2019年高考英语总复习 第一部分 教材梳理 Unit 3 Inventors and inventions能力检测 新人教版选修8.doc

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2019年高考英语总复习 第一部分 教材梳理 Unit 3 Inventors and inventions能力检测 新人教版选修8.doc_第1页
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2019年高考英语总复习 第一部分 教材梳理 Unit 3 Inventors and inventions能力检测 新人教版选修8.doc_第2页
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2019年高考英语总复习 第一部分 教材梳理 Unit 3 Inventors and inventions能力检测 新人教版选修8.doc_第3页
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Unit 3Inventors and inventions一、单句语法填空1(2017年江苏卷书面表达)Why bother?We can stay at home and watch films online.Its _ (convenience) with our new and faster network.2Give up smoking, _ you may die of lung cancer.3_ (work) harder, you will succeed in your studies.4(2017年新课标卷阅读理解C)The disappearance of the wolves had many _ (expected) results.5The boy _ (knock) down by the car was immediately taken to the nearby hospital.6Although this result may not surprise you, it leads to important _ (practice) advice.7There is little doubt in your mind that he is _ (innocence), is there?8The elephant _ (seize) a nearby branch and put it into her mouth.9If you _ (association) something with another thing, the two are connected in your mind.10Hes colorblind and cant _ (distinct) the difference between red and green easily.二、单句改错1(2017年新课标卷短文改错)I enjoyed studying different kinds of cars and planes,playing pop music,and collecting the late music albums._2(2017年新课标卷阅读理解C)By the 1920s,wolves have practically disappeared from the Yellowstone area._3For various reason my parents wouldnt like me to travel abroad._4As a matter of fact, there is a limit on what one person can tolerate._5Ill look into the matter as soon as possible.Just have a little patient._6Im totally confusing.Could you explain that again?_7I had the greatest difficulty with persuading him._8In the new factory all the equipments was up to date._9Its not easy organize such a wellprepared exhibition._10Dear passengers, please remain seating until the bus totally stops._三、完形填空(2016年石家庄高中毕业班适应性测试)Last night, my eighteenyearold son and I were leaving a store.At the end of the parking lot, there stood a man.He was _1_ than manymost likely in his sixtiesclean, but looked very sad.He was _2_ a sign which read: “Looking for work._3_ to get enough money to buy a bus ticket to Wyoming.”I drove by him and something in my heart said: You need to _4_ him.I rarely have cash on me, but today I _5_ had cash in my wallet.I had a $5 and a $10 dollar bill.I said to my son to get the $5 and we will _6_ by and hand it to the man.My son said, “Mom, I think that man is really down on his _7_.Can we give it all to him?”“Thats all the cash I have,” I answered.“But, you can _8_ to give him the $5 or the $10.”He _9_ took out the 10 dollars.We drove back over to the man.My son _10_ the man the money, he looked so _11_ and at first said nothing.He opened the _12_ and turned it over a few times realizing it wasnt just a dollar note.His eyes grew _13_, his mouth dropped open, and he said, “Thank you, thank you.”