2019版高考英语一轮巩固达标练 Unit 2 English around the world(含解析)新人教版必修1.doc

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Unit 2 English around the world*阅读理解Big Messaging Apps AbroadWhile WeChat is Chinas biggest mobile messaging app,there are many equivalent apps in other countries that offer similar features.WhatsApp(U.S.)Users:more than 600 millionPlatforms:Android,iOS,Windows Phone,BlackBerryFeatures:text chat,pushtotalk,file sharing,location sharingWith more than 600 million active users,WhatsApp is one of WeChats biggest petitors.Developed by two exYahoo employees in 2009,WhatsApp originally focused on text chat,but on Aug.6 it also started pushtotalk service.Its noted for its accessibility,ease of use and the absence of adverts.The service is free for the first year,after which $ 0.99(6.06 yuan) is charged for a oneyear subscription.KakaoTalk(South Korea)Users:more than 100 millionPlatforms:Android,iOS,Windows Phone,BlackBerry and Bada(an operating system developed by Samsung)Features:text chat,group chat,pushtotalk,group calls,file sharingWith more than 100 million users in more than 230 countries,KakaoTalk is a multiplatform texting application that allows users to send and receive messages for free.With KakaoTalk,users can message each other oneonone or in group chats with unlimited numbers of friends.You can also choose from many animated emoticons and share them with friends.Line(Japan)Users:more than 600 millionPlatforms:Android,iOS,Windows Phone,BlackBerry and PCFeatures:text chat,group chat,pushtotalk,file sharing,location sharing,gaming,stickersLine tops the list of the most downloaded free apps in 52 countries.Apart from text and voice messaging,Line provides its users with more than 250 original stickers and emoticons to buy from its own shop.In the first quarter of 2013 alone,it made $ 17 million just from stickers.The popular app also allows friends to battle each other in the LINE GAME.【解题导语】本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了美国、韩国和日本三个国家不同的手机信息应用程序。1pared with the other two apps ,which of the following features makes Line stand out?AGroup mobile games.BFree emoticons.CFree downloads of the app.DText and group chat.A解析:细节理解题。通过这三个不同的手机应用的比较并根据最后一段的最后一句“The popular app also allows friends to battle each other in the LINE GAME.”可知,Line和另外两个应用的不同之处就是它可以允许朋友们一起玩游戏,故答案为A。2Which of the statements is TRUE according to the passage?AUsers can always send and receive messages for free with WhatsApp.BUsers can share files with any of the three apps.CKakaoTalk frees users from unwanted advertisements.DLine is the most popular one of the three apps.B解析:推理判断题。从三个手机应用的Features部分可以发现它们共同的特点是file sharing,故答案为B。3In which part of the newspaper may this article be found?AAdvertisement.BEconomy and Finance.CEntertainment.DScience and Technology.D解析:文章出处题。这三则信息都是关于手机应用的,介绍的是科技方面的内容,所以应选D。*语法填空Theres no such thing _1_ living alone. Never mind if youre the only person in your house and have no dog, no cat, or even no fish. You still have got several billion _2_ (roommate) and so do we all. Some of them are harmless, some are _3_ (actual) helpful and some could even kill you. They are, of course, bacteria, fungi (霉菌) and viruses, and whether you like it or not, theyre on you, around you, and deeply within you. The fact _4_ bacteria are everywhere is not surprising. Its something you _5_ (learn) from your childhood when your mother told you not to drink water from someone elses glass. There are lots of bacteria _6_ are living in your tea kettle. There are bacteria _7_ (sleep) with you on your bed. Scientists are beginning _8_ (realize) the richness of the microbiome (微生物群系), which is as plex as the ones _9_ (find) in oceans, rainforests, deserts and woodlands. Your house has a microbiome and _10_ do you.1_2._3._4._5._6._7._8._9._10._篇章导读:本文是一篇说明文。世上没有真正独自的生活,即使你单独在家,家里没有狗、猫或者鱼,你身边还是有成千上万的陪伴者各种细菌、霉菌和病毒。1as考查固定结构。There is no such thing as . “没有像这样的事”。2roommates考查名词的复数。roommate为可数名词,由several billion可知,应用复数形式。3actually考查词性转换。此处应用副词修饰形容词helpful。4that考查同位语从句的连接词。根据语境可知,本句中含有由that引导的同位语从句,解释说明The fact的具体内容。5learned/learnt考查动词的时态。根据下文中的told可知,应用一般过去时。6which/that考查定语从句的引导词。分析句子结构可知,空处引导定语从句,先行词为bacteria,指物,关系词在从句中作主语,故用which或that。7sleeping考查非谓语动词。bacteria与sleep存在逻辑上的主谓关系,故用现在分词作后置定语。8to realize考查非谓语动词。start和begin后跟表示心理状态或精神活动的动词时,如understand和realize等,常用不定式。9found考查非谓语动词。the ones与find是被动关系,应用过去分词作后置定语。10so考查特殊句型。“so助动词主语”表示“也如此”。