2019版高考英语一轮复习 Unit 4 Earthquakes达标巩固练(含解析)新人教版必修1.doc

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Unit 4 Earthquakes*阅读理解“Clothes Swapping” is an activity which has bee increasingly popular among American women.At a clothes swap event the women can give away unwanted clothing and get something different in return.Recently about 300 women went to a clothes swap at a high school in Springfield,Virginia.It was the largest crowd ever for the areas popular clothingswapping group.Daphne Steinberg was having a good day.“For anyone who knows Ann Taylor LOFT,Ann Taylor is a really good womens designer and I will totally wear this to work.So I love that,and I love that I can equip myself for work,have a good time in doing it,and not totally bankrupt(使破产)myself.”Sandy Van Dusen likes the idea that clothes are finding new homes instead of being thrown away.“Because it helps to keep the Earth green.Theres no point in my opinion in continuing to buy new clothes when we can reuse what are already here.Give them a new homelet somebody else love what you used to love and no longer love.”Kim Pratt organized the clothes swap event in Springfield.She also organized a moneyraising activity for the high schools debate team.It is one of several ways that her group gives to charitable causes.Another is by donating all of the “unswapped” clothing to shelters for victims of domestic violence.“I started doing this four years ago, and weve been doing it for four years,getting bigger and bigger each time we have a swap.”She used the social media website meetup. to help publicize the events.The website has helped her group grow from 30 members to 1,300.Ms.Pratt says most of the members respect the clothing swap rules.But she says petition for desirable fashion can be strong.“We have to tell people sometimes not to hover(徘徊)over the new people ing in with their clothing.As they put it out,some people tend to grab the stuff right out of their hands and it bees like a freeforall.We try to avoid that as much as possible.”1Women can _ at a clothes swap.Aexchange unwanted clothing for something differentBbuy whatever clothing they likeChave a social gathering and make friendsDmake some money by giving away unwanted clothing2We can learn from what Daphne Steinberg said that _.Ashe had been to a clothes swap for the first timeBshe experienced the largest clothes swap ever in the areaCshe got some clothes she likes at the clothes swapDshe saved much more money than she had expected3What is Paragraph 5 mainly about?AWhat Kim Pratt did with the unswapped clothing.BHow Kim Pratt started the clothes swap event.CWhat Kim Pratt did to help people in need.DHow Kim Pratt raised money to help charitable causes.4It can be inferred from the last paragraph that _.Aclothes swaps are often out of control in the endBinappropriate behavior at clothes swaps needs to be controlledCclothes swapping is being increasingly popular with American womenDmore clothes swap events need to be organized【解题导语】本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了在Springfield的一所高中举办的“交换衣服”活动,详细介绍了活动组织人Kim Pratt组织该活动的初衷、意义和存在的问题等。【难句分析】“Clothes Swapping” is an activity which has bee increasingly popular among American women.分析:该句为主从复合句。which has bee increasingly popular among American women为which引导的定语从句,修饰先行词an activity。译文:“交换衣服”是一项越来越受美国女士欢迎的活动。1A考查细节理解。根据第一段第二句“At a clothes swap event the women can give away unwanted clothing and get something different in return”可知,在“交换衣服”活动中,女士可以给出自己不想要的衣服,得到一些不同的衣服,故A项正确。2C考查细节理解。根据第三段中Daphne Steinberg所说的话“For anyone who knows Ann Taylor LOFT,Ann Taylor is a really good womens designer and I will totally wear this to work”可知,Daphne Steinberg在这次“交换衣服”活动中得到了她喜欢的Ann Taylor设计的衣服,并会穿着它去上班,故C项正确。3C考查段落大意。通读第五段可知,该段主要介绍了Kim Pratt为帮助需要帮助的人组织的多个活动,包括“交换衣服”活动、为Springfield的一所高中的辩论队组织的筹款活动、捐赠衣服给家庭暴力受害者庇护所的活动,故C项正确。4B考查推理判断。根据最后一段中的“some people tend to grab the stuff right out of their hands and it bees like a freeforall.We try to avoid that as much as possible”可推知,在“交换衣服”活动中,对一些不恰当的行为应该加以控制,故B项正确。