2019高中英语 Unit 5 Enjoying novels Section Ⅱ Learning about Language教案(含解析)新人教选修1 0.doc

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Section Learning about Language.高频单词点击1merchant (n.)商人2warehouse (n.)仓库;货栈3burglar (n.)窃贼4sequence (n.)顺序;序列 (vt.)按顺序排好5dangle (vi.&vt.)悬挂;摇摆;使晃动dangly (adj.)悬摆的;摆晃的6semicircle (n.)半圆形7squeak (n.)尖叫声;吱吱声(vi.)发出尖叫声8collar (n.)衣领9pine (n.)松树10squirrel (n.)松鼠.重点短语必记1straight awayat once立即;马上2pull oneself up 立身起来3pull off 脱去;努力完成4long for 渴望(某物).常用句型必备The_wall_being_high_and_steep,I had to climb a pine tree close by so that I could reach the top of it.单元语法聚焦The Nominative Absolute Construction(独立主格结构)单词点击1bargain(1)n.廉价货,便宜货;协议,交易make a bargain with sb.与某人签订合同,达成协议a real bargain 便宜货That is a bargain! 一言为定!This house is for rent.Its a bargain.这所房子是出租的。租金很便宜。A bargain is a bargain.协议总是协议。(2)vi.讨价还价;谈判,协议She bargained with the shop assistant over the price of a toy.她与售货员讲玩具的价钱。He bargained with his brother for the property.他就财产与他的弟弟进行商议。 Lets _ a bargain.If you do my homework,Ill give you the book Harry Potter.AdoBstrikeCmake Dhit解析:选Cmake a bargain做个协定。2inspect vt. 检查;视察It was strange that nobody inspected my ticket before I got on the train.很奇怪,我上火车前,竟然没有人查看我的车票。Several officials of the Education Bureau came to inspect our school last week.上周,教育局的几位官员来我校视察。inspector n检查员inspection n. 检查;视察inspect sb./sth. for. 检查某人/物(有无)A dentist inspects the pupils teeth twice a year for decayed tooth.牙科医生一年给这个学生检查两次牙齿看有无龋齿。check,examine,inspect(1)check指“检验,核对”是否有误,是否正确。(2)examine普通用词,用于检查身体,学生的考试。还指“察看或观察以了解情况”和“仔细调查或审查”的意思。(3)inspect指“仔细查看是否有不足之处或不标准的地方”,还指上级对下级的“视察”。 Youd better have your eyes _.After all,you havent seen things clearly for a month.Ainspect BcheckedCexamined Dinspecting解析:选Chave sth.done让某物被(别人);对身体某一部位的检查要用examine。句意:你最好找人检查一下你的眼睛,毕竟你已经有一个月看不清东西了。3dangle (1)vi.摇晃地悬挂着;追求The leaves dangled in the wind.树叶迎风摇摆。(2)vt.使晃动;使摇摆The naughty boy sat on the edge of the fence dangling his legs.淘气的小男孩坐在栏杆边上,摇摆着双腿。dangle from. 从上垂下来dangle after/about/round 追求(某人);希望得到(某东西)dangle before (in front of) 在面前摇晃地摆动着;(希望等)眩惑着Several young men dangle after the pretty girl.好几个青年男子追求那个漂亮女孩。Dont dangle the lights before me.It will do harm to my eyes.别拿着灯在我面前晃来晃去,对我眼不好。 It was a thin gold chain with a heart _ on it.Adangles BdangledCdangling Dto dangle解析:选C考查“with名词现在分词”结构。其中现在分词表伴随动作或状态。dangle摇晃地悬挂着。4squeak (1)n.尖叫声;吱吱声,侥幸I heard the squeak of a mouse in the attic.我在阁楼上听到一只老鼠吱吱的叫声。(2)vi.发出尖叫声;勉强通过;侥幸成功;险胜a narrow squeaka narrow escape九死一生,千钧一发squeak by/through 勉强通过,侥幸取胜The path to the road is narrow and difficult,but we can squeak through.这条小路通向大路,但是又窄又难。He had a narrow squeak in the big earthquake.他在这次大地震中死里逃生。He squeaked through the French examination.他勉强通过这次法语考试。 (1)We _(侥幸取胜) the final with a goal in the last minute.(2)The pig ran away,_(吓得尖叫着)答案:(1)squeaked through/by(2)squeaking with fear短语精析1straight away立即,马上Ill bring them straight away.