2019年高考英语总复习 第一部分 教材梳理 Unit 5 First aid 人教版必修5.doc

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Unit 5First aid一、单句语法填空1The old man was sent to hospital because of high blood _ (press)2The cut on my arm _ (bleed) a lot when I was hurt yesterday.3These men made themselves famous for their courage and _ (brave)4(2017年新课标卷七选五型阅读理解)This brief visit with Mother Nature cost me two days off from work, recovering from a bad case of sunburn and the doctors bill for my sons food _ (poison)5They have earned lots of money, so I _ (firm) believe that the business is a success.6It makes _ difference whether I give my suggestions or not, because he wont listen to me.7It is vital that these application forms _ (send) back as early as possible.8His arm is bleeding heavily.We must dress _ cut at once.9You should squeeze the water _ of the dress before you hang it.10Ensure the guard is _ place before operating the machine.二、单句改错1(2017年天津卷阅读理解B)Sure, I could have asked her, but something prevented me from do so._2He was writing a report while one of his friends called on him._3What is the most important is that we should apply theory for practice._4There is no doubt whether it is her achievements that have won her the Nobel Prize._5Though warning again and again, the young man still drove after drinking, leading to his being fined._6What the volunteers did made great difference to the children in the small village._7Mr.Li fell ill, so his colleague attended the conference in the place of him._8I was about to informing you of the sudden change when an unexpected visitor came._9The little boy wont go to sleep if his mother tells him a story._10A man immediately rushed to the girl give her first aid and I joined in without hesitation._三、完形填空(2016届河南省安阳一中高三三模)If you want to stand out, there is no alternative but hard work.Once a boy in _1_ clothes full of patches (补丁) ran to ask a successful building contractor (承包商) in a construction site, “How could I be as _2_ as you when I grow up?”With a_3_ at the boy, the contractor replied, “There is a story about three diggers.The first digger liked holding a spade (铁锹) without doing anything but saying that he wanted to be a (n) _4_ in the future.The second always liked _5_ about the work and his low _6_.The third digger liked _7_ devoting himself to digging.Later, the first was still holding his spade in the _8_ place and the second took an excuse for early _9_.Only the third became a boss.Do you understand the _10_ of this story? Just go to buy a _11_ shirt and work hard.”The little boy was _12_.So he asked the contractor to explain further._13_ the working builders, the contractor replied, “Look at my workers! I cant remember all their names, and even I have no _14_ of some of them.Most of them wear blue shirts.But if you look_15_, you will notice a sunburned man in red.He seems to be working harder than others.He is always the first one to work while the last one to leave.It is exactly his red shirt that makes him _16_.Soon he will be _17_ to my assistant.You know, that is also how I got _18_ I am now.I worked hard and wore a striped shirt.My boss _19_ me.I also became a boss eventually.”Success can only _20_ action.Working hard is all winners shared experience for achieving their