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2019年高考英语阅读理解一轮练(8)AA recent survey in the United States showed that the average family spent more money on its pets than on its children. Although rather shocking, it should not surprise anyone who has seen the doggy parlours(客厅) where loved pets rest. Are Americans unique in treating their little friends in this way? No, the English, too, pay more attention to their pets.This can clearly be seen when we look at pet foods,which often contain more vitamins than human food. They certainly cost much. Last year the British public spent two hundred million pounds on pet food alone, to say nothing of veterinary bills or animal furniture. It is difficult not to feel angry about this when considering what the same amount could do for victims of starvation and poverty, so its not unusual for me to get hot under collar when I read an old man left all his money to his dog instead of his children.There are a variety of reasons why I find pets-raising alarming. They cause physical problems. An example of this is New York where they have great difficulty getting rid of the mess that dogs leave on the streets. Many people find this funny, but in a number of large cities it is a major problem. Animals can cause disease, too. It is the threat of babies a disease with no known cure.Another problem is the carelessness of pet owners. Most little children want a dog or a cat,and they continually push their mothers and fathers until they get one. It is only when the sweet little thing has been brought home that the parents realize how much time and money must be spent on Rover or Bonzo. Then they just abandon it. As a result, they are allowed to run free. English farmers lose hundreds of sheep a year, killed by someones pet and you must have read of children being hurt by some pets of their own.Lastly, I would only suggest that we have got our priorities wrong and that something should be done about it. In my view, its time we stopped being sentimental about pets. I can see no reason why we should get upset when animals are cut up for medical experiments. This will lead us to discovering cures for serious human diseases, then I say,keep cutting!1. The doggy parlours are mentioned in the 1st paragraph to show _. A. what costly lives the pets are livingB. where Americans keep their petsC. why children love their pets so muchD. how much pets depend on their masters2. In the second paragraph to get hot under the collar probably means _. A. getting quite hotB. being excitedC. feeling extremely angryD. receiving a fashionable shirt3. According to the author, in which field can animals be most useful?A. Food. B. Sports.C. Entertainment. D. Medicine.4. What is the authors attitude towards pets-raising?A. Sympathetic. B. Opposed.C. Pitiful. D. Supportive.【文章大意】这是一篇议论文。作者通过介绍饲养宠物存在的种种问题(譬如饲养成本昂贵、宠物致人受伤、传染疾病等),表达了自己反对饲养宠物,而是应当将宠物用于贡献人类医学实验的观点。1. A【解析】推理判断题。the doggy parlours所在的句子就是为了进一步阐释第一句A recent survey in the United States showed that the average family spent more money on its pets than on its children.,即如今人们在饲养宠物上花销巨大的现状。故答案为A。3. D【解析】推理判断题。从本文的最后两句I can see no reason why we should get upset.This will lead us to discovering cures for serious human diseases.可知作者认为宠物在人类医学领域可以起着有益的作用。因此答案为D。4. B【解析】观点态度题。文章前面介绍了成本昂贵、传染疾病等饲养宠物的危害,后面又提到应把宠物用于贡献人类医学领域中去,故而可以看出作者对于饲养宠物的做法持反对态度。因此答案为B。B(2015四川宜宾二诊)Washington:NASA has announced evidence that Jupiters largest moon,Ganymede,has a saltwater ocean under its icy surface.The ocean seems to have more water than all the water on Earths surface,according to new Hubble observations.New Hubble observations of Ganymedes magnetic field strongly suggest that the moon,which is the largest in our whole solar system,is home to a subsurface ocean.Scientists estimate that the ocean is 95 kilometres thick,which is about 10 times deeper than Earths oceans.But unlike our salty waters,Ganymedes ocean is buried under 150 kilometres of ice.While scientists have speculated(推测) since the 1970s about the presence of an ocean on Ganymedethe largest moon in our solar systemuntil now the