“Youre wele,” we _14_, and drove off.I didnt realize it, but my son _15_ him in the car mirror as we drove away.He told me that the man _16_ his backpack and began walking away.We dont know _17_ he was going, and it really doesnt matter.He was on his way.On the _18_ of the ride home, my son told me that in his English class, they have been doing a service journal.He was excited to be able to go to school and write about this _19_.It made us both feel so _20_ to help this old man.We hope, in some way, he finds his way back to Wyoming.1A.kinder BstrongerColder Dtaller2A.holding BmakingCchecking Dpainting3A.Hesitating BTryingCManaging DBegging4A.defend BrecognizeCdevelop Dhelp5A.illegally BexactlyCactually Dfinally6A.drive BmoveCwalk Dstand7A.impression BluckCvoice Dappearance8A.deserve BdemandCchoose Dpromise9A.violently BimmediatelyChardly Dslowly10A.threw BlentCspared Dhanded11A.interested BtroubledCshocked Ddisappointed12A.wallet BbillCpaper Ddollar13A.black BwhiteCwide Dnarrow14A.smiled BcriedCsighed Dshouted15A.acpanied BrepaidCsuspected Dwatched16A.filled in Bgave upCpicked up Dturned down17A.where BhowCwhether Dwhen18A.top BrestCpart Dback19A.ride BeffectCcash Dexperience20A.positive BenergeticCspecial Dnormal四、短文改错(2016年江西省吉水中学高三月考)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Ive learned from the newspaper that your pany is looking for receptionist.Im very interesting in the job and Id like to apply to the position.First of all, allow me to introduce myself.I had just graduated from high school and taken the University Entrance Examination.I want to find out a parttime job this summer.Im 18 year old and have a good mand of English, especial in terms of speaking and listening.In fact, I once won the first prize in the English speech petition hold in our school.Besides, Im quite easygoing but therefore very popular among my classmates.I sincerely hope you can give us a chance.Im looking forward to your early reply.五、阅读理解(2017年江西省百校联盟高三第一次联考)“Food in France is still primarily about pleasure,” says Mark Singer, technical director of cuisine at Le Cordon Bleu in Paris.“Cooking and eating are both pastimes (消遣) and pleasure.” The French might start their day with bread, butter, jam, and perhaps something hot to drinkits a time of the day when the whole family can be united.Singer, born in Philadelphia, has lived in France for more than 40 years.“Although things have changed greatly in the past 20 years when it es to food in the country,” he says, “and what was a big affair with eating has been slowly softened up, there are still events in the year, like birthdays and New Years Eve and Christmas Eve that are still really anchored in traditional food and cooking.But its not every day.”Some people think French food life may be a performance, adds Jennifer Berg, director of graduate food studies at New York University.“They want to believe that France is this nation where people are spending five hours a day going to 12 different markets to get their food.The reality is most croissants (羊角面包) are factorymade, and most people are buying convenience food, except for the very small group of people in high society.But part of our identity relies on believing that myth.”In Italy, as in France, takeout is still relatively rare.“Eating fast is not at all part of our culture,” says Marco Bolasco, editorial director of Slow Food and an Italian food expert.