D根据下段中的my second life可知,这里指作者获得了重新生活的“机会(chance)”。19.D本句后的内容就是作者要“怎样(how)”重新生活。20.C根据本句中的“Ill bee my childrens strongest backer.”可知,作者要做孩子们最坚强的后盾并告诉他们:无论发生什么事情,“我”会“一直(always)”在。.短文改错Dear Tom,It is nice to receive your email.Now Id like to tellingtell you something about the Palace Museum.The Palace Museum,also callcalled the Forbidden City,began to be built in 1406.It took more than a million workerworkers 14 years to build it and the Palace Museum haswas finished in 1420.You may be surprisingsurprised that the palaces in the Forbidden City have 9,999 rooms altogether and as you know it in China,“nine” is regarded as the lucky number.As largest museum in the world,the Palace Museum heldholds cultural treasures from the past 5,000 years of Chinese history.Now,every Tuesday,the Palace Museum is open to Chinese students for free butand I hope you have a chance to e to China and take a look forat it with your own eyes.Yours,Li Ming

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