dreams.1A.spotted BraggedCelegant Dformal2A.creative BstrongCrich Dresponsible3A.glance BlaughCwave Dshout4A.designer BarchitectCboss Dassistant5A.thinking BlearningCexplaining Dplaining6A.spirit BsalaryCability Dintelligence7A.quietly BexcitedlyCobviously Dfreely8A.remote BidealCoriginal Dsuitable9A.arrival BretirementCdevelopment Dpayment10A.ending BpeopleCmoral Dimportance11A.yellow BredCwhite Dblue12A.puzzled BdisappointedCembarrassed Dinspired13A.Speaking to BReferring toCTalking to DPointing to14A.impression BdescriptionCinformation Dexpression15A.frequently BregularlyCcarefully Ddoubtfully16A.stand out Bwork outCturn out Dgive out17A.employed BelectedCadmitted Dpromoted18A.which BwhereCwho Dwhy19A.praised BignoredCscolded Dnoticed20A.bring about Blead toCresult from Dget into四、短文改错(2017年湖南十三校第二次联考)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。With the College Entrance Examination approaching, many students are so worried about it to fall asleep at night and even suffer from mentally illness.Its a fairly mon phenomena among us students.Here is some effective methods for you to adopt.First of all, you should spend a plenty of time prepare for the test.Secondly, it is no need to feel nervous when you have some bad emotions.I think take a deep breath is a helpful way to reduce your stress.Last but not least, you ought to believe yourself and keep a good state of mind.Follow my tips, or you will overe your exam anxiety.五、七选五型阅读理解(2017年湖北省八校高三联考)In your life, sometimes you may be asked to speak in front of a large group of people.Although it sounds a little scary, even those with stage fright can speak successfully to the group with adequate preparation.Practice your speech before the big day._1_ If possible, practice the speech in front of a friend or family member to get used to saying it to real people.If you feel you must have note cards, limit the amount to about three cards.This will force you to keep your speech concise and help you keep your eyes focused on your audience.Remember why youve been invited to speak.If youre battling fear over speaking to a large group of people, keep your mind on the fact that you were selected for this important role.The speech organizers must have seen something valuable in you or your expertise._2_Remember that fear of public speaking is very mon._3_ Most of the people in the audience would be feeling the same fear and stress that you do in your position.Knowing this may make you feel better._4_ What you say should be tailored to why youre there and who youre speaking to in order to avoid sounding general.If speaking to a charity group, mention the good work certain specific individuals have done for the cause.If speaking at a business conference, briefly state why you want to help these people.Keep eye contact with the crowd._5_ Pick one person in each section and look at him while youre speaking.After each important point in your speech, switch your focus to another section.When you focus only on one person at a time, the size of the crowd isnt as frightening.AA good memory is really helpful.BShow appreciation to your audience.CMention your audience in your speech.DThe more you have it memorized, the better.EIn fact, its normal to feel nervous or stressed out before a big speech.FSeparate the crowd into three sections mentally as you get up to speak.GThe knowledge of other peoples respect for you should reduce some of the fear.Unit 5First aid能力检测一、1.pressure2.bled3.bravery4.poisoning5firmly6.no7.