2019高中英语 Unit 1 Nothing ventured nothing gained Section Ⅱ Learning about Language教案(含解析)新人教选修1 0.doc

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2019高中英语 Unit 1 Nothing ventured nothing gained Section Ⅱ Learning about Language教案(含解析)新人教选修1 0.doc_第1页
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2019高中英语 Unit 1 Nothing ventured nothing gained Section Ⅱ Learning about Language教案(含解析)新人教选修1 0.doc_第3页
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Section Learning about Language.高频单词点击1freezing (adj.)冰冻的,严寒的freeze (v.)使冻结,冷冻frozen (adj.)冷冻的freezer (n.)冷冻箱2stool (n.)凳子,大便3gratitude (n.)感激;感恩grateful (adj.)感激的4punishment (n.)惩罚,惩处punish(v.)惩罚,惩处.常用句型必备It_was_no_wonder_that Frank Wild,the kindest of men,describes“crying like a baby”when he saw Shackleton return at last with the rescue party.单元语法聚焦The Attribute (定语)单词点击1freezing(1)adj.冻结的;冰冻的;极冷的freezing point冰点Shut the window;Im freezing!关上窗户,我冷极了!Dont go out; its freezing outside!别出去,外面冷极了!(2)adv.冰冻一样地Its freezing cold outside.外面极为寒冷。(3)n.结冰,冰结In the summer,large crops of fruit may be preserved by freezing or bottling.夏天收获的大量水果可冷藏或装瓶装罐加以保存。(4)freeze v酷寒,使冻结,冻僵,毛骨悚然Please freeze the fish and meat in order to prevent it from going rotten.请把鱼和肉冷冻起来以防止它们腐烂。It froze hard last night.昨晚冷得厉害。The story he told us froze me with terror. 他给我们讲的故事把我吓得毛骨悚然。freezer n冰箱;冰库;冷冻库frozen adj. 冷冻的freezing,frozen(1)freezing表示天气,态度等极冷的,冷淡的。(2)frozen表示食品的冷冻或人的冷淡无情,如a frozen heart冷酷的心,frozen fish冷冻鱼,常用来修饰名词。 (1)What_ weather it is.(2)The match girl was _ dead at night.(3)The smile_ on her face at the bad news.答案:(1)freezing(2)frozen(3)froze2gratitude n感激;感谢out of gratitude出于感激,报恩地with gratitude 感谢地,感激地in gratitude for 为答谢He accepted her help with gratitude.他心怀感激地接受了她的帮助。He gave them a lovely bookcase in gratitude for their kindness.他送给他们一个精致的书橱以答谢他们的好意。grateful adj.感激的be grateful to sb.for sth. 因某事而感激某人Im really grateful to you for your kind offer.对于您善意的帮助,我深表感激。 (1)我感谢所有老师的帮助。I am_ all the teachers_their help.(2)他感激地朝他们笑了笑。He smiled at them_.答案:(1)grateful to;for(2)with gratitude3punishment n惩罚,惩处He was sent to his room as a punishment.他被罚回到他的房间。The punishment is too much for such a child.对这样一个孩子来说处罚太重了。punish vt. 惩罚;粗鲁地对待;大量消耗punish sb.with/by sth. 通过某事惩罚某人punish sb.for sth. 因为某事惩罚某人She was punished for telling a lie.她因说谎而被处罚了。 (1)The court should make the _ fit the crime.(2)They have been _ by law.答案:(1)punishment(2)punished句型归纳It_was_no_wonder_that Frank Wild,the kindest of men,describes“crying like a baby”when he saw Shackleton return at last with the rescue party.难怪弗兰克怀尔德最友善的船员描述到,当他看到沙克尔顿最终带着救援队返回时,他当时“哭得像个孩子”。It is no wonder/No wonder (that)句子这一结构意为:难怪,并不奇怪,当然It is no wonder (that) he has passed the examination.难怪他考试及格了。No wonder he is not hungry;he has been eating sweets all day.难怪他不饿,他整天在吃糖果。