2019高考英语一轮选训习题 Unit 1 Festivals around the world(含解析)新人教版必修3.doc

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2019高考英语一轮选训习题 Unit 1 Festivals around the world(含解析)新人教版必修3.doc_第3页
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必修3Unit 1 Festivals around the world一、阅读理解AGregory Talley used to sleep in a park or under a bridge. The 50-year-old has been homeless for more than 10 years.It is hard. Its hard to live homeless. You filled every day trying to find out where you are going to get something to eat. If I hadnt found wonderful Fairfax County Kennedy Shelter, I wouldnt know where I would be by now. I might be dead, Talley said.The Kennedy Shelter is one of the facilities New Hope Housing provides for homeless people.Pam Michell has devoted her life to making the lives of this vulnerable (易受伤的)population better as executive director of the non-profit organization.I went to Africa in 1985. And I saw a huge amount of poverty, but I saw so much hope. And I decided that I should try to do something that would bring hope to people, Michell said.When Michell began working with New Hope Housing 25 years ago, its three shelters had about 80 beds. Now, it has 350 beds and serves about 1,500 homeless people every year. She has expanded the program beyond just providing beds for the night.We do outreach(拓展), we do prevention, we do permanent housing, we do transitional housing. We have an education program with all sorts of different things to move people to end their homelessness, she said,Our Out of Poverty program is not just about money. Its about you could be spiritually poor, you could be relationship poor . you could be educationally poor. So it is focusing on how you get out of this poverty that has brought you to being homeless. The program tries to teach the shelter residents self-reliance (自立) and work values, and includes courses on planning and personal responsibility.l learned I still have opportunities to change it and I can change it, said shelter resident Lewis Webster. It is just about going forth in doing necessary work to do it. I mean if you really want better, you would do better and thats the frame of mind of me now.1. Gregory Talleys story is told at the beginning of the text to _ .A.tell readers the situation for the poor in the US is getting worseB.introduce a non-profit organization that is trying to help the poor in the USC.disclose the truth that more and more homeless people are dying from hungerD.remind readers that the homeless people in the US have no trouble getting food2. According to Paragraph 6. Pam Michell started to bring hope to the homeless by _ .A.providing clothes for themB.offering food for them C.building new houses for themD.offering them shelters for the night3. What is the final purpose of the education program?A.To tell the homeless people the ways to make money.B.To help the homeless people find the causes of their poverty.C.To encourage the homeless to work and rely on themselves.D.To teach the poor how to live a better life in the shelters.4. What may be the best title for the text?A.fort in the Kennedy ShelterB.Ways to achieve successC.An Opportunity to Fight HomelessnessD.An Organisation to End Homelessness【文章大意】文章介绍美国非营利组织Fairfax County Kennedy Shelter帮助无家可归者结束流浪生活。1. B【解析】细节理解题。根据文章第二段的句子“If I hadnt found wonderful Fairfax County Kennedy Shelter, I wouldnt know where I would be by now. I might be dead”可知,文章开头介绍Gregory Talley的故事是为了介绍一个努力帮助穷人的美国非盈利组织。故选B。2. D【解析】细节理解题。根据文章第六段的句子“She has expanded the program beyond just providing beds for the night.”可知,Pam Michell一开始给无家可归的人提供夜晚的住宿,故选D。4. D【解析】标题判断题。根据文章和第三段的句子“The Kennedy Shelter is one of the facilities New Hope Housing provides for homeless people.”可知,文章介绍美国非营利组织Fairfax County Kennedy Shelter帮助无家可归者结束流浪生活。故选D。