(should) be sent8.the9.out10in二、1.dodoing2.whilewhen3.forto4whetherthat5.warningwarned6great前加a7.去掉第二个the8informinginform9.ifunless10.give前加to 三、本文讲述了成功的秘诀。一个人要想成功,只有辛勤劳动、与众不同才能出人头地,最终实现自己的梦想。1B根据空后的“full of patches”可知,这里表示一个“衣衫褴褛的”男孩儿。spotted有斑点的;ragged衣衫褴褛的;elegant优雅的;formal正式的。2C句意:我长大后怎样才能成为和你一样富有的人?creative有创造力的;strong强壮的,强烈的;rich富有的;responsible负责任的。3A根据下文可知,承包商应该是先打量这个男孩子,然后再回答他的问题。glance瞥见;laugh嘲笑;wave挥手;shout喊叫。故选A。4Cdesigner设计师;architect建筑师;boss老板;assistant助手。下文的“became a boss”是线索提示。5D第二个人总喜欢抱怨工作和薪水低。think思考;learn学会;explain解释;plain抱怨。6Bspirit精神;salary薪水;ability能力;intelligence智力。只有B项符合语境。7A第三个人喜欢安静地工作。quietly安静地;excitedly兴奋地;obviously明显地;freely自由地。8C句意:第一个人依旧拿着锹在原来的职位上,第二个人找了个借口提前退休,只有第三个人最终成了老板。remote偏远的;ideal理想的;original原来的,原始的;suitable适合的。9Barrival到达;retirement退休;development发展;payment支付。根据句意可知选B。10C句意:你懂得这个故事的寓意吗?ending结束;people人们;moral寓意;importance重要性。11B根据下文可知,他让男孩买件红色的衬衫,并且努力工作。12A根据下文男孩要这个承包商进一步解释原因可知,开始他是困惑的。puzzled困惑的;disappointed失望的;embarrassed尴尬的;inspired激励的。13D根据后文的“Look at my workers!”可知,当时承包商是指向那些在干活的建筑工人们。speak to向说;refer to提及,谈到,涉及;talk to与交谈;point to指向。14A句意:我不能记住他们所有人的名字,甚至对一些人没有什么印象。impression印象;description描述;information信息;expression表达。15C句意:但是如果你仔细地看,你就会注意到一个晒伤的穿红色衣服的人。frequently频繁地;regularly有规律地,经常地;carefully仔细地;doubtfully怀疑地。16A句意:正是他的红色衣服使他显眼。stand out突出,显眼;work out计算出,锻炼;turn out结果是,原来是;give out发出,分发。17D句意:很快他将被提升为我的助手。employ雇用;elect选举;admit承认;promote提拔,宣传。18B句意:那也是我如何走到现在这个位置的原因。where在某个地方,引导地点状语从句,符合语境。19D句意:我穿条纹衬衫努力工作。我的老板因此注意到了我。praise表扬;ignore忽视;scold责骂;notice注意到。20C句意:成功由行动产生。努力工作是所有成功人士共同的成功秘诀。bring about带来,引起;lead to导致,通向;result from.因产生,由造成;get into进入。四、第一处:sotoo。该处要表达“很多学生太担心了,以至于睡不着”,固定搭配too.to.意为“太而不能”,所以应将so改为too。 第二处:mentallymental。mentally是副词,此处修饰名词illness要用形容词mental。第三处:phenomenaphenomenon。phenomena“现象”为phenomenon的复数形式,由冠词a可知此处应使用单数形式phenomenon做表语。第四处:isare。本句为倒装句,主语是some effective methods,所以谓语应使用复数are。第五处:去掉a。此处表示“许多,大量”,应使用固定搭配plenty of,所以应去掉该搭配前的不定冠词。 第六处:preparepreparing。“花费时间去做某事”应使用句型spend time (in) doing sth.,所以prepare改为preparing。第七处:itthere。此处要表达“没有必要做某事”,应使用固定句型there is no need to do sth.,故应将it改为there。第八处:taketaking。该句中“深吸一口气是很有用的减压方式”做动词think的宾语从句,而在宾语从句中“深吸一口气”做主语,所以take a deep breath应使用动名词形式taking a deep breath。第九处:believe后加in。believe sb.意为“相信某人说的话或观点”,而believe in sb.意为“信任某人”,此句要表达“应该相信自己”,此处“相信”指的是“信任”,所以应用believe in。第十处:orand。在句型“祈使句and/or简单句”中,and表示顺承译为“就会”;而or表示转折,译为“否则就会”。此处表示“听从我的建议,你就会克服考试焦虑”,应使用表示顺承的and。五、本文是一篇议论文,主要就如何在众人面前克服恐惧并进行成功的演讲提出了一些建议。1D根据该段主题句可知,演讲前要进行练习;根据该段第四句可知,若一定要准备提示卡片,请把数量限制在3张,即此处是讲记不住演讲词的办法。D项“演讲词记的越熟越好”与下文话题衔接密切。故选D。2G根据空格前“The speech organizers must have seen something valuable in you or your expertise.”可知,你受邀做演讲是因为组织者看中了你的专长;由此可知,G项“其他人对你的尊重应该可以让你减少些许恐惧”承接上文话题,符合语境。故选G。3E根据该段主题句可知,害怕公开演讲很正常。下文应是对该句内容进行分析,故E项“事实上,在大型演讲前感到紧张或有压力是很正常的”符合语境,前后句构成顺承关系。故选E。4C此处为该段主题句。根据下文可知,你所讲的内容应与你在这里演讲的原因及观众的身份相适应,避免空洞的概括。C项“演讲过程中要提及观众”概括了该段中心意思,适合做主题句。故选C。5F根据空格后“Pick one person in each section”可知,F项“Separate the crowd into three sections.”与下文话题衔接紧密,符合语境。故选F。


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