“Our meals are relaxed, even during a lunch break.Food in Italy is love, and nutrition, and pleasure,” he says.An Italian childs first experience with food is not small round cakes or rice or eggs, but probably icecream, notes Bolasco.Status and wealth play less of a role in food.1How have things about French food changed?APeople prefer to cook at home.BMore people choose to eat out.CTraditional food is less frequently cooked.DPeople eat faster than before.2What does the underlined word “performance” in Paragraph 3 refer to?AA bother. BA play.CA hobby. DA routine.3Why is Italian food pared with French food in the last paragraph?ATo show the advantages of Italian food.BTo prove the differences between them.CTo reflect the customs of Italian food.DTo indicate the mon points of the two.4Whats the main idea of the passage?AFood as identity. BFood as pleasure.CFood as survival. DFood as status.Unit 3Inventors and inventions能力检测一、1.convenient2.or/otherwise3.Working4unexpected5.knocked6.practical7.innocent8seized9.associate10.distinguish二、1.latelatest2.havehad3.reasonreasons4onto5.patientpatience6confusingconfused7.within8equipmentsequipment9.organize前加to10seatingseated三、本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者和儿子帮助一位老人的故事。1C根据空格后的“most likely in his sixties”可知,这个人年纪比较大,所以older符合语境。2A根据常识可知,这个老人应该是举着一块牌子,所以hold符合语境。3B根据语境可知,这位老人想找一份工作,努力挣够钱买一张去Wyoming的车票,所以try符合语境。4D根据下文内容可知,作者想帮助这位老人,所以help符合语境。5C根据下一句“I had a $5 and a $10 dollar bill.”可知,此处指平时作者很少带现金,但是今天她的钱包里居然有些现金,所以actually符合语境。6A根据第五段第二句“We drove back over to the man.”可知,作者是开车来到这位老人身边的,所以drive符合语境。7B根据语境可知,作者的儿子认为这位老人现在正处于困境,运气不好,所以luck符合语境。8C根据语境可知,作者认为不能将所有的现金都给老人,但儿子可以选择给老人5美元还是10美元。另外,空后的“or”也是提示,所以choose符合语境。9B根据语境可知,作者的儿子立即拿出那张面额为10美元的钞票准备给那位老人。immediately立即地,符合语境。10D此处应指作者的儿子将这张纸币递给老人,hand递给,符合语境。11C根据空格后的“at first said nothing.turned it over a few times”可知,此处应指当这位老人看到有人直接拿钱帮助自己时,他非常震惊,一开始什么都没说,并将钞票翻来覆去看了好几遍,所以shocked符合语境。12B根据空格后的“realizing it wasnt just a dollar note”可知,此处应指老人将作者的儿子递给他的钱展开,翻来覆去看了好几遍,才意识到这不是一张一美元的纸币,所以此处应填bill。故选B。13C根据语境可知,老人瞪大眼睛张大嘴,有点不敢相信眼前的状况,所以wide符合语境。14A根据常识可知,当这位老人感谢作者母子时,作者母子应该是微笑着说“不客气”,所以smile符合语境。15D根据语境可知,此处指作者的儿子通过倒车镜注视着这位老人,故选D。16C根据语境可知,这位老人拿起背包准备离开,pick up拿起,捡起,符合语境。故选C。17A根据语境可知,作者和她儿子都不知道这位老人要去哪里。此处应用where引导宾语从句并在从句中做地点状语。故选A。18B根据语境可知,在剩下的(rest)返程中,作者的儿子向她说了一件事,故选B。19D作者母子帮助这位老人的事情对儿子来讲是一次难忘的经历,故选D。20A根据语境可知,帮助老人这件事让作者母子二人都感觉很好,所以positive良好的,正面的,符合语境。四、第一处: receptionist 前加a。 receptionist为可数名词,需加不定冠词表泛指。第二处: interestinginterested。be interested in对感兴趣。第三处: tofor。apply to 应用; apply for申请。故将to改为for。第四处: hadhave。句意:我已经高中毕业参加完了高考。根据语境可知这里是现在完成时,故将had改为have。第五处: 去掉out。find out(强调寻找后的结果)找出,查明; find(强调找的过程)找到,获得。故去掉out。第六处: yearyears。18 years old 18岁,years要用复数,故将year改为years。第七处: especialespecially。句意:我英语很好,特别是说和听。这里用副词做状语,修饰句子。第八处: holdheld。petition和动词hold之间是被动关系,故这里用过去分词做后置定语。所以将hold改为held。第九处: butand。句意:我非常随和,因此很受同学的欢迎。前后句并列关系,连词用and,故将but改为and。第十处: usme。句意:我真诚地希望你能给我一个机会。根据句意可知应将me改为us。五、本文是一篇说明文。作者通过专家的话语来说明法国人和意大利人对于食物是带着一种享受生活的态度。1C推理判断题。根据第二段的内容可知,法国传统美食受到冲击,人们只是偶尔在重大节日中才去享用传统美食,并不是每一天。故选C。2A词义猜测题。由后文中的“people are spending five hours a day going to 12 different markets to get their food”可知,此处应是指部分人认为法国传统烹饪比较繁琐。故此处performance指“麻烦”。故选A。3D推理判断题。由本段中的“In Italy, as in France”,再结合第一段中的“Food in France is still primarily about pleasure”和最后一段中的“Food in Italy is love, and nutrition, and pleasure”可知,作者比较这两种食物的目的是找出二者的共同点,阐明主旨。故选D。4B文章大意题。由文中的“Food in France is still primarily about pleasure”,“Cooking and eating are both pastimes (消遣) and pleasure.”以及“Food in Italy is love, and nutrition, and pleasure”可知选B。

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