wonder n奇迹,惊讶的事,v.想知道;使惊讶do/work wonders 创造奇迹wonder at/about (doing) sth. 对感到惊讶We all wondered at his rudeness.我们没想到他那么粗鲁。 (1)难怪他总是考第一。_(2)我想知道他在做什么。_答案:(1)Its no wonder that he always gets the first in the exams.(2)I wonder what he is doing.定语定语是用来说明名词或代词的品质与特征的词。可用来作定语的词有形容词、名词或名词所有格、代词、数词、副词、词组或合成词、不定式(短语)、v.ing形式、过去分词、介词短语以及从句等。1形容词作定语He is an honest and hardworking boy.他是一个诚实、勤勉的男孩。(1)表语形容词作定语时须后置,如alive,asleep,awake等。people alive活着的人the man awake醒着的那个人(2)多个形容词的排序为:限定描绘大长高,形状年龄和新老。颜色国籍出材料,作用类别往后靠。a big old stone bridge一座大而老的石桥(3)present,proper,left作定语时后置。all the people present所有在场的人(4)形容词修饰不定代词时须后置。something necessary必要的东西(5)复合形容词作定语时,连字符连接的名词必须是单数。a twentymeterlong bridge一座20米长的桥2名词作定语They are women pilots.她们是女飞行员。(1)woman,man作定语时,当所修饰词为单数时,它们用单数;当所修饰词为复数时,它们用复数,但boy,girl一律用单数。(2)名词作定语时,一般用单数,但某些常用复数的词,当它们用作定语时,也须用复数。如:arms production武器生产;clothes shop服装商店;sales department营业部。3代词作定语His proposal is worth considering.他的建议值得考虑。Whose book is this?这是谁的书?4数词作定语The sun is 93,000,000 miles away.太阳离我们九千三百万公里。基数词作定语可以后置。the year 2008,2008年Room 315,315房间。5副词作定语She met me on her way home.她在回家的路上碰到我。副词作定语通常后置。the window above上面的窗户the helicopter outside外面的直升飞机6介词短语作定语Well have a report on current affairs on Sunday morning.我们周日上午要听形势报告。7不定式(短语)作定语Thats the teaching plan for you to discuss.这就是供你讨论的那份教学计划。不定式作定语表示将来的动作,且不定式作定语要后置;或者修饰其前有序数词的名词。Zhai Zhigang is the first Chinese to walk in space.翟志刚是第一个在太空行走的中国人。There are many problems to deal with.有许多问题要解决。8v.ing形式作定语a rising sun一颗冉冉升起的太阳(1)v.ing作定语,一个词时放在名词前,短语作定语要后置。the woman living in the next door住在隔壁的女人(2)v.ing式作定语表示主动或正在进行的动作。a crying child一个在哭泣的孩子(3)v.ing式作定语表示名词的功能。a walking stick拐杖9过去分词(短语)作定语fallen leaves落叶the stolen car那辆被盗汽车过去分词作定语表被动或已经完成的动作。boiled water开水10从句作定语引导定语从句的词有关系代词who,whom,whose,that,as,which及关系副词when,where,why。The number of people who/that lost homes reached as many as 250,000.无家可归的人数达到25万。This is the girl whose father is a professor.这就是那个女孩,她父亲是个教授。China is a developing country,as is known to all.众所周知,中国是个发展中国家。That is the reason why he is leaving so soon.那就是他为什么那么早就离开的原因。1(福建高考)With online shopping increasingly popular, the Internet is seen as a(n) _way of reaching target customers.AtemporaryBplexCaccurate Defficient解析:选D考查形容词辨析。句意:随着网上购物变得越来越流行,网络被看作是一种吸引目标顾客的有效方法。temporary“暂时的”;plex“复杂的”;accurate“准确的”;efficient“有效的,效率高的”。由increasingly popular“越来越受欢迎”可知,网络是一种吸引目标顾客有效的(efficient)方法。2(山东高考)Theres a note pinned to the door _ when the shop will open again. Asaying BsaysCsaid Dhaving said解析:选A考查非谓语动词。句意:钉在门上的一张便条上写着商店何时再开张。根据语境可知所填词要作后置定语修饰note。从逻辑关系上看,note与say之间是主动关系,所以选A项,在此用现在分词作后置定语。3(浙江高考)Amie Salmon, disabled, is attended throughout her school days by a nurse _ to guard her.Ato appoint BappointingCappointed Dhaving appointed解析:选C考查非谓语动词。句意:身残的阿米萨蒙,在学校由一个指定守护她的护士照料着。