2019高考英语一轮选练习题 模块5 Unit 3 Science versus nature(含解析)牛津译林版.doc

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2019高考英语一轮选练习题 模块5 Unit 3 Science versus nature(含解析)牛津译林版.doc_第1页
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2019高考英语一轮选练习题 模块5 Unit 3 Science versus nature(含解析)牛津译林版.doc_第2页
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2019高考英语一轮选练习题 模块5 Unit 3 Science versus nature(含解析)牛津译林版.doc_第3页
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Science versus nature一、阅读理解。Many of us have desires that might seem to be beyond our abilities,but looking to those who overcame similar difficulties can be a great source of inspiration for anyone trying to live their best life.Here are some quotes(引语) from people who chased their dreams and turned them into amazing realities.Este Lauder“I didnt get there by wishing for it or hoping for it,but by working for it.”Este Lauder,Founder of Este Lauder Fun fact:Lauder started out by helping her chemist uncle sell face creams and perfumes and turned millionaire.Oprah Winfrey“You know you are on the road to success if you would do your job and not be paid for it.”Oprah Winfrey,TV Mogul and Host Fun fact:There was a time when Winfrey couldnt afford soup.Now,she is a philanthropist(慈善家)and one of the most inspiring persons of her generation.Madam CJ.Walker“Dont sit down and wait for the opportunities to e.Get up and make them.” Madam CJ.Walker,Civil Rights Activist and InventorFun fact:Walker was known as the first black female millionaire after she launched her haircare line in 1905.In fact,she was the first American woman of any race to be a selfmade millionaire.Sara Blakely“Embrace what you dont know,especially in the beginning,because what you dont know can bee your greatest asset(财富)” Sara Blakely,Spanx FounderFun fact:Blakely earned a Forbes cover in 2012 for being the youngest female selfmade billionaire.1Which of the following people is not a business person?AEste Lauder. BOprah Winfrey.CSara Blakely. DMadam CJ.Walker.2What can we learn from the quotes of Este Lauder and Madam CJ.Walker?AWell begun is half done.BRome was not built in one day.CAction speaks louder than words.DWhere there is a will,there is a way.3What can we infer about the women mentioned in the text?AThey received advanced education.BThey are truly creative and peaceloving.CThey turned nothing into something huge.DThey achieved great success in their fields.【解题导语】本文是一篇说明文。每个人都有超越自身能力的对成功的欲望,如何克服困难实现梦想呢?文章用四个成功人士对成功的见解和他们成功的经历给出了答案。1B推理判断题。Este Lauder靠卖面霜和香水成了百万富翁;Oprah Winfrey是个大慈善家;Madam CJ.Walker是美国第一位白手起家的黑人女百万富翁;Sara Blakely 2012年荣登福布斯榜,是最年轻的白手起家的女亿万富翁。从对每一位的叙述及“Oprah Winfrey,TV Mogul and Host”可知,Oprah Winfrey不是一位商人。故选B。2C推理判断题。根据Este Lauder的话中的“by working for it”和Madam CJ.Walker的话中的“Get up and make them.”可知,两个人的话都表达了“行胜于言”。故选C。3D推理判断题。文中提到的四个女性都是在各自领域中获得伟大成功的典型。故选D。A、B两项文中没有提及;C项“把一无所有变成伟大”夸大事实。亮点句积累:I didnt get there by wishing for it or hoping for it, but by working for it.(Este Lauder部分第一段)译文:我不靠许愿或憧憬,而靠奋斗来获取成功。二、单项选择。1.Ive had a bad cough recently.Me too. Ive never experienced _ of air pollution in cities before.A. an acute problem B. a more acute problemC. a most acute problem D. the most acute problem【答案】B【解析】考查形容词比较级表示最高级概念的用法。句意:在城市中,以前我从来没经历过(比这)更严重的空气污染问题。