BIsabel has turned down two job offers in the past year. The first job she considered was the director of HR for a pany in Utah. After the initial interviews, she felt the job fit her except for the location. Still, she flew west to meet the hiring manager. The hiring manager explained that Isabel was the top candidate for the job but that, before she continued with the process, she should better understand the firms culture. She directed Isabel to several videos of the panys CEO, who regularly appeared in front of the pany in costume as part of moralebuilding exercises and expected his senior leaders to do the same. “Even though I was desperate for a job, I knew I couldnt do that,” Isabel says. She called the pany to turn down the job and explained that she didnt feel there was a cultural fit.A few months later, she had an interview for another job: a director of employee relations at a local university. After several interviews, the hiring manager told her the job was hers if she wanted it. The job had many positives: it provided a lowstress environment, it offered great benefits, and the university was an employeefriendly place. But the job was relatively junior despite the title and Isabel worried it wouldnt be challenging enough. Finally, she turned it down. “It would be great to have a paycheck and great benefits but I would definitely have trouble sleeping at night,” she says. In both cases, she was frank with the hiring managers about why she wasnt taking the jobs. “In the past,it felt like dating, and I was worried about hurting peoples feelings,” she says. However,they appreciated her frankness and thanked her for her honesty. She says it was hard to turn down the jobs and it was a risk for her financially but she felt she had to.【文章大意】本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了Isabel拒绝两份工作的经历和感想。【难句分析】She directed Isabel to several videos of the panys CEO, who regularly appeared in front of the pany in costume as part of moralebuilding exercises and expected his senior leaders to do the same.分析:该句为主从复合句。句中who引导非限制性定语从句。译文:她领着Isabel看了几段公司首席执行官的视频,作为激励员工士气的活动的一部分,首席执行官经常穿着公司制服出现在员工们面前,并希望他的高层领导也能这样做。1. Which factor made Isabel turn down the first job finally?AThe panys location. BThe initial interviews. CThe firms culture. DThe hiring manager.答案与解析:C考查细节理解。根据第一段最后一句“She called the pany to turn down the job and explained that she didnt feel there was a cultural fit”可知,Isabel认为这种企业文化不适合自己,所以拒绝了这份工作,故C项正确。根据第一段第三、四句“After the initial interviews,she felt the job fit her except for the location.Still,she flew west to meet the hiring manager”可知,在最初的几轮面试之后,Isabel觉得这份工作适合她,除了公司的位置之外。尽管如此,她还是飞往西部去见了人事部经理;据此可知,她拒绝这份工作的原因不是最初的几轮面试、公司地点和人事部经理,故排除A、B、D项。2What does the underlined word “junior” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?AChallenging. BEasy.CBeneficial. DStressful.答案与解析:B考查词义猜测。根据画线词所在句“But the job was relatively junior despite the title and Isabel worried it wouldnt be challenging enough”可知,尽管这份工作的头衔不错,但是Isabel担心这份工作没有足够的挑战性,即这份工作相对容易;据此可以判断,画线词意为“容易的”,故B项正确。A项意为“具有挑战性的”,C项意为“有益的”,D项意为“充满压力的”,都与语境不符。3What is the most important thing for Isabel in job hunting?ABeing truthful to others. BA job with a stable ine.CA relaxing working atmosphere. DAvoiding hurting peoples feelings.答案与解析:A考查细节理解。根据第三段倒数第二句“However, they appreciated her frankness and thanked her for her honesty.”可知,虽然Isabel拒绝了这两份工作,但是人事部经理仍然欣赏她的坦率,并感谢她的诚实;据此可知Isabel在寻找工作时诚实待人是她最重要的品质,故A项正确。根据第二段第三句中的“it provided a lowstress environment, it offered great benefits, and the university was an employeefriendly place”可知,在大学做员工关系主管的工作薪酬高而且无压力,但是Isabel仍然拒绝了,故B、C项错误;根据第三段第二句可知,D项与题干无关。4The above text is most likely intended for the _. Adirector of HR Blibrarian Cdoctor Dartist答案与解析:A考查推理判断。通读全文可知,本文主要讲述了Isabel拒绝人力资源总监和大学员工关系主管两份工作的经历和感想;据此可以判断,人力资源总监会从她的经历中得到启示,故A项正确。二、七选五In the age of the keyboard,some people seem to think handwriting lessons are on the way out.Steve Graham,a literacy professor at Vanderbilt University in Nashville,Tennessee,has been hearing about the death of handwriting for the past fifteen years._1_ He said,“If the results of a survey we have published this year are accurate,it is being taught by about ninety percent of teachers in grades one to three.”Ninety percent of teachers also say they are required to teach handwriting._2_Professor Graham says one study published this year found that about three out of every four teachers say they are not prepared to teach handwriting._3_ Others teach it for sixty to seventy minutes a day.Many adults remember learning that wayby copying letters over and over again._4_ Many experts also think handwriting should not be taught only with itself.Instead,they say it should be used as a way to get students to express ideas._5_Teachers monly report that about onefourth of their students has poor handwriting.Some people might think handwriting is not important anymore because of puters and voice recognition(识别) programs.AAfter all,that is why we write.BNowadays teachers pay more and more attention to their students writing.CSo is it still being taught?DBut who cares if people know how to write well?EBut studies have yet to answer the question of how well they are teaching it.FTodays thinking is that short periods of practices are better.GHe says some teachers teach handwriting for ten to fifteen minutes a day.