我马上就把它们送来。同义短语:at once,without delay,immediately,in no time,right away,right off,right now。Ill write to him right away.我马上就给他写信。 This matter is very urgent.Please deal with it _.Astraight off Bstraight outCstraight up Dstraight away解析:选D句意:事情紧急,请马上处理。straight away立即,马上。2pull oneself up站起来,立起身来Can you find a hold for your hands so that you can pull yourself up?你能找一个双手可以抓住的东西,以便自己站起来吗?Pull yourself together!Cheer up!振作起来!pull down使扫兴;摧毁pull up 停;使停止pull away 逃走pull out 驶出车站;退出pull back 撤退;退出pull through 康复;完成,做完(十分困难的事)Would you please pull down the curtain?请你把窗帘拉下来好吗?The father pulled the child back from the river side.父亲把孩子从河边拉了回来。 Mr.Browns condition looks very serious and it is doubtful if he will _.Apull back Bpull upCpull through Dpull out解析:选C句意:布朗先生的病情看上去很严重,不知他能否康复。pull through康复。句型归纳The wall being high and steep,I had to climb a pine tree close by so that I could reach the top of it.墙又高又陡,我必须爬上近旁的一棵松树,才能到达它的顶端。本句包含一个独立主格结构和一个so that引导的目的状语从句。独立主格结构表示原因,相当于原因状语从句Because the wall was high and steep。独立主格结构在句中还可作时间状语、条件状语等。The guide leading the way, we had no trouble getting out of the forest.向导领着路,我们毫不费劲地走出了森林。(原因状语)Jim was listening attentively to the lecture, all his attention fixed upon it.吉姆专心致志地听着讲座,所有注意力都集中在上面了。(伴随状语)He sat there,his eyes on her back.他坐在那里,注视着她的背影。(伴随状语)Enough time given,we should have done the job much better.如果给我们充足的时间,我们会把工作做得更好。(条件状语) _ ill,his mother had to stay at home to attend (to) him.AHis being BHe beingCTo be DBeing解析:选B本题考查独立主格结构作原因状语,相当于because he was ill。独立主格结构一、独立主格结构的概念独立主格结构是由名词或代词加上分词等构成的一种独立结构,用于修饰整个句子。独立主格结构中的名词或代词与其后的分词等构成逻辑上的主谓关系。这种结构与主句不发生句法上的联系,它的位置相当灵活,可置于主句前、主句末或主句中,常由逗号将其与主句分开。需特别注意的是,独立主格结构与主句之间不能使用任何连接词。二、独立主格结构的基本构成形式名词(代词)动词ing形式(过去分词;不定式;形容词;副词;名词;介词短语)1名词(代词)动词ing形式The bus ing here soon,we should get everything ready.汽车很快就要来了,我们应该把一切事情准备好。Mother being ill,Li Lei was very worried.母亲病了,李蕾非常焦急。2名词(代词)过去分词His cup broken,he used his bowl instead.茶杯破了,他就用碗来代替。He was listening attentively in class,his eyes fixed on the blackboard.他上课专心听讲,眼睛紧盯着黑板。3名词(代词)不定式在“名词/代词动词不定式”结构中,动词不定式和它前面的名词或代词如果存在着逻辑上的主动关系,动词不定式则用主动的形式;如果是被动关系,则用被动形式。A house to be built,we must save every cent.由于要建一座房子,我们必须节省每一分钱。Many trees,flowers,and grass to be planted,our newlybuilt school will look even more beautiful.种上许多的树、花和草后,我们新建的学校看上去将更美。4名词(代词)形容词The ground muddy,we should be careful.地面泥泞,我们应该小心。puters very small,we can use them widely.电脑虽小,我们却能广泛地利用它们。5名词(代词)副词The class over,we all went out to play.下课后,我们都出去玩。The lights off,we could not go on with the work.灯熄了,我们不能继续工作了。6名词(代词)名词His first shot failure,he fired again.他第一枪没击中,又打了一枪。Two hundred people died in the accident,many of them children.两百人死于事故,其中有许多儿童。7名词(代词)介词短语He lay at full length upon his stomach,his head resting upon his left forearm.他的脊背朝天,四肢伸展,头枕着左臂,直挺挺地趴伏着。Glasses in hand,he asked where his glasses were.