*完形填空A taxi driver taught me a lesson in customer satisfaction and expectations.Inspiring speakers _1_ thousands of dollars to give this kind of training to corporate directors and staff.It cost me only a $12 _2_ ride.I had _3_ into Dallas just for the purpose of calling on a client.Time was precious and my _4_ included a quick roundtrip from and back to the airport.A _5_ taxi pulled up.The driver rushed to _6_ the passenger door for me and made sure I was _7_ seated before he closed the door.As he got in the drivers seat,he _8_ that the neatly folded Wall Street Journal next to me was for my use.He then showed me several _9_ and asked me what type of music I would enjoy.I could not believe the _10_ I was receiving!I took the opportunity to say,“_11_ you take great pride in your work.You must have a _12_ to share.”“You bet,” he _13_,“I used to be in Corporate America.But I was tired of thinking my best would never be good enough.I _14_ to find my right position in life,where I could feel _15_ of being the best.I love driving cars,and feeling like I have done a full days work and done it _16_.So I chose to bee a _17_.One thing I know for sure,to be good in my business I just have to meet the expectations of my passengers._18_,to be great in my business,I have to go _19_ the customers expectations!”The taxi driver taught me a great life _20_:Go an extra mile when providing any service to others.1A.offer BchargeCpay Dafford2A.taxi BbusCcar Dtrain3A.driven BflownCran Dcycled4A.hope BpurposeCplan Dchoice5A.private BroughCslow Dclean6A.open BlockCpush Dshut7A.silently BfortablyCtightly Dcasually8A.declared BconcludedCfound Dmentioned9A.pictures BmapsCtapes Dbooks10A.service BgiftCinvitation Dadvice11A.Actually BObviouslyCGradually DSuddenly12A.chance BsecretCstory Dride13A.whispered BarguedCsighed Dreplied14A.decided BpromisedChappened Dhesitated15A.careful BproudCafraid Dcurious16A.early BrapidlyCcautiously Dwell17A.driver BdirectorCclient Dspeaker18A.Besides BThereforeCHowever DPerhaps19A.against BwithinCover Dbeyond20A.method BexperienceClesson Dstandard【解题导语】本文主要讲述了一名出租车司机给作者上了一堂关于如何达到客户满意和期望的课。【难句分析】One thing I know for sure,to be good in my business I just have to meet the expectations of my passengers.分析:本句是一个复合句。I know for sure是定语从句。译文:有一件事我可以肯定,那就是想要做好生意,我就必须要满足我的乘客的期望。 【核心词汇】corporate adj.公司的client n客户precious adj.珍贵的extra adj.额外的1B根据空后的“thousands of dollars to give this kind of training to corporate directors and staff.It cost me only a $12”可知,励志演讲家的培训是要收费的。charge表示“收费”,符合语境。2A根据文章第一句“A taxi driver taught me a lesson in customer satisfaction and expectations”可知,出租车司机收作者12美元。3B根据第二段第二句的“Time was precious and my _4_ included a quick aroundtrip from and back to the airport”可知,作者当时是乘飞机去的。4C根据语境可知,时间很珍贵,作者的计划中包括往返机场的旅程。5D根据下文的“the neatly folded Wall Street Journal next to me was for my use”可推知,出租车很干净。6A结合“the passenger door for me”可推知,司机赶快跑过来给作者开车门。7B根据语境可推知,该司机注重乘客的满意度,所以他一定确保作者乘坐舒适。8D根据语境可推知,司机向乘客提醒有杂志可看。mention“提到”。9C根据空后的“asked me what type of music I would enjoy”可推知,司机给作者拿出几盘音乐磁带让他选择。10A根据空后的“I was receiving”可推知,作者对出租车司机提供的服务非常吃惊,不敢相信。receive the service“接受服务”。11B由空后的“You must have a _12_ to share”以及语境可推知,显而易见,作者认为出租车司机为自己的工作自豪。12C根据空后的“to share”以及语境可推知,此处表示有故事分享。13D根据语境可知,司机回应了作者的推断。14A根据空前的“I was tired of thinking”可推知,司机决定行动起来,找到生活中合适的位置而不是一味地想想。15B根据第三段第二句的“you take great pride in your work”可推知,司机想做到最好并为自己的工作自豪。16D根据语境可推知,司机想把工作做好。17A根据语境可知,他决定转行当一名司机。18C根据语境可知,上下文表示逻辑上的转折关系,故用However“然而”。19D根据文章最后一句“Go an extra mile when providing any service to others”可知,要想做到最好,就要多为客户考虑,超出客户的期望。beyond“超出”。20C根据文章开头“A taxi driver taught me a lesson in customer satisfaction and expectations”可知,此处表示司机给作者上了生动的一课。*短文改错Three years ago I became a student in an ordinary school. Disappointing as I felt at the shabby campus and the poorlyequipped classroom, I found the teachers patiently and considerate. Beside, I enjoyed the friendly atmosphere in class. I decided to make the best of it. I worked hardly and got along well my teachers and classmates. Whenever I had difficulties, they are always available. Soon, I became one of the top student in our class, that greatly increased my confidence and I got more motivated. My experience tells me that it is not what you are given but how you make a use of it what determines who you are.答案:Three years ago I became a student in an ordinary school. as I felt at the shabby campus and the poorlyequipped classroom, I found the teachers and considerate. , I enjoyed the friendly atmosphere in class. I decided to make the best of it. I worked and got along well my teachers and classmates. Whenever I had difficulties, they always available. Soon, I became one of the top in our class, greatly increased my confidence and I got more motivated. My experience tells me that it is not what you are given but how you make use of it determines who you are.难项分析:第三处:BesideBesides考查副词。根据语境可知,此处表示“此外,而且”。beside为介词,表示“在旁边”。故把Beside改为Besides。第八处:thatwhich考查定语从句的引导词。根据句子结构来判断,逗号后的句子是一个非限制性定语从句,补充说明前面整个主句的内容,故把that改为which。第十处:whatthat考查强调句型。根据句子结构来判断,这是一个强调句型“It is被强调部分that . ”,句中强调的是主语not what . use of it(含有not . but . 结构),故把what改为that。*

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