only observational evidence came from a brief flyby by the Galileo spacecraft,which didnt observe the moon long enough to confirm a liquid ocean.This discovery marks an important milestone,highlighting what only Hubble can acplish.In its 25 years in orbit,Hubble has made many scientific discoveries in our own solar system.A deep ocean under the icy surface of Ganymede opens up further exciting possibilities for life beyond Earth.Scientists_have_already_confirmed_the_existence_of_an_ocean_on_Europa,another moon orbiting Jupiter,and NASA has announced plans to send an unmanned mission there searching for the life that might e with liquid water.Hubble is a telescope that orbits Earth,but because of its impressive gravitational analyses it can be used to study the inside of far distant planets.Using these same principles,scientists could theoretically detect oceans on distant exoplanets as well.【解题导语】本文是一篇新闻报道。NASA证实木星的最大卫星Ganymede上有海洋,这一发现再次拓宽了科学家的视野,使探寻太阳系内地球以外的生命的努力更进一步。1What can we learn about Ganymede from the passage?AIt is a planet with the largest moon in our whole solar system.BIts ocean adds to peoples excitement about life beyond Earth.CIt will be used by NASA as a base for the Hubble telescope.DIts liquid ocean was first proved by the Galileo spacecraft.解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第五段最后一句“A deep ocean under the icy surface of Ganymede opens up further exciting possibilities for life beyond Earth.”可知,木星卫星上海洋的存在激发了人们探索地球以外的生命的热情。故选B项。2Which of the following best describes the writers attitude towards Hubble?ACautious. BDoubtful.CNegative. DFavourable.解析:选D。推理判断题。根据第五段第一句“This discovery marks an important milestone,highlighting what only Hubble can acplish.”可知,这次里程碑式的发现只有哈勃望远镜能够完成,由此可推知,作者对哈勃望远镜持支持态度。故选D项。3What does the underlined part in Paragraph 6 mean?AAn underground ocean has been found in Europa.BThe presence of an underground ocean in Europa is not possible.CIt is now certain that there is an ocean on Europa.DNo evidence has shown the existence of an ocean on Europa.解析:选C。句意理解题。根据第六段中的“and NASA has announced plans to send an unmanned mission there searching for the life that might e with liquid water”可知,因为Europa上有水存在,NASA才宣布要在Europa上搜寻地外生命;由此可推知,画线句意为:科学家们已经证实Europa上存在海洋。故选C项。4What type of writing does this passage belong to?AA term essay.BA news report.CAn experiment report.DAn exploration review.解析:选B。推理判断题。根据第一段“Washington:NASA has announced evidence.”及文章内容可推知,本文为一篇新闻报道。故选B项。CLondons newest skyscraper (摩天大楼) is called the Shard and it cost about 430 million pounds to build.At a height of almost 310 metres,it is the tallest building in Europe.The Shard has pletely changed the appearance of London.However,not everyone thinks that it is a change for the better.The Shard was designed by the famous Italian architect Renzo Piano.When he began designing the Shard for London,Piano wanted a very tall building that looked like a spire(尖顶)He wanted the glass surfaces to reflect the sky and the city.The sides of the building arent regular.So the building has an unusual shape.It looks like a very thin,sharp piece of broken glass.And that is how the building got the name:the Shard.Piano says that the spire shape of the Shard is part of a great London tradition.The shape reminds him of the spires of the churches of London or the tall masts(桅杆) of the ships that were once on the river Thames.The Shard has 87 floors.At the top,there is an observatory.At the moment the building is empty,but eventually there will be a fivestar hotel.There will also be top quality restaurants,apartments and offices.Before building work began,a lot of people didnt want the Shard though the plans were approved.Now they are still unhappy about the Shard.Some critics say that such a tall skyscraper might be good in a city like New York,but not in London.They say that the best thing about the Shard is its spire shape.But that is the only thing.There is no decoration,only flat surfaces.The Egyptians did that 4,500 years ago.They also think the Shard is too big for London.It destroys the beauty of the city.Other critics dont like