手里拿着眼镜,他问他的眼镜哪去了。三、with,without引导的独立主格结构with(without)宾语(名词/代词)宾语补足语,宾语通常由名词或代词充当,但代词一定要用宾格。上文的独立主格结构的几种情况都适用于此结构。(1)without名词/代词动词的ing形式The girl hid her box without anyone knowing where it was.小女孩把盒子藏了起来,没有人知道它在哪里。(2)without名词/代词动词的ed形式Without a word more spoken,she left the meeting room.她没再说什么话就离开了会议室。(3)with名词/代词不定式The kid feels excited with so many places of interest to visit.有这么多的名胜可参观,小孩很激动。(4)with名词/代词副词The boy was walking,with his father ahead.父亲在前,小孩在后走着。(5)with名词/代词介词短语He stood at the door,with a puter in his hand.他站在门口,手里拿着一部电脑。(6)with名词/代词形容词With his son so disappointing,the old man felt unhappy.由于儿子如此令人失望,老人感到很不快乐。温馨提示:在with(without)的复合结构中,多数情况下with能省略,但without不能省略。四、独立主格结构的句法功能独立主格结构在句中一般作状语,表示时间、条件、原因、伴随状况等,还可以作定语。1作时间状语School over,the students went home.放学后,学生们都回家了。The ceremony ended,the games began.仪式结束后,比赛开始了。2作条件状语Weather permitting,they will go on an outing to the beach tomorrow.如果天气允许的话,他们将在明天组织一次海滨郊游。Such being the case,you have no grounds for dismissing him.如果情况如此的话,你没有理由解聘他。3作原因状语The boy leading the way,we had no trouble finding the strange cave.由那个男孩带路,我们很容易就找到了那奇怪的洞。There being no further business to discuss,we all went home.没有别的事可讨论,我们都回家了。4作伴随状语或补充说明The boys rushed in,sweat pouring down.那个男孩大汗淋漓地冲了进来。Ten students entered for the petition,the youngest a boy of 12.十个学生报名参加了这次竞赛,年纪最小的是个12岁的男孩。5作定语,独立主格结构作定语其功能相当于一个定语从句。He is the person with a lot of questions to be settled.他就是有许多问题要解决的那个人。He was walking along the road without any street lights on its both sides.他走在一条两边没有路灯的马路上。五、独立主格结构注意事项1独立主格结构与分词短语都可以转换为状语从句。但是独立主格结构转换为状语从句后,它有自己的逻辑主语,与主句的主语不一致;而分词短语转换为状语从句后,从句的主语与主句的主语一致。Time permitting,wed better have a holiday at weekends.If time permits,wed better have a holiday at weekends.如果时间允许,我们最好周末去度假。Seeing from the hilltop,we can find the city more beautiful.When we see from the hilltop,we can find the city more beautiful.从山顶上看,我们发现这个城市更美了。2不能省略being (having been)的情形在下列两种情况下,独立主格结构中的being(或having been)不能省略:(1)独立主格的逻辑主语是代词时。It being Sunday,we went to church.因为是星期天,我们去做了礼拜。(2)在There being名词的结构中。There being no bus,we had to go home on foot.因为没有公共汽车,所以我们不得不步行回家。3物主代词或冠词的省略在“名词(或代词)介词短语”构成的独立主格结构中,一般不用形容词性物主代词和冠词。Mr.Smith entered the classroom,book in hand.史密斯先生走进了课室,手里拿着一本书。4独立主格结构没有所有格形式The chiefeditor arriving,we began the meeting.主编来了,我们开始开会。5独立主格的时态和语态问题独立主格结构作时间或原因状语时,可用完成时,表示该动作发生在谓语之前。The listeners having taken their seats,the concert began.听众坐好后,音乐会开始了。Tom having been late over and over,his boss was very disappointed.由于汤姆一再迟到,他的老板非常失望。6当表人体部位的词作逻辑主语时,及物动词用现在分词,不及物动词用过去分词。He lay there,his teeth set,his hands clenched,his eyes looking straight up.他躺在那儿,牙关紧闭,双拳紧握,两眼直视上方。7独立主格结构与独立成分的异同(1)有些分词短语可以独立存在,在句子中没有逻辑上的主语,作为习惯用法。这些短语有:generally speaking (总的说来),frankly speaking (坦率地说),judging from(从判断),supposing(假设),等等。Generally speaking,the rule is very easy to understand.总的说来,这条规则很容易懂。