appointed在此充当后置定语,修饰前面的nurse, appoint与nurse之间是动宾关系,所以用过去分词作后置定语。4(重庆高考)Well reach the sales targets in a month _ we set at the beginning of the year.Awhich BwhereCwhen Dwhat解析:选A考查定语从句。因为先行词指物,又因为从句的动词set缺少必要的宾语,所以只能选A项;D项在从句中虽然可以作宾语但是不能引导定语从句。5(江苏高考)The book has helped me greatly in my daily munication, especially at work _ a good impression is a must.Awhich Bwhen Cas Dwhere解析:选D考查定语从句。本题的先行词是work,使用关系副词where 引导定语从句,在从句中充当状语,相当于in which。.单项填空1The doctor did all _he could to save the wounded soldier.Awhich BwhatC不填 Dabout解析:选C定语从句为he could,省去了动词do。其先行词为all,应用关系代词that,不能用which。由于是作he could do的宾语,that被省略。2Many students signed up for the _race in the sports meeting to be held next week.A800metrelong B800metreslongC800 metre length D800 metres length解析:选A题意为:许多学生都报名参加下周运动会中的800米赛跑。“数词单数名词形容词”构成复合形容词,可用来作定语修饰名词。3He hasnt slept at all for three days._he is tired out.AThere is no point BThere is no needCIt is no wonder DIt is no way解析:选Cit is no wonder.难怪;不奇怪;there is no way.不可能,没门儿;there is no point.没用,无用的;there is no need.没有必要。4How do you deal with the disagreement between the pany and the customers?The key_the problem is to meet the demand_by the customers.Ato solving;making Bto solving;madeCto solve;making Dto solve;made解析:选B本题考查介词和分词短语作定语。5My wife has planted some_ roses in our garden.Alittle red beautiful Bbeautiful red littleCred little beautiful Dbeautiful little red解析:选D根据形容词作定语的排列顺序,限定描绘大长高形状年龄和新老颜色国籍材料作用类别,可知三词的排列顺序应为beautiful(描绘)little(大小)red(颜色)。6The actress had never experienced such a situation,_she was surrounded and questioned by many reporters.Awhen BwhereCwhich Dthat解析:选Bsituation作“情形,形势”讲时,是表地点的抽象名词,且后面定语从句中缺状语,因此应选能用作地点状语的关系副词where。7There are 500_in my shoe factory.Awoman workers Bwomen workerCwomen workers Dwomens workers解析:选Cman与woman作定语时比较特殊,若修饰复数名词时,man与woman也变为复数。8He accepted the money given by the government with great_.Agratitude BgratefulCgratefully Dthankful解析:选Awith gratitude感激地。9(北京高考)There are still many problems _ before we are ready for a long stay on the Moon.Asolving BsolvedCbeing solved Dto be solved解析:选D考查非谓语动词。句意:在我们准备长时间待在月球上之前仍旧有很多问题需要解决。分析句子结构可知,空处在句中作定语。又根据语境可知此处表示没有发生的事,应用不定式形式,同时solve和problems之间为动宾关系,因此用不定式的被动式,故选D项。10Close the window,please.It is _ cold.Afreeze BfrozenCfreezing Dfroze解析:选Cfreezing用作副词,freezing cold非常冷。.完形填空Growing up is not always easy.When facing difficulties,courage and a spirit of independence can be more useful than crying for _1_!Thats what Hong Zhanhuis story of _2_boy to man with family hardships tells us.Hong was born in 1982 in a poor family in Xihua County,Henan Province.When he was _3_11,his father became mentally ill and one day came back with an abandoned baby girl.A year later,Hongs mother and younger brother both _4_home because of poverty and pressure from his sick father.Their burdens fell