what the Shard seems to represent.They say that the Shard shows how London is being more unequal.Only very rich people can afford to buy the expensive private apartments and stay in the hotel.But the people who live near the Shard are among the poorest in London.So the Shard seems a symbol of the division in society between the very rich and the poor.The Shard now dominates the London skyline.It is not certain,however,that ordinary London citizens will ever accept it as a valuable addition to the city.1Londons newest skyscraper is called the Shard because of _.Aits cost Bits sizeCits shape Dits height2When he designed the Shard,Piano wanted it to _.Achange Londons skylineBinherit Londons traditionCimitate the Egyptian styleDattract potential visitors3The critics who refer to social division think the Shard _.Ais only preferred by the richBis intended for wealthy peopleCis far away from the poor areaDis popular only with Londoners4Which would be the best title for the passage?AThe Shard:Cheers and ClapsBThe Shard:Work of a Great ArchitectCThe Shard:New Symbol of London?DThe Shard:A Change for the Better?答案:【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。介绍了英国伦敦的地标性建筑约310米高的欧洲第一高楼“碎片大厦”。有人说这栋摩天大楼使伦敦看起来更漂亮,但更有批评意见一直伴随着大楼的诞生。1C解析:细节理解题。由第二段中的“It looks like a very thin,sharp piece of broken glass.And that is how the building got the name:the Shard.”可知,这栋楼的名字的由来是其外形像一块很薄、很锋利的碎玻璃片,因此选C项“它的形状”,而非它的“花费、尺寸或高度”。2B解析:细节理解题。第二段中的Piano says that the spire shape of the Shard is part of a great London tradition.(Piano说“碎片大厦”的尖顶外形是伦敦伟大传统的一部分。)解释了设计师的想法,与B项“继承伦敦的传统”相吻合。A项“改变伦敦的天际线”是结果而不是设计初衷,C项“模仿埃及风格”及D项“吸引潜在的游客”文中均未涉及。3B解析:细节理解题。由第五段中的“Only very rich people can afford to buy the expensive private apartments and stay in the hotel.”可知,谈到社会分化的批评家认为“碎片大厦”是“专为有钱人设计的(is intended for wealthy people)”。4D解析:主旨大意题。全文介绍了欧洲第一高楼英国伦敦的“碎片大厦”。由第一段的最后一句“However,not everyone thinks that it is a change for the better.”可知,对于这个改变,毁誉参半,故D项“碎片大厦:更好的改变?”作为标题最为合适。A项“碎片大厦:欢呼与掌声”只关注了支持者,不够全面。D(2016辽宁铁岭六校联考)At an outdoor restaurant,a cockroach(蟑螂)flew in and landed on a woman.She started screaming out of fear;with a panic stricken face and trembling voice,she started jumping,with both her hands desperately trying to get rid of the cockroach.Her reaction was spreading,as everyone in her group also got into a panic.The woman finally managed to flick the cockroach away but it landed on a man in the group who continued the drama.In the relay of throwing,the cockroach next fell upon a waitress who had rushed to their rescue.The waitress stood firm,calmed herself and observed the behavior of the cockroach on her blouse.When she was confident enough,she grabbed it and threw it out of the restaurant.Sipping my coffee and watching the amusement,I started wondering:Was the cockroach responsible for their funny behavior?If so,then why was the waitress not disturbed?She handled the situation to near perfection,without panic.It was not the cockroach,but the inability of the customers to handle the disturbance caused by the cockroach that disturbed them.I realized that its not the shouting of my children or my boss or my wife that disturbs me,but my inability to handle the disturbances caused by their shouting.Its not the traffic jams on the road that disturb me,but my inability to handle the disturbance caused by the traffic jam.More than the problem,its my reaction to the problem that creates chaos in my life.I understood.I should not react in life.I should always respond.The customers reacted,whereas the waitress responded.Reactions are always instinctive(本能的)while responses tend to be well thought out.【解题导语】本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。一只蟑螂出现在饭店里引起了消费者的恐慌,服务员冷静地捉住蟑螂,将其扔了出去。作者通过这个故事旨在告诉人们:遇到问题时要积极地应对。1What happened in the outdoor restaurant?AA cockroach was found in a womans food and then a man found the same problem.BA cockroach appearing in the restaurant caused a state of panic among the customers.CA cockroach rushed the waitress into apologizing to the customers.DA woman and a man were trying to rescue the waitress from the cockroach.