从 never , before 可以看出原来从来没有比这更严重的,本句中用形容词比较级表达的是最高级的概念,一个的问题,用 a。2.Recently, a video _ “tiger attack in the zoo” became widespread on the Internet and aroused a heated discussion about who was actually responsible.A. being titled B. titled C. titling D. have titled【答案】B【解析】titled=which was titled。句意:最近,一段标题为“动物园里老虎的攻击”的视频在因特网上迅速传播开来,并引起了一场关于实际上由谁来承担责任的热烈讨论。3.The pupils in our school like reading after lunch, most of _ seated on the grass unless it rains.A. them B. whom C. that D. who【答案】A【解析】本题看似在考查代词、关系代词的用法,实际上最主要的还是与非谓语动词有密切关系。根据题干可知, 句中的seated 为过去分词, 因此选 A项, 构成独立主格结构“most of them seated on the grass unless it rains”。句意:我校学生喜欢午饭后读书,除非下雨,他们中大多数人就坐在草坪上读书。4.Can you tell me what it means by “You can check out any time you like but you can never leave” from the song Hotel California?It implies that drug users find themselves _ in a prison from which they cannot escape.A. to be trapped B. having trapped C. trapped D. trapping【答案】C【解析】句意:吸毒者发现他们被困于监狱中而不能逃跑。trap 与 themselves 是动宾关系,所以用过去分词作宾语补足语。故选 C。find 后面作补足语的不定式不带 to;B、D 两项为主动意义。5. _ to the gift was a note on which he expressed his appreciation for our reception during his stay here.A. Being attached B. Attached C. Attaching D. Having attached【答案】B【解析】我们可以将 Attached to the gift was a note 理解成 A note was attached to the gift 句意:附在礼物上的是一张便条,便条上说对在他在这里逗留期间我们给他的接待表示感谢。6.Trump Tower, _ as the headquarters for The Trump Organization, is a 58story skyscraper _ inMidtown Manhattan.A. serving, located B. served, located C. served, locating D. serving, locating【答案】A【解析】Trump Tower 与 serve 是主谓关系,因此用现在分词,由此可以排除 B、C 两项;表示“位于某地点”,用固定短语“be located in.”,因此第二空用过去分词。句意:川普大楼作为川普集团的总部,是一座坐落在曼哈顿的一栋 58 层的摩天大楼。7.The type and quantity of illegal drugs a person is carrying when _ by the police determine thepunishment, _ from a small fine to life imprisonment.A. caught; ranging B. caught; ranged C. catching; ranging D. catching; ranged【答案】A【解析】 catch 与 person 之间是动宾关系, 因此要用过去分词, 排除 C、 D 两项; range from.to.意为“从到”,不用被动。句意:一个人被警察抓获时所携带的非法毒品的种类和数量决定了惩罚的轻重。范围从少量罚金到终身监禁不等。8.Women deserve to be treated with dignity and they should make their voices _ in the world.A. heard B. having heard C. hearing D. to be heard【答案】A【解析】句意:女性应该得到尊重,她们的声音应该让全世界人听到。“make宾语过去分词”这个结构表示“使得被”,符合语境,make their voices heard 表示“让她们的声音被听到”。9.Sharon, why is the man so upset now?His wallet, mobile phone and ID card _, the police are investigating and will send him to a social assistance station.A. was stolen B. stolen C. being stolen D. having stolen【答案】B【解析】句意:由于他的钱包、手机和身份证都被偷走了,所以警察正在调查,将把他送往一个社会救助站。根据句意可知,用“名词过去分词”这个独立结构,因为 steal 与名词 wallet、mobile 和 IDcard 都为动宾关系,所以用过去分词。10.The draft regulation on the online protection of minors, _ for public opinions by the cyberspaceauthorities, has drawn wide public concern.A. releasing B. having released C. to release D. released【答案】D【解析】 句意: 网络部门发布的未成年人网络保护条例草案, 引起了社会的广泛关注。 根据题意可知, release和 draft 之间是动宾关系,即用过去分词作定语。11.To prevent further pollution, many people are _ the use of alternative energy sources.A. applying to B. pensating for C. catering to D. pushing for【答案】D【解祈】句意:为了防止进一步的污染,许多人正在呼吁使用可替代的能源。apply to 适用于,应用于; pensate for 赔偿;cater to 迎合;push for 努力说服,力劝,呼吁。12.The guest was pleased with the waiter so gave him a small sum _ in consideration of his service.A. in terms of B. in place of C. in consideration of D. in need of【答案】C【解祈】in consideration of sth.