onto the 12yearolds shoulders:to treat his fathers illness,to _5_the adopted sister Chenchen,and to go on to study.Hong didnt _6_.Since a young age,he has worked in parttime jobs to feed his family.At the same time,he has studied at college.To take care of Chenchen,he worked hard to _7_ a room near his campus for her,and send her to school.After Hongs story went public,people were _8_to tears by his unselfishness.Hard _9_his life was,Hong didnt abandon his father and the adopted _10_,because they needed his help.With his hardwon money,he even aided other students _11_against misfortunes.Today when many tend to worry more about their own happiness,Hongs deeds _12_us of what we usually neglect:love and care for others.Without these,_13_of us could survive.Hong _14_ donations from others.He said he felt encouraged by kind offers,but he could _15_ his own work.Short of money to buy food,the boy climbed tall trees to get birds eggs for his baby sister.He walked two hours at weekends to buy different things to _16_ around his school to earn money.Through his hard life,the boy developed _17_against misfortune that made him a hero in peoples eyes.Hongs story shows that with love and willpower,no hardship can _18_a person but himself.So when facing difficulties,dont _19_ about bad luck.Consider what more you could do for your family and society _20_ youll find the world smiling back.1AmoneyBfoodCclothes Dhelp解析:选D一面对困难当然是哭着寻求帮助了。2Acaring BgrowingCmoving Dturning解析:选B由后文的to man可知这里指的是洪战辉从一个成长中的男孩到一个男子汉的经历。3Aonly BalreadyCever Dstill解析:选Aonly说明他的年龄小,只有12岁。4Astayed BwentCsold Dleft解析:选D由下文的生活重担落在了洪战辉的肩上可知,母亲带着弟弟离开了贫穷的家。5Abring up Bturn toCstick to Ddevote to解析:选Abring up“养育,抚育”,洪战辉担起了抚养妹妹的任务。6Agive away Bgive upCrun out Dturn down解析:选B尽管困难,但是不放弃(give up)。7Abuild BrentCbuy Dpaint解析:选B为了照顾妹妹,他租了学校附近的一间房子。rent租用,租借。8Aencouraged BmovedCinspired Dmade解析:选Bmoved to tears“感动地流泪了”。9Aas BbecauseCunless Dwhile解析:选Aas“尽管”引导让步状语从句,而且倒装。10Abrother BdaughterCsister Duncle解析:选C由上文可知是他的养妹。11Astruggling BleaningCstanding Dturning解析:选Astruggle against“与抗争”,帮助其他同学与misfortune抗争。12Aleft BrememberedCreminded Dtold解析:选Cremind sb.of sth.提醒某人某事。而tell sb.of sth.给某人讲述某事,显然是C符合语境。13Aany one Bevery oneCnone Dno one解析:选C没有关心和爱护,任何人都不可能生存下去。no one不和of连用。14Athrew away Bturned outCgave off Dturned down解析:选Dturned down“拒绝”;threw away“扔掉”;turned out“结果是;生产”;gave off“发出”,由下文没有钱可知他拒绝了捐款。15Adepend on Bstick toCrefer to Dturn to解析:选Adepend on依靠自己的工作。16Ashow BeatCsell Dshare解析:选C为了挣点钱,他周末去很远的地方买来东西,在校园里卖。17Aa chance Ban abilityCa spirit Da belief解析:选Bdeveloped an ability against misfortune培养了抵抗不幸的能力。18Abury BdefeatCwin Dknock解析:选B拥有爱和意志力,没有任何事情能把自己打倒。19Aworry BcareCplain Djoke解析:选Cplain about“抱怨”。20Aand BwhenCwhile Duntil解析:选A祈使句加and句型,表示顺承关系。


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