解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第一段中的“At an outdoor restaurant,a cockroach(蟑螂)flew in and landed on a woman.She started screaming out of fear.as everyone in her group also got into a panic.”可知,出现在饭店里的蟑螂在一些消费者中引起了恐慌。故答案选B。2According to the passage,if you ran into a traffic jam,you might _ in your car.Aplain your delayBfeel upset and annoyedCrelax yourself by listening to musicDexpect someone to clear the road解析:选C。推理判断题。根据最后一段最后一句“Reactions are always instinctive(本能的)while responses tend to be well thought out.”可知,反应总是本能而对策往往是经过深思熟虑的。因此遇到交通堵塞时,在车里听音乐是一种对策。故答案选C。3Whats the meaning of the underlined word?AConfusion. BSuccess.CPoverty. DHarmony.解析:选A。词义猜测题。根据第五段第一句“Its not the traffic jams on the road that disturb me,but my inability to handle the disturbance caused by the traffic jam.”可推知,chaos与“disturbance”意思相近,意为“混乱”。故答案选A。4What does the passage tell us?ASpeak less,do more!BActions speak louder than words!CMind your manners while in a restaurant!DDont react just from your feelings;respond positively!解析:选D。主旨大意题。根据最后一段中的“I should not react in life.I should always respond.”可知,作者写这篇文章是想告诫读者遇到困难时要积极冷静应对,而不是只做些本能的反应。故答案选D。EMany parents display their childrens artworks on the refrigerator,but Kieron Williamsons paintings have been on display in professional galleries since he was 6 years old.Kierons artwork,though,extends far beyond child-like stick figures or finger painting.In fact,the child from Norfolk,England,has been called “the boy who paints like an old master.”According to his parents,Kieron was a typical toddler who likes finding bugs and playing in the mud.But on a 2008 family vacation to the beach,the 5-year-old was inspired by the boats and scenery and asked his parents for a sketch pad.His initial drawings could have been done by any young child,but after the family returned home,Kieron continued drawing and began to display a gift for art.When he started asking about the process of putting a painting together,his parents realised he needed professional instruction.Soon after,he began taking lessons,and his progress amazed everyone as the young boy produced impressive landscapes and watercolours.In 2009,when the 6-year-old had a chance to exhibit his works in a gallery,he sold 19 paintings for 14,000 pounds,being famous overnight.From then on,he was surrounded by buyers from France,Japan,Greece and other countries.The young artist held another exhibit three months after the first one and sold 16 paintings for over 17,000 pounds,followed by a third sale,earning 150,000 pounds.For the fourth exhibit,Kieron took the day off from school but ended up returning to school early.His entire collection had sold out in 10 minutes to collectors from around the world.Now he has a waiting list of more than 5,000 people who have ordered his paintings.He has appeared in interviews before millions,and he has been pared to Pablo Picasso.Yet Kieron doesnt seem to be fazed by all the attention,still making time for football and maintaining excellent grades at school.He does have one goal he gets excited about,“Id like the Queens Gallery to have a collection of my works.” With his popularity climbing,this young artist may realise his wish one day.1.According to the passage,which of the following statements is TRUE?A.Kierons paintings are just as childish as other childrens.B.Kierons initial drawings suggested that he would be an art master.C.Kieron benefited greatly from professional instruction.D.Before displaying a gift for art,Kieron received professionally.答案:C解析:从第二段第一句可知A项不对;由第三段中的“Hisinitialdrawingscouldhavebeendonebyanyyoungchild.”可知B项不对;由第三段最后一句和第四段的内容可知D项错误;由第四段的内容可知C项正确。2.Paragraph 5 is mainly intended to tell us .A.the three exhibits of Kierons paintingsB.the process of Kierons wealth accumulationC.the high quality of Kierons paintingsD.the increasing popularity of Kierons paintings答案:D解析:第五段主要讲其作品大受欢迎和供不应求,故选D项。3.What does the word “fazed” probably mean in Paragraph 6?A.frustratedB.affectedC.encouragedD.defeated答案:B解析:由第六段内容知,他虽然幼年得志,名声在外,但他的学习和生活并未受影响。故选B项。


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