=as payment for sth.作为的报酬,作为的酬劳。句意:客人对那位服务员很满意,所以给了他一笔小费以酬谢他的服务。13.Im sure that she will remember the great favour he has _ by offering her a home.A. promised B. made C. done D. instructed【答案】C【解祈】do sb. a favor 或 do a favor for sb. 的意思是“帮某人一个忙” 。the great favour 是先行词,后面是定语从句。句意:我肯定的说,她会永远记住他给予了她一个家的恩惠。14.Large quantities of information as well as some timely help _ since the organization was built.A. has offered B. had been offeredC . have been offered D. is offered【答案】C【解析】as well as 连接两个名词词组作主语时,动词要与前一个名词词组在数上保持一致。而“Large quantities of+名词”作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式;再结合语境可知,此处应该用现在完成时。故选 C 项。句意:自从该组织成立以后,它提供了大量的信息还有及时的帮助。15.Difficult as the task was _, they never gave up and kept trying all the time.A. to be acplished B. to acplish C. being acplished D. to have been acplished【答案】B【解析】句意:任务尽管很难去完成,他们却从未放弃并一直在尝试。此题是 as 引导的让步状语从句与 “sth+be+adj+to do”句式的结合,在“sth+be+adj+to do”句式中,动词不定式用主动形式表示被动含义。三、完形填空。“Guys, get out of the mud! How many times do I have to tell you? ”I 1 the words angrily. I felt myself recreating the 2 words my parents had said to me so many times in the past, and I felt powerless to change my kids actions. A(n) 3 thought came to me, one that es to most 4 at some point: “Am I being my father?”We were on a short vacation, and my daughter and son were playing in the mud, splashing(溅)it with their boots, and 5 the feeling. You know, one of those feelings that we adults are far too 6 to enjoy anymore. It was the third and last day of our trip, and Id been with the kids on a solo mission to northern Minnesota. My wife had stayed home to enjoy some 7 time to rest. Taking care of kids alone was 8 no easy task. And while wed 9 some great time on the trip, it didnt feel too great at the moment. I was 10 with something many fathers did with: a sense of 11 with my kids, and a feeling I should control their 12 . My son turned around to me and said, “Dad, relax! Its OK!”I 13 back at him, realizing he was right. 14 , the mud could be washed off. No lives were in 15 . The only 16 here was my desire to control them. I wanted to thank him for his 17 . Its useful to remember that our kids are not to be controlled. They should be guided and led, but not controlled. This desire to control can lead many fathers to an emotional 18 with their kids. And while many fathers are clearly 19 of this problem, they convince themselves that it can t be helped. The truth is that it can be helped, and fathers can 20 the relationship they have with their kids. 语篇解读:作者无意中因为一件小事对孩子发脾气,事后作者开始反思自己对孩子教育的方式,最后意识到对孩子的教育不是控制而是需要引导。1.A. picked outB. figured outC. spilled outD. plained about【答案】C【解析】从下文中的angrily可知,此处指作者恼怒地脱口而出。spill out在这里表示突然说出,脱口而出。2.A. valuableB. powerfulC. unforgettableD. same【答案】D【解析】由空前的recreating和空后的my parents had said to me so many times in the past可知,此处表示作者发现自己在重复过去父母对自己说过的相同的(same)话。3.A. alarmingB. inspiringC. amusingD. interesting【答案】A4.A. educatorsB. travelersC. fathersD. drivers【答案】C【解析】由下文中多次出现的father和fathers可知,此处应填fathers。5.A. expressingB. enjoyingC. exploringD. describing【答案】B【解析】根据上下文语境可知,此处表示孩子们享受(enjoying)这种感觉。6.A. familiarB. skilledC. matureD. corrupted【答案】C【解析】此处表示大人由于过于成熟,没有了童心,因此享受不到这种快乐。