Judging from what he said,he must be an honest man.由他所说的来判断,他一定是一个诚实的人。(2)有些固定短语是带to的不定式,表明说话人的立场或态度,在句中作独立成分。这些短语有:to be honest(老实说),to be sure(确实),to tell you the truth(说实话),to cut a long story short(长话短说),to be frank(坦率地说),to make matters/things worse(更糟糕的是),等等。To tell you the truth,I made a mistake in the word spelling.说实话,我犯了一个拼写错误。1(四川高考)The lecture _, a lively questionandanswer session followed.Abeing given Bhaving givenCto be given Dhaving been given解析:选D考查独立主格结构。lecture与give之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,应用被动形式,且根据句意可知,讲座发生在主句谓语动作之前,因此选择D。2(新课标全国卷)The party will be held in the garden, weather _.Apermitting Bto permitCpermitted Dpermit解析:选A考查独立主格结构。句意:如果天气允许的话,聚会将在花园里举行。weather permitting( if weather permits)为独立主格结构,因为weather是permit这个动作的发出者,故用现在分词形式。.单项填空1_ by the heavy snowfalls last year,Chenzhou,a city in South China,was cut off from the outside,_ water and electricity shortage.AHaving struck;facing BHaving struck;facedCStruck;facing DStruck;faced解析:选C本句的主语为Chenzhou。第一空应填过去分词表示被动,第二空填现在分词表结果状语。2The teacher walked up and down the classroom _ the students work.Ainspected BinspectingCto inspect Dbeing inspected解析:选B本题考查非谓语动词的用法。本题需要一现在分词作伴随状语,表示与主句谓语动作同时发生。所以选B。3Have you read this book called Waiting for Anya?Who _ it?Awrites Bhas writtenCwrote Dhad written解析:选C考查动词时态。本题的语境表明这本书是已出版的书,所以写书是过去的事,当然用一般过去时。4The human body is posed of organs,each _ a definite job to do.Ahave Bto haveChas Dhaving解析:选D句子后半部分为独立主格结构“代词动词ing形式名词”的用法,表示对主句的补充说明。5The weather _ so bad,we had to put off the football match.Awas BisCwere Dbeing解析:选D句子前半部分为独立主格结构“名词动词ing形式形容词”在句中作原因状语。6. He was busy writing a story,only _ once in a while to smoke a cigarette.Ato stop BstoppingCto have stopped Dhaving stopped解析:选B此题考查非谓语动词作状语的用法。句意:他在忙于写一个故事,只是偶尔停下来抽支烟。only在这里是连词“只是”。此题学生易误选A。only/just不定式用来作状语通常表示出乎意料的结果,而此句很显然不是表结果,而是表伴随。7If theres a lot of work _,Im happy to just keep on until it is finished.Ato do Bto be doingCdone Ddoing解析:选A本题考查非谓语动词和there be句型。在there be句型中,不定式若作定语,则用主动形式表示被动意义。8_ to loud noises for a long time will have ones hearing _.AExposed;harmed BBeing exposed;harmedCExposing;being harmed DExpose;be harmed解析:选B本题考查非谓语动词用法。从结构和句意看,第一空所需的是主语,应填动名词且用其被动形式;第二空需考查have sth.done结构,用过去分词表被动。9The great changes would never have taken place _ the economic reform in our country.Aapart from Bbut forCexcept Dbesides解析:选B本题所给选项都有“除之外”的意思,但意思有细微差别,其中but for还有“要不是”之意。句意:我国要不是实行经济改革,决不会发生巨大的变化。10_many times,but he still cant understand it.AHaving been told BHe has been toldCThough he had been told DBeing told解析:选B在英语中,关键词but连接前后两个分句,所以前一分句只能是一个句子,而不能用分词结构。此题学生易误选A或C。.