A项在文中没有提及;根据第一段第一句“Clothes Swapping is an activity which has bee increasingly popular among American women”可知,第一段直接提到“交换衣服”活动在美国女士中越来越受欢迎,不需要推理得出,且在最后一段中没有体现,故C项错误;通读最后一段可知,该段主要讲述“交换衣服”活动中可能出现的问题,而不是需要组织更多的“交换衣服”活动,故D项错误。*语法填空The wives who lived within the walls of the Weinsberg Castle in Germany were well aware of the riches it held: gold, silver, jewels, and wealth beyond belief. Then the day came in 1140 AD when all their _1_ (value) treasure was threatened. Welf, the Duke of Bavaria, sat _2_ (trap) inside his Weinsberg Castle. Outside the castle walls lay the army of Frederick, the Duke of Swabia, _3_ his brother, the Emperor Konrad, _4_ army had surrounded the castle and demanded the fortunes and the lives of the men within. Although the conquering mander had set a condition for the safe release of all the women and children, the wives in Weinsberg refused _5_ (leave) without having their own condition met. They demanded that they be allowed to fill their arms _6_ as many possessions as they could carry out. Thinking that the women couldnt _7_ (possible) take much, they met their request.When the castle gates opened, the army outside was brought to _8_ (tear): every woman was carrying her husband! Konrad assured the women of their husbands plete _9_ (safe) and freedom. He invited them all to a banquet and _10_ (make) peace with the Duke of Bavaria on terms much more favorable than expected.Afterwards, the castle was known for womens loyalty.1_ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ 6._ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._ 篇章导读:本文是一篇记叙文。文章介绍了德国Weinsberg城堡,该城堡以妇女的忠诚闻名于世。1valuable/invaluable考查词性转换。空处修饰名词treasure且表示“(极)宝贵的”,故用value的形容词形式valuable或invaluable。2trapped考查非谓语动词。动词trap和主语之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,表示“(已经)被困城堡之内”,故用过去分词trapped作主语补足语,表明主语的状态。3and考查连词。根据语境可知,该句中的“Frederick, the Duke of Swabia”和“his brother, the Emperor Konrad”之间是并列关系,故用and。4whose考查定语从句的引导词。分析该句结构可知,该句为非限制性定语从句,army和先行词之间是所属关系,故用whose引导该定语从句。5to leave考查非谓语动词。refuse to do sth.为固定短语,表示“拒绝做某事”,此处表示,城堡里的妇女要求满足她们的条件,否则就拒绝离开。6with考查介词。fill (sth.) with sth. 为固定用法,意为“用填满”,故填with。7possibly考查词性转换。空处修饰动词take,故用副词形式。8tears考查名词的复数。tear为可数名词,此处构成固定搭配bring sb.to tears,意为“使某人流泪”,故用tear的复数形式tears。9safety考查词性转换。根据该句中的“plete . and freedom”可知,形容词plete修饰空处所填词,空处与名词freedom为并列关系,故用名词形式safety。10made考查动词的时态。根据该句中的“He invited them”及全文时态可知,此处陈述的是过去发生的事情,故用一般过去时。*完形填空I was looking through some old photo albums the other day.I had _1_ done that many times before but I felt a sudden _2_ to see them again.I found myself _3_ so many beautiful memories from my childhood.There was my dear Nana giving me a thorough _4_ when I was a newborn baby.There was me and my brother standing in front of the worlds ugliest _5_ our favorite Christmas tree.There was my beautiful Mom _6_ me on her lap.Then the pictures seemed _7_ all of a sudden because my eyes were wet.I just couldnt _8_ the tears.“What is going on?” I _9_.I hadnt cried the last time.But what was _10_ now?I soon saw that it was I who changed.I had _11_.My spirit had walked a little further down the _12_ of love.I realized as long as they came with a warm heart,wet eyes were _13_ to be ashamed of.I smiled and I felt Mom and Nana smiling _14_ on me from Heaven.Leo Buscaglia said:“Im not afraid of _15_.They clean out my eyeballs.” I think they clean out our _16_ as well.They help us to wash away our pain, fear and grief(悲伤)They help us to _17_ our love and goodness.They help us to bee who we are _18_ to be.The next time you feel your tears starting,just let them _19_.Life is full of smiles and tears.Only by allowing them both can we _20_ live.1A.never BeverCalready Dnearly2A.appeal BsadnessCfear Durge3A.shaping BrelivingCescaping Dbuilding4A.bath BspeechChug Dsurvey5A.and BbutCor Das6A.spinning BpossessingCholding Dwalking7A.beautiful BblankCabnormal Dvague8A.fight back Bfight withCfight for Dfight against9A.found BwonderedChesitated Ddiscussed10A.heartbreaking BwrongCdifferent Ddisturbing11A.grown BmisunderstoodCinsisted Dstruggled12A.feast BpathCexpectation Dcircle13A.everything BsomethingCanything Dnothing14A.forward BupwardsCdown Dbehind15A.tears BfailuresCdeaths Dillnesses16A.petence BinsideCidentification Ddevelopment17A.look through Bclean outClearn from Dreconnect to18A.used BremindedCforced Dmeant19A.separate BstayCflow Ddisappear20A.truly BroughlyCgenerally Dtentatively【解题导语】本文是一篇夹叙夹议的文章。