2019年高考英语一轮巩固达标练题 Unit 2 Cloning(含解析)新人教版选修8.doc

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Cloning*阅读理解。After a long winter,spring is the ideal time for sightseeing and exploring Londons green spaces.1Explore Londons parks and gardensSpringtime is the perfect time to explore Londons parks and gardens,when the citys Royal Parks will be blooming with flowers.Go and admire the rainbow of azaleas(杜鹃花) at Richmond Park or hire a deckchair in St.Jamess Park with a view of Buckingham Palace.2Enjoy the entertainment at spring festivalsThere are a good many festivals and events held in London throughout spring.Make the most of the cultural exhibitions at the British Library Spring Festival,the Sundance Film Festival or the London Literature Festival;head to Shakespeares Globe,which hosts openair Shakespeare performances from late April until early October.3Get activeWarmer weather means theres no excuse for staying indoors,so go for a walking or cycling tour of London.Alternatively,walk the Thames Walkway,which follows the river all the way from central London into the countryside;make the most of Londons “Boris Bikes”,which are available for hire all around the city and are free of charge for the first half hour.If youre really looking for a challenge,sign up for the famous London Marathon,held annually in April.4Take to the watersWhether cruising(航行) along the Thames River,hiring a rowing boat in Hyde Park or riding a canal boat around Little Venice,there are lots of fun ways to get on the water in London.Held every year since 1829,the Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race allows teams from Englands most famous universities to pete against each other,and draws huge crowds of watching people.【解题导语】作者介绍了四种在伦敦享受春光的方式。1If you are interested in British culture,you are advised to Avisit Richmond ParkBrow a boat in Hyde ParkCattend the London FestivalsDwalk the Thames WalkwayC解析:细节理解题。根据Enjoy the entertainment at spring festivals部分可知,伦敦春季有许多节日和活动,如the cultural exhibitions(文化展览),the London Literature Festival(伦敦文学节)等,这些活动及节日与英国文化有关。故选C项。2Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?AYou can see Buckingham Palace from St.Jamess Park.BLondons Boris Bikes are free to use for a whole day.COutdoor Shakespeare performances are held only in spring.DThe Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race has a history of over 200 years.A解析:细节理解题。根据Explore Londons parks and gardens部分最后一句.or hire a deckchair in St.Jamess Park with a view of Buckingham Palace.可知,在圣詹姆斯公园租一个折叠躺椅,看着白金汉宫,即能从圣詹姆斯公园看见白金汉宫。故选A项。3According to the writer,which of the following activities challenges you most?AWatching Boat Race.BJoining in London Marathon.CCruising along the Thames River.DCycling around London.B解析:细节理解题。根据Get active部分最后一句可知,如果你真的想要挑战一下,就参加每年四月举办的著名的伦敦马拉松。故选B项。4The writer wrote the text in order to Aintroduce tourist attractions in LondonBstress the importance of exploring LondonCsuggest ways to enjoy spring in LondonDshow the beauty of spring in LondonC解析:推理判断题。根据第一段.spring is the ideal time for sightseeing and exploring Londons green spaces.可知,春天是在伦敦观光和踏青的理想时间,下文介绍了具体的活动方式。因此,本文的写作目的是推荐一些在伦敦享受春光的方式。故选C项。*语法填空。