完形填空Learn and EarnCharlie and Jackie worked together in a whole sale pany just after graduation.They were both hardwoking.Several years later,the boss made Jackie sales manager,but Charlie _1_ a salesman.One day Charlie could not _2_ up with it any more.He handed in his resignation letter(辞职信) to the boss and plained that the boss did not _3_ hardworking employees,but only raised those who tried to make him pleased.He thought it was really _4_.The boss knew that Charlie spared no _5_ for the pany all these years,but in order to help Charlie to realize the _6_ between him and Jackie,the boss asked Charlie to do the _7_.“Go and find out if there is anyone selling watermelons in the market.”Charlie went,returned and _8_said,“Yes,”The boss asked,“How much per kg?”Charlie went to the market again to ask and returned to _9_,“ 12 per kg.”The boss told Charlie that he would ask Jackie the _10_ question.Jackie went,returned and said,“Boss,only one person is selling watermelons. 12 per kg, 100 for 10 kg.He has a _11_ of 340 melons.On the table are 58 melons,and every melon weighs about 15 kg,bought from the south two _12_ago.They are fresh,red,and of good _13_.”Charlie was _14_ and he realized the difference between himself and Jackie.He decided not to _15_ but to learn from Jackie.My dear friends,you know,a more _16_person is more observant,thinks more and understands in _17_.For the same matter,he sees several years ahead,_18_you see only tomorrow.The difference between a year and a day is 365 times,so how could you _19_?Think:how _20_ have you seen ahead in your life?How thoughtful are you?语篇解读:本文通过两位同事办事的不同效率和思维方式向我们说明了对待事情的不同眼光在人生中所起的重要作用。1Amade BbecameCremained Dkept解析:选C根据句意可知Charlie仍然是个小售货员,故选remained。2Amake BcatchCkeep Dput解析:选D终于有一天Charlie不能忍受了,put up with固定短语,忍受。3Aenjoy BmeetCrepay Dvalue解析:选D根据文意可知,Charlie应当是认为老板不重视真正肯下苦力工作的人,只会给那些马屁精升职。4Ausual BunfairCstrange Dselfless解析:选BCharlie认为这是非常不公平的。5Arest BtroubleCeffect Deffort解析:选D根据句意可知其实老板知道Charlie是个工作非常认真的人,spare no effort固定短语,不遗余力的。6Asimilarity BrelationshipCdifference Ddistance解析:选C根据下文可知,老板为了帮助Charlie认识自己同Jackie之间的差距,让他们做了同样的事情,difference为最佳选项。distance指时间或空间上的距离。7Afollowing BfindingCshopping Dsearching解析:选A根据下文可知老板让他们照自己的要求去做,此处following为最佳选项。8Astill BagainCeven Donly解析:选D根据下文可知Charlie仅仅去看了市场上有没有西瓜卖。9Aoffer BanswerCremind Drepeat解析:选BCharlie回来之后对老板回答道,此处answer为最佳选项。10Adifficult BfamiliarCsame Dsimple解析:选C根据下文可知老板告诉Charlie,自己将对Jackie提出同样的要求,故选same。11Atotal BlotCpile Dnumber解析:选A根据句意可知应该是那人总共有340 kg的西瓜要销售,故选total。12Adays BmonthsCyears Dminutes解析:选A根据常识可以推测,那堆西瓜应该是两天前买的,选项中days最符合句意。13Avalue BqualityCservice Dshape解析:选B西瓜很新鲜,瓜瓤又红,可推出西瓜的品质很好。14Astruck BshockedCpuzzled Dencouraged解析:选ACharlie顿时目瞪口呆,说不出话,故选struck。15Astay BstopCsleep Dleave解析:选D根据下文可知,Charlie应该是决定留下了。16Aimportant BintelligentCsuccessful Dhardworking解析:选C根据文意,一个比别人更成功的人必然会观察更多,考虑更多,理解更多,successful最符合语境。17Atime BdepthCneed Dorder解析:选B比别人考虑问题要更深刻,in depth固定结构,深入地,全面地。18Awhile BthoughCunless Dwhen解析:选A成功的人目光更长远,while用在此处表对比。19Asee BthinkCknow Dwin解析:选D这样的话,你如何胜过他人呢?20Afast BfarCsoon Dlong解析:选B根据上文可知作者认为,眼光的长远决定成功与否,故选far。


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