再次看老相册时,作者重温了童年的一些美好回忆,并流下了眼泪。作者从而感悟到生活中充满欢笑和眼泪,只有允许它们两者存在,我们才能真正地生活。【核心词汇】urge n强烈的欲望;冲动 v催促,力劝;强烈要求I had a sudden urge to call him.我突然很想给他打电话。We should constantly urge ourselves on to study hard.我们应该不断地鞭策自己努力学习。1C根据下文的“many times before”以及“I hadnt cried the last time”可知,作者应该不止一次看这些老相册,故此处表示作者之前已经(already)多次看过这些老相册。2D此处表示作者突然有再次看老相册的冲动(urge)。appeal“恳求”;fear“害怕”。3B此处表示作者重温(reliving)了许多来自童年时期的美好回忆。shape“塑造”;escape“逃避”;build“建造”。4A根据下文的“when I was a newborn baby”可知,此处表示作者还是个新生儿时,奶奶给她彻底洗澡,故选A项。5B空前的“the worlds ugliest”和空后的“our favorite”之间为转折关系,故用并列连词but。6C根据下文的“on her lap”可知,此处应表示“我漂亮的妈妈把我抱着放在她的腿上”。hold意为“抱着,托着”,符合语境。spin“快速旋转”;possess“拥有”;walk“遛”。7D上文提到了作者正在看老照片,根据下文的“because my eyes were wet.the tears”可知作者流泪了,根据常识可知,此处表示这些老照片变得模糊(vague)了。blank“空白的”;abnormal“不正常的”。8A根据上文的“because my eyes were wet”和下文的“I hadnt cried the last time.But.”可知,作者这次看老照片的时候哭了,此处表示作者遏制不住眼泪。fight back“忍住,抑制住”,符合语境。fight with“与争辩”;fight for“努力争取”;fight against“对抗”。9B作者以前看老照片没有哭,而这次看老照片却哭了。所以作者想知道(wondered)发生了什么。find“发现,找到”;hesitate“犹豫,迟疑”;discuss“讨论”。10C根据下文的“I soon saw that it was I who changed”可知,作者很快明白,是她自己和以前不一样了。故之前作者想知道的问题是“现在有什么是不同的呢”。故选C项。11A根据下文的“My spirit had walked a little further”可知,此处应表示作者的心灵已经在爱的道路(path)上走得更远了一点了,即作者已经成长(grown)了。12B参见上题解析。feast“宴会”;expectation“期望”; circle“圈子”。13D根据上文的“as long as they came with a warm heart”以及下文的“I smiled”可知,该句表示含泪的眼睛没有什么(nothing)可羞愧的,只要它们伴随着一颗温暖的心而来。14C根据下文的“on me from Heaven”可知,此处表示作者感到妈妈和奶奶从天堂向下(down)冲着自己微笑。15A根据语境尤其是下文的“They clean out my eyeballs”可知,此处表示“眼泪清洗了我的眼球”,故选tears。16B根据下文的“They help us to wash away our pain,fear and grief(悲伤)They help us to.to be”可知,此处表示眼泪不仅清洗了我们的眼球,也清洗了我们的内心(inside)。petence“能力”;identification“辨认”;development“发展”。17D第一段提到老照片让作者的美好回忆重现,故这里应该是表示“眼泪帮助我们重新找回我们的爱和善良”。reconnect to“重新连接”,在这里引申为“重新找回”。look through“浏览”;clean out“把清洗干净”。18D此处表示眼泪可以帮助我们成为我们想成为的人。be meant to do“打算,想要”。19C根据上文提到的眼泪的好处可知,此处表示下次你感觉到眼泪开始流的时候,那么就让它们流下来吧。故选C项。20A生活中充满笑和泪,只有允许它们都存在,我们才能真正地(truly)生活。roughly“粗略地”;generally“大体上”;tentatively“试探性地”。*短文改错Im writing this email to ask you for help. As an English song lover, I have a strong desire to taking part in the English song contest to be held in next month. The song Ive decided to sing was Skyfall. To sing this song better, I am wondering if you could tell me anything about the background informations of the song. Whats more, could you spend some time listening to the song and giving myself some advice? Since youre native English speaker and expert in singing, I sincere hope you can give me a hand.I would appreciate it whether you could send me a reply at your earliest convenient. Thank you in advance.答案:Im writing this email to ask you for help. As an English song lover, I have a strong desire to part in the English song contest to be held next month. The song Ive decided to sing Skyfall. To sing this song better, I am wondering if you could tell me about the background of the song. Whats more, could you spend some time listening to the song and giving some advice? Since youre native English speaker and expert in singing, I hope you can give me a hand.I would appreciate it you could send me a reply at your earliest . Thank you in advance.难项分析:第二处:去掉next前的in考查介词。表示时间的名词前面有last, next等修饰时,前面不用介词。故将in去掉。第四处:anythingsomething考查代词。根据句意可知,应该是告诉“我”“一些事情(something)”,而不是“任何事情(anything)”。故将anything改为something。第九处:whetherif考查连词。whether和if作“是否”讲,有时可以互换,但是此处应表示的是条件,意为“如果”,这时只能用if。故将whether改为if。*

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