The truth_1_trees are vital to our life is not a secret. They provide us with food, wood and most _2_(important), oxygen. Now there is one more thing we can add to this listblocking out harmful bacteria from water.The discovery _3_(make) by a team consisting of scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and high school students_4_were seeking a natural water filterone that would help munities in developing countries that do not have _5_(accessible) to modern water filter systems.The _6_(research), led by Professor Rohit Karnik, decided to turn to trees for help because they could allow liquid to flow through, while blocking out air bubbles.They began by cutting 1.5inchwide sections of tree bark from the branches of a white pine tree. The people related then tested the woods filtering ability by _7_(pour) water containing red dye particles of different sizes through. To their _8_(amaze), they found that it was effective in trapping all the articles. _9_(encourage), the team conducted _10_experiment, this time with water that contained bacteria. Sure enough, the sapwood held back 99% of the bacteria, allowing only 1% to flow through.1_2._3._4._5._ 6._7._ 8._ 9._10._ 篇章导读:本文是一篇说明文。树木对人类至关重要,本文通过两个实验证明了树木除了能够提供食物、木材、氧气等作用外,还能够隔离细菌。1that 考查同位语从句的连接词。第1空后的内容解释说明名词truth的内容,因此设空处引导同位语从句,只起连接作用,不作成分。故填that。2Importantly 考查词性转换。此处表示“最重要的是”,应用副词形式,构成固定短语most importantly,故填importantly。3was made 考查动词的时态和语态。分析句子结构可知,此处动词在句中作谓语。根据全文主体时态为一般过去时可知,该句也应用一般过去时;make与discovery之间为动宾关系,故应用被动语态。4who/that 考查定语从句的引导词。设空处引导定语从句,在从句中作主语,先行词是scientists and high school students,指人,故用who或that引导。5access 考查词性转换。have access to为固定短语,意为“有使用的机会”。6researchers 考查词性转换及名词的数。根据本句中的decided to可知,设空处应填名词作句子主语,指“研究人员”,且由从句中的they可知,故应用复数形式researchers。7pouring 考查非谓语动词。提示词为动词pour,空前为介词by,其后应用动名词。故填pouring。8amazement 考查固定用法。“to ones名词”为固定用法,意为“令某人的是”,故填amazement。9Encouraged 考查非谓语动词。encourage与主语the team之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,故应用过去分词形式,在句中作原因状语。10another 考查限定词。根据第10空后的内容可知,这个小组又做了另外一个实验,故填another,意为“另一个”。*完形填空。I spent last summer volunteering at a hospital.It was a gift to _1_ so many amazing people and Id like to share one of these moments.One day,I was called to a room where a(n) _2_ woman was staying.Usually I helped with _3_ who were ready to leave.Instead,she _4_ to go to the gift shop.I got a _5_,helped her into it,and headed down to the entrance.When we got there,it wasnt open yet.After a 30minute _6_,we entered the gift shop.As I pushed her around,I could see the _7_ in her face as she looked at everything,happy to be out of her room.She _8_ some window decorations,and then saw chocolates.She asked me to push her in that _9_,and then I helped her _10_ all the different chocolate arrangements. _11_ she decided on three different boxes.She told me to write the numbers 1,2,and 3 on the boxes.She _12_ that the nurses were taking such good care of her,so she _13_ chocolates for each of the three shifts of nurses.As we gave the current shift of nurses their box of chocolates,they _14_ offered some to me before taking some themselves.There were _15_ all around.Witnessing the old ladys _16_ and getting the opportunity to spend time with someone who got so much joy from life were a _17_ in itself.I have so many more stories,and each person made an impact on my life.Ive _18_ that health has a way of bringing people together._19_ is a blessing,and being in a place where health is so _20_ and appreciated is unlike anything else.1A.introduce BmeetCattract Ddescribe2A.elderly BstrangeCimportant Dfamous3A.nurses BkidsCpatients Dparents4A.pretended BwantedCfailed Dpromised5A.car Bshopping cartCwheelchair Dbike6A.ride BwalkCdrive Dwait7A.relief BanxietyCjoy Dpuzzle8A.chose BmadeCused Dreceived9A.manner BcaseCdirection Dpoint10A.prepare for Bmake upCfigure out Dlook through11A.Suddenly BEventuallyCFortunately DActually12A.explained BdeclaredCexpected Dimagined13A.exchanged BdesignedCtasted Dbought14A.in fact Bat a lossCin turn Dat ease15A.whispers BsmilesCshouts Dcheers16A.kindness BchoiceCdecision Dloneliness17A.lesson BchanceCgift Dfact18A.concluded BimaginedCpredicted Dlearned19A.Health BLuckCVirtue DPraise20A.tested BvaluedCmaintained Dpromoted【解题导语】本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者在医院做义工的经历,老人的善良和快乐让作者领悟到健康是福的道理。1B上文提到作者在医院做义工,下文又提到分享故事,由此可知,此处指“见到”许多了不起的人。故选B项。2A从下文16空前的“old ladys”可知,此处指“上了年纪的”。故选A项。3C从语境可知,此处指作者作为医院的义工,通常帮助那些准备离开的“病人”。故选C项。4B上文提到作者通常帮助那些准备离开的病人。结合Instead“反而”可知,此处老人并不是准备离开,而是想去礼品店。故选B项。5C从下文7空前的“As I pushed her around”可知,此处指“轮椅”。故选C项。6D前一句提到“当我们到达礼品店时,商店还没有开门”,可以推断此处指30分钟的“等待”。故选D项。7C从空后的“happy to be out of her room”可知,此处指“高兴”。故选C项。8A上文提到“she looked at everything”,接下来应是“选择”。故选A项。9C结合语境可知,此处指老人要求作者推着她朝巧克力的方向走去。故选C项。10D根据空后的“all the different chocolate arrangements”可以推出,此处指作者帮老人“浏览”了所有不同的巧克力的布置。故选D项。11B在作者帮老人浏览完后,“最终”老人做出了决定。故选B项。12A上文提到老人购买了三种不同盒子的巧克力并让作者在上面写上数字。接下来是老人向作者解释为何这样做。故选A项。13D老人解释说护士们如此精心地照顾她,所以她为轮班的护士“买”了巧克力。故选D项。14C当作者他们给当前值班护士巧克力时,值班护士转而给了作者一些。故选C项。15B从下文17空前的“who got so much joy from life”可知,此处指“微笑”。故选B项。16A结合上文老人的行为不难看出,老人是一个善良的人。故选A项。17C此处指作者的感慨:能和从生活中得到如此多快乐的人在一起本身就是一个“礼物”,和上文第一段的“It was a gift to.people”相呼应。故选C项。18D此处指作者从做义工的经历中“学习”到,健康常常把人们聚集在一起。故选D项。19A上文中作者提到健康,接下来说,“健康”是福,符合语境。故选A项。20B此处指待在健康被如此“重视”的地方和其他事情不同,空处与空后的“appreciated”并列。故选B项。*短文改错。This is my fifth day at the summer camp. Life isnt exact what I expected. We have to get up early to make our beds before our teacher Miss Li e to inspect. After breakfast, we have some of free time. Yesterday morning I went fishing, but the only thing I catch was a tree branch. In the afternoon, there are different activity like horseback riding and hiking. Theyre fun, so nothing new for me. In the evening, everyone is assigned a different task to get dinner ready. Yesterday, I was in charge of prepare the hot dogs, but I accidentally dropped it in the fire. The best part of camp is at night, where we sit around a campfire and tell stories.答案:This is my fifth day at the summer camp. Life isnt what I expected. We have to get up early to make our beds before our teacher Miss Li to inspect. After breakfast, we have some free time. Yesterday morning I went fishing, but the only thing I was a tree branch. In the afternoon, there are different like horseback riding and hiking. Theyre fun, nothing new for me. In the evening, everyone is assigned a different task to get dinner ready. Yesterday, I was in charge of the hot dogs, but I accidentally dropped in the fire. The best part of camp is at night, we sit around a campfire and tell stories.难项分析:第一处:exactexactly考查副词。此处修饰谓语动词应用副词。第六处:sobut考查连词。前后两分句之间为转折关系,故用but。第十处:wherewhen考查定语从句的引导词。此处先行词为at night,关系词指代先行词且在从句中作时间状语,故应用when引导。*


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