7.A. relaxedB. preciousC. meaningfulD. remaining【答案】A【解析】根据上下文语境可知,作者一个人带着两个孩子,妻子在家享受休息时光,故这里用relaxed最合适。8.A. absolutelyB. similarlyC. additionallyD. gradually【答案】A【解析】一个人带孩子绝对不是件容易的事。从下文的didnt feel too great可知,空处用来加强语气,故选absolutely。9.A. sufferedB. experiencedC. encounteredD. counted【答案】B【解析】尽管我们已经经历了(experienced)一些美好的时光,但此时此刻作者感觉并不美好。10.A. agreeingB. biningC. paringD. struggling【答案】D【解析】这里表示作者正如许多父亲一样在努力应付一件事情。struggle在此处表示作出极大的努力。11.A. impatienceB. embarrassmentC. satisfactionD. expression【答案】A【解析】对应上文中的angrily及作者对孩子说的话,此处表示作者对孩子缺乏耐心(impatience)。12.A. behaviorB. directionC. routineD. emotion【答案】A【解析】作者觉得自己应该控制孩子们的行为(behavior),即约束孩子们不要在泥中玩耍。13.A. shoutedB. glaredC. dashedD. looked【答案】D14.A. HoweverB. IndeedC. ThereforeD. Otherwise【答案】B【解析】根据上下文语境,此处表示作者意识到泥的确(Indeed)可以被洗掉,且在泥中玩耍并没有生命危险。15.A. vainB. doubtC. dangerD. shape【答案】C【解析】参见上题解析。in danger意为处于危险之中。16.A. chanceB. problemC. methodD. choice【答案】B【解析】此处表示孩子们的行为没有问题,唯一的问题(problem)是作者想要控制孩子们的行为的这种欲望。17.A. confidenceB. responseC. educationD. concern【答案】B【解析】是孩子的回答(response)提醒了自己,因此作者很感激孩子。18.A. associationB. argumentC. municationD. disconnection【答案】D【解析】控制孩子的欲望会导致父亲与孩子之间的疏远。disconnection分离,疏远。19.A. afraidB. ashamedC. awareD. careful【答案】C【解析】尽管许多父亲清楚地意识到(aware)这一点,但他们却说服自己这是没办法的。20.A. buildB. destroyC. changeD. protect【答案】C 四、七选五。Of all the things that can be stolen from youyour possessions, your youth, your health, your words, your rightswhat no one can ever take from you is.How you feel about yourself.It takes a long time to learn how to NOT judge yourself through someone elses eyes. 1. Your attitude towards life.The last of your freedoms is to choose your attitude in any given circumstance. Choose to be happy and positive. It is not always easy to find happiness in ourselves, but it is always impossible to find it elsewhere. 2. 3. The measure of your life will not be in what you accumulate, but in what you give away. And 99 percent of the time you get what you put in, so give freely. If you want to be happy, make those around you happy.Your knowledge and life experiences.Character and wisdom are formed over time. 4. Your best stories will e from overing your greatest struggles. So keep standing, keep learning, and keep living.Your choice to move on enthusiastically.5 Dont let someone or something that didnt make it in your life continue to hurt you. Learn the lesson, forget the pain, and move on.AYour attitude towards yourself.BYour ability to spread love and kindness.CThey e with loss, lessons, and successes.DBut once you do, the world is yours for the taking.ESo smile all the way and walk away from negative people.FDont let past relationships and old mistakes ruin your future.GHolding your uniqueness in high regard is necessary to success.【解题导语】本文介绍了五种任何人从你身上都拿不走的东西。1D解析:根据本段主题句“How you feel about yourself.”可知,本段主要阐述“人们对自我的一个测评(认知)”;空前说“学会不用他人的眼光来看自己需要很长时间”,紧接着空处应起承上作用,故选D,表示“但是一旦你这么做了,世界都属于你”。2E解析:根据本段主题句“Your attitude towards life.”可知,本段主要阐述“你对生活的态度”,结合空前一句可知,选E项“一直微笑并远离那些消极的人”。3B解析:此处为本段的主题句。根据下文内容“生活的长度不在于你拥有多少,而在于你给予他人多少”可推出,本段的中心句是“你传递爱与善良的能力”。故选B。4C解析:此处选上下文衔接句。空前讲“你的品质和智慧都是随着时间而形成的”,空后说“克服最大的苦难你就会过得精彩”,由此可推断出,空处选C项“它们的形成伴随着失败、教训及成功”,起承上启下的作用。5F解析:根据本段主题句和下文“Dont let.Learn the lesson, forget the pain, and move on.”可推断,空处选F项“不要让过去的关系和错误毁掉你的未来”。


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