【解题导语】本文主要介绍了在电脑时代,学校教授书法的现状研究。【难句分析】Professor Graham says one study published this year found that about three out of every four teachers say they are not prepared to teach handwriting.分析:本句是一个复合句。that引导宾语从句,在从句中不作句子成分;published是过去分词,作后置定语,修饰one study。译文:Graham教授说今年发布的一项研究发现大约3/4的老师说他们不准备教书法。1C根据下文中的“it is being taught by about ninety percent of teachers in grades one to three”可知,空处应表示对是否要教学生书法的疑问,故C项符合语境。2E根据上文中的“If the results of a survey we have published this year are accurate,it is being taught by about ninety percent of teachers in grades one to three”及空前一句可知,此处表示对研究结果的进一步分析,故E项符合语境。3G根据下文中的“Others teach it for sixty to seventy minutes a day”可知,此处表示一些老师教授书法的时间,所以G项符合语境。4F根据语境可知,空处与上文的“Many adults remember learning that wayby copying letters over and over again”形成对比,并与下文的“Many experts also think handwriting should not be taught only with itself”呼应,此处讲述的是学书法的方法的今昔差异,故F项符合语境。5A根据语境可知,空处承接上文中的“Instead,they say it should be used as a way to get students to express ideas”,此处表示表达想法正是我们练习书法的原因,所以A项符合语境。三、短文改错Its not the people you came across in your daily life who will stand by you in time of a need.Its your family who will but its important to know that.It happens such often that we end up take our parents for granted.We hurt them many cases and they are treated with disrespect for not understanding them. Its necessary to understand the fact that there is always different in opinions across two generations.But what really matters is the unconditionally love and care that they hold for us,that I believe is truly valuable.【答案】Its not the people you across in your daily life who will stand by you in time of need.Its your family who will its important to know that.It happens often that we end up our parents for granted.We hurt them many cases and they are treated with disrespect for not understanding . Its necessary to understand the fact that there is always in opinions across two generations.But what really matters is the love and care that they hold for us, I believe is truly valuable.四、短文语法填空I want to do something special for my 15yearold son, who has always been a perfect boy.He worked all summer to earn enough money to buy _1_ (he) a new racingbicycle instead of asking for money from me.Then he spent hours and hours on it.I loved my son so much _2_ I bought him a pair of sunglasses and gloves.When my son rode the racingbicycle with him, he looked very cool.He dreamed _3_ taking part in a race and winning.On November 10th, my birthday, when I went to the kitchen to start the milk and bread in the morning, I found _4_ beautiful guitar on the table, beside which was a card, _5_ (say), “Happy birthday to my wonderful mother.” I was surprised and then began to sob.I remembered once I _6_ (joke) to my family that I wanted to learn the guitar to make my life wonderful.I _7_ (forget) it, but my son remembered.He took it _8_ (serious), and bought me one as a birthday gift.When I wondered _9_ my son could buy this expensive gift, soon I realized that my son had sold his racingbicycle _10_ (get) me the guitar.语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。儿子在暑期辛苦挣钱,买了他喜爱的赛车;在“我”生日时,他送给了“我”一把漂亮的吉他。后来“我”才知道,他用卖掉了心爱的赛车的钱给“我”买了这把吉他。1himself根据本句的主语“He”可知,此处应用he的反身代词,指他整个夏天都在努力工作,以赚取足够的钱给自己买一辆赛车。故填himself。2that句意:我是如此爱我的儿子,以至于我给他买了一副太阳镜和一副手套。so .that .为固定结构,意为“如此以至于”。故填that。3of句意:他梦想参加比赛并且获胜。dream of doing sth.为固定搭配,意为“梦想做某事”。4a根据空格后的“guitar”可知,“我”在桌子上发现了一把漂亮的吉他;此处泛指“一把吉他”。故填a。5saying此处指在吉他旁边有一张卡片,上面写着“祝漂亮的妈妈生日快乐”;card和say之间为主动关系,所以用现在分词形式。故填saying。6joked根据该句中的“remembered”可知,该句陈述的是过去的事情,应用一般过去时。故填joked。7had forgotten根据该句中的“but my son remembered”可知,“我”的儿子记得这件事情;这件事情应是在“我”儿子想起之前“我”已经忘记了,故用过去完成时。故填had forgotten。8seriously根据空格前的动词“took”可知,空格处修饰该动词,故用副词seriously,此外take sth.seriously为固定搭配。9how空格处引导宾语从句,指当“我”想知道儿子是怎样买到这把昂贵的吉他的时候。故用how引导该宾语从句。10to get儿子卖掉了他的赛车,给“我”买了这把吉他。空格处作目的状语,故用动词不定式。故填to get。

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